Social educational project “Physics and healthy lifestyle”

Safety regulations

For experiments at home in physics you will need:

  • Provide safety precautions and instruct the child.
  • It is very important to read the course of the experiment.
  • Provide a safe workplace and use equipment and devices for their intended purpose.
  • Conduct experiments using separate dishes.
  • Do not approach the container where the reaction is taking place.
  • Thoroughly clean the area where the reaction took place, wash your hands and dishes.
  • Carefully pour used liquids into the sink and open the cold water tap in advance.
  • Label the items used for the experiment and put them out of reach of the child.

Examples for preschoolers

Physics experiments at home for preschool children.

Magnetic pencil

Required materials for the experiment:

  • Battery.
  • Thick pencil.
  • Wire. Diameter from 0.2 to 0.5 mm.
  • Insulating tape.

Physics experiments for children at home. Instructions with explanations A magnetic pencil is a spectacular physics experiment that can be easily done at home
. Experiment progress:

  1. Wrap the wire near the pencil, leaving a distance to the edge of 0.5 - 1 cm.
  2. At the end of one row, wind the second row in the opposite direction. Until the wire is completely wound. The main thing is to stock up on two ends of wire about 8 cm long. Secure the turns with tape so that they do not unwind.
  3. Clean the remaining 2 ends of the wire, connecting to the battery.

Result of the experiment: during a physics experiment at home, it was possible to make a magnet capable of attaching small iron objects.


The top is in a vertical position during rotation of the circulation around the axis, and falls as the rotation slows down. During the movement of a multi-colored top, visual elements of color mixing and elements of color dispersion are observed.

Color Experience:

  1. An ordinary top model is sectors. The circle is divided into the corresponding number and painted in different colors.
  2. During rotation, a color change is observed.
  3. The experiment demonstrates the combination of colors. Experiments are carried out with sectors.

When dividing the top into 7 sectors, decorating the sectors depending on the location of the color, during rotation the top will change color, becoming white. The experience that takes place is the mixing of colors. In some cases, the effect is not achieved, but a multi-colored shade is created.

Magic top

Materials and course of the experiment:

  1. Print templates in black and white colors, make 2 tops from the materials.
  2. When the first top spins, rings of different colors will appear.
  3. When rotated in one direction and then in the other, the rings will be different from each other.
  4. The second top becomes like a circle.
  • The illusion is connected by the brain starting to reproduce the area of ​​​​changing colors.
  • White and black affect the color proportion.
  • The speed of the tops affects the color scheme.
  • The top assumes a vertical state when rotated, which is popular in modern technologies.
  • Compasses and stabilizers are installed on ships and airplanes.
  • These devices have the same useful properties as an ordinary top.

lemon battery

The battery is easily created from fruits. The voltage depends on the fruit. The benefit of lemon is citric acid, which is capable of creating an electric current.

Physics experiments for children at home. Instructions with explanations

Required tools:

  • Lemon.
  • Wire (copper). The larger the experiment, the more wire you will need. If you don't have one, you'll need a coin.
  • Zinc plate. A bolt, screws, and wire are used as a plate.
  • Multimeter (measures voltage).
  • Light-emitting diode. (Fixes the current).


  1. Take a lemon and mash it.
  2. Place copper conductors 2 cm deep.
  3. Attach the wire to the rods.
  4. Measure the number of volts using a multimeter.

Assemble 1 more such structure, connecting them together. Or insert another copper wire. Connect them together. A second battery is required as one battery will not light the LED. The lemon battery now produces electricity.

Analysis of experience: Such a battery carries out interaction between conductors. When conductors are placed in the fruit, the metals are found among the acid. The reaction occurs and the ions move around, producing energy.

Experience with inertia

Coin inertia:

  1. Take a coin and place it on a ruler lying on a smooth surface. When you move the ruler, the coin will move. If the ruler is abruptly pulled out from under the coin, the coin will not budge due to inertia.
  2. Take thin paper, throw it over a glass turned upside down, put a couple of coins on a strip of paper. Holding the end of the strip, quickly run a ruler along it. The coins will remain in place.

