Author's methodological development “Didactic aids for speech therapy classes”

Looking at the author's speech therapy manuals, you realize that you can make many games for your children yourself. To do this, you do not need to have any special talents or skills as an artist. The main thing is to know the principle of working with this material. Pictures for it can be cut out from old children's books or magazines, or use scrap and scrap material.

In the article, we will look at examples of making a speech therapy manual with your own hands, we will tell you how to work with such material, what exercises will help children pronounce sounds correctly and learn to determine their place in a word.

Speech therapy games will also help kindergarten teachers. They can be used in various classes, for example, on speech development, when getting acquainted with the outside world. You can play a word game with your children during a walk or after a nap. They contribute to the development of correct articulation, the development of clear pronunciation of sounds in words, phonemic perception, the ability to determine the place of a sound in a word, etc.

Breathing exercises

To correct the pronunciation of sounds, speech therapists practice breathing exercises. Exercises allow you to strengthen the air stream, direct the force of the air to the right place, and increase the duration of blowing. At first, the exercises are performed simply with the lips, without puffing out the cheeks. You need to try to get a stream of air onto the tongue. This is necessary when working on hissing and whistling sounds - sh, zh, shch, ch, s, z.

Such exercises are designed to increase air ventilation in the lungs, so before starting exercise, be sure to ventilate the room or perform them in the fresh air. Repeated deep breathing may make your child dizzy, so take breaks between exercises to rest. The duration of breathing exercises should be increased gradually, starting with short exercises.

Guide for breathing exercises

For such classes, speech therapy aids are easy to make with your own hands. In addition to blowing air through a straw or inflating a balloon, you can make a bright toy for your child using a cardboard toilet paper tube, strips of colored paper or satin ribbons. From such materials you can easily make an octopus with pom-pom eyes. For beauty, cover the tube with colored paper. When you blow air, strips of paper or tape will develop in the air, which the child will really like. You can attach them with a regular stationery stapler.

"Sound Chains"

It is very difficult for children to distinguish between paired sounds (voiceless and voiced), for example, s - z or sh - zh. To make this process easier, you can make a speech therapy manual with your own hands, as in the photo below. A large sheet of cardboard depicts two bunnies of different sizes. One collects words that begin with voiced sounds, the other - with unvoiced ones. You can attach the necessary pairs of letters with buttons or make a transparent pocket to insert them there.

Do-it-yourself speech therapy manual

Children are given a set of cards with pictures. All objects begin with these sounds. The child takes turns taking a card and saying out loud the name of the depicted object. Having correctly identified the first sound, he looks for the corresponding letter and strings the picture on a cord that stretches from it. So you need to distribute all the pictures in chains, laying them next to each other.

How to sew a book from felt.

All educational books from felt are sewn according to the same principle:

  1. Glue the sealant - adhesive fabric - to the front fabric with an iron.
  2. Cut out parts and elements of the book from felt
  3. The used elements are attached to a sheet of felt with pins and sewn on a sewing machine or by hand. the two finished pages together , hiding the wrong side. then we sew on the removable elements and put them into the finished pages.
  4. If you use removable elements with Velcro , then in order to prevent the child from damaging the felt by accidentally closing the page without attaching the element, sew the soft part of the Velcro onto the page, into the part with the hooks on the part.
  5. Seamswhich are used when sewing from felt:
      “Forward with a needle” (for removable parts);
  6. “Behind the needle” (for sewing parts);
  7. “Looped” (in order to design the pages).
  1. The fastening of felt book pages can be different, choose which one you like best: grommet, ribbon, loop, or you can fasten with felt strips.
  2. You can use curly scissors to process the pages - the book will look much neater.
  3. Between the pages you can sew padding polyester or canvas fabric. In the first case, the book will be softer, and in the second, harder.

How to sew Velcro onto a felt book.

You can sew Velcro to the felt on the back side, or to the sealing fabric.

  1. First, apply the sealing fabric to the wrong side of the applique.
  2. Sew Velcro to the wrong side of the felt
  3. Trim excess fabric
  4. Sew the details

You can also see how to sew Velcro to a felt book by watching the video.

