Extracurricular event for March 8 in 1st grade with presentation

Extracurricular event for March 8 in 1st grade with presentation

Scenario of extracurricular activities for March 8 in 1st grade.
March 8 is a holiday for mothers. Goal: to expand children’s ideas about the spring holiday - March 8. Objectives: - introduce children to the history of the holiday - March 8; — develop a respectful attitude towards all women; respect for traditions, adults, ability to work collectively; - develop children’s oral speech, memory, and individual creative inclinations of children. Equipment: music, projector and screen for viewing the presentation. Preparing for the holiday: at the technology lesson, greeting cards are made for mothers.

Progress of the event.
Teacher. Guys, guess the riddle: 1 slide She comes with affection and her fairy tale. He waves his magic wand and the snowdrop blooms in the forest. (Spring). Slide 2 - After what time of year does spring come? - Name the spring months. — What holiday do we celebrate in March? -Whose holiday is this? — How did the women's holiday of March 8 appear? Next, we tell the children a short story about the holiday of March 8 - International Women's Day. 3 slide
History of the holiday March 8
4 slide Previously, women did not have the right to vote. It was believed that a woman should do housework; women did not even have the right to study. Girls were not allowed to go to school. They really didn't like it and it was insulting. One day the women got together and decided to organize an action, a strike, where they defended their rights. They opposed child labor and demanded good working conditions and good wages for their work. They have achieved a lot. In New York (a city in the United States of America), more than 150 years ago, working women marched on the “March of Empty Pots.” They loudly beat empty pans and demanded higher wages, better working conditions and equal rights for women and men. This surprised everyone so much that the event was called Women's Day. The women agreed that on this day they would remind men that women should be respected. In 1977, the UN (United Nations) declared March 8 as a day of struggle for women's rights - International Women's Day. This day is declared a national holiday in many countries. Therefore, mothers and grandmothers can relax a little on this day, go to a festive concert, and communicate with their children. 5 slide. How and when are mothers and girls congratulated in other countries? After all, March 8 is not an official holiday everywhere. In the United States and Western Europe, Mother's Day is celebrated in the spring. Previously, on the fourth Sunday of Lent, people brought gifts to the local (“mother”) village church. Nowadays, children give their mothers greeting cards and gifts, and arrange a “day of obedience.” Spaniards celebrate Women's Day on February 5th. This is the day of remembrance of Saint Agueda, the patroness of women. The peoples of South and North India worship the goddesses of happiness, beauty and home, Lakshmi and Parvati. These days are celebrated in September - October. People decorate their houses with flowers and give gifts to women. On March 3, the Japanese celebrate Hina Matsuri, a girls' holiday. This day is also called the peach blossom festival. In ancient times, on this day, a doll was cut out of paper. Then the toy was burned or thrown into the water. Fire and water were supposed to carry away all misfortunes. But over time, the dolls stopped being destroyed. Now they are made of clay and wood, and dressed in silk dresses. Sometimes they even organize doll exhibitions. Watch the video clip “Mothers' Day”. Slide 6 Teacher. The most beautiful word on earth is mother. It sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, she can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. The students come out.
1. The eighth of March, Mother's Day, Knock-knock! - knocks on our doors.
He only comes to that house where they help their mother. 2. We will sweep the floor for mom, we will set the table ourselves, we will help her cook dinner, we will sing and dance with her, we will paint her portrait as a gift. 3. “They are unrecognizable! Wow!" Here mom will tell people, And we always, and we always, We will always be like this! 4. We have a lot to do in the world But for now we are only children. That's why our mother, Oh, has enough trouble with us. 5. One day my sister and I decided: “We’ll wash the cups ourselves.” We washed them very clean. They forgot to tell Mom that they dropped two cups and we took their hands away. 6. My little brother and I help the elders cook Only in this hustle and bustle In the turmoil I rush Somehow we accidentally ate all the filling for the pie. 7. Soon we will be able to do everything ourselves to our mother’s delight! So that mom can rest from household chores, So that mom can have March 8 all year round! The song “Mom's Holiday” is performed 1. The air smells of spring and flowers, The sun cheerfully teases with its rays. I will give a bouquet of snowdrops to my beloved mother today on this holiday. Chorus: My dear mother, You are the most precious in the world. Always be beautiful and young. On this day I will try to be good to you as a daughter, so that you can be proud of me. 2. I promise not to break my toys, not to tease the neighbor's dog, unless she gets bored with me and gets into a fight first. Chorus. 3. I won’t hide the bone in my pocket And I’ll confess to you almost honestly: If it’s unpleasant for my mother, Then I’m not at all interested. Chorus (2 times). Teacher. And now the game “Mommy” (All questions must be answered in chorus - Mommy) Girl: Who came to me in the morning?
Everyone (in unison): Mommy! Boy: Who said “it’s time to get up!”? Everyone (in unison): Mommy! Girl: Who managed to cook the porridge? Everyone (in unison): Mommy! Boy: Should I pour some tea into my glass? Everyone (in unison): Mommy! Girl: Who picked flowers in the garden? Everyone (in unison): Mommy! Boy: Who kissed me? Everyone (in unison): Mommy! Girl: Who loves laughter as a child? Everyone (in unison): Mommy! Boy: Who is the best in the world? Everyone (in unison): Mommy! A scene about Lena.
Author: Mom told her daughter Mom: Dinner will be cooked soon. You should go to the store, - You see, there is no bread at home. Lena: I can’t. Author: Lena said - Lena: My knee hurts. Mom: So our business is bad and it’s been hurting for a long time? Lena: A long time ago! Mom: Very sorry! And I wanted to take you to the cinema with me. Author: Blushing, Lena said: Lena: It seems that the knee has passed. Teacher: As on all holidays, it is customary to give gifts on March 8th. What can you give to your mother? Let's play for this. Game "We'll give it to mom." If you can give what I call a gift to us mothers, clap your hands. If I offer you something bad, then stand still. Will we give them smiles? Scales from a small fish? A ray of sunshine and spring? And the snowdrops in the forest? A kilogram of sweets? A stool without legs? Moans, tears, failures? A very old, deflated ball? Good behavior? Fun mood? Life's best moments? Bouquet of flowers? Applause! Teacher. Guys, don’t forget to give your mothers gifts that you made with your own hands. Please show me what gifts you have prepared (children show their cards). Teacher. On this day we congratulated our mothers, and who else did we forget to congratulate? Of course, our girls! They are the most beautiful, kind, cheerful and mischievous among us. A group of boys comes out
1. Today is mother’s holiday, But who will object that we will also congratulate our girls today.
2. You are our faithful girlfriends, And no matter how many years have passed, Your desk neighbor, classmate, will send you greetings on this day. 3. We give you our smiles; And, believe me, it’s definitely not out of malice, We’ll push you at recess, Or we’ll suddenly say the wrong words. 4. The sun is beautiful in the sky, The birds are singing merrily. They wish you joy, And send you spring greetings! 5. Today we are all dressed up, our shoes are on fire. Congratulations on Women's Day We gathered as if for a parade! 6. Today we are like dandies, in front of you at the blackboard, But we still haven’t become more beautiful than our girls! 7. You are as beautiful as stars, and your eyes sparkle with fire. And your sweet smiles Eclipse the sun during the day! 8. You are so nice here! You girls are simply awesome!!! That's why we all want to be like you! 9. We wish you only happiness. And we’ll tell you a secret: There are simply no more beautiful girls in the whole school! Slide 7 Teacher. We talked so much today about mom, her gentle, skillful hands, about her faithful and sensitive heart, in which love never fades. And no matter how old you are, five or ten, fifteen or twenty, you will always need a mother. And the greater your love for her, the happier and brighter your life. So let there always be a mother! The song “The Best” is performed. 1. While rocking us in the cradle, our mothers sang songs to us, and now it’s time for us to sing a song for our mothers. Chorus: All the children in the world call the dear, the good, the dearest one mother! 2. At night, the stars outside the window crumble like peas, Mom keeps our peace, We fall asleep - she doesn’t sleep. Chorus. 3. We will grow up and take care of our mother ourselves, and in the meantime we will bring her Joy with our song. Chorus. Teacher: What new did you learn today? Slide 8 (the student comes out and reads a poem) Congratulations on the spring holiday, With the breath of the river and the shine of the sun, May the days be blissful and clear.
And let the sun look through your window. Presentation on the topic: March 8 - International Women's Day