Research work in physics creative work of students in physics (9th grade) on the topic

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Research work in physics “Types of heating and their efficiency” Completed by a 9th grade student of the Shikhobalovskaya Basic Secondary School Egor Bykovsky Supervisor: physics teacher Lyubov Evgenievna Goffman 2020

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Relevance of the work Thermal comfort in rooms during the cold season is ensured by maintaining a certain air temperature in the house, the temperature of the inner surface of external fences and the surface of heating installations. The purpose of heating is to create thermal comfort in rooms, i.e. thermal conditions favorable for human life and activity. In our village, we spend a large amount of money on utilities and do not imagine that it could be much cheaper.

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The purpose and objectives of my work How and with what to heat your home so that it is as warm, comfortable and economical as possible? Purpose of the work: To identify the most economical type of heating at home. Tasks: 1) Calculate the amount of heat required for heating: A. A two-room apartment with central heating. B. Houses with gas heating. B. Houses with stove heating. 2) Find out heating payments for 6 months. 3) Conduct a comparative analysis of various heating systems. 4) Give recommendations on types of heating.

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Research methods 1. Study of scientific literature. 2. Derivation of formulas. 3. Comparative analysis of the results obtained.

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Residential heating systems A heating network is a system of interconnected members of heat pipelines through which heat is transported from sources to heat consumers using coolants (steam or hot water).

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Types of heating in the village During the course of the work, I found out that in our village there are houses with individual heating (local heating systems) - 82 houses and centralized heating - 16 apartment buildings and 9 public buildings.

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Centralized heating of the village of Shikhobalova

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Calculation of the amount of heat for heating residential premises 1. Calculate the volume and mass of air in a 2-room apartment and house: m = ρ V m = 1.29 kg/m 3 * 54.2 m 2 * 2.5 m = 174.795 kg 2 Let's calculate the amount of heat required to heat the air in a room by 20°C: Q = cm Δt Q =1.01 kJ/kg*°C*174.795 kg*20°C= =3530859 J =84068.7 cal=0 .00084 Gcal

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Calculation of the amount of heat for heating residential premises 3. Calculate the amount of fuel required to heat this mass of air for 1 hour: m = Q / qm (CH 4 ) = 3530859 J / 44 MJ / kg = 0.08 kg m (wood) = 3530859J/13 MJ/kg= 0.27 kg 4. Calculate the amount of fuel required, taking into account that the heating season lasts 6 months: M(CH 4 )= 180 days* 24 hours*0.08 kg=345.6 kg M (firewood)= 180 days*24 hours*0.27 kg=1166.4 kg

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Calculation of the amount of heat for heating residential premises 5. Calculate the cost of heating for 6 months: c(CH 4 ) = 4.24 rubles/m 3 ; c (wood) = 1500 rub/m 3 V (CH 4 ) = 345.6 kg: 0, 717 kg/m 3 = 482 m 3 V (wood) = 1166.4 kg: 650 kg/m 3 = 1.8 m 3 Price (CH 4) = 2043.68 rub. Price (firewood) = 2700 rub.

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Calculation of the amount of heat for heating residential premises 6. Payment for heating for 6 months of the heating period: in a two-room apartment in a panel house is 36,546.24 rubles in a two-room apartment in a stone house is 36,227.04 rubles in a wooden house with individual gas heating - 3,816 rubles. in a wooden house with stove heating - 8000 rubles.

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Why are we overpaying? Where is thermal energy spent?

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Residential heat loss 1. Dependence of energy saving on the material of the house 2. Dependence of heat saving on window frames 3. Dependence of energy saving on the location of the house and the central boiler room

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Conclusions from the work done 1) when building a house, one should take into account the advantages of building materials for heat conservation and window frames for thermal insulation; 2) those living in multi-storey buildings with central heating pay almost 10 times more for heating than in private houses with gas heating. This can be explained by the fact that they pay for all heat losses in heating networks. To reduce heat losses, the length of heating networks should be reduced whenever possible, giving preference to underground heating networks, ideally individual (modular) boiler houses located directly in the house; 3) to reduce costs and increase energy conservation of resources, cost-effective fuel – natural gas – should be used. People living in private houses with gas heating pay the least for heating, which means that this type is the most economical. And they can also turn their heating system on and off at any time depending on weather conditions, saving fuel. 4) this research work can be used in physics lessons when studying the topics “Specific Heat Capacity”, “Fuel Energy” in 8th grade. Specific heat of combustion of fuel”, “Calculation of the amount of heat in thermal processes”, in elective classes on ecology when studying the topic “Energy Saving”.

