02.10.2016 Makhonina S.A. “Game training for children 4-5 years old”

Training game “Walking in the Park”

Goal: to develop in children the ability to establish cooperative relationships using verbal and nonverbal means of communication.

Participants in the training game are divided into “sculptors” and “clay”. Sculptors “sculpt” their sculptures from clay: an animal, a fish, a bird, a toy, etc. Then the sculptures freeze, and the sculptors walk around the park, guessing their names. Only the participants change roles. The teacher is the main expert, he likes all the sculptures and praises them.

Training game “Guides”

Goal: to develop empathy, teach role behavior, ways of communicating with people who have any special needs.

Option 1. The players are divided into pairs. One child stands in front with his eyes open. The other, at arm's length, slightly touching the back of the person in front, stands up with his eyes closed. These are "guide dog" and "blind". The guide first slowly begins to move around the room, the “blind” follows him, trying not to get lost, then the speed of movement gradually increases. Pairs change roles.

Option 2. The “guide” and the “blind” actively communicate with each other, coordinating the direction and speed of movement.

Option 3. “Grandmother” and “grandson”, “grandfather” and “granddaughter”, holding hands, must overcome obstacles together (walk along a narrow path, go around a puddle, step over a stream drawn with chalk, etc.). “Grandchildren” carefully suggest to “blind” old people how best to move.

Training game "Lunokhod"

Goal: to promote children’s assimilation of the norms and rules of relations of management and subordination in conditions of cooperation.

Equipment: individual “control panels”.

The participants of the game are divided into pairs. Half of the children are “lunar rovers”, the other half are employees of the “control center”, who at a distance, using “buttons” and commands, control the movement of the “lunar rovers” to a specific goal. This game is good to play on the site, on rough terrain.

The winner is the couple that, thanks to the precise execution of commands from the “control center,” most consistently and amicably overcomes all obstacles, without allowing any collisions or accidents. Then the children change roles.

Training game “Welcoming guests”

Goal: to train children in applying the norms of etiquette accepted in our society and other countries when meeting guests, using verbal and non-verbal means of communication; cultivate kindness and hospitality.

Option 1. Famous fairy tale characters flew to visit the children in a blue helicopter: Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena, Pinocchio, Thumbelina, Carlson and Doctor Aibolit. It is necessary to greet and receive guests in different ways, given that Cheburashka is still small, and Doctor Aibolit is already old.

When greeting, use verbal and non-verbal means of communication (facial expressions, gestures), follow the following rules:

  • look into the guest's eyes,
  • smile, tilting your head slightly.

During the game, it is clarified when it is appropriate to say the word “hello”. Is it okay to say this to your friend? to an adult?

Option 2. Guests can be representatives of different countries. How to greet foreigners? What do their greetings mean?

Training game “Farewell”

Goal: to promote the assimilation of norms and methods of communication adopted when saying goodbye.

The teacher reports that it is time for the guests to fly away. Finds out that you can say goodbye not only with words, but also with movements - you can say goodbye with a nod of the head, eyes, etc. Children are encouraged to say goodbye using verbal and nonverbal means of communication. Each child can choose their own way of saying goodbye.

Card index of psychological games and exercises.

One of the most important tasks of a teacher is to contribute to the creation of a friendly team, a relaxed atmosphere in the group, and to ensure the psychological comfort of each child. How to teach a child to forgive, persuade, resolve disputes? How to teach people to overcome negative emotions, control themselves, and trust each other? Of course, like everything else in the game. Therefore, I created for myself a card index of psychological games and relaxation exercises, and selected the most interesting ones: those that I will actually use. And I use it with success. All of them were not just written down and printed, but also tested by me in the real conditions of a kindergarten. The authors of these games are very different. I collected them from everywhere: from open classes with colleagues, from books, brochures, from children's parties, from children's programs on television. I recorded a lot of games during advanced training courses at APPO in St. Petersburg. At the lectures of the remarkable practicing psychologist, CPN, methodologist of the highest category, Nina Vasilievna Panova. My file cabinet is stored on cards, so I offer you this very convenient option. Games can be arranged according to a system convenient for you: by age, or by the activity of children during the game, or by the goals that the game solves.