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: to instill in children a sense of love, respect for women, to cultivate a caring attitude towards their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, classmates.


: items for performances, gifts for mothers and grandmothers; phonograms.


The phonogram is played by the presenter. Dear guys, dear guests! Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the holiday of spring, joy and beauty - International Women's Day on March 8th. The most beautiful and touching word in the world is mother. This is the first word that the baby says, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands that can do everything. And in a mother’s faithful and sensitive heart her love for children never fades. Our dear women, allow me to sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you on this solemn day good health, family well-being and harmony, perseverance and patience, peace and longevity, and always a good mood!

How are you doing, dear mothers? It’s not easy, because there’s so much trouble, But you’re used to keeping your back straight. Love doesn’t let you get discouraged. That love that is called family That love that in children's eyes shines like a star for us and warms us like a shawl on our shoulders!

May you have a joyful and tender spring, Happy days and rosy dreams, May even the snowy March give you its smiles and flowers. And what is love without hugs? And what is love without love? Smile at us, dear mothers. After all, all the flowers have bloomed for you. CHILDREN: 1. I’m standing in front of you. I’m worried, mommy! 2. I’ll rest my hand on my cheek. Calm down, mommy! 3. Let everyone see that I admire you, mommy! 4. And I won’t hide my love. I’ll kiss mommy!

Leading. Everyone is looking forward to March 8th, but not because they are expecting expensive gifts, but because it is a day of surprises. Our children also prepared a surprise program. So here we go!

Student 1. Every year at the beginning of March they talk about miracles. We can’t sit at our desks, And snowdrops can’t sit in the forests.

Student 2. All the store windows are decorated in spring, Men are running everywhere - Waiting for a special day off!