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Thank you for your attention

For junior classes

Physics experiments at home for primary school children are presented below.

Soap bubbles in the cold

Materials for the experiment:

  • bubble;
  • plastic tube.

Progress of the experiment:

  1. Take the jar of soap bubbles out into the extreme cold, blowing out the bubbles with a plastic tube. Watch the bubble freeze.
  2. Beautiful patterns in the form of crystals will appear on the surface.
  3. When the bubble freezes, a dent will form, but the bubble will retain its spherical shape.

Physics experiments for children at home. Instructions with explanations Analysis of the experiment: Negative temperatures freeze bubbles, since they are largely composed of water. The walls of the bladder become weak. The bubble cools. Crystallization begins. The shell of the soap bubble begins to sag at the top. The bubble dent increases.

Ball under water


  • cup;
  • water;
  • small ball.

Progress of the experiment:

  1. Throw the ball into the glass.
  2. Pour the liquid into it.
  3. Place the ball in the middle.

Analysis: When liquid is added to a glass, its surface becomes convex. And the tension distributed the ball in the glass in the center.

Balls and fire

Necessary materials:

  • Balloons;
  • candle;
  • matches;
  • water.

Progress of the experiment:

  1. Inflate the balloon and tie it.
  2. Fill another ball with water and tie it.
  3. Light a candle and bring the inflated balloon to it, it will burst.
  4. Then bring a ball of water.
  5. After some time, traces of the candle will remain on the ball, but the ball will not burst.

Physics experiments for children at home. Instructions with explanations Analysis: Until the liquid evaporates, the ball does not burst, because the water will take away the main amount of flame from the candle.

Extinguished candle. Fire

Experiment tools:

  • candle, matches or lighter.

Progress of the experiment:

  1. Light the candle, then extinguish it.
  2. Bring the fire to the smoke that comes from the candle.
  3. The candle will light again.

Analysis of the experiment: Smoke rises from a candle because it contains paraffin that ignites. The paraffin reaches the wick and the candle lights up again.

Paraffin motor

Experiment tools:

  • candle;
  • toothpick;
  • glasses;
  • paper;
  • matches.

Progress of the experiment:

  1. Place a toothpick on the candle in the center - this will become the axis of the engine.
  2. Having balanced the structure, place the candle between two glasses.
  3. Light the wicks on both sides.
  4. The structure will gradually begin to swing in different directions.

Physics experiments for children at home. Instructions with explanations Analysis of the experiment: The weight of one end will become greater than the other, which will lead to the movement of one of the ends under the influence of gravity. The pulsation occurs due to a change in the weight of the ends of the candle. The pulsation increases as the flame burns more and more.

Cutting wood using a paper disc

Required tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • matches;
  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • pencils.

Progress of the experiment:

  1. Remove the disc from the grinder. Place the disk on paper and trace its contours.
  2. Make a similar object on paper. Attach it to the grinder by turning it on. Bring a match and cut.

Analysis of the experiment: The disk of paper begins to succumb to the force of inertia, thereby ensuring balance.

Magnet gun

Required tools:

  • several magnets with a diameter of up to 1 cm;
  • metal balls of the same caliber;
  • insulating tape;
  • block or board.

Progress of the experiment:

  1. Attach magnets to the board with tape.
  2. Place 3 balls on the right side of the magnets. Lower the fourth one to the left of the edge of the board.
  3. The right ball should fire.

Physics experiments for children at home. Instructions with explanations Analysis: The rod is a prototype of the cannon. The balls represent charges. A separate ball is gunpowder. The ball is in attraction with the magnet, thereby attracting it. The magnet, using attraction, accelerates. The kinetic energy of the magnet is transferred to the other ball. This is how the shot occurs.

Physics 5-8 grade

Experiments in physics at home for children in grades 5-8.

Magnetic motor

Experiment tools:

  • microbattery;
  • needle nose pliers;
  • magnet;
  • spiral.

Progress of the experiment:

  1. Place the side of the battery where the minus is drawn on the magnet.
  2. If you have a wire spiral, do not connect its ends.
  3. The structure must balance.
  4. Using thin-nose pliers, make a dent in the battery.
  5. The wire structure is placed on the microbattery.
  6. At the top, the structure is located in a recess, not in contact with the magnet.