How to sew Velcro to fabric video

Developing articulation

It is difficult for preschool children to pronounce sounds correctly due to underdevelopment of the speech apparatus. The muscles are still weak, the tongue is difficult to listen to and does not have the necessary flexibility. If you don’t work with your baby, everything will end in tears. The child will not be able to speak correctly for a long time, which will cause ridicule from classmates in older preschool years. The articulatory apparatus can be trained as early as 2 or 3 years of age. This includes the larynx, jaw, lips and tongue.

Articulation gymnastics

There are a lot of exercises to develop the muscles of this system. The mother or teacher shows them to the child, and the baby repeats. It is advisable to do them in front of a mirror so that the position of the lips and tongue position can be seen. When working on certain sounds, you can make speech therapy aids for articulatory gymnastics.

This is an image of the whole face or just the mouth, where the lips are drawn in the correct position when pronouncing a sound. Visualization will help the child repeat the movement independently. It’s not difficult to draw such a tutorial; you can use your children’s favorite emoticons.

"Fun ABC"

This manual will be useful for speech therapy work and for learning letters. On a piece of cardboard on top, write large and small letters in large font. In our sample it is “D”. Then select pictures depicting objects for a given sound and stick them on the surface of the card.

DIY speech therapy games

You can make a tutorial together with your children so that the child can come up with words starting with this letter. If you don’t find the picture you need, you can always use the Internet and print its outlines on a printer. The child will help you color it with colored pencils. This is how all the letters of the alphabet are formatted. You can do the speech therapy game with your own hands, not all at once, but as you study a given letter. It will be easier for the child to remember it. In the next lesson, you can repeat the previous letter and work on the next one.

Topics for classes for speech therapists

When working with children, a speech therapist can take on many different topics. helping kids develop speech skills. Below are some of the most popular options.

Lesson topics for the preparatory group

It is important to use physical education minutes in every lesson and make it an exciting game for children.

Speech development in older preschoolers through play activities

Theme "Professions"

During these classes, various specialties are considered, involving children in games and a variety of activities. They are given riddles related to the activities of adults. Children are given exercises that imitate the movements of workers.

Conducting a speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group on the topic “Professions”, children are taught to talk about various types of occupations of adults.

Various sounds and words are pronounced with children, they are taught to make facial movements expressing certain emotions.

Theme "Winter"

When a speech therapy lesson is held on the topic “Winter,” riddles are offered on the topics of winter weather and events related to this period. Conversations related to this time of year are held with children. Kids are asked to describe winter weather using different words. For example, “What the frost does / Pinches, bites.”

Theme "Transport"

The children are considered different types of transport and given tasks that relate to them. For example, kids look at cards with pictures and must determine which is the odd one out (pictured: a car, a train, an airplane and a pan). Children must explain their choice. You can do the exercise “The steamer is humming”, used in speech therapy.

Note! In this case, while exhaling with their mouth closed, children should pronounce the long sound “oo-oo-oo”.

Furniture theme

Boys and girls of preschool age are asked to name pieces of furniture located in the room. They are asked what different parts of a chair, table or cabinet are made of. A game can be used when the qualities of furniture are named, and the child must name the opposite property.

Theme "Indoor plants"

You can play the game "To". Children are told how to care for plants, and they must add the word “to” and say why exactly this should be done. The “Two and Five” game involves saying a sentence like “I have two cacti and five cacti” about various houseplants. Children with OHP are asked to say various sentences, talking about what the ladybug does. For example: “A ladybug flies over a flower.”

Registration of pure tongues

These manuals are often used by speech therapists and kindergarten teachers to train the correct pronunciation of a certain sound. This special exercise consists of two parts and is a short poem. The first line consists of repeating a syllable or two letters three times—the first is a vowel and the second is a consonant. This is a speech therapy exercise to develop articulation and automate the pronunciation of sounds. The second part is represented by a rhyming phrase that contains a given syllable or combination of letters.

Pure sayings in pictures

To make it easier for your child to remember pure phrases and pronounce them faster, you can make a speech therapy game in the form of cards with your own hands. They can be small in the form of a table, as in the example in the article, or you can place each phrase separately on a large sheet of cardboard. This will be a demonstration material for group work. Write the text below in block letters to remind children of the content if anyone forgets it.

