Intellectually - a creative game for September 1 for grades 7 - 8, class hour (grade 7) on the topic

An intellectual game already presupposes that erudites are participating in it. And since they are erudite, their level of education, their horizons, and, of course, their intellect, suggest that they will be able to come up with an original name and motto for their team, because their knowledge is wide and their intelligence is high.

What the name is is clear to everyone. It is a word or phrase that expresses the essence of what the team is about. But what is a motto? This is a description of her aspirations, behavior, goals. This French word speaks to how the team sees itself and how it wants to be perceived by others. It is the names and mottos that will be discussed in the article.

How to choose team names and mottos for an intellectual game?

A lot depends on the name of the team, because it determines the initial mood of the players. It is unlikely that the team that will be called “The Defeated” will strive for victory. Therefore, it is worth delving into memory and literature and choosing a sonorous, catchy name. By what principles can this be done?

For intellectual play

  1. Come up with a new word or phrase. This can be achieved by combining different words. Let it be as unusual as possible - this way you will immediately declare yourself and your claims to victory. For example, the name of the team “Exactly That” - in this case, the capital letter in the word “That” indicates the name of the ancient Egyptian deity - a symbol of knowledge and great wisdom, and therefore hints that you are worthy of victory. The motto can be chosen by playing on the name itself: “It is the one who will win today.”
  2. Make up an anagram or abbreviation. The same word “intelligence” can be “inverted” as “Letkintel” (and let the opponent puzzle over what this word means), and the names of the players can be combined into the name “BRAIN”, meaning the first letters of the names of team members Mikhail, Oleg, Zoya, Gennady. Yes, and don’t forget about the motto: “The collective BRAIN is a lethal force!”
  3. Use well-known folklore finds, paraphrasing proverbs, phrases from films, books, or combining them. “Going around the mountains” - here is a reminder of a well-known proverb, and a phrase from a song about normal heroes who always go around, from the film about Doctor Aibolit. The motto suggests itself: “He who goes uphill will lose, he who goes around will win.”
  4. Use a popular mythological plot that is known to every scholar and will become an understandable allegory. For example, “Labour No. 13” will immediately recall the 12 labors performed by Hercules, and will lay claim to the thirteenth, namely, victory in the game. The motto can be chosen with humor: “Let’s catch up and overtake Hercules.”
  5. It will be very interesting to play on the names of popular players-experts, for example, the same Alexander Druz, probably the most famous player in “What? Where? When?”: “A friend and his friends.” You can also play with the motto: “A friend has countless friends and victories.”

What? Where? When?

Features of intellectual games

How are team names chosen for mind games? Their history is interesting and deserves separate consideration. Such games do not include chess, checkers, or “The Weakest Link.” Currently, according to the rules of real intellectual duels, “Own Game”, “What? Where? When?”, as well as “Erudite Quartet”.

The name of teams for intellectual games is used in sports competitions that have gained popularity recently. The essence of the competition is that several teams simultaneously answer the same questions. The answers are written down on a piece of paper, with the team name and question number indicated on the reverse side. A special person (counter) is selected to record the correct answers. The game is designed for a certain number of questions. At the end, the results are announced and the winner is announced.

Team name and motto for an intellectual game at school

Schoolchildren, especially junior and middle school students, of course, have not yet reached the level of knowledge to use complex concepts without the teacher’s prompting. Therefore, team names and mottos are usually chosen among simple, publicly available words and concepts that will be clear to both the team members themselves and their rival peers.

Here are some examples:

  1. The name of the team is “Dobryaki”. The motto can be the couplet: “Give the world goodness - everyone around will become light.”
  2. The team name is Dynamite. As a motto, you can use the following slogan: “The erudites have gathered here, we are explosive dynamites.”
  3. The team name is “Optimists”. The following motto would suit her: “Optimists have gathered here, their victory will be clear!”
  4. The name of the team is “Comet” , and the motto could be: “We are a flying comet, the whole planet knows about us.”
  5. A team of girls can take the name “Scarlet Sails” and tell about themselves with the motto: “We raise the scarlet sail and win the battle of knowledge.”

Intellectual games on history: team name and motto

If historians compete in an intellectual game, then the team names and mottos simply must be associated with this fascinating science.

  1. The name of the team is “Camelot” , the motto is “In King Arthur’s castle we will defeat everyone in two rounds.”
  2. The name of the team is “Aurora” , the motto is: “With the goddess of the dawn, we will win one, two, three.”
  3. The name of the team is “Victoria” , and they perform under the motto: “We win like royalty!”
  4. The name of the team is “Middle Ages” , the motto is: “Like knights of the Middle Ages we declare a crusade against the ignorant.”
  5. The name of the team is “Napoleon” , the motto is: “Napoleon has come to you, let’s arrange a knowledge attraction.”

