Speech therapy quiz “Let’s walk the road of friendship, the road of goodness” for 1st grade children

Funny and interesting questions for friends

  1. Is borrowing money from a friend good or bad? Why yes or no?
  2. There is a saying: “To have a good friend, you need to be a good friend yourself.” What to do to become a good friend?
  3. Can a teacher be friends with his student? (We recommend reading interesting questions for teachers to interview them).
  4. Is it possible to have a best friend of the opposite sex without having sex?
  5. What do you do if a friend calls you but you suddenly forgot his/her name?
  6. Could you continue to be friends with an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend you broke up with?
  7. Who is the most interesting person you've ever met?
  8. There is a saying that “to lose a friend, you need to start living in the same apartment with him.” Do you agree? Why yes or no?
  9. Do you have a close group of friends? How do you usually like to relax? What do you like to do together?

  10. Do you think famous people are happier than ordinary people or not? Why?
  11. All-out war between cats and dogs: who will win and why?
  12. Do you like reading funny and amusing statuses?
  13. If you were a kitchen appliance, what would it be and why?
  14. Do you hear voices too?
  15. What do you think is the largest animal that can be defeated with bare hands?
  16. If you could never sleep or eat again, what would you choose? Why?
  17. What's the funniest fact you know?
  18. Pencil, which color tastes better: white, black or colored?
  19. What was the last thing you did for the first time?
  20. What breakfast cereal has impacted your life the most?

Questions to get to know your friends better

  1. What is the most interesting or coolest thing your friends have ever given you?
  2. Did you have strange habits as a child?
  3. What does friendship mean to you?
  4. Can there be romantic feelings between friends of opposite sexes?
  5. What's the most memorable event you've had with your friends? (We recommend reading 94 quotes about friends that will motivate you to value friendship even more).
  6. Have you ever lied to your friends?
  7. What common interests do your friendship share?
  8. Do you like your friends' friends?
  9. Have you ever sworn a blood oath with your friends?
  10. Why is friendship important to you? Do you still maintain friendships from the past?
  11. How to carry friendship throughout your life?

  12. Is friendship the most important thing in life or not? Why yes or no?
  13. How often do you see your old friends?
  14. Have you become friends with someone over the Internet? How often do you write to them? Have you ever met them in person?
  15. How are your friendships today different from your childhood friendships?
  16. Do you have any regrets? What would you like to change if you could turn back time?
  17. What do you do to keep your friendship strong?
  18. How do you make new friends?
  19. What separates friends from family?
  20. There is a proverb: “A friend is made in need.” Do you agree with this? What are you willing to do for a friend who is in trouble?
  21. What motivational quotes motivate you to do something? Can you quote them?
  22. Should parents be friends with their children? How to become one?
  23. What qualities do you value in friends? What makes someone special or a best friend?
  24. What good things can you tell about the friends you made in this country, city, area?
  25. What quality do you admire in people, and which one do you find most undesirable?

Personal questions for friends

  1. Has anyone ever been jealous of their best friend/girlfriend? Why?
  2. What are you most afraid of in friendship?
  3. What nicknames do you call your friends?
  4. What actions are you willing to do for your friends?
  5. If you switched roles with your boyfriend/girlfriend, would you develop romantic feelings for them?
  6. How do you usually like to spend your weekends and with whom? (We recommend finding out some ideas on what to do in self-isolation during quarantine).
  7. In the pool, what liquid would you like to swim with?
  8. Are you friends with someone since childhood? What good things do you find in your childhood friends?
  9. Where do you most often like to meet your friends?
  10. Are you friends with someone from a distance? How do you keep in touch with them?