Student 3. The planet will celebrate the best holiday on Earth. I'm waiting for an answer from you, friends - Help me remember! The Ladies' Festival is waiting for its start today...

All participants of the holiday (in chorus). March 8!!!

Student 4 Winter will suddenly melt with the last snowflake, And the sun will melt the heavy ice. March comes to us, And spring comes, And the holiday gives us Goodness and beauty!

Student 5 Radiant sun, smile at us! Today for the women of planet Earth! Good for you! Smile! Great happiness! And our warmest words.

Student 6 Congratulations to all women on the spring holiday! And we want to wish you Joy and fun!

Student 7 We wish you happiness and good luck! Cheer up! Joy! And beauty! To solve any problems! To make any dreams come true!

Student 8 May success always and everywhere accompany you in your business! And today, on the Bright holiday, may you be the happiest of all!

Student 1 Happy holiday!

Student 2 Happy holiday!

Student 3 Happy tender, wonderful, beautiful holiday!

Student 4 Happy holiday of affection, love and attention!

Student 5 Happy Holidays of Women's Charm!

Leading. Usually, during the holidays, funny programs are shown on TV. And today we have prepared a festive program that will include congratulations to mothers, grandmothers, and all women.

1. Spring walks through the courtyards in rays of warmth and light. Today is the holiday of our mothers, and we are pleased with this!

2. Happy Women's Day We congratulate you! The concert is our gift to you - Let's start!

3. There are a lot of poems about women’s holiday, We won’t get tired of reading them today. Let the voices of children, merging into a choir, congratulate you, our dear mothers!

4. There will be many telegrams, bright congratulations, we will make mothers happy and give gifts!

1. We composed a song For you, dear, Let the song walk with you Side by side.

Chorus: We congratulate our beloved Mother on the holiday! We wish her kindness, smiles, tenderness now. Spring streams will flow into the river, And white birch trees will smile at Mom.

2. Let's draw a rainbow, a blue river, and a small snowdrop and a big spring. Chorus.

3. And in the spring the song will resonate in the heart, And hearing the song, Mom will smile. Chorus.

Four girls take the stage. They have sewing, knitting, and dishes in their hands. The girls are talking among themselves. 1. Mom cooks, mom sews, And drives a car, And mom pours coins - Not at home - at the factory! Women need to be able to do everything in the world. How can they keep up with everything? Tell me, children!

2. Maybe, like in the TV series, we should hire housekeepers so that they can wash the clothes and make the bed,

3. They cleaned the house and went to the store, played with the children all day...

All together 1 and 2 (surprised). And for mom?

3. And for mom - a limousine! Let my dear one rest, go everywhere with dad...

Girls 1 and 2 (in chorus). Well, enough talking! One can only dream about this.

Student 9. Our mothers should not live like in these TV series. Life for mothers, although it’s not honey, But things are moving forward!

Student 10. They give us warmth and affection, Their smiles make us light. Our mothers are just a fairy tale! Warmth warms their souls. Student 11. They get up without an alarm clock, read a book, sing a lullaby, and gently caress them.

Girls perform a lullaby while dancing and rocking toys and dolls.

1. Mixing the snow with a spoon, It’s a long night, Why aren’t you sleeping, silly? Your neighbors are sleeping - Polar bears. Sleep quickly, too, baby.

2. We are sailing on an ice floe, Like a brigantine, on gray, harsh seas. And all night the neighbors - Star Bears Shine on distant ships...

Leading. Poems about mom always sound like a declaration of great love to the person who gives you life and takes care of your family. And now Valya Kononykhina will talk about her large, friendly family.

Student 12. Our friendly family All day long apart: School, music, friends - There is no room for boredom!

Only in the evening do people gather in the apartment. Mom is a fairy in this world, We sit with our mouths open! Our old frying pan The hiss and whistle caress the ear, And as many as ten hands reach out to the potatoes and herring!

We all adore our mother - we eat all of dinner. So as not to tire her, let's quickly go to bed!

Leading. But you need to try not only not to tire your mother, but also to help with household chores.

Student 13 Don’t disturb us now, our laundry is urgent. Me and mom - the two of us manage the laundry. I hung up Kuklino’s and Mishkino’s laundry. Mom is hanging up mine And also my brother’s.

Student 14 Mom was doing the laundry in the evening, and I was standing next to her. I stood nearby, I didn’t wash, I groaned, I batted my eyes, I stomped my feet. It was better not to stand - to take it and wash it with my mother.

Student 15. Who will feel sorry for women? Who will help them in everyday life? Grandma often gets sick, She often feels unbearable.

Student 16. But it’s very easy to help: Taking out the trash is a trifle! Should you wash your shoes? By the way, It’s not that stressful! And hot water Washing dishes is a beauty! Running to kindergarten for your little sister is easy for your brother!

Leading. And unusual household appliances can help our mothers and grandmothers. Now we will conduct an unusual advertisement for a new generation washing machine.

I present to your attention the universal Washing Machine “Fu-you, well-you”, edition – two. Do the laundry yourself. Electricity - progress of the 20th century Electrical appliances are necessary for humans, But often there is no light in our homes, And this problem upsets us. Your troubles will always be helped by a Miracle - a machine “Fu-you, well-you - two”, Wash it yourself.

