Research work “Computer games: pros and cons”

Project “Computer games – are they good or bad?”

  • April 25, 2011

Competition "Children's Research Project"
Nomination "Mathematics"

Computers have become a part of our lives, like televisions or cell phones. Children are increasingly becoming familiar with computers at a young age through games. When I began to spend a long time playing my favorite computer game, my mother began to say: “Don’t sit at the computer for a long time, you’ll ruin your eyesight!”, “Stop sitting at the computer, relax!” But I'm interested! In response, I heard that the computer has a bad effect on human health, and that not all games are good for children.

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I chose this topic because I was interested in how computer games affect a child, which games can be played, and which cannot be played, and why?

I believe that the topic I have chosen is important, since most schoolchildren spend a lot of time at the computer, it is an integral part of their life and not all of them know what rules must be followed in order to maintain their health.

The purpose of my research: to find out the positive and negative aspects of the influence of computer games in the life of a schoolchild, and to answer the main question: is playing computer games good or bad?

I had two assumptions :

  • Suppose: playing computer racing games is bad, because... harms children's health.
  • Perhaps playing computer games is good because... the game develops children.

In order to discover the goal, I set myself the following tasks:

  1. Find out what benefits and harm computer games have for children.
  2. Find out how to properly organize a workplace at the computer, what rules of safe behavior must be followed.
  3. Learn to work in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Nero Photo Snap to create a presentation, i.e. print text, make diagrams, select a presentation background, cut and paste pictures into a presentation.

In order to test my assumptions, I drew up a research plan:

  1. Find and study information in the literature and the Internet about the influence of computer games on children.
  2. Find out if there are hygiene requirements that children must comply with.
  3. Conduct a survey with classmates that will help find out what games students like to play and their attitude towards computer games.
  4. Analyze the collected information.
  5. Develop a Reminder on the safe use of computer games.
  6. Make a presentation based on the collected material.
  7. Participate in a lesson using a presentation.
  8. Present the result of design and research work at a school conference.

Expected outcome : After completing the project, students will be able to:

  • evaluate the usefulness of computer games;
  • choose games that develop thinking, logic, and small hand muscles;
  • perform gymnastics for muscles and eyes, monitor the time spent at the computer;
  • talk about the need to follow the rules of safe behavior at the computer to your loved ones and acquaintances.

Project “Computer games – are they good or bad?”


To answer the questions asked:

1. My mother and I took advantage of the Internet, found the necessary information and pictures, and I analyzed the collected information.

2. I learned how to cut out pictures, copy and paste them into a presentation, print text, insert a music file.

3. Together with Elena Valerievna, we came up with survey questions for the guys and conducted a survey.

4. Conducted a class hour for grades 3b and 3c.

5. Learned how to process received data and make diagrams.

Questioning classmates.

My classmates answered the survey questions with interest. I present to your attention some results that I really liked to display in diagrams. The purpose of the survey: to find out what games students like to play and their attitude towards computer games.

The results of the study showed that almost all the children in the class (21 out of 24) have a computer at home, learn to use different programs, but spend most of their time playing games. Few people think about the dangers and benefits of these games, as well as how long they can play.

Conducted a conversation for children of 3 “B” and 3 “C” classes using a presentation.

Next, I present to your attention a few slides from the presentation “Computer games – good or bad?” We compared Homo Sapiens and Homo Playing. Someone goes in for sports, drawing, singing, has many friends... And someone only thinks that he is dexterous and strong, although in fact he only trains the muscles of the index finger, which he uses to click on the mouse. A hunched posture and prolonged immobility lead to many diseases.

Excessive passion for computer games interferes with the development of children's creativity, because they are shown an imaginary world. But the real world around us cannot be squeezed into any framework - it must be cognized creatively. A child who sits for hours in front of a computer reads little, and his interests are narrowed to the size of the screen.