For intellectuals

Lesson summary “Types of intellectual games”

Lesson notes


: Zudenkova Natalya Vladimirovna,

teacher of additional education at the MBU DO "Center for Children's Creativity" of the first qualification category.

Description of work

: the material may be useful for additional education teachers working in the natural sciences and socio-pedagogical areas.

Explanatory note

While a person plays, he develops!

Chinese philosophy

The relevance of the presented material is justified by the fact that in modern conditions great importance is given to the intellectual education of children, and intellectual recreation is becoming increasingly popular.

One of the most important conditions for activating students’ cognitive activity, developing their independence and thinking is play.

The game arouses the interest and activity of students and gives them the opportunity to express themselves in activities that are exciting for them, and contributes to faster and more durable memorization of the material being studied. Knowledge of the material is a prerequisite for active participation in the game, and sometimes a prerequisite for winning. The game makes it possible not only to improve, but also to acquire new knowledge, since the desire to win forces you to think, remember what you have already covered and remember everything new. Intellectual play is an integral part of the educational process, one of the forms of generalization and consolidation of material. It gives each student the opportunity to demonstrate acquired general educational skills, demonstrate intellectual abilities, and reveal the versatility of their interests, thereby creating incentives for self-development in the student.

This event is aimed at creating conditions for the formation of a sustainable interest in intellectual recreation, developing the cognitive interest of students, and testing the erudition of participants.

Methodological development is an extracurricular event that is held among students aged 11-13 years (grades 5-7). An analogue of the television quiz “Own Game”.

The scope of application of this methodological material is additional education, integrated lessons at school.

Expected results:

— involvement of each student in an active cognitive process;

— development of students’ creative abilities;

- passion for intellectual games (intellectual recreation).

The peculiarity and novelty of this work in comparison with existing developments lies in the integrated type of material and an integrated approach to content.


: Types of intellectual games.

Type of lesson:



introduce students to types of intellectual games



- to form non-standard thinking, the ability to analyze, compare, synthesize, generalize, highlight the main thing, prove and disprove;

— to form students’ ideas about the types of intellectual games;

- introduce methods of group play.


develop students’ cognitive abilities: memory, attention, observation, imagination, reaction speed;

- develop an interest in acquiring knowledge.


— to cultivate moral interpersonal relationships, to evoke a desire to be erudite people.

Equipment (training aids):

— laptop, LCD TV, presentation, handouts (cards with tasks), musical accompaniment.


  1. Organizing time

    (2-3 min.)

Teacher's word


Hello guys! My name is Natalya Vladimirovna. This is not the first time we have met some of you - you came to us at the Center for Children's Creativity to participate in tournaments of experts.

Slide number 1

Today I will give you a lesson in which I will talk about the types of intellectual games. The motto of the lesson will be the words “It’s fashionable to be smart!”

What does it mean to be smart?

Suggested answers:

know a lot, read a lot, study well, be able to think, have an opinion, be able to make a decision.

Teacher's word


Slide number 2

Yes you are right. The explanatory dictionary says that “Mind is the totality of the abilities for thinking, cognition, understanding, memorization and generalization.” This means that an intelligent person is a person who knows how to think, uses his head (not everyone does this and not always) and has the necessary material for this (subject knowledge).

Slide number 3

What can be called the opposite of mind?

Slide number 4

Opposite of Mind

- stupidity, lack of intelligence - dementia.

And synonyms for the word “mind”

can you pick it up?

Slide number 5

Suggested answers:

reason - prudence - reason - genius - erudition -
intellect - intellectuality
Slide No. 6

  1. Introduction to the topic

    (5-7 min.)

Teacher's word


The most complete synonyms are the words intelligence, intellectuality.

There is even such a type of relaxation - intellectual. Has anyone heard of this type of holiday?

Slide number 7

Suggested answers:

guessing crosswords, puzzles, riddles and rebuses, fillwords.

Teacher's word


Slide number 8

From early childhood, without even knowing it, we are faced with intellectual tasks like “guess the riddle” or “find the difference in the picture.” Later we learn to solve and compose crossword puzzles. There is a lot of “smart” entertainment. For example, rebuses, metagrams, annagrams, loggriffs.

Slide number 9

But the most interesting, in my opinion, are the puzzles - logogriffs

. These are encrypted words in which ordinary words are hidden. You can find them if you rearrange the letters.

Slide number 10

For example: KRANAIT is a painting.

