Russian language simulator 1st grade Presentation for Russian language lessons in 1st grade of the Municipal Educational Institution "OOSH 26" in the city of Engels, Saratov region, primary school teachers. - presentation

Lesson developments in Russian language 1st grade

Lesson 1. LESSON TOPIC: Introduction to the textbook “Russian Language”. Our speech. Its significance in people's lives

Lesson 2. LESSON TOPIC: Language and speech. Oral and written speech. Russian language is the native language of the Russian people

Lesson 3. LESSON TOPIC: Text and sentence (general presentation). Semantic connection of sentences in the text

Lesson 4. LESSON TOPIC: A sentence as a group of words expressing a complete thought (general idea)

Lesson 5. LESSON TOPIC: Dialogue (general presentation). Formatting sentences in dialogical speech

Lesson 6. LESSON TOPIC: The word as a unit of language and speech. The word as a unity of sound and meaning. The role of words in speech. Compiling text based on a picture and key words

Lesson 7. LESSON TOPIC: Words-names of objects, signs and actions of objects and phenomena. Questions these words answer

Lesson 8. LESSON TOPIC: Thematic groups of words. Words-names of objects that answer the questions who? So what? Polite words

Lesson 9. LESSON TOPIC: Single-valued and polysemantic words. Words that are close and opposite in meaning. Russian language dictionaries

Lesson 10. LESSON TOPIC: A syllable as a minimal pronunciation unit. Dividing words into syllables

Lesson 11. LESSON TOPIC: Word and syllable. Highlighting syllables in a word. Analysis of syllabic patterns of words

Lesson 12. LESSON TOPIC: Word transfer. The rule for moving words from one line to another

Lesson 13. LESSON TOPIC: Rules for transferring words from one line to another. Hyphenation exercise

Lesson 14. LESSON TOPIC: Accent (general presentation). Ways to highlight stress. Graphic designation of stress. Stressed and unstressed syllables. Working with a spelling dictionary

Lesson 15. LESSON TOPIC: Stress (general idea) Dependence of the meaning of a word on stress. Speech development. Collective compilation of the content of the main part of the tale

Lesson 16. LESSON TOPIC: Sounds and letters. The semantic role of sounds and letters in a word

Lesson 17. LESSON TOPIC: Sounds and letters. Conventional sound designations of words. Speech development. Observation of the figurative capabilities of language

Lesson 18. LESSON TOPIC: Russian alphabet, or ABC. Alphabet meaning

Lesson 19. LESSON TOPIC: Russian alphabet, or ABC. Using the alphabet when working with dictionaries

Lesson 20. LESSON TOPIC: Vowel sounds. Letters representing vowel sounds. The semantic role of vowel sounds and letters denoting vowel sounds

Lesson 21. LESSON TOPIC: Vowel sounds. Letters e, e, yu, i and their functions in a word

Lesson 22. LESSON TOPIC: Words with the letter e. Words with the letter e that came into our language from other languages

Lesson 23. LESSON TOPIC: Stressed and unstressed vowel sounds

Lesson 24. LESSON TOPIC: Indication of vowel sounds by letters in stressed and unstressed syllables. Features of the test and verified words

Lesson 25. LESSON TOPIC: Spelling vowels in stressed and unstressed syllables

Lesson 26. LESSON TOPIC: Spelling vowels in stressed and unstressed syllables

Lesson 27. LESSON TOPIC: Observation of words in which the spelling of the letter denoting an unstressed vowel sound cannot be checked. Verification work. Compiling an oral story based on a drawing and supporting words

Lesson 28. LESSON TOPIC: Consonant sounds and letters denoting consonant sounds. Test vocabulary dictation

Lesson 29. LESSON TOPIC: Double consonants. Hyphenation of words with double consonants

Lesson 30. LESSON TOPIC: Words with letters Y and I

Lesson 31. LESSON TOPIC: Hard and soft consonants

Lesson 32. LESSON TOPIC: Paired and unpaired consonant sounds in terms of hardness and softness

Lesson 33. LESSON TOPIC: Paired and unpaired consonant sounds in terms of hardness and softness

Lesson 34. LESSON TOPIC: Soft sign as an indicator of the softness of a consonant sound

Lesson 35. LESSON TOPIC: Indicating the softness of a consonant sound at the end of a word and in the middle of a word with a soft sign. Hyphenation of words with a soft sign

Lesson 36. LESSON TOPIC: Soft sign as an indicator of the softness of a consonant sound. Speech development. Restoring text with broken sentence order

Lesson 37. LESSON TOPIC: Voiceless and voiced consonants

Lesson 38. LESSON TOPIC: Observation of the designation of paired deafness - voiced consonant sounds with letters

Lesson 39. TOPIC OF THE LESSON: Designation by letter of the paired deafness - voiced consonant sound at the end of a word

Lesson 40. LESSON TOPIC: Spelling words with a paired deafness-voiced consonant sound at the end of the word

