Natural science. Conducting experiments with soil and soil
Experiment 2. Purpose: to determine whether there is water in the soil. Progress of the experiment: put a piece of soil
What is grattage?
Lesson “Non-traditional drawing technique “Scratching”
In this article we will talk about such a drawing technique as grattage - what is it
Lesson 129. Algorithm for dividing a three-digit number by a single-digit number
So, the topic of addition and subtraction has been mastered, there is a clear understanding of the mathematical operations of multiplication and
Work program on technology (8th grade) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
Technology tests 8th grade 8TH CLASS TECHNOLOGY. Theoretical tour. Dear participant. You are invited
Observations on a walk for every day (2nd junior group)
Long-term planning of topics and goals for observations during a walk in the middle group. The teacher can
Plasticineography as one of the areas of work with children.
During technology lessons (labor lessons) at school, children use various tools, incorrect
Lesson summary on literary reading “Russian folk riddles” (2nd grade).
Russian folk riddles In summer you become wise, in winter you become wise. Sokha Where the water stands like a pillar, And not
Additional education teacher of the highest qualification category Kiseleva Lyubov Alekseevna Municipal Educational Institution Dovolenskaya Secondary School 2 Novosibirsk Region, Dovolensky. - presentation
What information to include in the portfolio The first qualification category is established in accordance with the results achieved:
Fine arts lesson 8th grade Architecture. Lesson topic: “Architecture as a reflection of worldview. Arc de Triomphe - from antiquity to modern times." - presentation
This page lists 8th grade art project topics that can be
Project “Heroes of the Second World War in my family” (school preparatory group)
“Children are heroes of the Great Patriotic War.” Those who stepped into the war from the threshold of school. - presentation
Для любых предложений по сайту: [email protected]