Socially significant project on the topic: “Socially significant project in the lives of students”

This page contains a selection of current topics for projects in computer science and ICT for grade 9, on the basis of which the student, together with the teacher, can choose the idea for study that best suits the requirements. The topic must contain an informative basis - research methods, theoretical significance, practical significance of the work, etc.

This section contains topics for computer science projects for the 9th grade of school, dedicated to such areas of the study of computer technology - the Internet, copyright on the Internet and cybercrime, the history of the creation and development of computers, information reference and search systems, etc.

presented below for research papers in computer science for grade 9 can be modified by specifying or expanding the wording. For example, you can add practical research methods - observation, interviews, questionnaires, surveys. These research methods help not only to collect facts, but to test them, systematize them, identify non-random dependencies and determine causes and consequences.

These topics of project research work in computer science are recommended for 9th grade schoolchildren who want to improve their knowledge in the subject of computer science and further continue their study of information technology and programming.

Topics for computer science projects in 9th grade

Internet v. 1.2.” (tips for modernizing the Global Web). Copyright and the Internet. Vector graphic editors. Capturing and editing digital video using a non-linear video editing system.” Internet addiction is a problem in modern society. Information business. Artificial intelligence and computers. Cybercrime. Coding and processing of audio information. The computer is inside us. (what information processes occur inside a person, (unconditioned reflex, sensation of pain) and evaluate them from the point of view of information theory) World information wars. Training systems. Tools for creating electronic textbooks. About Internet browser programs. About Internet search programs. Training systems. Tools for creating diagnostic and knowledge control systems. MathCad package. Development of mathematical computing software from Eureka to Mathematica. Information system (database) "Borey". Information reference systems in human society. Information search systems in human society. Databases and the Internet. Geographic information systems. Database design and programming. Oracle DBMS. Information system "Galaktika". Information system "Consultant Plus" Information system "Garant Plus".

Project activities in computer science lessons

If I ask you a question: “What school subject are we talking about? This is one of the youngest subjects, its content is constantly updated, its practical significance cannot be overestimated, it equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to study other school disciplines, it prepares school graduates for life in the information society.” I think you will agree with me that we are talking about computer science.

As a computer science teacher, I was faced with the following problem: on the one hand, modern children are able to very quickly master various technological innovations and software, but on the other hand, they experience great difficulties when working with information, the ability to work in a team, and the ability to present information. I plunged into the search for techniques and methods that would resolve this contradiction, would make my work and the work of my students as productive, interesting, and satisfying the needs of modern students and modern society as possible.

Based on theoretical aspects:

  • Polat E.S., Bukharkina M.Yu. – “New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system”;
  • Pakhomova N. Yu. – “Methodology of using “educational projects” when teaching computer science in secondary schools”;
  • Slinkin D.A. – “Using the project method when teaching programming in a computer science course”;
  • Having studied modern pedagogical technologies of student-centered learning, I came to the conclusion that the most effective technology for computer science lessons is project-based learning technology.

I'm working on the problem:

Formation of information and communication competencies and development of creative abilities of schoolchildren in computer science lessons through project activities.

The relevance and social significance of using design technology in computer science lessons is as follows:

In modern society, people are in demand who are capable of self-education and self-development, who can quickly adapt to changing working conditions. A graduate must be prepared for the fact that throughout his life he will have to study, learn new equipment, master new technologies, improve his skills in order to be competitive in the labor market. Today, along with general literacy, graduates’ ability to work in project mode and take initiative in decision-making comes to the fore.

An educated person in modern society is not only and not so much a person armed with knowledge, but who knows how to obtain, acquire knowledge, and do it purposefully as the need arises in solving the problems facing him, who knows how to apply existing knowledge in any situation [2 ].

Focusing on the global goals of the education system, and taking into account the specifics of the subject I teach, I define the goal:

To prepare school graduates who are able to adapt to a rapidly changing world by mastering information technologies through project activities.