1. Wash (simulate hand washing) 2. Rinse 3. Wring out 4. Hang the laundry 5. Dry the laundry (we swing) 6. Take off the laundry 7. Put it in the basket 8. Iron 9. Put it on and look in the mirror

Leading. And now it’s time to talk about those who take care of the house and raise children in the absence of their mother. Who is this? Of course, grandma!

1. I love my mother very much, I send warm greetings to her, But not only to her alone, But also to my dear grandmother.

2. My grandmother and I will sort out the letters in the book, play with dolls with her, and go for a walk in the park. I whisper important secrets in her ear, Because grandma is her best friend.

3. Who scolds us the least? Who bakes pies for us? Who accompanies us to school, and then waits for us from school? Well, of course, this is the very, very best person. Let your little gray head be, Granny, you are the most beautiful of all. She always has time to tell a fairy tale and frolic and play with all her grandchildren. Who will fry cutlets for us and fill our leisure time? This is my dear grandmother, the most faithful friend in the world.

4. Moms and dads are busy. Where can I find time for children? To and from work, hurry to the store. Who will walk with us and sing a lullaby? Our dear grandmother protects our childhood.

Leading. Our grandmothers are not only skillful and affectionate, but also very, very caring. Many of them meet their grandchildren from school and accompany them to school, feed them and even prepare homework with them. And, of course, they are extremely happy about all the successes of their grandchildren.

1. Two grandmothers on a bench Sitting on a hillock Grandmothers told: - We only have “A” grades! They congratulated each other, shook hands with each other! Although the dictation was written not by grandmothers, but by grandchildren!

Children perform a song

1. Holiday, holiday we celebrate with family, Holiday in the class is groovy these days! Congratulations! Seven boys and eleven girls shout merrily

Chorus: Grandma next to mommy So many years, so many years together. Grandmother next to mommy sing this song together. Grandma next to mommy They sing this song together - Grandma next to mommy We celebrate together in class! 2. Grandma and I will sort out the letters, we play with her, we go for a walk in the park. I whisper important secrets to her, Because I love my grandmother!


3. On a holiday, on a holiday, on a groovy holiday, we wish them a young life, Raise our mugs high And for them we drink fresh milk!


Leading. The eighth of March brings not only joy and fun, but also troubles and anxiety: “Have you prepared everything?”, “Did you buy the right gift?” Listen to how our children prepared for the holiday. Student 17 Gifts are different - Modest and beautiful, Boring and sedate, Careless and priceless. Gifts are eternal, If they are heartfelt.

Student 18 I want to congratulate my mother on the holiday, I will do whatever I want for my mother: I will clean my table, wash my toys, I will make a crib for my doll friend, Together with the doll Nina I will bake cookies, Even if they are made of plasticine, they will still be a treat! We will put our gift to mom on the table, together with the Nina doll, we will congratulate mommy! Student 19 I started drawing a gift for my mother. The sun came out and invited me to go for a walk. Sun, sun, don’t be angry, it’s better to sit next to you, Mom’s holiday is once a year, I’ll draw and go! Here is the moon, a rocket, a river, a forest and a garden... I am happy to give my mother everything in the world! What else should you give your mother for the holiday? We must try and be obedient!

Leading. Adult brothers and fathers quickly get down to business, start cleaning, washing, cooking.

Student 20. I don’t recognize my dad today - I took a bucket and a rag in the morning, and standing with a huge mop, my dad washed the floor in the apartment. What a mop! What a folder! The rag jumps like a frog. On the sideboard, on the wallpaper - Dad washes the floor in the apartment. Puddles, splashes - you can’t walk through the apartment without galoshes. But there is no need to be sad - Dad is washing the floor in the apartment. And the neighbor below us even came running to my mother: “What happened, what’s wrong?” – Dad washes the floor in the apartment. After all, today is Mother's Day. We have to do everything ourselves!

Leading. Listen

1. How many songs did you and I sing together to our dear mother? But before this song there was not a single song about dad!

Chorus: Dad can, Dad can do anything, Swim breaststroke, argue with bass, chop wood! Dad can, dad can be anyone, Only mom, can’t only be mom! You can’t be only a mother, you can’t be only a mother!

2. Dad is at home - and the house is in good working order, The gas is on and the lights don’t go out, Dad is at home, of course, in charge. If by chance mom isn’t there!


3. And Dad himself will cope with the difficult task, give him time! Then we decide with mom Everything that dad couldn’t solve!

Leading. Everyone is thinking about a gift for mom. The boys from our class also spent a long time deciding what to give you, until they saw an ad that had everything they needed and for every taste.

1. On the drainpipe I read an advertisement: “For sale very urgently Two green parrots, A purebred Siamese cat, A Japanese ladies’ folding umbrella, An oak dining table, A man’s raincoat, almost new, And an antique gramophone. Here's the phone number for reference"

2. To remember everything exactly I go and repeat: - For sale very urgently Two antique parrots, A thoroughbred Siamese cloak, A folding cat, green, ladies', An oak dining umbrella, A man's table, almost new, And a Japanese gramophone. Here's the phone number for reference...