Analysis: The battery is a power source, a weighty base for the rotor. A magnet conducts electricity. The wire frame is a rotor with built-in brushes. Using a microbattery, particles are moved. Electricity, under a magnetic field, moves under the influence of the Ampere force.

Physics experiments for children at home. Instructions with explanations
The magnetic field is perpendicular to the current strength, which ensures the movement of the elements in a circle. The experiment demonstrates heat generation. As the motor runs for a period of time, the microbattery will begin to heat up.

Magnetic parachute

Required tools:

  • cylindrical magnet;
  • metal pipe.


  1. First, throw the magnet down without using the pipe.
  2. The magnet will fall to the floor.
  3. Pick up the magnet and throw it into the pipe again.
  4. Look into the pipe and watch the magnet fall.

Analysis: Magnet is associated with electricity. As the magnet moves, it can exert influence over the magnetic field, altering it. Circular currents are created due to the action of a magnetic field.

The current creates a magnetic field by interacting with a magnet. This causes the magnet flux to become smaller. The decline of the magnet is stopped by the magnet, which is attracted by the magnetic field.

Water candle

Experiment tools:

  • candle;
  • glass with liquid;
  • smooth glass.

Progress of the experiment:

  1. Light a candle in a transparent glass filled with water.
  2. The candle does not go out.

Analysis: A candle and a glass are located on either side of the glass. The space between the glass and the candle should be level, which will allow the candle to burn in the glass. The glass displays a candle located at a distance from the glass equal to the distance from which the object is displayed. It looks like a burning candle under water.

Water Journey


  • glass of water;
  • dye;
  • ordinary napkins.

Physics experiments for children at home. Instructions with explanations

Progress of the experiment:

  1. Take glasses. Pour water into 3 of them and paint them with different colors.
  2. Take 2 more glasses. Leave them empty.
  3. Roll up the napkin, place part of it in one of the glasses with colored water, and place the rest of the napkin in one of the two empty glasses.
  4. Combine all glasses.
  5. The napkins will soon be saturated with water, and the glasses that are not filled with water will be filled. The liquid will be an intermediate color.
  6. The phenomenon will end when the water reaches the same level in all glasses.

Analysis: Colored water will rise through capillary channels using a tension surface, saturating the napkins. 2 empty glasses will fill with liquid due to the different location of the water. The pressure will equalize, the water level in all glasses will become the same - the movement of water will end. Homogeneous liquid in 5 glasses will be at the same level.

Socially significant project “Physics around us” physics project

municipal government educational institution "Rybkovskaya secondary school"

Safonovsky district, Smolensk region

Socially significant project

in physics

"Physics around us"

Project manager: Gurenkova V.A., physics teacher

Project implementation period: 2020 -2019.

Project abstract:

Physics is all around us, yes, yes. Unfortunately, when you sit at a school desk, you often understand little. But, looking around, you can understand that physical phenomena and processes are everywhere, without them the world would collapse.

Creativity, cognition, self-expression, together with the interests and abilities of students’ personalities, are the main factors in physical education and upbringing.

For the development and formation of a high level of thinking, the most favorable age is primary and secondary school. By the 7th grade, a child already has his own picture of the world. A lot of effort is required from the teacher to awaken a keen interest in the phenomena of the surrounding world. The solution to the problem is the introduction of early profiling. A seventh-grader's interest in science drops as soon as problem solving begins, because the child does not have time to enjoy the delights of science or feel the need for experimental research.

One of the key ideas for modernizing education is the idea of ​​developing competencies. The personal competence of a teenager is not limited to a set of knowledge and skills, but is determined by the effectiveness of their application in real practice. To be competent means to be able to mobilize existing knowledge, experience, one’s mood and will to solve a problem in specific circumstances.

One of the most effective programs that creates conditions for ensuring a sustainable communication process aimed at developing the competence of adolescents is working on a project.

The implementation of this project will solve the following problems:

  1. Lack of interest in the subject of physics.
  2. Self-realization of students.
  3. Lack of early (propaedeutic) training in the subject.
  4. Formation of an active life position

Project goals:

  1. Increasing interest in the subject for all students.
  2. Increasing the activity of primary and high school students.
  3. Development of communicative UUD
  4. Development of competencies.