  11. Do you make friends easily?
  12. How close are your relationships with your friends?
  13. Do you trust all your friends? Why?
  14. How important is forgiveness in human relationships?
  15. When is the best time to make new friends?
  16. Who was your best friend? Are you still friends? What lessons have you learned from this relationship?
  17. What helps you get to know a person better? Could asking appropriate questions for friends help with this?
  18. What behavior from others hurts you the most? When you upset someone with your actions, what are you trying to do?
  19. Do you consider your qualities to be good or bad?
  20. What traits or actions make interpersonal conflict worse?
  21. Do you think that a dysfunctional family life contributes to the deterioration of relationships between friends?
  22. What is the difference between friendship and "kinship" (blood relatives)?
  23. Do you have different groups of friends who never meet each other? Do you think that if these groups were introduced to each other, they would become friends? Will you gain or lose from such a friendship?
  24. Do you compete with your friends in some way?
  25. What do you prefer to drink with friends: coffee, tea or stronger drinks? (We recommend that you find out a recipe for how to brew coffee in a Turkish coffee bowl deliciously and correctly).

Quiz game: "Friendship"

GKU SO KK "Belorechensky SRCN"

Quiz game


Prepared and carried out

Educator: Berdnikova N.N.



To introduce minors to the concept: “Friendship is our strength.” Form friendly relationships with children. Foster a sense of mutual assistance.


To develop in minors the need to communicate with each other and others.

Progress of the lesson:

Today we will conduct an interesting quiz game on the topic: “Friendship”.

Now you will divide into 2 teams and choose team captains. Are you ready? So let's start our game.

Here are envelopes with tasks that you will complete. So. Attention! We are starting a quiz called “Friendship is our strength.” 1. Game “Add a word” In the envelope there are cards with letters. You need to correctly and quickly form the words: “friendship” and “friends” (the task is performed by team captains). 3. Folklore competition Remember proverbs and sayings about friendship. Friendship is a sacred thing. Money can't buy friendship. Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor. The mountain is destroyed by the wind, human friendship is destroyed by the word. Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you won’t be able to put it back together.

A friendly home is full of happiness, lost friendship - the happiness is spilled. ... Praise a friend rather than praise yourself. A tree is strong with roots, a person is with friends. Friendship is a great power... You won’t know a friend without trouble. Friendship loves business. Do not bow to your enemy, do not spare your life for a friend. A friend's water is better than an enemy's honey. Friendship is paid for with friendship. 4. Game “Understand Me” Using gestures, movements, facial expressions and other words, explain the following words: “exercise”, “health”, “physical education”, “children”., “greed”, “strength”, “resentment” 5 “Fold in order” In the envelope there are cards “Daily routine”. Task: put the cards in order. (The speed and correctness of completing the task is assessed). 6. Poetry page

Tell poems about friendship, unity They don’t argue with history, they live with history, It unites for heroism and work. The state is united when the people are united, When they move forward with great strength. He defeats the enemy, rising as one to fight, and liberates Rus', and sacrifices himself. For the glory of those heroes, we live by the same destiny. Today we celebrate Unity Day with you. Three children come out and read the poem “Me and We” by V. Orlov. Children (one by one). There are a lot of words in the world, like snowflakes in winter. But let’s take, for example, these: The word “I” and the word “We”. “I” is lonely in the world, “I” is not of much use. It is difficult for one or one to cope with trouble. The word “We” is stronger than “I”. We are family and we are friends. We are the people, and we are united. Together we are invincible. 7. “Friendly qualities” All players are given red and blue signal cards. The presenter names the qualities inherent in friendly relationships and the qualities that are not characteristic of friendly relationships. A red card is a positive result (agreement), a blue card is a negative answer (not agreement). 1 team 2 team 3 team 1. Kind 1. caring 1. Reasonable 2. Responsive 2. envious 2 Deceitful 3. Callous 3. Angry 3 Affectionate 4. Sincere 4. Well-mannered 4. Sociable 5. Hostile 5. Respectful 5. Envious 6 Envious 6. Aggressive 6. Caring 7. Mean 7. Kind 7. Greedy

8. Loyal 8. Generous 8..Attentive Summing up the quiz. Awarding certificates. The presenter reads the poem, and everyone else picks up its “key words” to the choir.

-The main thing is together, the main thing is together! The main thing is to have a warm heart in your chest!

Don't we need indifferent people? No need! Drive away anger and resentment! Remember, guys, this feeling of unity and keep it for life. Be worthy of your ancestors. .

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