Toys to stimulate speech development

Good afternoon, dear participants! My name is Ershova Evgenia. I am a speech therapist, a specialist in the speech and intellectual development of children and issues of children's multilingualism. Author of

The development of a child’s speech is an important and complex process. Most parents sooner or later ask questions: from “we don’t pronounce R” to “we don’t say it at all.” Despite the fact that we recognize the individual development path of each child, there are norms of speech development, stages and patterns. Before I start talking about toys for language development, let me make a few important points.

The development of a child is individual and depends on many factors, but it is subject to certain norms and goes through its own stages.

Speech development occurs through communication with people, primarily with parents.

Speech development occurs in two directions: speaking and understanding.

  • 3-6 months : attention to the face, facial expressions of an adult, imitation of movements, repetition of sounds more like vowels, “singing”, humming in response to an adult’s speech.
  • 6-9 months : babbling - pronouncing sounds similar to consonants, repeating syllables, responding to their name, understanding words, phrases related to everyday life.
  • 9-12 months : imitation of chains of syllables, imitation of coughing, clicking, recognizing objects by name, following simple instructions
  • 1 year : appearance of the first words, active use of gestures for communication, increase in passive vocabulary, understanding of speech.

The first words are not necessarily the long-awaited ones of mom or dad. The first words are often associated with actions: na, am, give. Toddlers begin to talk about what they want, see and feel, rather than what they know or think. Therefore, the first words usually denote the most important and interesting objects, objects and actions for the baby:

  • people surrounding the child (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt);
  • actions performed by the baby or other people (knock - knock, top - top, am - am);
  • animals and birds (meow, ki, kitty; av - av, ava; mu; igo - go, ko - k o; kar - kar)
  • food (ako - milk, ana - banana, adya - water, tai - tea);
  • parts of the face and body (nose, mouth, eyes);
  • baby’s toys and things in the house (bear, ball, pacifier, ale - telephone);
  • clothes and shoes (socks, pants, hat);
  • transport (bi - bi - car, y - y - plane);
  • words that reflect human states and certain qualities (I want, oh, ah, bo - bo).

Most first words are sound complexes consisting of one or two, often identical syllables (“mu”, “meow”, “av-av”, “pi-pi”, “da-da”). Experts call such sound complexes “the language of nannies” or “the language of babies.”

Often the first words of babies are difficult to recognize, so many parents, when talking about their child, say that he speaks “his own language.” Some babies pronounce only the first or stressed syllable of a word. For example, the word “drink” is transformed into “pi”, and “milk” into “ako”. Other children “change” words beyond recognition.

The word transformed by the child can have the same number of syllables as the original and retain the location of the stress. But at the same time, it is absolutely not similar to the original word, for example: “nanAna” - “medicine”; "tititI" - "bricks".

Most often, children distort words with confluences of sounds in which two or more consonant sounds follow one after another, for example, as in the word “hello,” which the child pronounces as “dyatite.”

In words that are “difficult” in sound composition, the child swaps sounds and syllables, skips syllables, shortening words.

1.5-3 years : increase in active vocabulary to 25-90 words, the number of words is an individual indicator, the child’s language abilities are constantly improving in communication with people around him, words act as sentences: the ball “get the ball”, “meow” the cat is coming, the phrase gradually appears.

By 3 years:

the child’s vocabulary reaches approximately a thousand words, the baby speaks not only about objects, current phenomena and events that he observes, but also about what is not directly in front of his eyes, children recognize and name pictures in books, more complex ones appear in their speech sentences consisting of two or more simple sentences “I think I’ll eat”, “look, it’s a cat.” Children with well-developed speech begin to speak in complex sentences: “when I’m big, I’ll lift you up.” The baby begins to learn the grammatical rules of the language. Speech develops qualitatively and quantitatively.

Speech development occurs along with general development (mental and physical).

It is customary to distinguish the following stages of development and leading activities of each age (up to 7 years):

  • Infancy (emotional communication)
  • Early age (subject activity)
  • Preschool age (play activities)

Taking into account the leading activity, it is possible to build a harmonious plan for the child’s development.

The main period of speech development falls during the period of play activity.

Accordingly, classes will be more effective if conducted in a playful way . Often it is not even necessary to come up with an activity in the form of a game, since, in fact, any game has educational functions.