Based on this goal, I set myself the following tasks:

  • contribute to the formation of information and communication competencies of schoolchildren, competencies of personal self-improvement;
  • contribute to the development of students' creative potential.

The relevance of this technology is especially increasing at the present stage, when the result of the educational process is not a certain amount of knowledge in itself, but the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in various life situations, i.e. their supra-subjective nature.

“Everything I learn, I know, why I need it and where and how I can apply this knowledge,” is the main thesis of the modern understanding of the project method. The project method is based on the development of students’ cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, the ability to navigate the information space, and the development of critical thinking [3].

In the concept of federal state educational standards for general education, student project activity is considered not only as a technology, but also as the content of learning, since it, to a greater extent than many other technologies, encourages students to demonstrate abilities:

  • to comprehend their activities from the standpoint of a value approach;
  • to goal setting focused on significant results;
  • to self-education and self-organization;
  • to synthesize and generalize information from different sources;
  • to the ability to see a problem and put forward hypotheses;
  • to the ability to make choices and decisions [1].

From work experience

Understanding the accumulated experience, analyzing methodological literature, modern teaching materials in computer science, allowed me to develop my own methodological system for using project technology in computer science lessons.

Project activities in computer science lessons, as in other subjects, must correspond to the content of the education program. Therefore, when drawing up my thematic planning at the beginning of the school year, I highlight the sections that will be submitted for “design”, study and analyze the students’ capabilities, and think through the topics of the projects. I structure the study of sections of computer science so that during the test lesson, students present projects that reflect the acquired knowledge and skills on the topic. Table 1 presents projects that students complete during one section of the program and are presented for defense upon completion of studying this section.

Table 1

Section of the program (grades 8-9) Project at the end of the section
Information and information processes Transfer of information: from messenger to email.
Computer device How to choose a computer yourself?
Text processing Text: history and modernity.
Processing of numerical information Charts and graphs are all around us.
Graphic information processing technology Vector and raster graphics: advantages and disadvantages.
Modeling Graphs in problem solving.
Communication technologies. Internet: for or against?

Having worked using the project method, I can say with confidence that it is the computer science lesson that provides ample opportunities for implementing projects within one lesson while studying a section of the program. Such projects are presented in Table 2.

table 2

Section of the program (grades 8-9) Projects completed within one lesson during the course of studying the section
Technology for processing graphic and video information Photo collage “My native land.”

Slideshow “The school where I study”, “Oh, sports, you are life.”

Modeling Biological models of population development. Graphical solution of equations.
Communication technologies Chatting in Internet. Education online. Data protection.

The topic of projects can vary depending on the educational situation, interests and abilities of the students, and it can also be proposed by the students themselves.

The following factors contribute to the implementation of mini-projects in computer science lessons:

1) searching for information to complete the project from various sources (textbook, electronic textbook, Internet, magazines, encyclopedias, etc.);

2) combining information search on the Internet with the design of the finished product;

3) widespread use of various network capabilities:

  • network drive for exchanging information during operation;
  • cloud technologies for collaboration;

4) the possibility of remote coordination of projects;

5) a wide opportunity to present the finished product as a result of the project (drawing, presentation, website, booklet, photo collage, video, etc.).

Despite the duration of the projects, I highlight the following stages of work on the project.

Table 3

Content Teacher activities Student activity
Stage 1: Immersion in the project
1. Definition of the problem.

2. Formulating a hypothesis about the results and ways to achieve them.

3. Definition of the project goal and stage-by-stage tasks.


project problem;

plot situation;

goal and tasks.

Carry out:

personal attribution of the problem;

acceptance, clarification, specification of goals and objectives.

Stage 2: Organization of activities
1. Determination of deadlines.

2. Selection of means and methods of implementation.

3. Discussion of project evaluation criteria.

4. Choosing a way to present the results.

5. Choosing a form of work


plan activities to solve project problems (establish a “work schedule”);

evaluation criteria;

forms for presenting results;

possible distribution of roles.