Slide No. 11
(+ cards)
Slide No. 12

I suggest you practice! Guess what is encrypted among these letters: RAIG - game, NGRI - ring, CHOKVOL - top, LEPO - field.

You deciphered more than just words.

Slide number 13

All your answers are related to games, but not outdoor and sports games, but intellectual games: “Your Game”, “Brain Ring”, “What? Where? When?”, “Field of Miracles”.

I suggest you play one of them. BUT! It's time for us to warm up. I invite everyone to go to the middle of the assembly hall.

Physical education pause

(2-3 min.)

Slide number 14

Since we have to think a lot, we, of course, need to warm up the organs that help the head work (head tilts, circular rotations). You will need a quick reaction, so you need to stretch your hands (clasp your hands together and make wave-like movements).

In the game “What? Where? When?" There is a mandatory attribute - a black box in which hidden objects are taken out. We also have such a magic box, and in it lies what we will talk about. Please each take out one item from the box (pictures of a rocket and fireworks). At my command, start passing the picture to the neighbor on the left until I inform you that the exercise is finished (turns left and right).

  1. Practical part (

    5+15+3 min.)

      Teacher's word


Slide number 15

Each of you is left with a picture of a rocket or fireworks in your hands. I ask those who have a rocket in their hands to take a seat at the gaming table with a blue lamp. I invite those who are holding a picture with fireworks to the yellow gaming table.

As you may have guessed, it’s not just that you sit at different tables. Why do you think?

Suggested Answers

: We divided into teams, we will play.

Teacher's word


Absolutely right. The players of the team .... sit at one table (students answer), and the team ... sits at the other table.

You are participants in the popular intellectual duel “Own Game”. Explaining the rules of the game


— on the screen you will see a table indicating the topics of the question and the price of each question in points (the more complex the question, the more points for the correct answer);

- you have the right to choose the topic and complexity of the question;

— time to think about the answer – 30 seconds;

— you can answer only after the presenter’s sound signal;

- on the tables you have signal buttons that you must press if you are ready to answer;

— the team that presses the signal button first responds;

— the team with the most points is considered the winner.

Safety precautions

(since buttons and lamps are powered by electricity):

— do not touch the buttons with wet hands;

- do not bend the wires.

Since our lesson today is devoted to intellectual games, and the participants are all erudite, smart guys, then tell me why the names of the teams are associated with a rocket and fireworks?

Suggested answers:

Cosmonautics Day and Victory Day are coming soon.

Teacher's word:

You truly deserve the title of “smart and clever.” On April 12, Russia celebrates Cosmonautics Day, and May 9 is Victory Day over Nazi Germany.

This year, 2020, would have been Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin’s 85th birthday. Who is this?

Suggested Answers

: answers: the world's first cosmonaut, a person who flew into space.

Teacher's word


Slide number 16

That is why the topics of the questions are devoted to space, the Great Victory and our small homeland.

The first to start the game will be the team that answers in what year the first human flight into space took place.

(a system of signal buttons is used).

    1. “Your own game”
      (slides with questions of students’ choice)

1 theme “Secrets of space”


10 points - On November 3, 1957, the first cosmonaut dog was launched into space on the Soviet ship Sputnik 2. What is the name of this dog (answer: Laika).

20 points – During the launch of the spacecraft, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin uttered a phrase that became a catchphrase. What did this phrase sound like? (answer: “Let’s go!”).

30 points - Yu.A. Gagarin studied at the 1st Chkalov Military Aviation School named after K.E. Voroshilov. In what city was this school located? (answer - Chkalov, now Orenburg).

2 theme “Great Victory”


10 points – school No. 1 in the village of Novoorsk is one of the oldest in our country, therefore, it was built before the Great Patriotic War. What happened to the school during the war? (answer: there was a hospital in the school building).

20 points - the name of this man, who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously on October 17, 1943 for the courage and courage shown during the crossing of the Dnieper, is immortalized in the Novoorsky district. Who are we talking about? (answer: Alexander Vasilievich Kalachev).

30 points - what was the number of the evacuation hospital in Novoorsk? (answer - 3921)

3 topic “My small homeland”


10 points – one of the streets in our village is named after a Soviet cosmonaut. Name this street (V. Komarova).

20 points - this river received its current name after the suppression of the rebellion of Emelyan Pugachev. Before that it was called Yaik. What river are we talking about? (answer - Ural).

30 points – which city was originally built on the site of the city of Orsk? (answer: Orenburg).

Slide number 26

  1. Summing up the results of “Your Game”, rewarding.
  • Reflection

    (3-5 min.)