Many children are delayed in passing through such periods in speech development, cannot begin to speak for a long time, and experience difficulties in pronouncing individual sounds. In such situations, it can be difficult for parents to understand how much their child needs the help of specialists.

Information on age norms and characteristics of children’s speech development was prepared based on materials from books that I recommend that all parents read:

  • Davidovich L.R. Reznichenko T.S. Does your child speak poorly? Why? What to do?
  • Gribova O.E. What to do if your child doesn't speak?
  • Koltsova M.M. The child learns to speak.
  • Yanushko E.A. Help your baby talk!

If you are really concerned about a question about your child’s speech development, it is better to ask it to a specialist, a speech therapist. This is too serious a topic to be entrusted to a forum or friends on the site. They will most likely begin to calm you down, and this is the most dangerous path; you can lose precious time. Now you can get professional advice without even leaving your home, via Skype. The speech therapist will reassure you or confirm your fears, but in any case, you will no longer have guesses, but facts and an action plan.

More and more parents trust this method. My online speech therapy office has been operating for three years now. I asked my clients to write reviews about Skype consultations. If you are unsure whether this method is right for you, read on to decide. Or go to the clinic, the nearest development center, speech therapy kindergarten.

Now, let's look into the “chest” of toys! Toy stores are my favorite. Whenever possible, I look into such stores, especially on vacation. You can bring unique things from different countries. Toys are simply necessary for activities with children. I don’t buy everything, but choose very carefully. Some of the toys in my collection may seem strange, but each has its own purpose. Over the years of work, several favorites have emerged, and I will show them to you today. I hope that my story will help you navigate the variety of toys, push you to the right decision and save you from unnecessary expenses. Many toys can be made with your own hands, I will also tell you about this, and if you want more information, then welcome to the site for ideas, patterns or ready-made toys.


You can perform a huge number of exercises by throwing or rolling a ball. This technique is especially good for mobile children who find it difficult to sit still. We repeat sounds, syllables, words, answer questions and everything in the game! For safety, I choose soft balls made of different materials, with different fillings, so that the game gives different sensory sensations and develops tactility.

Examples of games:

  • Invite your child, when he hears “A,” to throw the ball up, and when he catches the ball, repeat this sound.
  • Mom throws balls of different colors to the child. The baby catches it and names a vowel sound if the ball is red, a consonant sound if the ball is blue, and throws the ball back to mom
  • The mother says to the child - I will say the first part of the word, and you will say the second: sa - har, sa - ni. The mother throws the ball to the child and says the first syllable, the baby catches it and throws it back, saying the whole word.
  • The mother throws the ball to the child, calling out the sound for which the baby must name the word.
  • The mother throws the ball to the child and calls a word, for example, day, and he must throw the ball back and call him the opposite - night.


Magic bag or box with a surprise


They turn any activity into magic! It’s so exciting to stick your hand into the unknown, guess what it is, and then you can discuss it. If you need to attract your child's attention to an object, hide it in a magic bag.

Game example:

Take an opaque bag, put objects on the topic being studied into it (geometric shapes, figures of animals, vegetables or fruits, sensory elements, etc.) and invite the child to find a ball, cube, giraffe, elephant, etc. by touch.

magic activity bag


You can find a similar toy in different versions in the store: wooden, as in the photo, plastic, or you can make it yourself from paper, felt or porous rubber.

games for breathing development

The master class that you received in the newsletter will help you make a toy yourself. This toy perfectly develops correct exhalation, teaches you to control your breathing, and forms a strong, directed air stream, which is important both for speech in general and for complex sounds: S, Z, Sh, Zh, R.

Game example:

Invite your child to blow into the tube, and at this time you count how long the ball will stay in the air. Gradually, the duration of exhalation will increase, and the baby will feel like a champion.

toys for breathing development

Spinning top.

I remember being fascinated by this toy as a child. My little students are also partial to it, but launching a top on their own is not an easy task. What a useful skill this is: developing fine motor skills, visual coordination, dexterity, and strength of the leading fingers. You, of course, have seen a traditional top, maybe even made it yourself from a match and cardboard, so pay attention to my most unusual find (on the left in the photo): a top that not only spins, but also stands on a leg if launched correctly .

Game example:

It is interesting for mother and child to spin the top at the same time, noticing whose spins longer and more beautifully. Have a mini competition!