3. No, I remember inaccurately, I quickly repeat again: - For sale very urgently Two Japanese parrots, A purebred Siamese umbrella, A folding table, antique, ladies', An oak dining cloak, A man's cat, almost new, And a green telephone. Here's a gramophone for reference...

4. It doesn’t work out, as if on purpose, I repeat many times: - For sale very urgently Two cat phones, Siamese dining oak, An old lady’s parrot, A green gramophone umbrella, And a raincoat below for reference... I mixed everything up, even if I cry.

Leading. But seriously, we have prepared for you, dear mothers and grandmothers, handmade gifts.

Student 21 We give wonderful gifts to mom for the holiday: bright bouquets of flowers, a red balloon.

Student 22 We also give a song - Let mom have fun, Let mom smile. Hearing our song

All participants of the celebration take the stage. Everyone is holding flowers or gifts - crafts for mothers and grandmothers.

1. For two days in a row I’ve been sitting and drawing. I have a lot of colors, choose any one. I’ll paint the whole world in my favorite color.

Chorus: Orange sky orange sea Orange greens orange camel Orange mothers to orange children Orange songs sing to oranges

2. Then a very grown-up uncle came to our house. He shook his head, looking at the drawing. And he told me it’s nonsense, it never happens.

Chorus: Orange sky orange sea Orange greens orange camel Orange mothers to orange children Orange songs sing to oranges

3. Only in the sky at that moment the sun sparkled and colored the whole world, just as I wanted. Uncle looked around and then he suddenly saw

Chorus: Orange sky orange sea Orange greens orange camel Orange mothers to orange children Orange songs sing to oranges

4. I’ve been singing this song everywhere for a long time. When I become an adult, I’ll still sing it. Even if you’re big, it’s very good to see.

Chorus: Orange sky orange sea Orange greens orange camel Orange mothers to orange children Orange songs sing to orange —————————————————— Orange mothers to orange children Orange songs sing orange songs

Leading. On this day we congratulate mothers, grandmothers, and sisters. Did you forget to congratulate anyone? Of course, we must congratulate our beautiful girls!

1. Today we are like dandies, in front of you at the blackboard, But we still haven’t become more beautiful than our girls!

2. You are as beautiful as stars. And the eyes sparkle with fire. And your sweet smiles Eclipse the sun during the day!

3. You are so nice here! You girls are simply awesome!!! That's why we all want to be like you!

4. We wish you only happiness, And we’ll tell you a secret: There are simply no more beautiful girls in the whole school!

Boys give girls gifts

Leading. We continue our concert program. It's time to listen to holiday ditties.

1. We begin to sing ditties, We ask you not to laugh; There are a lot of people here, we might get confused!

2. Dad got up early today and cleaned everything in the apartment. Why does Dad get up earlier than everyone else once a year?

3. “Oh,” Julia said to her mother, “I have to get my hands dirty!” How will I wash the dishes if they are dirty?

4. “You should sew up your dress, Ksyusha. How can you walk like that?” “What are you saying, mom, it’s hard, it’s better to buy a new one!”

5. Artemka whips Anya with a wet broom. General cleaning Turned into a bathhouse.

6. Although the open spaces beckon us, We are not a step away from our mother! With dad he can move mountains, if mom tells him how!

7. We wore high-heeled sandals! We hobble along the path - Ski poles in our hands!

8. I decided to wash my clothes and put everything in the washing machine. Although I didn’t add gouache, I didn’t recognize the linen.

9. They say that we are bullies, But never believe them! There have always been girls in our class commanders!

10. I am a fighting boy I will remain a fighting boy! Oh! And it will be bad for whoever gets me.

11. I won’t wash the dishes and I won’t sweep. I'll sit all day and dream about something cute.

12. Oh, we've sung enough, Give me a new change. Oh, thank you to the accordion player for the fun game.

Student 23. We are finishing the concert. We wish mothers to always be healthy, to laugh and joke.

Leading. Had a lot of fun! We talked so much today about mom, her gentle, skillful hands, about her faithful and sensitive heart, in which love never fades. And no matter how old you are, five or ten, fifteen or twenty, you will always need a mother. So let there always be a mother!

Student 24. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and on spring, which is already coming, on the first greenery, on the first leaves and on the refreshing breath of spring! Be forever loved and happy And always dazzlingly feminine, So sweet, so kind and sympathetic, As only women can be!

HOST: The drops are knocking to the beat of the waltz All the birds are ringing for you So, dear ones, you will all be whirled by this gentle March waltz!


1. Artists 2. I have one game called “He - She”. He is an elephant - she is...an elephant. He is a moose - she is...a moose. He is a cat - she... Well, of course, she is a cat! Well, you were a little mistaken. So let's play again, I want to beat you! He is a walrus - she is...a walrus, He is a hare - she is...a hare, He is a bull - she... Is everyone familiar with this word? Yes! Yes! She's a cow!