The photo shows a fragment of the most favorite relaxation exercise in our group, “Greeting”

"Press conference"


develop effective communication skills; cultivate a desire to communicate and make contact with other children; teach children to ask various questions on a given topic and maintain a conversation.

Game content:

All children in the group participate. Any well-known topic is chosen, for example: “My daily routine”, “My pet”, “My toys”, “My friends”, etc.

One of the participants in the press conference - the “guest” - sits in the center of the hall and answers any questions from the participants.

Sample questions for the topic “My friends”: Do you have many friends? Are you more interested in being friends with boys or girls? Why do your friends love you, do you think? What should you be like to have more friends? What should you not do with your friends? Etc.

"Role gymnastics"


Teach relaxed behavior, develop acting abilities, help to feel the state of another being.

Game content:

choose short poems that are well known to children.

Offer to recite
a poem:
1. Very quickly, “at machine-gun speed.”

2. As a foreigner.

3. Whisper.

4. Very slowly, “at a snail’s pace.”

Go like:

a cowardly bunny, a hungry lion, a baby, an old man, ...

Jump like

: grasshopper, frog, goat, monkey.

Sit in the pose:

birds on a branch, bees on a flower, a rider on a horse, a student in a lesson, ...

an angry mother, an autumn cloud, an angry lion, ...

Laugh like

: good sorceress, evil sorceress, little child, old man, giant, mouse, ...

develop a desire to communicate with peers; overcome shyness; find different ways to achieve your goal.

Game content:

The presenter distributes small objects to all participants: a button, a brooch, a small toy,... . It's a secret. Participants pair up. They must persuade each other to reveal their “secret”.

Children must come up with as many ways of persuasion as possible (guessing; giving compliments; promising a treat; not believing that there is something in the fist, ...)
“My good qualities”

teach overcoming shyness; help you realize your positive qualities; increase self-esteem.

Game content:

Each child must remember his best qualities within a few minutes.
Then everyone sits in a circle and takes turns talking about themselves. (Give everyone the opportunity to speak and do not force them if someone refuses.) “I am the best at …”

learn to overcome shyness, build a sense of confidence, and increase self-esteem.

Game content

: children sit in a circle, the leader gives the task to remember what each of the participants does best (for example, sing, dance, embroider, perform gymnastic exercises, ...).
Then the children take turns showing this action with gestures. "Wave"

learn to concentrate; manage your behavior.

Game content

: children are invited to depict the sea, which, depending on the weather, can be very different.

The presenter gives the command “Calm!”
All the children freeze. At the command “Wave!” children line up and join hands. The presenter indicates the strength of the wave, and the children squat and stand up at intervals of 1-2 seconds, without letting go of their hands. The game ends with the command “Calm!” (you can first talk about marine painters, show reproductions of Aivazovsky’s paintings). “Mimic gymnastics”

learn to understand mood-appropriate facial expressions; be aware of your emotional state.

Game content:

Children are asked to use facial expressions to perform a number of simple exercises that will help them learn to correctly express certain emotions: surprise, fear, resentment, anger, sadness, joy, delight. Emotions can be depicted on cards and placed face down. The child pulls out a card and depicts this emotion. Children must guess the emotion.

When children have mastered facial expressions well, you can add gestures and an imaginary situation.
For example, a child pulled out a card with the emotion “joy.” He not only depicts joy, but also puts himself in a specific situation: he found a gift under the tree, drew a good portrait, saw a plane in the sky, ....) “Collect an emotion”

learn to identify expressed emotion from individual facial fragments; develop the ability to recognize emotions; develop color perception.

Game content:

You will need a sheet of pictograms, sets of pictograms cut into pieces, colored pencils, sheets of paper.
Children are given the task of assembling pictograms so that the correct image of the emotion is obtained. The facilitator then shows a sheet of sample pictograms for the children to check. You can ask children to draw any picture, choosing a pencil that matches the collected emotion (according to the child!) “My mood.
The mood of the group." Goals:

teach children to be aware of their emotions and express them through drawing.