Tweezers, sticks.

This is not quite a toy, more of a tool, but owning it also has a positive effect on fine motor skills, stimulating the development of speech. Such chopsticks for children in Asia are sold in supermarkets, pharmacies, and hardware stores. And if you think about it, this skill is quite difficult for many adults, let alone 2-3 year olds. However, it is possible! And it is at an early age that this skill develops speech and intelligence. Take a closer look at the packaging, it says so there :)

chopsticks for children

Jokes aside, I was delighted to discover these sticks, and now I bring them from every trip as a gift to my children. Now you know what to ask your friends who are traveling to Asia. You can not only eat them, but also play with them.

Example games:

  • In the children's kitchen you can prepare not only traditional soup and porridge, but also rolls or sushi, and then have lunch and eat with chopsticks.
  • Games with sorting through different cereals will become more interesting and difficult if you arrange the cereals not with your fingers, but with tweezers or chopsticks. Mix beans, peas and pasta, invite your child to put them on different saucers.
  • Place cotton balls of different colors in a bowl and ask your child to sort them by color - this task is easier than with cereal, so it’s a better place to start.


Again, not so much toys as household items. But you remember that by the age of 3, a child masters object-based activities and it is real objects that are the most interesting for him. And, as you and I can see, they are also useful. Activities with clothespins can be practical in nature, the way we usually use them: hanging laundry, notes, pictures. But you can also add games to these activities. And then the clothespins are no longer clothespins, but birds, cars, etc. Or parts of toys, like in this photo.

Examples of games:

  • The mother shows the child the hedgehog and says: “Look what kind of hedgehog came to visit us. He lost all his needles along the way. Let's help him and give him needles. Now let’s snort like hedgehogs.” But a cloud flew in (mom takes out a prepared cloud) and it began to rain. Let's make it rain on the cloud. How does it drip? (the child says like rain is dripping: drip-drip drip-drip)"
  • Equipment: cards with syllables, words; clothespins red, green, blue. Exercise. The child is asked to choose a card with a syllable and match the color of the clothespin with the sound on the card. The child must clearly pronounce the sound and name the color of the clothespin he has chosen. For example: the syllable ba: the sound [b] is a hard consonant, so the clothespin is blue; The sound [a] is a vowel, so the clothespin is red.
  • If the child can already read and knows what stress is, then you can use clothespins in the game with word cards. The mother shows the child a card with the word and asks to put the emphasis using a clothespin.
  • Or the mother herself puts emphasis on a word that can have several meanings and invites the child to explain what the word castle means and what castle means.

clothespins for developing fine motor skills

Sounding objects

(development of phonetic hearing).

The first thing that is recommended to be checked when a child has a speech delay is hearing. And if everything is fine with hearing, then the main task is phonetic development. We distinguish between speech sounds and non-speech sounds. We need sounding toys for the development of non-speech hearing.

You can make them yourself from Kinder Surprise containers or small yogurt bottles. We fill paired containers with objects that can be distinguished by ear and play. You can use ready-made wooden toys - sounding balls from Wald.

Example games


  • determine by sound what is inside - the child takes the container and determines by ear what it sounds like: a bell, coins, cereal, etc. Another version of this game is when you jingle something behind a screen and the child guesses
  • find a pair - we lay out containers in front of the child, two with the same filling, and ask them to choose a pair for each.
  • What is extra - we lay out 3-4 containers with the same filling and one with a different one, the child goes through everything and listens to the sounds, and then decides which one is extra.

containers with sounds

I also really like the sounding balls from Wald.

Bibabo or hand toys.

Faithful companions of any speech therapist, not every child will agree to talk to an unfamiliar aunt during a consultation, but they will be happy to share their secrets with a “living” bear. Knowing this childhood weakness, I collect such helper toys. Everyone loves to cuddle and hug the bear, feed it, stroke it - it copes well with the situation of getting to know each other and establishing contact.

hand toys for speech development

The cheerful little frog opens his mouth wide and croaks, of course.

hand toys for speech development

The owl teaches you to accurately pronounce the important and complex sound U. The prankish pig grimaces, talks a lot and jokes constantly. The horse can click, and this helps us quickly learn to pronounce RRR. Here are just a few ideas on how the bibabo toy helps with speech development.