3. Competition “The Smartest”

1. The characters of which work flew to the Flower City in a hot air balloon? (Nosov N. “Dunno and His Friends”).

2. Which flower from the work of writer S.T. Do you remember Aksakov most of all? (The Scarlet Flower).

3. What flower made the tiger Sherkhan terrified? (Fire flower).

4. What is the art of arranging bouquets called? (Ikebana).

5. For which heroine of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale was a flower a permanent place of residence? (Thumbelina).

6. Which flower has a pleasant relationship with the king of beasts? (Snapdragon).

7. What flowers, according to Natasha Koroleva, are messengers of separation? (Yellow tulips).

8. What flower is the name most often used by housewives when washing clothes? (Lotus).

9. Which flower is especially loved by tobacco factory workers? (“Astra” is a brand of cigarettes).

10. Which flower is considered enemy number one by police officers around the world? (Poppy is the raw material for making opium)"

4. “Kangaroo” Now you can try yourself in the role of a kangaroo. On the chairs in front of you are aprons with large pockets and soft toys. You must jump on 2 legs to the chair, tie up your apron, put a toy in your pocket and jump to the next player, put the toy in the box, take off your apron and give it to your teammate.

5. “DISCOVER” First, the competition participants are asked to “discover” a new planet - inflate balloons as quickly as possible, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw little figures on the balloon with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner!

6. “ROPE” Two chairs are placed with their backs facing each other, and a rope is pulled under them. At the leader's command, two participants walk around their chairs. On command, they sit on their chair and pull the string out from under it. The game is played up to three times. Whoever wins twice gets a prize.

7. “MYSTERIOUS CHEST” Each of the two players has their own chest or suitcase, in which various items of clothing are folded. The players are blindfolded, and at the leader’s command they begin to put on things from the chest. The players' task is to dress up as quickly as possible.

8. “Mummy” 2 players from each team are called.
You need to wrap your friend in toilet paper, turning him into a mummy. For the full text of the material March 8th holiday “Mother’s smiles make it light” (for 2nd grade students), see the downloadable file
. The page contains a fragment.

Author: Kobzeva Lyudmila Stanislavovna → KOBZEVA101 12/29/2010 9 44921 2958 Comment

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Congratulations on March 8 to a primary school teacher - poetry, prose, SMS


You are a primary school teacher, Mom, nanny, teacher. After all, it’s always unpredictable. Your lesson is interesting.

Congratulations on March 8th and I want to wish you Strength, patience, health, In a word - keep it up!


Our dear teacher, congratulations on March 8th! We wish that all the warmth and kindness that you give to the children will be returned doubly! Love, beauty and happiness to you. Be healthy, successful, gentle, surrounded by care and attention!


Our heartfelt congratulations to a beautiful woman. The one that makes learning a nice, kind fairy tale.

On Women's Day we wish you happiness and obedient children. To be greeted with a smile Always at the door.

I wish you nerves of steel and strength, There is no other way. It's good that the kids are in your gentle hands.


Your kids are sitting at their desks and smiles are shining on their lips. The holiday has arrived - March 8th, the children warmly congratulate you!

And not only children, but also mothers, fathers, uncles, grandmothers and aunts are grateful to you for your necessary work. Happiness to you both in life and in work!

May everything in your life go smoothly, may you be in a wonderful mood, may everything be fine at work. Joy, good luck and patience!


On this bright spring day, you will accept congratulations from your parents and children. Happiness and good days to you.

We wish you, the first teacher, everything, an easy and successful life, and always good luck in everything.

Poems for March 8th for a primary school teacher


On the day of March 8th Thank you from the parents. After all, your patience with children is strange.

We are grateful to you for your wisdom and warmth, for radiating calmness and kindness.

Happiness and tenderness to you, Boring everyday life, Fabulous moments, Vivid sensations.


We love and appreciate you very much. And on this March day, we wish you to teach your lesson with a smile every time!

Let your mood be excellent and colorful always! Let every moment give you only bright colors!


Teaching kids is no joke, Love is needed in the heart, Meekness, strength and patience Repeat again and again.

You, a primary school teacher, are simply an ace in this matter. Happy March 8th, a beautiful day. We congratulate you together.

We wish you kindness in your heart, Peace and harmony, Let children's laughter sound like a joyful melody.


Dear __________, Happy March 8! Please accept gratitude for your hard work. We wish that your work brings only joy. Personal happiness, excellent health, patience, faith, strength. You are a beautiful, kind, magnificent woman. You love our children like your own. May your life be filled with all the blessings and joys!


Beauty and warmth to you, The work was easy. With children - always patience, wisdom and mood.

The soul always sang, Life was good. Lots of joy and gifts. Respect. Happy March 8th!

SMS from March 8 to a primary school teacher


In elementary school, you are like a mother, It has long been clear what to say... On Women’s Day, March 8, I just want to wish you happiness.

Let your work please you And let the tomboys have fun, Let all your well done children become great pride.


The snow has melted, flowers are blooming, Spring is confidently marching, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, we wish you happiness!

We wish you joy, goodness, obedient students, so that your dream comes true, we wish you non-boring days.

