Game traffic rules quiz for primary schoolchildren of 3rd grade

Entertainment summary on traffic rules for 3rd grade

Extracurricular activity on traffic rules for 3rd grade

Game lesson on traffic rules Journey to the city of Svetoforsk
Author: Irina Viktorovna Zhuravleva, primary school teacher of the Spas-Zaulkovskaya boarding school - Central Educational Organization "Planet of Childhood"

Game lesson on traffic rules Travel to the city of Svetoforsk
Purpose: - repeat and generalize students’ knowledge of the material studied; — develop students’ monologue speech and creative abilities; — instill in students the skills to comply with traffic rules; — cultivate a respectful attitude towards the laws of the street. Progress of the lesson: The class is decorated with red, yellow, green balls; There are posters on traffic rules on the board. Fairytale music sounds. Presenter: A new fairy tale of miracles, There is no better one. With her we will walk through the forests, Through the seas and mountains. It begins, did you hear, children? Traffic lights - country There are in this world. In the very center of the Traffic Light there is a small cozy town. This town is called Svetoforsk. A yellow brick road leads to Svetoforsk. By the road, in a house without a garden or a porch, dwarves live, two nice little men. They don’t play dominoes, tag or hide and seek, but all day they look out the window: is everything okay there? The green gnome says: “Everything is calm, the way is open!” If it comes out red, it means the path is dangerous! Day and night, the dark windows there do not go out: The green gnome hid, and the red one appeared. This is very important, necessary work - Unlucky citizens should blink at the crossing. What are these amazing gnomes? (Traffic signals) The gnomes invite us to their amazing country, but many different tests await us along the way. Are you ready to hit the road? Game "Traffic Light" If the presenter shows a red signal, the children pat themselves on the head, a green signal - they stomp their feet, a yellow signal - they clap their hands. Competition 1 "Road Signs" Presenter: Guess which road sign we are talking about? (As the children guess, the signs are hung on the board.) 1. The sign has the shape of a circle, it is circled in red. This means he honks strictly, which means there is no passage here. (Sign “No movement”) 2. I’m in a circle with a red outline. This means it’s dangerous here. Here, understand, there is a ban on pedestrian traffic! (Sign “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”) 3. We were walking home from school, We see a sign on the pavement: Circle, bicycle inside, There is nothing else. What is this sign? You are under this sign. Do not ride a bicycle for anything in the world, children. (Sign “No cycling”) 4. Blue color, circle shape, So, hurry up, friend! It’s easy to distinguish blue from red – you can ride a bike here! (Bike path sign) 5. This sign wishes us a bon voyage, which means we can cross the street. (Pedestrian path sign) 6. I am an expert on road rules, I left my car here. In the parking lot near the fence, she also needs to rest. (Sign “Parking area”) 7. The people call the zebra crossing Pedestrian crossing. A white stripe is visible, like a zebra's back. Where you meet a zebra on the way, you can cross the road. (Sign “Pedestrian crossing”) 8. This is also a crossing, Only underground, And the crossing walks Just like you and me. (Underground Passage sign) Host: Before the next test, I suggest you play. The game is called "Allowed - Prohibited" . At the end of each of my statements you must insert one of two words - “allowed” or “prohibited”. Riding like a hare, as you know, …….. Giving way to the old lady………. Crossing when the light is red……. When it’s green, even for children………. To run along the roadway…….. And to walk on the sidewalk………… Competition 2 “We are going, going, going..” Presenter: What does a passenger need to purchase to travel on public transport? (ticket) What do you call a passenger who tries to travel without a ticket? (hare) For the next competition you receive a travel ticket (a colorfully decorated piece of paper). Your ticket is valid for only one trip to the first stop. To continue the journey and get to the last station, you need to pay an additional fee - answer the quiz question. If you were able to answer the question, then a mark is made on your ticket, and you yourself continue moving, moving one step forward. The hero of all questions in this competition will be a small animal - a hare. I wish you good luck, so that there are no stowaways among you. Which of you guys can reach the final station faster? 1.A bunny that can appear on a clear sunny day? (Sunny) 2. Russian writer, author of “Tales about the brave hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail?” (Mom’s – Sibiryak) 3. The most famous poem about a bunny for children? (“1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - the bunny went out for a walk”) 4. A peasant who became famous for saving hares during a natural disaster? (Mazai) 5. A battery with which the hare can move without recharging? (“Energizer”) 6. The food that the rabbit treated Winnie the Pooh to? (Honey and condensed milk) 7. The dog who hunted hares with a photo gun? (Ball) 8. A fairy tale in which the hare was the keeper of Kashchey’s death? (“The Frog Princess”) 9. The law enforcement officer who returned to the hare the property taken away illegally: by deception and cunning? (rooster) 10.Hare, host of a