Class hour “The path to yourself” class hour (9th grade) on the topic

Open class hour in 9th grade “Choosing a profession is a responsible step” class hour (9th grade)

Methodological development of a class hour in the 9th grade on the topic “Rainbow of Professions”

Goal: To introduce students to various professions, to develop a keen interest in the diverse world of professions using various techniques.


  1. Fostering a respectful attitude towards different types of professional work as socially equivalent.
  2. Students acquire deep and comprehensive knowledge on the problem of choosing a profession.
  3. Formation of a complex of motives for choosing a profession: self-realization and self-affirmation, the desire to benefit family and loved ones, satisfaction of material needs.

Form of conduct: conversation.

Guys, in the 9th grade, society requires professional self-determination from you, albeit initially. I would like to start our class hour with the lines of a poem by V. Mayakovsky for children, it has a very adult meaning:

My years are growing. Soon I will be seventeen. Where should I work then? What should I do?

And indeed, very little time will pass and you will be faced with a difficult choice on which your life will depend.

How can you make the right decision that you won’t regret later?

Choosing a profession is one of the most serious choices: its randomness and lack of meaningfulness are potentially tragic. Therefore, it is very important to properly study yourself and your capabilities. Research shows. That people who are dissatisfied with their profession not only do not achieve high results, but also get sick more often and have a low mood.

Thus, when making a decision, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the pros and cons, and not be guided by the principle: “everyone went, and I went,” “it happened that way,” “I wanted to.”

Of course, there are different situations in life, and not everything always works out the way we want.

For example: A person dreams of becoming a musician all his life. He really has talent. He enters the conservatory, but upon graduation he is forced to engage in, say, commerce in order to feed his family.

How do you think this person’s life might turn out?

They speak out. Teacher - At best, he will be glad that he lives in abundance, but on the other hand, he will regret all his life that he never realized his dream, did not realize his talent. Perhaps he will feel like a failure, believing that he would bring more benefit to himself and people by being a musician. On this basis, he may develop a feeling of dissatisfaction.

What factors do you think guide modern youth when choosing a profession?

2-3 people speak. (Prestige of the profession, salary, example of parents, own interests.)

Teacher: You are right, the prestige factor is now often present when choosing a profession. But we must admit, this is not the most correct principle of choice, since prestige is akin to fashion, and fashion, as we know, is very fleeting.

Therefore, what formula can we derive for successful choice?

In fact, choosing a profession “stands on three pillars”:


Let's take a closer look at them:

I WANT – personal goals, interests, needs.

I CAN - taking into account one’s capabilities, abilities, and health status.

Here you can recall the words of I.A. Krylov “Take on what you are inclined to, if you want your business to have a successful end”

How do you understand this statement? 2-3 people speak.

(A person is always better at what he is interested in, what he is good at, then he gets satisfaction from his work, and the work turns out to be of high quality).

Teacher: Absolutely right. And you will agree that it is happiness when abilities and interests, i.e. “I want” and “I can” coincide.

How can this be called in one word? (Vocation)

Right. But in addition to mental abilities, it is also necessary to take into account physical capabilities.

For example: some people are more suited to calm, measured work, while others are more suited to constant business trips and expeditions.

Another example: A person can adapt to any conditions, so almost every practically healthy person could do any job, but at what cost? You can pay different prices for success. It is measured in physical and mental health costs.

For example, an unsociable person with a profession that requires communication experiences nervous overload from frequent contact with people. As a result, his performance decreases, emotional stress can lead to physical illness. A sociable person can achieve the same, but not at the same cost.

NEED – labor market needs. There are more than 50,000 professions in the world. Some of them are very common - a doctor, a teacher, a salesman... Others number only a few.

What rare professions do you know? (prompter, oceanographer)

Some professions are very ancient, while others appeared quite recently. Sometimes, not even every adult can explain what kind of activity is hidden behind a particular name.

For example, music video director, promoter, merchandiser...

What modern professions can you name? They answer.

Try to explain the essence of the work of a person in this profession. What qualities should he have? (if the children find it difficult, the teacher suggests certain professions and explains the essence of the work of people in these professions)

Who would you like to become? Why?

We have already discussed what factors should be guided when choosing a profession.

To make this task easier for graduates, scientists in many countries are trying to create a classification of professions. In our country it is customary to use the classification of Professor E.A. Klimov. Let's remember her. I will give definitions of categories, and you name professions that can be classified into one category or another.