Game content:

Each child from the group draws their mood on a piece of paper with a pencil of the same color.
The works are then hung and discussed. You can take one large sheet and invite the children to choose a pencil color that suits their mood and depict their mood. As a result, you can see the general mood of the group. The game is considered as a variant of drawing tests. It is necessary to pay attention to what colors the children used, what they drew and in what part of the sheet. If children used predominantly dark colors, talk with the children and play a fun active game. “Listening to Silence”

relieve muscle tension; practice concentration; learn to manage your emotional state.

Game content:

At the leader’s signal, the children begin to jump and run around the room, stomp and clap.
At the second signal, children should quickly squat down or sit on chairs and listen to what is happening around them. Then you can discuss what sounds the children were able to hear. “Charge of vivacity” relaxation exercise

help children cope with feelings of fatigue, help them tune in to an activity or switch their attention; improve mood;

Contents of the exercise

: children sit on the floor, take hold of their earlobes with two fingers (thumb and forefinger) and massage them in a circular motion 10 times in one direction and 10 times in the other, saying: “My ears hear everything!” After this, the children lower their hands and shake them.

Then place the index finger between the eyebrows above the nose. They also massage that point 10 times in each direction, saying: “Wake up, third eye!” At the end of the exercise, shake your hands.

Then they gather their fingers into a handful and massage the point located at the bottom of the neck, saying: “I breathe, breathe, breathe!”
"Brownian motion"

promote team cohesion; learn to work in a group, communicate with peers, and make joint decisions.

Game content

: Participants move freely around the room.
At the leader’s signal, they need to unite into groups. The number of people in the group depends on how many times the leader claps his hands (you can show a card with a number). If the number of participants in the group does not match the announced number, the group must decide for itself how to fulfill the conditions of the game. "Cauldron"

promote team unity; removing the state of aggression; learn to control your emotional state; develop coordination of movements, dexterity.

Game content:

A “cauldron” is a limited space in a group (for example, a carpet).
During the game, participants become “water droplets” and move chaotically on the carpet without touching each other. The presenter says the words: “the water is heating up!”, “the water is getting warmer!”, “the water is hot!”, “the water is boiling!”, .... Children change their speed depending on the temperature of the water. It is forbidden to collide or go beyond the carpet. Those who break the rules leave the game. The winners are the most attentive and dexterous. "Invasion"

promote team unity, relieve feelings of fear and aggression; foster mutual assistance; develop agility and speed.

Game content

: a blanket is laid out on the floor.
Children "get into spaceships and arrive on any planet." Then they walk freely around the planet. At the presenter’s signal “Invasion!”, the children must quickly take refuge from the aliens all together under one blanket. Those who do not fit in are eliminated from the game. “Pass it around”

contribute to the formation of a friendly team; learn to act in concert; develop coordination of movements and imagination.

Game content

: Children sit in a circle.
The teacher passes an imaginary object around in a circle: a hot potato, a piece of ice, a frog, a grain of sand, etc. With older children you can play without naming the object. The object must go through the entire circle and return to the driver unchanged (a potato must not cool down, a piece of ice must not melt, a grain of sand must not get lost, a frog must not jump away). “Coin in the fist” relaxation exercise

relieve muscle and psychological tension; master self-regulation techniques.

Contents of the exercise

: give the child a coin and ask him to squeeze it in his fist.
After holding his fist clenched for a few seconds, the child opens his palm and shows a coin. At the same time, the child’s hand relaxes. To diversify tactile sensations, you can give your child various small objects. Older children can guess what is in their hand. “Pick up the toy” relaxation exercise

: relieving muscle and psychological tension; concentration of attention; mastering the diaphragmatic-relaxation type of breathing.

Contents of the exercise:

the child lies on his back on the floor.
A small, stable toy is placed on his stomach. On the count of 1-2, the child inhales through his nose. The belly inflates and the toy rises. On the count of 3-4-5-6 - exhale through the mouth, lips folded into a tube - the stomach deflates, the toy falls down. "The King's Salute"

: relieving muscle and psychological tension; creating a positive attitude in the group; developing the ability to manage your emotions.