popular children's room? (Stepashka) 11. A hare that “loses its whiskers” becomes a river animal? (hare - cancer) 12. A humorous nickname for a hare? (Slant) Page for the curious “Did you know?” Why can't you cross the road in front of a car? We live in an age of speed. Fast cars rush along modern roads. Do you think 1 second is a lot or a little? For pedestrians, 1 second is nothing, just a step. But for a driver, a second is a serious thing. In one second, a car traveling at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour travels more than 16 meters, and at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour - 22 meters. This is why it is so dangerous to cross the road in front of a nearby car. Why is a traffic light called a traffic light? We must start with the fact that this word is made up of two parts: “light” and “for”. The word “for” comes from the Greek “foros”, which means “carrying” or “carrier”. And the whole word together - “traffic light” - means “light bearer”, “light bearer”. It truly “brings light”, and more often than not in three different colors: red, yellow, green. Why does a car need flashing lights? A car is driving along the street, and suddenly the lights in front and behind it begin to blink, only in some cars the right lights blink, in others the left ones. Why? Because here it must be turned to the right, and there - to the left. So she warns other cars and passersby about this. Bicycles don’t have flashing lights, and cars can also have them. How to warn about a turn? This can be done without flashlights. It is enough to extend your left hand to the side, and everyone will understand that you are turning left. And as soon as you raise the same arm up, bent at the elbow, everyone - both pedestrians and cars - will know that you are going to turn right. Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends” If you agree with the statement you heard, then answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” if you cannot do this, remain silent. 1.Which of you in a cramped carriage gives up a seat to the elders? 2. Which of you goes to the light, Saying: “There is no way!” 3.Which of you goes forward only where there is a transition? 4.Which of you, walking home, follows the path along the pavement? 5.Who, without knowing the rules, rides as a “hare” on a tram? 6.Who runs out onto a slippery road in bad weather? 7. Who flies forward so quickly that they don’t see the traffic light? 8.If the yellow light is on, Who is coming? Who's standing? Competition 3 “Experts of traffic rules” 1. What two parts is the street divided into? (pavement and roadway) 2. Why is the sidewalk higher than the roadway? (so that the car does not accidentally hit a pedestrian) Student: There are many traffic rules in the world. It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all. But the main rule of movement is to know how to multiply the table. Don’t play on the pavement, don’t ride, If you want to stay healthy! It should be explained simply, whether you are young or old: The pavement is for transport, the sidewalk is for you. 3.How should you cross to the other side of the street? (Along a zebra crossing, a pedestrian crossing in the form of wide white stripes) Student: To accustom the pedestrian to order, They lined the asphalt like a notebook, The stripes go across the road And lead the pedestrian behind them! 4.How should you get around a stopped bus? (You need to wait until the bus leaves the stop) 5. How should you move along the side of the road? (on the left side of the road, towards traffic) 6. On which side of the sidewalk do pedestrians move? (On the right side) Reflection Now you will complete tasks on separate cards, and then you will be able to evaluate the work done yourself. If you agree with the statement, put a “+” on the piece of paper next to the task number; if you disagree, put a “-” 1. One of the most dangerous places for pedestrians is an intersection. 2.You can play with a ball on the sidewalk next to the roadway. 3. If you are late for class, you need to quickly cross the road. 4. You need to wait until the bus moves away from the stop, only then cross the road. 5.Move along the sidewalk, keeping to the right. 6.If the traffic light is yellow, then you need to stand. 7.To cross a road without a traffic light, you first need to look left and then right. On the board are the answers: 1.+ 2.- 3.-4.+ 5.+ 6.+ 7+ Presenter: Well done guys, you showed good knowledge of the rules of the road! Our new friends - the gnomes - are pleased with your success. (Children sing a song to the tune of the song by Leopold the cat from the cartoon “Summer of Leopold the Cat”) I am walking along the highway, Cars are moving, And I need to be attentive. If suddenly a red light appears from a traffic light, I will survive this trouble. (2 times) The traffic light looks at me very strictly, Because now I need to cross the road. I’ll wait, I’ll wait. The green traffic light is the only one I’m friends with, We’ve known each other for a long time. (2 times) There will be many roads in life, I know, But I don’t forget about our traffic light. I can cross everything, I will overcome everything: A traffic light will blink at me - With it I can do everything (2 times) Presenter: We say goodbye to the city of Svetoforsk. And in parting, I would like to wish you all: In order to live without knowing grief, In order to run, swim and fly, You must follow the traffic rules Always and everywhere!

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