Participating in the discussion:

project plan;

evaluation criteria, clarification of controversial issues;

forms for presenting results;

Carry out:

breakdown into groups and distribution of roles in the group.

Stage 3: Implementation of activities
1. Collection, analysis and synthesis of information from various sources.

2. Carrying out research and calculations.

3. Preparation of the material.

4. Design of the finished product.

5. Monitoring and correction of intermediate results.





Working actively and independently:

collecting and searching information from different sources; conduct research, experiments, calculations;

prepare visual and graphic material;

design the finished product; consult as necessary.

Stage 4: Completion of the project
1. Presentation of the project.

2. Examination in accordance with specified criteria.

3. Reflection: discussion of the process and results of work, personal and group achievements.


summarizes the results obtained;

sums up.


They defend the project by demonstrating an understanding of the problem and the solutions found.

Carry out:

reflection of activities and results;

self-assessment and mutual assessment of activities.

Over the years of work, I have tested the methodology for creating educational projects of various types: creative, informational, research, socially significant, networking. We carry out not only single-subject projects (in computer science), but also interdisciplinary ones. Examples of projects are given in tables 4, 5.

Table 4. Typology of projects by subject area

Project type Project
Mono project "Computer device"

“Codes in the life of a modern person”

Interdisciplinary Website "Let's bow to those great years"

Website “Ecology of Kuleshovka: problems and solutions”

Table 5. Types of projects by dominant activity in the project

Project type Project
Creative "From photography to painting"

“Photo collage – as an element of art”

Informational "Macros in spreadsheets"

"Logics. Forms of thinking"

Research “Infographics: yesterday, today, tomorrow”, “ASCII-art - a thing of the past or a modern trend in cyber art?”, “Mobile Internet - a fashion trend or a practical necessity?”
Socially significant Websites: “Ecology of Kuleshovka: problems and solutions”, “Colors of Don nature”, “My village Kuleshovka”;

Presentations: “Pages scorched by war”, “History of my school”, “A healthy lifestyle is the key to your future”, “The Azov region is my pride”;

Video films: “Interview with a veteran”, “Victory Day”, “Do good for the benefit of others”;

Slideshow “Miracles of Russia”, “Oh, sport, you are life!”, “Cities are heroes”

Network Interregional network project “The sorceress-winter is coming...” on the website (ECO-NN Community). Network project on computer science “Spy Passions” on the website

When working on projects, I use the ZIUC tables (I know - I'm interested - I found out - How I found out). Before starting work on the project, the guys fill out the first column of the table “What do I know on this issue?” The second column of the table “What am I interested in?” − this awakening of interest in new information is filled in at the “comprehension stage.” At the end of work on the project, the columns “What did you find out?”, “How did I find out?” are filled in. This technique allows you to activate the students’ existing knowledge and establish their personal attitude to the questions to be answered, allows students to build a semantic chain from what they knew and learned during the work on the project, and helps the teacher organize and control the students’ activities.

An important place in working on a project is its protection. It is necessary to teach children to speak in front of an audience, briefly and clearly state the main points of the work, and defend their point of view. In order for students to competently organize the defense of their projects, I use reference tables with a brief defense plan. Moreover, each team has an individual table. The reference table may vary depending on the type of project.

Table 6. Supporting table for protecting the research project “Symbols around us”

Project name We gave our project a name


Purpose of the study
Tasks Find information about what______

Conduct analysis__________

Make a classification of symbols, create your own symbol.

Object of study

Subject of study

Research methods
Hypothesis We assumed that___________
Research stages We studied ________________


Created your own classification of symbols_________

Created your own symbol using the program _______

Our classification
Our symbol

Your attitude to work.

Table 7. Support table for protecting the creative project “Slideshow “Hero City”

Project name Our project ____________________
Historical reference
Slideshow design and music The selected photographs correspond to _____________
Creative idea.