Lesson 41. LESSON TOPIC: Spelling paired consonants at the end of words

Lesson 42. LESSON TOPIC: Hissing consonants

Lesson 43. LESSON TOPIC: Letter combinations chk, cht, chn

Lesson 44. LESSON TOPIC: Letter combinations chk, cht, chn

Lesson 45. LESSON TOPIC: Letter combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu. The spelling rule for the letter combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu

Lesson 46. LESSON TOPIC: Letter combinations zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu

Lesson 47. LESSON TOPIC: Spelling words with learned letter combinations. Test dictation

Lesson 48. LESSON TOPIC: Capital letters in words (general presentation)

Lesson 49. LESSON TOPIC: Capital letters in words

Lesson 50. LESSON TOPIC: Repetition and generalization of the material studied. Project “Fairytale Page”

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Open lesson on the Russian language in 1st grade lesson plan in the Russian language (1st grade) on the topic

Bezruchko Nadezhda Nikolaevna

primary school teacher

MAOU "Lyceum No. 5" Gubkin

Topic: Words - names of objects, characteristics of objects, actions of objects.

Lesson type: Combined

Textbook “Russian language”, 1st grade, V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky.

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Form of organization of educational activities: frontal and group

Teaching methods: reproductive, partially search

Purpose: 1) to introduce words - names of objects, characteristics of objects, actions of objects; develop speech; 2) to develop the ability to find in speech the names of objects, signs of objects, actions of objects.



— students will learn to classify and combine words into thematic groups, establish relationships between objects, features, actions and words denoting them


-show educational and cognitive interest in new educational material;

-understand the reasons for success in educational activities;

-develop a sense of compassion and empathy; cultivate a love of nature and observation skills


Universal learning activities:


- determine the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher;

-learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher;


-be able to construct speech statements, use words - objects, words - signs of objects, words - actions of objects;

-draw conclusions about the result of the joint work of the class and the teacher;


-working in pairs, express your opinion, listen to your partner’s opinion; develop a common position, argue your own point of view;

- negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities with classmates.

Demonstration material: posters depicting a steam locomotive and carriages “Speech”, “Sentence”, “Word”, “Sounds and Letters”; melodies: “Blue Car”; slide picture “Winter Forest”, “Hare and Fox”; slides with texts for self-control, a slide table, a slide for reflection with images of snowmen.

Handouts: cards for working in pairs, groups, individual cards for reflection.

Table of formation of universal educational actions

Lesson steps Formation of subject skills Formation of UUD


Instilling a culture of mental work. Preparing the hands for written work. R.Planning educational cooperation
Updating knowledge

Self-determination for activity

Consolidating students' knowledge of oral and written speech, sentences and words. R. Goal setting based on the correlation of what is known and learned by the student and what is still unknown.
Stages of learning new material
Setting a learning task Formation of skills to obtain the necessary information, draw conclusions and conclusions; development of skills in working with the theoretical part of the textbook. R. Control in the form of comparison of the method of action and result with a given standard.

P. Ability to construct speech statements

K. Ability to listen and engage in dialogue, integrate in a group.

Application of knowledge and methods of action
Work in pairs

Distribution of words into groups

Developing the ability to distinguish words-objects, words-attributes, words-actions, and pose questions to them. R. Action planning, taking into account the final result. K. Ability to listen and engage in dialogue, integrate in a group.
Self-control Development of self- and peer-testing skills. R. Control - comparison with the standard.
Dynamic pause

Musical physical school

Work on speech development Develop the ability to logically express your thoughts and construct sentences correctly; attract students' attention to the correct pronunciation of words in order to develop speech culture skills. P. Ability to construct speech statements, observe the logical sequence of thoughts.

R. Self-regulation – the ability to mobilize strength and energy for volitional efforts and overcome obstacles.

K. The ability to listen and enter into dialogue, to defend one’s point of view.

Dynamic pause "Bunny"
Group work Expansion of students' vocabulary, development of speech, ability to distinguish words-objects, words-features, words-actions, and pose questions to them. P. Formulation and solution of problems, independent method of solution.

R. Action planning, taking into account the final result.

K. Ability to listen and engage in dialogue, integrate in a group.

Warm up for the eyes
Updating knowledge

Working from the textbook

To develop the ability to find words-objects, words-attributes, words-actions, pose questions to them, and make sentences. P. Ability to distribute words into groups according to questions,

R. Action planning, taking into account the final result.

Mutual control Development of self- and peer-testing skills. R. Control - mutual verification.


Teach children to self-analyze activities in the classroom and objectively evaluate work. L. Form the emotional need for self-expression, positive moral self-esteem and moral feelings.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: Well, check, buddy, are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything in place, is everything in order, pen, book and notebook?

Have you checked? Sit down! Work hard!

Preparing your hands for writing. Physical education for hands and fingers.

“This finger is the strongest, thickest and biggest...”

2. Updating knowledge.

Teacher: We continue to travel on our locomotive. To get started, let's play the Finish the Sentence game.

Speech is... (a means of communication between people).

Speech can be... (oral and written).