We wish your soul to bloom, we congratulate you on March 8th, you will always be beautiful, we wish you success!


Thank you for your hard work. To be a teacher is the most important calling. The children give all their hearts to you, you give your knowledge to the children.

Today, on this spring day, we wish you peace and goodness, success, more joyful moments. Let your children make you happy.


Happy March 8th, our dear teacher! Let joy shine brightly in the corners of beautiful eyes! We love you very, very much And we wish you many years of sincere piece of happiness and warm light of hope!


Congratulations on Women's Day, May there be happiness and joy in it. There is no better teacher - You give light with yourself. We wish you goodness, health, Flowers, smiles and harmony.

Cool wishes for a primary school teacher on March 8


Spring has come and the birds have flown in, Nature has blossomed and come to life, the snow has melted from the top of the spruce tree, Spring has come, beauty has arrived!

And on this day, from our hearts, we wish that all your wishes and dreams come true, that you do not lose inspiration, that you live in abundance.

We congratulate you on March 8th, We thank you for your work, so that they forget all the bad things, so that they smile and always bloom!


We wish you that spring gives you a lot of warmth, May your life be full of love, Smiles, unearthly happiness!

We appreciate your every lesson, After all, you, the teacher, are the best! May every day give you good luck and great success!


May there be many Gifts, money, kindness in your life. And don’t judge very harshly about all the children’s misdeeds.

May you always have enough patience, care, knowledge, warmth, and instill in them the joy of learning. Happy wonderful spring holiday!


Our dear primary school teacher! Congratulations on March 8! We wish you inspiration and a creative approach to work, may the respect of your colleagues, the love of your students and the gratitude of your parents be a huge compliment for you. Be happy, healthy, beautiful and rich, both materially and mentally!


Greetings to the primary first grade teacher on March 8th, let spring bloom again in the heart, let the ringing of droplets please.

We wish you diligent students and restless, cheerful, mischievous students. May they always keep your kindness, love and tenderness in their hearts.

Beautiful poems and funny congratulations on March 8 to a primary school teacher


You are a primary school teacher - the second mother for children, we congratulate you on the Eighth of March, we wish you many ideas, may your life be full of success, you must achieve everything, may great happiness come to you, the children really need you!


Our dear teacher, How much knowledge you give us, We wish you everything from the heart, a lot of patience, happiness, kindness. We also wish you love and luck, creative inspiration for you, so that you always smile, and all your dreams come true as soon as possible. Happy March 8th!


We congratulate you on March 8! We wish you patience and inspiration, May you be pleased as often as possible, And may your smile never leave your face.

We wish you female happiness, health, and, of course, good luck. So that your home is cozy and warm, and goodness always surrounds you.


We may have recently sat down at our desks, but we have achieved great success! And, congratulating you on the Eighth of March, We would like to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

We wish you new ideas, inspiration, good health, a lot of warmth, May achievements await you in everything, May your life be happy!


We congratulate you today, Happy Spring Day, Happy Women's Day. We wish you all the best, May happiness come to your home.

You are the best teacher, all students are happy. Let your salary bring you joy, and let your work bring you joy.

Heartfelt wishes for a primary school teacher on March 8


Happy March 8, our dear teacher. Our first guide to the land of great knowledge, our support and just a kind person, we wish you a lot of happiness, joy and success in life, and also always remain so beautiful, cheerful and good.


Dear primary school teacher, I congratulate you on International Women’s Day! Beautiful, kind, important, every lesson you teach, children love you, remember you... adore you.

May feminine happiness always warm you with gentle light. Anxiety never upsets you, and your soul will feel warm like summer.


We all know that children require love and approach. She won't let you pass. They need to be shown, taught and told everything. All parents are in a hurry to congratulate you on March 8th. In gratitude for your patience, we send you our respect. May luck be favorable and patient to you. You live a joyful, beautiful life.


We would like to congratulate you on the holiday, Darling, today. Oh, it’s not easy for you to lead the avid class of Kids.

On the day of spring, love and women, Let us wish you happiness, So that you always give tenderness to Your sweet kids.


A beautiful spring has arrived, and with it, it’s time to bloom! Let it bring joy and only goodness, no matter how you look at it!

On Women's Day, we wish you Love, success and patience, and conduct each lesson with extreme inspiration!


Congratulations on March 8th to the primary school teacher! The most joyful events, a lot of bright impressions.

Creative ideas, patience, feminine happiness, spring, May daily work bring inspiration.


Today is March 8th We send our congratulations to the teacher of the very first grades in the primary school.

We wish you to get used to it quickly, so that you can help the kids, so that you can easily find a common language with them.

Good luck, success in life, unlimited patience to you, We wish you a great mood on Women's Day.


For little first-graders You became a mother, Congratulations on March 8th Your glorious, mischievous class.

Be immensely happy, Inspiration is only for you. To give love and affection to children's little hearts.


You took yesterday's kids under your wing, They and the teacher were very lucky in life.

It’s hard for them to sit at their desks all day. Today everyone wants to congratulate you on March 8th.

It’s inept to wish Everyone wants good luck, Let children’s wishes bring happiness.