Example games:

  • Place the toy on your hand and change your voice slightly to make it seem like the toy is speaking, not you! Act out a scene of getting to know each other, offer to play together.
  • A glove toy can become the leader of your homework and teach your child new things. A wise owl flies from the forest specifically to teach counting, and the bear draws with the baby.

bibabo for speech development

Finger Theater.

It will be useful throughout early and preschool age. First, he teaches to listen and observe, then develops fine motor skills when the child tries to put on or take off toys, and one day the child will speak in the words of his favorite character. It’s worth talking about the finger theater separately, because... the topic is inexhaustible, you can come up with an endless number of plots and characters! I'll show you several types that differ in how you manipulate them.

Traditional finger theater.

finger theater

Walking finger theater.

finger theater

Another type of walking toys

finger toys

Game example:

Role-play a well-known fairy tale, putting on and taking off toys, moving them according to the plot of the fairy tale, you develop finger dexterity and fine motor skills of the child. Most games with finger toys are theatrical games based on fairy tales or finger games with poems.

In fact, the list of toys goes on! It all depends on the specific situation. Some people need all these toys and even more, while others don’t even need that many, because... speech is already developing beautifully. Trust your parental intuition and the opinion of a specialist about your child, and then success in speech development is guaranteed to you.

Happy creativity and fun games!

Evgenia Ershova

author of the site ""

PS This article is copyrighted and is entirely intended exclusively for private use; publication and use of it on other sites or forums is possible only with the written consent of the author. Use for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. Online school “Learning by playing”

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Tongue twisters in pictures

These are great exercises for developing speech sounds. They represent a small rhythmic text, usually with funny content. Since ancient times, they have been used for fun, as well as to improve the mobility of the organs of articulation. In addition to speech, tongue twisters improve attention and develop memory.

The sample speech therapy manual for children presented below allows you not only to pronounce tongue twisters, but also develops thinking and visual perception. Such tables can be drawn for each phrase. They are suitable for children of older preschool age.

Tongue twisters in pictures

Each picture corresponds to one word of the tongue twister. The first step in learning a phrase is to pronounce it clearly at a slow pace. As you memorize the phrase, it is pronounced faster and faster. The main thing is to monitor the clarity and intelligibility of the pronunciation of sounds in words. Funny pictures will help children remember the text faster, since their visual memory helps them with this. Draw tables schematically. You need to have the talent of an artist to make such a speech therapy manual with your own hands.

“Guess the sound in the word”

The following educational material is intended for children in the senior group of kindergarten. The child, looking at the first picture, must name the letter that the word begins with. What follows is a series of three images of objects. Having spoken their names out loud, the child must determine the presence of a given sound in these words.

Speech therapy games and benefits

On the manual, under each picture there is an empty circle where a check mark is placed if the given sound is present in the word. This exercise is very useful not only for developing pronunciation, but also for developing phonemic hearing and attention. You can draw the pictures yourself or cut them out from old books.

"Listen and choose correctly"

In this speech therapy game, children learn to clearly distinguish by ear the sounds in the names of the objects depicted in the manual. There are a number of words that differ in only one letter. Children often cannot distinguish them by sound.

Author's speech therapy manuals

These tables, which you can easily make yourself, will help your child understand the correct choice, listen more carefully to the spoken word, and recognize it in the pictures.

"Sound Clock"

The next game is very similar to the previous version. The task is the same. Children must find paired words that differ in only one sound. The manual looks like a clock with hands mounted on a large cardboard circle. You can make a game out of plywood, then pasting it with a sheet of colored paper. Pictures of pairs of words are selected, for example, cancer - poppy, meadow - onion, T-shirt - nut, seagull - T-shirt, rose - goat, salt - moth, etc.

The child must arrange the arrows so that they point to a pair of similar words. You can make the manual double-sided by adding pictures and arrows on the back side of the circle.

Didactic multifunctional game made from felt “Family of Hedgehogs”

Natalya Melkova
Didactic multifunctional game made from felt “Family of Hedgehogs”

I bring to your attention the multifunctional game “Family of Hedgehogs”.

This game is primarily designed to develop fine motor skills in children, and it is also productive and fun for strengthening basic counting skills.