  • Teacher's word


    Thank you, dear experts, you did a great job today. Now you know that you can rest intellectually. We are convinced that being smart is both fashionable and interesting. Our motto has proven itself.

    Tell me, did you like the game you took part in?

    Each student notes the pros and cons of his game, answering the questions:

    — what did you like? What difficulties did you have?

    — would you like to participate in intellectual games in the future or not?

    — Did you feel comfortable in the team or not?

    Teacher's word:

    I invite everyone who liked the activity to attach their team sign (rocket or fireworks)

    ). Look at the firmament we have created: many intergalactic rockets are cutting through the airspace, a bright fireworks light their way!

    I wish you to be bright and joyful, like the bursts of this fireworks. And purposeful, like these rockets

    1. Lesson summary

      (3 min.)

    Slide number 27

    Thank you all for your help in conducting the lesson. I couldn't have done it without you. I hope I have convinced you that being an intellectual is great. And, of course, I invite you to participate in regional battles of experts.


    Intellectual games in mathematics: team name and motto

    Mathematicians are closer to numbers than letters, hence the proposed team names and motto:

    1. The name of the team is “Three Fat Men” , the motto is: “You shouldn’t look down on when there are three fat men in the game.”
    2. The name of the team is “Integral” , the motto is: “The Integral team will blow your mind.”
    3. The name of the team is “Logarithm” , the motto is: “Like natural logarithms, we are very intelligent.”
    4. The name of the team is “Plus” , the motto is: “Plus knowledge, plus desires = victory in the game for effort.”
    5. The name of the team is “Hypotenuse” , the motto is: “Team “Hypotenuse” will add embarrassment to the opponent.”

    Name and motto

    Features of smart commands

    How to choose a team name and motto for an intellectual game? The players are sociable people who try to spend their free time together. During joint trips to the movies, hiking trips, and nightclubs, team members not only discuss past games, but also think through tactics of behavior during intellectual tournaments. Intellectuals, whose meaning in life lies precisely in acquiring new knowledge, have their own special slang. This is confirmed by the interesting names of teams for intellectual games.

    For example, a common person associates a kangaroo with an animal living in Australia. Intellectuals who call their team “Kangaroo” mean the translation of this word from the language of the local aborigines. It sounds like “I know that I know nothing.” Players warn representatives of other teams in advance that they have many young players who do not yet have full experience of participating in intellectual duels.

    Intellectual games in the Russian language: team name and motto

    Needless to say, teams competing in knowledge of the Russian language are best suited for team names and mottos that play on linguistic terms.

    1. Team “Verb” with the motto: “We burn out not hearts with verbs, but victory.”
    2. The name of the team is “Ellipsis” , the motto is: “We know a lot, but we hide even more behind the ellipsis.”
    3. The name of the team is “Adverb” , the motto is: “Our adverb gives rise to eloquence.”
    4. The name of the team is “Complex Sentence” , the motto is: “A complex sentence is admirable.”
    5. The name of the team is “Question Mark” , the motto is: “You ask questions - we give answers.”

    Intellectual games for preschoolers: team name and motto

    Kids need not only simple tasks, but also simple names that children can cheerfully announce, and a motto that they can remember and say loudly. There are many such examples.

    1. The name of the team is “Smile” , and the motto is: “Our smile is like a goldfish; if it flaps its fin, it will bring victory.”
    2. The name of the team is “Kapitoshka” , and the corresponding motto is: “Extend your palm, welcome Kapitoshka!”
    3. The name of the team is “Friendship” , you can choose the motto: “We are a friendly team, and also good-natured.”
    4. The name of the team is “Sun” , the motto is: “We shine with the rays of the sun, we give joy and a smile to children.”
    5. The name of the team is “Winnie the Pooh” , the motto is: “Winnie the Pooh and Piglet don’t care about all questions.”

    Choose a name for a team of kids
    Articles for children and about children:

    • Poems about numbers - for preschoolers and schoolchildren
    • What boy's name to choose for his middle name Artemovich
    • First things for a newborn
    • Physical education lessons in verse - for preschoolers, schoolchildren
    • Crosswords for children 6-7, 8-9, 10-12 years old - the best selection

    Intellectual games “What? Where? When?" (for students in grades 5-6 and 9-11)

    Questions for the intellectual game “What? Where? When?" for high school

    1. According to folk legends, the creation of Japanese writing and the choice of existing hieroglyphs were influenced by creatures very close to people. Who are they? (These are chickens with their own unique paw prints)