Speech consists of... (sentences).

The sentence contains...(completed thought).

The sentence consists of...(words).

3. Self-determination for activity. Recording a number. Calligraphy.

— What date is today? Write it down. (Copying from the board.)

— The penmanship exercise is hidden in a riddle.

It grows upside down, it grows not in summer, but in winter,

But the sun will burn her, she will cry and die. (Icicle.)

- On the first line we will write a letter that in the word “icicle” does not indicate a sound. (Soft sign) Why is such a letter needed? (Letter in notebook in connection)

- On the second line we will write a letter that denotes a consonant, voiced, soft sound.

(Letter l). Letter in notebook ll in connection.

Stages of learning new material.

4. Determining the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson.

Teacher: Read the words.

(The words are written on the board: puppy, funny, guys, running, small, playing)

- What groups can these words be divided into?

-What do the words puppy have in common, guys? (Name the objects).

-What do the words cheerful have in common, little one? (Name the signs of objects).

-What do the words run and play have in common? (Call the actions of objects).

-What sentences can be made from these words?

-How many words are in each sentence?

-Name the topic of the lesson.

5. Obtaining information from the textbook (p. 21, exercise 6)

-Look at the diagram. What can words say?

-What questions are answered by words naming objects and phenomena? Give examples.

-What questions are answered by words naming the characteristics of objects? Give examples.

- What questions are answered by words naming the actions of objects. Give examples.

Application of knowledge and methods of action.

6. Work in pairs.

Teacher: We are going on an absentee trip through the winter forest. To board the carriage, you need to fill out a “ticket”. The teacher distributes “tickets” (cards with tasks for working in pairs).

Teacher: Test yourself on the slide. (Who? What? Frost, snow, wolf.

Which? Frosty, snowy, hungry. What is he doing? It freezes, flutters, howls).

- Now let's go.

7. Dynamic pause. The melody “Blue Car” sounds, the students make a “train” and move around the class.

8. Work on speech development. Painting - slide “Winter in the forest”.

Teacher: Here we are. Look carefully at the picture, name the inanimate objects. What do you see?

Children: forest, snow, snowdrift, trees, sky, bush, branch, trunk...

Teacher: Few people dare to go into the forest in winter. It is difficult to walk in deep snow. That's why you won't see people here now. However, life in the forest does not stop for a minute. Even at night, even in winter. The forest is a home for animals and birds. They are the owners of the forest, they have their own life, which no one has the right to disturb. If you want to see miracles, become invisible. There's a snowdrift near the tree. I wonder who's lurking there?

Mystery. White on white wrote where he was running. The redhead will read it and find the white one. (Hare and fox.)

Slide “Hare and fox in winter”

Teacher: Tell me, how does a hare live in winter? (Children's answers)

The hare has many enemies. But he lives and does not grieve. His nose, sensitive ears, quick legs and fur coat help him out. By winter the coat becomes lighter. And the hare's is completely white. Why is the hare called oblique? The hare's eyes are on the sides of its head. With them he can see what is happening behind him. The ears are long. With them he hears even the faint rustle of a mouse, and even in his sleep.

Who knows how a fox lives? (Children's answers)

9. Dynamic pause.

The little gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit, we need to warm his little paws.

It’s cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump. Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Someone scared the bunny. The bunny jumped and ran away.

10. Group work. Slide “Work Plan”.

Teacher: We work in groups of 5-6 people. You need to solve riddles and complete the task according to plan. From the riddles you will find out who else you can meet in the forest in winter.

Group 1 “Who deftly jumps through the fir trees and flies up into the oak trees? Who hides nuts in a hollow and dries mushrooms for the winter?”

Group 2 “The back is greenish, the belly is yellowish. A little black hat and a striped scarf.”

Group 3 “He is covered with gray fur, and his fangs are terrible. He hunts hares, everyone in the forest is afraid of him.”

Group 4 “Black vest, red beret. The nose is like an ax, the tail is like a stop.”

Group 5 “Not a voice - a loud trumpet, a large upper lip, huge horns on it.”

  1. Guess the riddle.
  2. Fill the table.
Item Item attribute Item action

11. Checking group work.

-Name the words that denote objects. What questions do they answer?

-Why don’t you have words that answer the question What?

-Name the words that denote the attribute of an object. What question are they answering?

-Name the words that denote the action of the object. What question are they answering?

12. Warm up for the eyes.

13. Updating knowledge. Work according to the textbook.

P. 22, exercise 8

-Read it. Find the extra word in each line. Explain your answer.

-Complete the task.

Peer review.

14. Generalization. Lesson summary.

Teacher: Time has flown by quickly, and the lesson is coming to an end.

So let's sum it all up without delay.

Evaluate your work in class. If you did a good job in class, let your snowman on your ticket smile at you. If you didn’t understand something in class or aren’t happy with your work, let him think about it.

(A slide with a picture of snowmen appears.) Students complete the picture.

Teacher: Raise the ticket, whose snowman smiled.

I found it interesting to be with you. Thank you for the lesson!

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