The proposed game options are intended for children 3-5 years old.


1. Improving counting skills within 10, developing the ability to correlate the number of objects with a number;

2. Formation in children of the concepts one, many, few, none, small, large;

3. Consolidating the ability to navigate in space (left, right, above, below);

4. Consolidating knowledge about the size, shape, color of objects, the ability to combine objects according to common characteristics;

5. Consolidating children’s knowledge about insects;

6. Development of attention, memory, observation (games “What is missing” and “What has changed”);

7. Strengthening children’s ability to select objects by color;

8. Development of ideas about color, shape, size and properties of objects through bright visual images and play activities.


#1. “Trainer” – for the development of fine motor skills.

Meet - this is a hedgehog,

He is an expert on forest paths.

This hedgehog is a multifunctional double-sided toy - a benefit. On the one hand, Mom - Hedgehog - a finger trainer with different fasteners (button, magnetic button, hidden neodymium magnets, simple sew-on buttons of different diameters, lacing, hook.)

The reverse side of the mother - Hedgehogs made of velcro fabric - this is a fleecy fabric, to which apples, pears, berries, mushrooms (boletus, chanterelles, fly agarics, birch, oak, maple leaves and flowers) cling wonderfully with the help of Velcro on the reverse side.

This hedgehog is also a kind of finger toy. Mother - Hedgehog is easily placed on the child’s hand and participates in various games.

Additionally, mushrooms, fruits and berries on clothespins are used.

#2. "Stocks for the winter."

We put Mother Hedgehog on our arm and go into the forest to pick mushrooms and apples for our kids. During the game, while harvesting, the child counts the number of apples, pears, berries, mushrooms, etc.

The hedgehog's mother takes all this supply home for her babies, who are waiting for her at home. Also, birch, maple and oak leaves are attached to its needles. Mom will definitely show them to the kids. Mommy also brought flowers to admire and smell.

The mother treats the kids with tasty provisions, the child counts how many mushrooms, apples, etc. each hedgehog ate.

Mom hung everything that the kids didn’t eat on a line to dry. These are supplies for the winter.

Children hang mushrooms and apples on a rope, and “preserve” the rest of the fruit so that the hedgehog family can drink delicious compote in winter.

The jars serve as an additional sorting game. You need to arrange the apples by color. The color of the apple should match the color of the lid on the jar. The jar is made of velcro fabric, so apples with Velcro cling to them perfectly, so jars of apples can be carried and stored.

Next time, the hedgehog’s mother can go into the forest for supplies with the hedgehogs. Due to the fact that the babies are also double-sided and have a felt base on one side and a velcro fabric base on the other side, this allows them, like their mother, to carry mushrooms and fruits on their bodies.

Children count how many apples or mushrooms each hedgehog carries on one barrel and the other, compare, add up their number. In this game, the teacher teaches children spatial orientation (right, left, up, down, etc.).

#3. "Miracle mushroom"

One day, Mother Hedgehog, while picking mushrooms in the forest, came out into a clearing, where she saw many small mushrooms and one amazing large mushroom. In this game, the mushroom is a multifunctional simulator for the development of fine motor skills.

“Read the intended word”

The child’s task in this game is to form the intended word by naming the first letters of the pictures in a row. This is an interesting game that is easy to make yourself.

When preparing for the production of this manual, you need to work in the opposite direction, that is, first think of a short word, and then select pictures that begin with its first letters. All that remains is to place them on the same line in a row. The photo above shows words consisting of five letters. If it is difficult for a child to master this game the first time, you can first come up with shorter words, for example, “wasp”, “cancer”, “nose”.

The article provides examples of speech therapy games and aids that can be done at home. They are fun to work with and quick and easy to do.

Assembling a felt book

As soon as you finish sewing on appliqués, buttons, laces, beads, in other words, as soon as the pages are ready, start sewing the book itself from felt.

You need to take the felt with sewn appliqués, place it facing the table and place the padding polyester. Cover with the second page, with the right side facing you.

Now we sew the page manually along the edge, cut off the protruding padding polyester, then we sew the edges of the pages with tape.

How to sew a page and trim its edges with fabric video

As we have already said, the binding of a soft book can be done in different ways. You can study this issue in more detail by watching the video.

Video: how to make a binding for a felt book.

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