    2. How should Europeans look at Arab miniatures to see them the way Arabs see them? (The Arabs write from right to left, which left an imprint on their entire culture. The eyeball also moves accordingly. Therefore, in order for the movement of a European’s eye to coincide with the movement of an Arab’s eye and for him to see the true picture, you need to look at the miniature using a mirror)

    3. In the first half of the 18th century, a fashionable headdress was a cocked hat, decorated with braid and feathers, but it was usually not worn, but held on the crook of the left arm. Why? (Wearing a hat on the head was hampered by a fashionable powdered wig, but a cocked hat was a necessary accessory for bowing)

    4. Everyone knows Leonardo da Vinci’s painting “Mona Lisa” (“La Gioconda”). What detail of appearance is missing from the woman depicted on the canvas, while every person has this detail? (Brows)

    5. The French and English claimed the hand of this beautiful lady. At the same time, the dispute between them turned into an armed clash, as a result of which the lady herself was injured. Who is this lady? (Venus de Milo. The statue was found intact, but then lost its arms as a result of an armed clash)

    6. What was the name in Rus' of the work of apprentices who beat logs from logs to make wooden spoons? (Knock it off)

    7. How is the traditional Japanese art of miniature netsuke sculpture related to the Japanese kimono? (The kimono has no pockets, and all necessary items are attached to the belt using a keychain-counterweight. The role of such a keychain is played by the netsuke)

    8. Francis Drake, when meeting Queen Victoria, raised his hand and covered his eyes with it. After the corsair explained the meaning of this gesture, the queen bestowed the title on Drake. How did the famous pirate explain his gesture? What does this gesture mean now? (“The beauty and splendor of the queen blinded me,” Drake replied. Now this gesture is a military honor)

    9. In the 14th-16th centuries. this outfit was worn by men. Starting from the 17th century, it became exclusively female. He had many names: blinder, kumashnik, motley, fur coat, etc. What kind of outfit are we talking about? (Sundress)

    10. Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich wrote an inscription on a book dedicated to falconry, which later became a famous Russian proverb. Reproduce this inscription. (“Business is time, fun is an hour.” According to V.I. Dahl’s dictionary, one of the meanings of the word “fun” is falconry)

    11. A Russian folk riddle asks: “What are they looking at and not seeing? What do they know about and don’t know?” The ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus said this: “While I exist, she is not yet there, and when she comes, I will no longer be.” What is it about? (Death)

    12. As you know, the national flag of France consists of 3 stripes: blue, white and red. But the width of the stripes is not the same. They correlate like this: 30-33-37. Why? (It is with this proportion that the stripes of these colors seem the same)

    13. Why do workers in Athens at night scatter specially brought pieces of marble around the Parthenon? ((It is fashionable for tourists to take pieces of marble from the ruins of a temple as souvenirs. The Athenian authorities were forced to resort to this deception in order to save the outstanding monument from destruction)

    14. As you know, you can climb into any open window from both one side and the other, regardless of whether it faces west or east. Which “window” was arranged in such a way that, open to the western side, it did not make it possible to get into it from the other side, although it was at ground level? (St. Petersburg - the “window to Europe” - was built as a fortress guarding Russia’s western borders)

    15. How did wide ladies' skirts cause the mass extermination of whales? (The domed skirts of the 18th century retained their volume thanks to frames, the best material for the manufacture of which was whalebone)

    16. Why did the French writer Guy de Maupassant prefer to dine in a restaurant located on the Eiffel Tower? (Belonging to the number of ardent opponents of the Eiffel Tower, who claimed that it disfigured the appearance of Paris, Maupassant preferred to dine in the restaurant located on it because it was the only place in the city where this tower is not visible)

    17. For what purpose did ladies in the 16th century. wore animal skins suspended on a chain from their belt? (These skins must have collected fleas, which infested abundantly in the folds of fluffy dresses)

    18. Super blitz (questions for one player). Topic - "Calendar"

    1) Everyone knows astronomical time, but there is also biological time. In what units is it measured? (In generations)

    2) What consequences did the recording made in the 12th century have for Russia? : "January 30, Friday. Before lunch the day was cold and windy, and after lunch it thawed... the frost at night was unbearably bitter”? (This was the first weather report. This is how the weather service was organized in Moscow)

    3) The father, with a sly smile, asked his first-grader son a question: “Name the largest, last number.” When I received the answer, I was very surprised. What number did the son name? (31. This is the largest number of days in a month)

    19. Black box.

    It is inextricably linked with the sea. It was a component of the armor of warriors in Ancient Greece. In Ancient China it served as money. What is this? (Salt, which, for example, was used to soak the canvas armor of an ancient Greek warrior)

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