Man - nature - this type unites professions whose representatives deal with objects, phenomena and processes of living nature. (veterinarian, beekeeper, hydrologist, biologist)

Man - technology - people of this type work with technical devices (pilot, driver, mechanic, electrician)

A person - a person - the owner of a profession of this type is closely connected with other people, influences them (teacher, doctor, journalist, psychologist, tour guide)

A person is a sign system - people of this profession must be able to operate with abstract concepts, have a broad outlook (accountant, scientist, computer operator)

A person is an artistic image - people of this type of profession are distinguished by the presence of a living way of thinking, the presence of imagination, talent (artist, composer, actor, poet)

Today we will conduct two tests to see what type of professions you are inclined to, and what type of activity is contraindicated for you.

Test No. 1

I invite two students to come up to the board and write in a column for one the positive qualities of the profession, becoming an optimist for a minute, and for the other - the negative qualities of the profession, becoming a pessimist for a minute. And you guys will help them.

So, for example, a very popular profession these days is journalist.

Let's check how realistically we can evaluate it, what is the level of awareness about it.


  1. The work is of great social importance;
  2. High profit payment;
  3. Meetings with interesting people;
  4. Business trips that give you the opportunity to see a lot;
  5. Use of modern technology.


  1. Difficulties associated with getting a job;
  2. Frequent business trips complicating personal life;
  3. Difficulties in obtaining education (availability of printed works);
  4. Great responsibility;
  5. Nervous overload;
  6. Irregular working hours;
  7. Constant communication with people.

Conclusion: When choosing this profession, you need to weigh all the pros and cons, and this choice is individual for everyone.

Class hour The way to yourself for students in grades 8-9

The way to yourself

Traditionally, older adolescence is considered the age of personal self-determination. Self-determination is inextricably linked with understanding oneself, one’s capabilities and aspirations. Meanwhile, many ninth-graders do not know what they want, cannot clearly formulate their goals and principles, do not have a moral ideal, and cannot adequately evaluate themselves. The proposed class hour is an hour of communication on topics of psychology and morality (self-knowledge, self-esteem, ideals, goals, principles). The scenario uses a variety of methods: interactive conversation, problem situation, questioning (self-characterization), group work, game situations. At the end of the class hour, each student must make a self-characteristic (based on the questions in the questionnaire).


— expand children’s understanding of self-knowledge, self-development, self-determination;

- to form a positive moral assessment of such qualities as determination, will, perseverance, desire to work on oneself;

— promote the formation of adequate self-esteem;

- encourage children to analyze their actions, thoughts, feelings, to self-observation, self-knowledge, and self-improvement.

Class plan:

  1. The teacher's opening speech is the theme of the class hour.
  2. Epigraphs for the class hour.
  3. Setting goals and objectives (problem).
  4. Work in groups “Determining the level of self-esteem.” (3-5min)
  5. Problem situation “How to evaluate yourself?” (work in groups - 3-5 min)
  6. Working with concepts: goals, principles, ideals.

a) goals (work in groups - 3-5 min)

b) principles

c) ideals (work in groups - 3-5 min)

7. Drawing up a self-characteristic (answers to questionnaire questions).

8. Game “Mask, I know you!”

9. Final word.

10 Summing up (reflection).

Progress of the class hour:

  1. The teacher's opening speech is the theme of the class hour.
  2. Epigraphs for the class hour:

He who correctly points out my mistakes is my teacher; he who rightly marks my right actions is my friend; he who flatters me is my enemy. (Xun Tzu)

It's not who you think you are, but who you really are that matters. (Publius Sirus)

  1. Setting goals and objectives (problem).

Soon you will graduate from 9th grade and you will have to choose your future path: 10th grade, work, technical school. Someone will make this choice consciously and independently, while others still don’t know what they want. Ninth-graders know many formulas, theorems, rules, laws, can solve difficult problems and evaluate literary characters, but not everyone can answer the questions: who am I? What am I? What kind of person do I want to be? What do others think of me? Today we will learn to answer these questions.

The great German poet I.V. Goethe said: “An intelligent person is not one who knows a lot, but one who knows himself.”

Can you consider yourself smart people?

What do you know about yourself? (physical capabilities, state of health, character, temperament, talents, abilities, tastes, habits, will, strengths/weaknesses).

You need to get to know yourself in order to objectively assess your abilities and capabilities. What will this give? Why do we need proper self-esteem at all? (find out your calling, choose a profession, avoid mistakes and disappointments, behave correctly with others, correctly determine your goal in life).

Indeed, a person who objectively assesses his abilities and capabilities will be able to accurately choose his calling and determine his goal in life. It is easier for such a person to avoid the collapse of life plans, disappointments, and mistakes. And if troubles arise, he will look for the cause not in others, but in himself.

4. Work in groups “Determining the level of self-esteem.” (3-5min)

How can you recognize a person with correct self-esteem? Here is a table of characteristics of people with different self-esteem. But someone mixed up the signs.