An important point in preserving the health of students, in my opinion, is the proper organization of the workplace and compliance with the time schedule when using the computer. Therefore, after watching the presentation, to make it easier to make the right choice, I gave each classmate a Memo.

I think that my work was useful both for me and for the guys who are interested in computer games. I choose my games carefully now. I advise you to turn to your parents for help, who will help determine: - the quality of the game; - game genre; - content of the game.

The use of computer games makes it much easier and faster to develop memory, attention, imagination, and the ability to find patterns. At the same time, we also learned about the harmful effects of such games. Recent research by scientists has shown that it is not the computer itself that negatively affects the human body, but its incorrect location and non-compliance with time restrictions based on age.

It is necessary to talk with children about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports. If all these conditions are met, the computer will turn into a friend and faithful assistant.

The results of my research showed that my assumptions were not confirmed. This is not to say that computer games are bad, and we should completely abandon them. It’s impossible to say that it’s good, and you can play as much as you want and in any games. The influence of computer games on children is controversial. Some people develop logical thinking, others forget about the real world around them. Here you need to adhere to the main principle - do no harm . A computer, like everything that surrounds us, can be both useful and harmful.

I plan to speak on this topic at a parent meeting in May; Elena Valerievna conducted a survey among parents, the questions of which we also compiled together.

Presentation “Computer games – are they good or bad?”

Author: Maria Varsopko, student of grade 3 “B” of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 31 in Novocherkassk, Rostov Region. Project manager: Elena Valerievna Solomakha, primary school teacher of the highest qualification category, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 31, Novocherkassk, Rostov Region. Work experience 23 years.

Computer games – good or bad? (research project)

Research project “Computer games – benefits or harm?”

  1. Introduction.


Computers have become a part of our lives, like televisions or cell phones. Increasingly, exposure to computers occurs at a young age through games. But we often hear: “Don’t sit at the computer for a long time, don’t play on phones and game consoles, it’s harmful!” I was wondering, are computer games really that harmful?

I believe that the topic I have chosen is important since most of my classmates spend a lot of time playing computer games.

The purpose of my research is to find out the positive and negative aspects of the influence of computer games on primary schoolchildren and to answer the main question: is playing computer games useful or harmful?

The object of the study is computer games.

The subject of the study is the influence of computer games on primary schoolchildren.

I have two assumptions:

  1. Suppose: playing computer games is harmful, as it worsens the health of children.
  2. Perhaps playing computer games is useful, as games develop children.

In order to discover the goal, I set myself the following tasks:

  1. Find out why computer games are useful and harmful for children.
  2. Find out what games my classmates play and how much time they spend playing
  3. Find out how to properly organize a workplace at the computer, what rules of safe behavior must be followed.
  4. Find out how to choose games to benefit yourself.
  5. Learn to work in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint for work and for creating presentations.

In order to test my assumptions, I created a research plan:

  1. Find and study information in the literature and the Internet about the influence of computer games on children.
  2. Get advice from specialists: medical worker, teacher
  3. Conduct a survey with classmates that will help find out what games students like to play and their attitude towards computer games.
  4. Develop a Reminder on the safe use of computer games.
  5. Conduct an experimental campaign “One day without a computer game”
  6. Analyze the results
  7. Make a presentation based on the collected material.
  8. Present your presentation to the students.
  9. Present the result of design and research work at a school conference.

The expected result is that after completing the project, students will be able to:

1. Assess the usefulness of computer games;

2. Choose games that develop thinking, logic, and small muscles of the hand;

3. Perform exercises for muscles and eyes, monitor the time spent at the computer;

4. Tell your loved ones and friends about the need to follow the rules of safe behavior at the computer.

  1. Main part

To answer the questions posed, I took advantage of the Internet, found the necessary information and analyzed it.

I have read and analyzed the following books and Internet resources:

  1. insert

I learned that a game is a type of activity aimed not at obtaining a result, but at enjoying the process of playing itself.

Games can be: outdoor, board, sports, computer and others.

I found out that computer games can be both harmful and beneficial.