Project objectives:

1. Create a creative association of students from different classes to solve problems.

2. Increase interest in the subject among students of primary and high school

Project implementation methods

1. Collect a collection of entertaining experiments (for demonstration and frontal experiments).

2. Conduct a demonstration of entertaining experiments, a frontal experiment during Science Week at school.

3. Collect a selection of interesting educational information about scientists, phenomena, professions, i.e. about everything related to the subject “physics”.

4. Conduct a presentation of the selected information

5. Placing materials in folding folders “Physics around us”

Project implementation timeframe

The project is designed for 5 years (2015-2019)

Relevance of the project

In developing interest in a subject, one cannot rely only on the content of the material being studied. If students are not involved in active activity, then any meaningful material will arouse in them a contemplative interest in the subject, which will not be supported by cognitive interest. In order to awaken active activity in schoolchildren, they need to be offered an interesting and significant problem. The project method allows schoolchildren to move from mastering ready-made knowledge to their conscious acquisition.

The nature of the organization of the content of educational material, the implementation of practical work and frontal experiments in virtually every lesson contribute to the formation of universal educational actions and, ultimately, the ability to learn.

Active participation in the project will allow the children to feel their competence. They will feel more confident and act as tutors to their younger schoolmates.

Stage 1 Organizational

Deadlines Goals and objectives Activities of the project curator Student activities
September-October 2020 1. Create a creative association of students from different classes to solve problems. 1. Conducting propaganda and explanatory work

Stage 2: Statement

Deadlines Goals and objectives Activities of the project curator Student activities
November 2015

December May 2015

1.Planning the work on the project
2. Collect a collection of entertaining experiments (to be demonstrated and performed by each child). 2.Conducting individual consultations with students. 2. Independent work with books, methodological literature on a selection of interesting, spectacular, entertaining experiences.
3. Collect a selection of interesting educational information about scientists, phenomena, i.e. about everything related to the subject “physics”. 3.Conducting individual consultations with students. 3.Independent work with books, methodological literature on a selection of interesting educational information about scientists, phenomena, professions

II. Transformative

Deadlines Goals and objectives Activities of the project curator Volunteer activities

academic year

1.Planning work on experimental teaching of students. Individual consultations on drawing up group work schedules for volunteers in this area Drawing up group work schedules for volunteers in this area
2. Development of a methodology for selected experimental tasks for frontal and demonstration experiments. Individual consultations with groups of volunteers Development of a methodology for selected experimental tasks for frontal and demonstration experiments.
3.Development of scenarios, lectures, etc. on the use of a selection of interesting educational information about scientists, phenomena, professions, i.e. about everything related to the subject “physics”. Individual consultations with groups of volunteers Development of scenarios, lectures, etc. on the use of a selection of interesting educational information about scientists, phenomena, professions, i.e. about everything related to the subject “physics”.
4. Conduct a demonstration of entertaining experiments, frontal experiments in classroom hours in elementary school. Provide methodological assistance when conducting classes, if necessary. Conduct a demonstration of entertaining experiments, frontal experiments in classroom hours in elementary schools.
5. Conduct a presentation of selected information during class hours at the middle level. Provide methodological assistance when conducting classes, if necessary. Conduct a presentation of selected information during class hours at the middle level

(in an entertaining way for students).

6. Posting information about scientists, phenomena, and interesting facts on information stands. Provide pedagogical, psychological, methodological, and technical assistance to students. Individual work on

- selection of topics

practical execution of work

-method of execution

-protection of the declared project

III. Final

Deadlines Goals and objectives Activities of the project curator Volunteer activities
2019 Show the effectiveness of the project by increasing interest in the subject for all students Preparation for project defense Product of activity:

developed skills in working with information, improving the quality of knowledge, increasing interest in the subject, increasing the activity of students, focusing on technical professions.

Show effectiveness by increasing the activity of high school and middle school students
Show the effectiveness of vocational guidance for middle and senior level students in technical professions.

For high school students

Physics experiments at home for children in high school.

Singing glass

To experience physics at home you will need:

  • glass;
  • water.

Physics experiments for children at home. Instructions with explanations

What should be done:

  1. Fill the product with water and wipe around the edges.
  2. Rub a wet finger along the edges; the glass will make a sound similar to singing.

Glass and liquids


  • glass beaker;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • salt;
  • red wine;
  • oil;
  • alcohol.