How to correctly place words in columns?

I suggest discussing this question in groups, writing down your answers on pieces of paper, and
justifying your choice!
Overstated: arrogance, self-confidence, impudence, hot temper.

Low: passivity, touchiness, suggestibility, cowardice.

Objective: poise, self-confidence, modesty, self-esteem.

What can you advise a person with

- high self-esteem? (be more self-critical, learn to see your weaknesses, do not consider yourself superior to others)

- low self-esteem? (play sports, overcome your cowardice, learn to say “no”)

— objective self-esteem? (don’t lose self-confidence, work on your shortcomings, don’t brag about your strengths)

5. Problem situation “How to evaluate yourself?” (work in groups - 3-5 min)

From the outside it is easy to determine what kind of self-esteem a person has, but it is more difficult to evaluate oneself. Listen to a story about the problems of one ninth-grader.

Grandmother and mother believe that Natasha is the smartest and most beautiful girl in school. But all the teachers constantly find fault with her and give her C grades, as well as her friends Svetka and Galka, whom Natasha considers much stupider than herself. Svetka and Galka, however, do not think so, and even told Natasha that she had too high an opinion of herself. Natasha’s former friend Sergei, with whom she had a fight, said the same thing. Natasha doesn’t talk to all of them now. Natasha believes that everyone is just jealous of her. But when she becomes a world-famous fashion model, then she will prove to everyone that they are no match for her!

Unfortunately, the heroine of the story is not familiar with the rules “How to evaluate yourself?” (reading)

Did Natasha evaluate herself correctly?

What mistakes did she make in evaluating herself?

(she judged herself according to the opinions of her mother and grandmother, explained her educational failures by teachers’ nagging, compared herself with weaker ones, was demanding of others and condescending to herself, did not listen to criticism, set unrealistic goals for herself)

  1. Working with concepts: goals, principles, ideals.

Many cannot define their goals, principles, ideals. It seems to me that they just have a bad idea of ​​what it is. Let's understand these concepts.

Life goals - what are they? (This is a dream. What a person strives for)

Why do you need to set goals for yourself? (To strive for something, to have meaning in life)

How many goals can a person have?

What are the goals in life? (short-term, long-term)

Scientists say that a life goal gives a person strength, he begins to do something to achieve this goal, and in the end his dreams come true. But life goals are different. Some give strength for a lifetime, while others only for a short period. What goals do you think could become lifelong goals?

They say that achieving a goal is not at all difficult: you just need to take at least one step towards this goal every day. Otherwise, this goal will remain a dream.

But even the most beautiful goal can be rejected by a person if principles must be sacrificed. Life principles

- these are beliefs, a way of looking at things, life rules. What are the principles? First of all, these are the 10 Christian commandments.

There are people who are guided by other principles, for example: “Man is a wolf to man” (law of the jungle), “Don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask” (prison law), “Take everything from life!”, “After us, even a flood ! and so on.

What other principles do you know?

Why are principles needed? Can a person change his principles during his life? Are there people without principles?

There are many examples in history when people deliberately went to their death for their principles, if the price of life was betrayal - of faith, Motherland or friends, because to change your principles meant to lose yourself as a person, to lose self-respect.


- the perfect embodiment of something that constitutes the highest goal of activity and aspirations.
I will read the qualities of ideal people. Imagine that you need to arrange them in descending order. What qualities would you put first?
Ideal man: attractiveness, loyalty, masculinity, skill, delicacy, understanding.

Ideal woman: charm, fidelity, femininity, thriftiness, compliance, understanding.

The ideal of a citizen: collectivism, patriotism, national honor and dignity, conscience, courage, responsibility.

7. Drawing up a self-characteristic (answers to questionnaire questions).

After finishing 9th grade, the school gives characteristics to graduates. These characteristics are compiled by the class teacher. I decided to turn to your help and asked you to draw up self-characteristics. To do this, answer the questions in the questionnaire.

Anyone who wants can leave the questionnaire with them. I hope it helps you with your self-esteem.

  1. Game "Mask, I know you!"

With the permission of some guys, I will now read their creations to you. And you try to guess who is the author of this characteristic.

Do you think the authors were objective about themselves? Or maybe someone embellished or underestimated themselves?

9. Final word.

All people are unique! But many cannot or do not want to realize this uniqueness. And for this you just need to know yourself, give yourself an objective assessment. It turns out that this is not at all easy. And few even manage to draw up an objective description at the end of 9th grade. Everyone has their own, individual, unique process of self-discovery. It will last a lifetime. Knowing yourself begins with knowing other people, knowing the world, and knowing the meaning of life.

10 Summing up (reflection).

What did today's class teach you?

Were you able to learn something new about yourself and others?

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