Computer games are useful because they:

— Develop reaction speed and attention

— Logic games develop the brain and memory

— Develop a desire to create, teach a non-standard approach and imagination

— You can learn to work in different programs

— You can have fun in your free time.

We also learned that computer games are not only useful, but also harmful. If you play violent games, they lead to the development of violence and aggression. If you sit at the computer for a long time, your eyesight will deteriorate, your desire to communicate will decrease, diseases of the joints and spine may appear, computer games are also addictive, and your performance at school will decrease.

Together with the class teacher, we came up with survey questions for the children and parents, then conducted a survey

The purpose of the survey was to find out what games students like to play and their attitude towards computer games.

My classmates answered the survey questions with interest. I present to your attention some results that I really liked to display in diagrams.

Insert survey results

The results of the study showed that almost all the children in the class have a computer at home, learn to use different programs, but spend most of their time playing games. Few people think about the dangers and benefits of these games, as well as how long they can play.

Action-experiment “One day without a computer game”

After processing the results of the survey, I decided to conduct an action-experiment “One day without a computer game” in the class. Primary school students took part in the event.

I got the following results:

Paste results

Those guys who were able to endure the experiment (.. uch) note that they replaced computer games with other activities: walks in the fresh air, board games, reading, communicating with loved ones, helping around the house, going to visit. The guys noted how much they accomplished that day.

The second part of the guys (.. students) admitted that they struggled with temptation for a long time, “walked around the computer in circles,” “picked up the phone to hold.” Finally we sat down to play. The guys couldn't find an interesting replacement for computer games.

The third group of my classmates (.. students) did not even try to fight gambling addiction. They are about.

Thus, I saw that some of my classmates became addicted to gambling.

Consultation with specialists

I consulted on this issue with the doctor of the rural FAP, full name. Natalya Viktorovna answered that computer games are more harmful, mainly:

-decrease in visual acuity,

- load on the spine,

- overload of the joints of the hands,

- impact on the fragile psyche,

-Children spend little time outside.

Natalya Viktorovna also advised maintaining hygiene when working on a computer:

  1. Rest every 15 minutes.
  2. Do eye exercises.
  3. Do gymnastics for the whole body.
  4. Ventilate the room.
  5. Do self-massage of the neck to improve blood circulation in the head.
  6. Do not sit at the computer for more than 1 hour a day.
  7. Don't play before bed.

Based on the results of the work, our class teacher Galina Yuryevna Fedisova identified a problem in the class as “gaming addiction.” She also drew attention to the need to ensure the correct selection of games in accordance with the age of the children.

Unfortunately, Russia does not have its own established system for age categorization and labeling of computer games, so below we will present the designations that are used to label computer games from foreign manufacturers.


An important point in preserving the health of students, in my opinion, is the proper organization of the workplace and compliance with the time schedule when using the computer. Therefore, after watching the presentation, to make it easier to make the right choice, I gave each classmate a Memo.

I also gave a talk to primary school children using my presentation.

After analyzing all the collected data, I came to the following conclusions:

  1. There is a place for computer games in modern life.
  2. Reasonable adult supervision must be present.
  3. Games must be age appropriate.
  4. Choose educational, logical, educational, intellectual games.
  5. Follow health recommendations.
  6. Don’t forget that there are interesting and exciting activities in life: hobbies, reading, walks, communication, creativity, sports.

I think that my work was useful both for me and for the guys who are interested in computer games. I choose my games carefully now. I advise you to turn to your parents for help, who will help determine: - the quality of the game;

- game genre;

- content of the game.

The results of my research showed that my assumptions were not confirmed. This is not to say that computer games are bad and we should give them up. It’s impossible to say that it’s good, and you can play any games as much as you want.

The influence of computer games on children is controversial. Some people develop logical thinking, others forget about the real world around them. Here you need to adhere to the main principle - do no harm. A computer, like everything that surrounds us, can be both useful and harmful.

  1. Bibliography:


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