Progress of the experiment:

  1. First, pour water into a glass.
  2. Make a paper semblance of a horn, bending the ends into a 90-degree angle. Gradually pour the wine from the paper structure into the glass. Wait until the wine reaches the water level.
  3. Make a second cone and pour sunflower oil in the same way.
  4. Make a third cone and pour alcohol from there.
  5. There will be 4 layers of liquids in the glass.

Analysis: The ingredients are placed in the glass one by one. Liquids with the highest density are at the bottom, and the lightest ones are at the top.



  • candle;
  • nails;
  • a glass or other item filled with water;
  • matches.

Physics experiments for children at home. Instructions with explanations


  1. Place a nail on the end of the candle.
  2. Place the nail so that the paraffin and wick are above the water.
  3. Light the candle wick.

Analysis: The candle will begin to rise to the top in a couple of minutes. A funnel will appear next to the wick. Such emptiness will lighten the candle, thereby it will burn to the end.


Materials for the experiment:

  • sheets of paper;
  • candle;
  • scissors.

Progress of the experiment:

  1. After cutting the spiral, place it at the end of the wire.
  2. Place the spiral in the air above the candle.

Physics experiments for children at home. Instructions with explanations Analysis: Due to the expansion under the influence of energy, which begins to move, the snake begins to rotate.


You will need:

  • water;
  • cup;
  • alcohol;
  • cork.


  1. Place mascara with alcohol in a glass.
  2. Make a hole inside.

Analysis: The hole will fill with water, displacing the ink because it has more density than alcohol. The liquid will begin to float to the top.


For an experiment at home in physics, you will need 15 matches.


  1. Place a match on a smooth surface (table), place the remaining matches with their ends reaching the table.
  2. To begin with, lift any match, and all the others will begin to rise after it.

Analysis: The last match is placed just so that everyone gets up behind it.

Pot stand

For the physics experience at home you will need:

  • fork;
  • plate;
  • pot;
  • napkin ring.


  1. Place a couple of forks on the napkin ring.
  2. Place dishes on top.
  3. Pour water into the pan, placing it up on the stand.

Physics experiments for children at home. Instructions with explanations Analysis: The effect demonstrates states of stability and balance.


For the experiment you will need citrus, a glass of water and wine. Instead of wine, milk or alcohol is also used.

Physical experience and its sequence at home:

  1. Remove the skin of the orange by cutting it in half.
  2. Pierce the bottom of the citrus and place in a glass.
  3. The citrus should have a larger caliber compared to the middle of the glass, thereby the citrus will be able to hold on without falling to the bottom.
  4. Place the citrus on a glass.
  5. Pour alcohol or wine into the citrus peel. The liquid will pass through the hole until the wine is at the bottom of the citrus cup.
  6. Water - add it to the edge. The wine will rise to the water, and it will go down to the bottom of the structure. After some time, the liquids will change places.

The article presented the simplest experiments, their descriptions and explanations.

Interesting facts, experiments, and physics experiments attract the attention of children and contribute to their development. The main rule for conducting experiments at home is knowledge of safety precautions.

Author of the article: Matyuk Egor

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Projects in physics lessons: pros and cons

Project activity is a controversial topic

The introduction of project activities as mandatory is not new.
This method of teaching was introduced in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. The Soviet government banned it as incompatible with the new structure of society, but over time, project activity was revived and again took pride of place in the educational process. However, is it really possible to fully implement it in a modern school? For example, in a physics lesson? Let's figure out what real project activity is. Project activity is a unique activity that has a beginning and an end in time, aimed at achieving a predetermined result or goal, creating a specific, unique product or service.

So the key word is unique.

. That is, the student’s finished project should be a certain product that has not existed before. Many works are just imitation. For example, in elementary school, creating a simple craft from a pine cone (and, as a rule, through the efforts of parents) can hardly be called a real project activity. So does creating a presentation for older students. A presentation is nothing more than a possible form of presenting your work; it can be a defense of the project, but not the project itself.

If we talk about seventh-graders in physics lessons, then in rare cases they will be able to carry out real project activities, since this process requires basic knowledge and a clearly planned structure of work. There are very few children who are capable of making a worthwhile project at the initial stage of studying physics.

What in a modern school is a real project activity, and what is its imitation, and why? Let us consider on the basis of controversial types of project activities that are often mentioned in the methodological literature.