Game content:

Participants line up in two lines.
Those in front place their hands on each other’s shoulders. They form a kind of fence for those standing behind. Those standing behind need to lean on the fence and jump as high as possible, greeting the king with a smile, waving either his left or his right hand. At the same time, you can make greetings. Then the fence and spectators change places. Children should feel the difference in muscle tension: when they were a wooden, motionless fence, and now, jubilant, joyfully jumping people. “Find and remain silent”

development of concentration; education of a stress-resistant personality; fostering a sense of camaraderie.

Game content:

children, standing, close their eyes.
The presenter places the item in a place visible to everyone. After the driver’s permission, the children open their eyes and carefully look for him. The first one to see the object should not say or show anything, but sit silently in his place. Others do the same. Those who have not found the object are helped in this way: everyone looks at the object, and the children must see it by following the gaze of the others. “Box of Experiences” relaxation exercise

relieving psychological stress; developing the ability to recognize and formulate one’s problems.

Contents of the exercise:

The presenter shows a small box and says: “Today we will collect all the troubles, grievances and disappointments in this box.
If something bothers you, you can whisper it directly into the box. I'll let her go in circles. Then I will seal it and take it away, and with it, let your worries disappear. "Sharks and Sailors"

: promote team unity; removing the state of aggression; learn to control your emotional state; develop coordination of movements, dexterity.

Game content

: children are divided into two teams: sailors and sharks.
A large circle is drawn on the floor - this is a ship. There are many sharks swimming in the ocean near the ship. These sharks are trying to drag the sailors into the sea, and the sailors are trying to drag the sharks onto the ship. When the shark is completely dragged onto the ship, it immediately turns into a sailor, and if the sailor gets into the sea, then he turns into a shark. You can only pull each other by the hands. An important rule: one shark - one sailor. Nobody interferes anymore. “Cows, dogs, cats”

development of the ability for non-verbal communication, concentration of auditory attention; fostering a caring attitude towards each other; developing the ability to hear others.

Game content

The presenter says: “Please stand in a wide circle. I will go up to everyone and whisper the name of the animal in their ear. Remember it well, because later you will need to become this animal. Don’t tell anyone what I whispered to you.” The leader whispers to each child in turn: “You will be a cow,” “You will be a dog,” “You will be a cat.” “Now close your eyes and forget human language. You should only speak the way your animal “speaks.” You can walk around the room without opening your eyes. As soon as you hear “your animal,” move towards it. Then, holding hands, the two of you walk together to find other children who “speak your language.” An important rule: do not shout and move very carefully.” The first time you play the game, you can play it with your eyes open. "Scouts"

: development of visual attention; formation of a cohesive team: ability to work in a group.

Game content

: “obstacles” are placed in a random order in the room.
The “scout” slowly walks through the room along the chosen route. Another child, the “commander,” having memorized the road, must lead the squad along the same path. If the commander finds it difficult to choose a path, he can ask the squad for help. But if he goes on his own, the squad is silent. At the end of the journey, “the scout can point out errors in the route. “Piano” relaxation exercise

: relieving muscle and psychological tension; establishing interpersonal contacts; development of fine motor skills.

Contents of the exercise

: Everyone sits in a circle, as close to each other as possible.
The right hand is placed on the knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left hand on the knee of the neighbor on the left. In a circle, take turns making movements with your fingers that imitate playing the piano (scales). “Who will stomp/stomp on whom” relaxation exercise

: relieving psychological and muscle tension; creating a good mood.

Contents of the exercise

: The group is divided into two parts.
Everyone starts stomping or clapping at the same time. The team that clapped or stomped louder wins. “Applause” relaxation exercise

establishing interpersonal contacts; creating a favorable microclimate in the group.

Contents of the exercise

: children stand in a wide circle.
The teacher says: “You did a great job today, and I want to clap for you. The teacher selects one child from the circle, approaches him and, smiling, applauds him. The chosen child also chooses a friend and approaches him together with the teacher. The second child is applauded by two people. Thus, the last child is applauded by the whole group. The second time, it is no longer the teacher who starts the game. “Creating a drawing in a circle”

establishing interpersonal contacts; creating a favorable microclimate in the group; development of fine motor skills and imagination.