Your attitude towards work

We think the project is ________________

I have developed and adjusted project evaluation criteria and project defense criteria depending on the type of project.

The use of project technology in computer science lessons allowed:

  • involve each student in activities;
  • create real conditions for conflict-free pedagogy, fostering self-criticism, teaching introspection and reflection;
  • create conditions for the implementation of students’ creative ideas.

As a result of generalizing the experience on the problem of using design technology in computer science lessons, I draw the following conclusions:

  • the need to use project methodology in school education is due to obvious trends in the modern educational system;
  • the project method is widely used in teaching computer science to students, due to the characteristic features described above;
  • the use of project technology gives results at all stages of education in secondary schools, because its essence meets the basic psychological requirements of the individual at any stage of its development.


  1. Gulchevskaya V.G., Osadchenko N.G., Development of an innovative culture of a teacher in the system of advanced training: monograph, Rostov n/D., Publishing house GBOU DPO RO RIPK AND PPRO, 2012
  2. Pakhomova N.Yu., Method of educational project in an educational institution: a manual for teachers and students of pedagogical universities, Moscow, ARKTI, 2005
  3. Polat E.S., New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system, Moscow, Publishing House, 1999.

Topics for research papers in computer science in 9th grade

Sample topics for research papers in computer science for 9th grade students: Pre-computer history of the development of computing technology. Ch. Babbage's contribution to the development of the principles of operation of automatic digital computers. Works of J. von Neumann on the theory of computers. History of the creation and development of 1st generation computers. History of the creation and development of 2nd generation computers. History of the creation and development of 3rd generation computers. History of the creation and development of 4th generation computers. Microprocessors, history of creation, use in modern technology. Personal computers, history of creation, place in the modern world. Supercomputer, purpose, capabilities, principles of construction. 5th generation computer project: concept and reality. Multiprocessor computers and program parallelization. Interactive elements of Web pages and scripts. Search sites and technologies for searching information on the Internet. E-commerce and advertising on the Internet. Youth computer slang Operating system. Principles and objectives. Data organization Color palettes in RGB, CMYK and HSB color rendering systems. The problem of protecting intellectual property on the Internet. Development of Web sites using the hypertext markup language HTML. Raster graphic editors. Distributed database management systems. ORACLE and others. Comparison of mobile operating systems iOS and Android. Network and telecommunications service programs. Computer algebra systems.

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Project activities in computer science: stages and evaluation criteria

How do project activities differ from research activities?

When organizing the creative work of schoolchildren, it is necessary to take into account the difference between types of activities: project
. Sometimes there is a substitution of concepts.


is the acquisition of new knowledge about known objects.
Research activities
are aimed at students obtaining subjectively new ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world using the scientific method. It is assumed that there are main stages characteristic of research in the scientific field.


- this is the creation of new objects with the qualities that we need, which did not exist before.
Project activities
are aimed at identifying the need and creating new objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, different in their characteristics and properties from the known ones; joint educational-cognitive, creative or gaming activity of students, having a common goal, agreed upon methods, methods of activity, aimed at achieving a common result of the activity.

Project activities are more often implemented in schools. This work, coupled with research activities and scientific and technical creativity, constitutes scientific and technical education. One of the main trends in the creative activity of students in computer science lessons is turning to robotics. The kits that schools are gradually equipped with allow students to create new designs and test their theories and programs on them.

Stages of research activity

  1. Studying theoretical material.
  2. Identification of the problem, setting goals and objectives of the study.
  3. Hypothesis formulation.
  4. Mastering research methods.
  5. Collecting your own material.
  6. Processing of collected material.
  7. Generalization, analysis, conclusions.
  8. Presentation of research work.