Physics. A basic level of. Grade 10. Workbook

Physics. A basic level of. Grade 10. Workbook

The proposed workbook is an integral part of the educational and methodological complex, which includes a textbook, a notebook for laboratory work and a methodological manual by the same authors. The electronic supplement to the textbook is available on the website The notebook contains computational, qualitative and graphical problems, which are grouped by topic in accordance with the chapters of the textbook. In each topic, examples of solving typical problems are considered, tasks for independent solution and a training test are given. The manual is intended for organizing independent work of students when studying new material, as well as for consolidating and testing acquired knowledge in physics.


Types of project activities

Research projects. They require a well-thought-out structure, goals, relevance for all participants, thoughtful methods, experimental and experimental work, methods for processing results.

Research activity is the main method in physics; we obtain all results precisely in this way. The study can be completed in one lesson, and experts recommend replacing some traditional laboratory work with this form. However, research cannot be a project, since it does not imply a specific result and, in principle, may not lead to any result. Research and project have many similarities: they require independent work by the student according to a clear structure to achieve given goals. But they should not be confused.

Creative projects. They do not have a detailed structure, they develop as work progresses, only the final result is planned (a published newspaper, a video film).

Nowadays, a creative project is called much of what was previously called a creative work, a creative task. However, if any newspaper, any video film shot on a phone or other student work is called a project, this simply neutralizes the concept of project activity. In addition, something that does not have regulated stages of work cannot be called a project. How to combine creativity and project activities in physics classes? For example, you can organize the publication of a thematic magazine. We are not talking about creating one issue, but about organizing a school publishing house with a distribution of roles (editor, correspondent, designer, etc.), with setting deadlines, and with a clear distribution scheme. A project could also be, for example, a video problem book, for which students prepare videos with different plots, and from them problems are created.

Game projects. The structure is just outlined and remains open until the end of the project. Participants take on certain roles determined by the content of the project. These can be literary characters or fictional characters that imitate social and business relationships.

Previously, such an activity was called a didactic game

. The lack of structure deprives such work of the status of a project. It is a completely different matter if students themselves create a new game with physical content. It could be a board game with cards or even a computer game. Such a project becomes the pride of students and teachers; children in younger classes use it with interest. Of course, you can’t make a game in one physics lesson, but you can devote one lesson to presenting the project.

Information projects. Aimed at collecting information about an object. Structure: purpose, methods of obtaining and processing information, result, presentation.

An essay or report cannot in any way be a project, although in schools they are often replaced by real projects. At best, an abstract or report becomes the result of research activity. Here the substitution of concepts is especially dangerous. Taking someone else's text, presenting it as your own work, and actually receiving an award for plagiarism is falsification of project activity. It is not surprising that after that the student can engage in “borrowing” at the university, during scientific activities.

Practice-oriented projects. A clearly defined result (product), a carefully thought-out structure and timing of each stage, a clear definition of the functions of each participant, coordination of work stages, presentation of final results, evaluation of work.

This type of work corresponds to the project description and is the only one that fully relates to project activities. It can involve creating a game, a device, a 3D model, and much more.

You can find specific topics for project activities in physics in the textbook “Physics. 8th grade".

What else should I read?

New federal list. Recommendations for teachers. Mathematics. Physics. Astronomy

Research activities of students in physics lessons

Educational mini-projects in a physics course. “Kinematics problems”, 7th grade

Why is metal cold?

Conditions for project activity as a leading teaching method

At this point, there is an obvious contradiction. On the one hand, the project method is one of the leading teaching methods in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. On the other hand, the class-lesson system and the “repeat-learn” principle are the only form of education in the vast majority of Russian schools. There is no doubt that the best form of teaching physics is experimental research. But she demands:

  • Abolition of the traditional class-lesson system.
  • Serious and long-term retraining of existing teachers on the basis of scientific laboratories and research centers, and not in fictitious courses.
  • Complete changes in programs and teaching methods in pedagogical universities.
  • The teacher has free time to prepare.
  • A variety of modern equipment and various materials.
  • Significant investment in the education system by the state.

Of course, any work should be within one’s capabilities, and obliging a child to complete a real project is not humane. Without the appropriate conditions, even more so. If a student does not understand from the first grade that a project is painstaking and responsible work, he will later carry this misunderstanding into adulthood.

Teacher Vadim Muranov is a permanent speaker of the Russian Textbook corporation. To ask him a question or challenge a point of view in real time, follow the schedule of online webinar broadcasts!

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