Game content

: Everyone sits in a circle.
Each participant has a piece of paper and a pencil or pen. In one minute, everyone draws something on their sheets. Next, they pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right, and receive the sheet from the neighbor on the left. They finish drawing something in one minute and again pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right. The game continues until the sheet returns to the owner. Then everything is reviewed and discussed. We can arrange an exhibition. “Greeting” relaxation exercise

establishing interpersonal contacts; creating a favorable microclimate in the group;

Game content

: Participants are divided into pairs. The first numbers become the inner circle, the second - the outer.

Hello Friend!
They shake hands.
How are you doing?
They pat each other on the shoulder.
Where have you been?
They pull each other's ears.
I missed!
They put their hands on their hearts

You came!
They spread their arms to the sides.
They hug. “Boring, boring”

the ability to survive a situation of failure; nurturing altruistic feelings in children; education of honesty.

Game content

: children sit on chairs along the wall. Together with the presenter, everyone pronounces the words:

It's boring, boring to sit like this,

Keep looking at each other.

Isn't it time to go for a run?

And change places.

After these words, everyone should run to the opposite wall, touch it with their hand and, returning, sit on any chair.
The presenter removes one chair at this time. They play until one of the most dexterous children remains. The dropped out children play the role of judges: they monitor compliance with the rules of the game. "Shadow"

development of motor coordination, reaction speed; establishing interpersonal contacts.

Game content

one participant becomes a traveler, the rest his shadow. The traveler walks through the field, and two steps behind him is his shadow. The shadow tries to exactly copy the traveler's movements. It is desirable that the traveler perform movements: pick mushrooms, pick apples, jump over puddles, look into the distance from under his hand, balance on a bridge, etc. “The Lord of the Ring”

training in coordination of joint actions; learning to find ways to collectively solve a problem.

Game content

: you will need a ring with a diameter of 7-15 cm (a roll of wire or tape), to which three threads, each 1.5 - 2 m long, are tied at a distance from each other.
Three participants stand in a circle, and each takes a thread in their hands. Their task: acting synchronously, lower the ring exactly onto the target - for example, a coin lying on the floor. Options: eyes are open, but no talking is allowed. The eyes are closed, but you can talk. “Visiting the Zoo” (relaxation exercise)

relieving muscle and psychological tension; establishing interpersonal contacts.

Contents of the exercise

: Participants break into pairs and stand one after another. The presenter stands behind one of the participants about visiting the zoo, massaging the back of the one standing in front.

1 .
It's morning at the zoo. A zookeeper cleans the paths with a rake (using his fingers, make movements from top to bottom and from right to left).
2. Then he opens the gates of the zoo

use the edges of your palms to the right and left of the spine)
3. The first visitors arrive
(use your fingertips to run down the back).
4. They go to the giraffe enclosure and watch them jump joyfully

short, rare strong pats on the back).
5. Nearby there is a pen with lions.
Now they are distributing food, and the lions greedily eat the meat (they knead their necks and shoulder blades with both hands).
6. Then visitors go to the penguins, who glide happily towards the water
(slowly run your palms down the back next to the spine).
7 .
You can hear the wild jumping of a kangaroo (“stomping” your fingertips on your back).
8. Nearby there is an enclosure with elephants

push slowly and firmly on your back with your fists).
9. And now visitors go to the terrarium with snakes

Snakes crawl slowly across the sand (make movements with your palms similar to those of a snake).
10. Now the crocodile opens its mouth and grabs food ( pinch legs and arms briefly and firmly


11. And here the hummingbird has flown into the nest and is making itself comfortable there
(put your fingers in your hair and tug it slightly).
12. And now visitors go to the exit and get on the bus

Run your fingertips along your back and place both hands on your shoulders, then remove your hands and change places).
During the massage, do not perform any actions in the spine area!

Previous articles:
  • Thread applique in the senior group
  • Paintings made of wool by children's hands
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