Compliance with the plan varies depending on the circumstances. For example, with additional education, maximum attention is paid to each stage. During the excursion, it is reasonable to exclude the development of methods, processing of material, presentation of work and leave only the study of theory (brief), setting goals and objectives, collecting material, and drawing conclusions.

Computer Science and ICT. 8-9 grades. Work programs

Computer Science and ICT. 8-9 grades. Work programs

Throughout the entire presentation of the material, solutions to the assigned problems are presented in the form of algorithms, which at the beginning of the course is of a propaedeutic nature, prepares schoolchildren for an easier perception of algorithms in the 9th grade, and then becomes a “good habit” of computer science. The algorithmic style of presentation prepares for an adequate perception of basic algorithmic structures in the future.


Based on the above points, you can create an individual plan for completing the work, indicating for each stage:

  • Content.
  • Dates.
  • Forms of work.
  • Number of hours.

At the same time, it is important to divide the work between the student and the project leader, so that the first has the opportunity to make a significant contribution, and the second has the opportunity to demonstrate his competence. Students’ independent work includes choosing a topic and task, formulating a hypothesis, choosing an object, analyzing results and drawing conclusions. The consulting work of the manager includes creating a theoretical basis, selecting a methodology for the task, drawing up a work plan, selecting a processing technique, drawing up a presentation plan.

Criteria for evaluating the text of a research paper

  1. Compliance of the content of the work with the stated topic.
  2. The clarity of the formulation of the research problem and its validity.
  3. Clarity and meaningfulness of the formulation of the purpose and objectives of the study.
  4. Validity and adequate selection of research methods.
  5. Depth of literature analysis on the topic under study.
  6. Availability of your own empirical data or use of primary sources and their sufficiency.
  7. Depth of independent analysis of the results obtained.
  8. Clarity of conclusions summarizing the study and their connection with the results.
  9. Compliance with work requirements.
  10. High level of complexity of the research (in terms of availability of material, the sequence of stages of research and analysis, methods of collecting material or processing data, etc.)

Criteria for evaluating the text of a project work

  1. The urgency of the problem and the clarity of its formulation.
  2. Compliance of the content of the work with the stated topic.
  3. Clarity and specificity of the formulation of the problem, goals and objectives of the work.
  4. Clarity of description of project implementation methods.
  5. Independent analysis of facts on the stated topic.
  6. Sequence and logic of project implementation stages.
  7. Compliance of the project results with the assigned tasks.
  8. Practical significance of the project.
  9. The extent to which the project has been implemented in practice.
  10. Availability of your own assessment of the effectiveness of the project implementation and assessment of the prospects for the development of the project.

What else should I read?

Where did the Internet come from?

Demo version of OGE-2019 in computer science and ICT

Demo version of the Unified State Exam 2019 in computer science and ICT

Using electronic educational resources in computer science lessons: basic principles and advantages

Questions for teacher reflection

  • How did the author of the work come to you?
  • How did the topic of the work come about (whose initiative, as specified)?
  • At what stages and in what ways was the author’s initiative manifested?
  • How did you support this initiative?
  • How and why were the research topic and methodology adjusted during the work?
  • Which stage was the most difficult and why?
  • How and on whose initiative did you resolve the difficulties?
  • How did you evaluate the success of the author’s work and changes in his attitude towards the matter?

Individual project

Research and practical work usually complements a lesson on a specific topic. More serious, large-scale work is an individual educational project. It is carried out by schoolchildren for one or two years within the framework of study time specifically allocated by the curriculum. The individual project must be presented in the form of a completed academic study or developed project:

  • informational,
  • creative,
  • social,
  • applied,
  • innovative,
  • design,
  • engineering.

By the way, in research work it is harmful to immediately focus on a specific end result.
It is necessary for the teacher to ask a question, and for the student to make his own small discovery in search of the answer. You will find suitable materials for project and research activities in the book “Informatics and ICT. 8-9 grades. Work programs" by D.Yu. Usenkova. #ADVERTISING_INSERT#

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