You teach children at school, You have come to the first grade, Happy International Women's Day We would like to congratulate you, Good luck, happiness and love We wish you now, You are a responsive, kind teacher, A bouquet of flowers for you!


For our kids, you are the first knowledge, a step into adulthood, a course for survival.

On the day of spring - March 8, we want to congratulate you on your youth, on your dreams, on your hopes, on your new friends.

Let it be easier in life Take the first step, May luck and finances not leave you!


For our kids, you are the first acquaintance with the world of knowledge and science. Even if everything is not easy,

But on this holiday, on the day of March 8, let me wish you many different Songs and gifts.

Let the kids receive knowledge, just like in a book, and don’t let them upset you with bad grades.

May patience and care not end soon, May all your wishes come true!


Happy International Women's Day We would like to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts. Amazed by your work, the kids are getting wiser quickly.

More strength, for many years, so that also, clearly, without a doubt, Give a bright light of knowledge to the guys of new generations.


So many worries, so much trouble, Now, the bell will ring for class, You need to teach all the children How to read, write and make friends!

On such a beautiful day, I wish you Joy, warm, wonderful days, Happy Women’s Day, I congratulate you, May you have enough strength for everything!


We wish you successful starts, May your life be joyful. So that you will never be sad because of adversity and bad luck.

Let your little “children” always indulge in success. We congratulate you on the holiday. We wish you happiness and goodness.


Congratulations to a caring and attentive, fair and sincere primary school teacher on March 8! We wish you great opportunities, joy, labor achievements, love of beauty and great female happiness! Be healthy, beautiful, young, active and light up the world around you with your enthusiasm!


Teacher, Happy March 8th to you, We wish you good luck and joy now. Let your mood be wonderful, May your smiles shine on this spring day.


Happy International Women's Day, Primary school teacher, Let there be joy only in it, Success and happiness accompany!


For elementary school, you are like a second mother. You became a teacher for them. You became the first one yourself.

I wish you joy on March 8, You are the dearest for our kids.

May Children's love add Happiness to you, And may your kindness be enough for all Children.


You explain to first-graders, You teach them to write and read, On Women’s Day we wish you not to be sad, A primary school teacher is a very important person, Congratulations on the Eighth of March, Long may your life be!

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See also:

  • Words of gratitude to a primary school teacher from parents
  • Happy birthday greetings to a primary school teacher from parents, student, class
  • Congratulations on Primary School Teacher's Day
  • Congratulations on March 8 to the coach - poetry, prose, SMS

What skit should be shown to 5th grade schoolchildren on March 8?

On the eve of International Women's Day, March 8, 2020, many schools host matinees and classes dedicated to this holiday. At concerts prepared by children, poems and songs are sung, and children act out funny school skits.

Such productions are usually simple compositions based on famous literary works, humorous television programs, issues of the children's magazine "Yeralash", etc.

Funny scenes on March 8 for 5th grade students

We offer several school skits for fifth-graders on March 8, in which not only children, but also teachers can participate. The children will not need to learn big roles by heart, because not all small actors can learn long texts and pronounce them without hesitation in front of the audience.

The first funny miniature for March 8 involves mother and children.

The mother returns home after work and asks the children: “Well, my dears, how was your day?” What did you do? First son: - Mom, we wanted to help you so much that we decided to redo all the housework! I washed all the dishes!

Mom: - What a fine fellow you are, what a caring son! Second son: - Mom, mom, I’m doing great too, I wiped all the dishes!

Mom: - Thank you too, my dear! She turns to her daughter: “What have you been doing all day?” Daughter: - And I collected all the broken pieces from the dishes and took them to the trash!

Mom “falls” onto the chair, then comes to her senses and says: “You are still the best and most caring children in the world!”

Also, by March 8, 5th grade students can stage a funny skit, the heroes of which are mother and son.

Mom returns from work and sees her son sweeping the floor. She asks: “Son, what happened?” The last time you swept the floor was when you got a D in math. Please tell me what happened. - Nothing! - the son answers. “I also did my homework, Mommy, and even brushed my teeth.”

Mom looks around and says in a sad voice: “You also took out the trash and washed the dishes!” Apparently, they are summoning me to the headmaster of the school... (He faints, then comes to his senses). Son: - Don't be afraid, mom! They don't call you anywhere. Everything is fine! I should have told you right away that this was only for one day - March 8th. Congratulate you with Holliday!

Mom: - Will everything be the same tomorrow? - Well, yes, the old way! Don't worry, mommy!

But mom faints again.

Another short skit on March 8 for 5th grade students is also dedicated to the topic of helping mothers. It involves the mother, the boy Kolya and the presenter.

A boy with a pen in his hands sits at the table. In front of him is an open notebook.

Presenter: - Today Kolya was given a difficult task at school - to write an essay on how to help his mother. But then my mother suddenly called her son from the kitchen.

Mom: - Son, I really need your help now. While I'm preparing lunch, go to the store. Take some potatoes, salt, and one loaf of bread.

Kolya: - Well, mom, what are you, don’t bother me! I'm writing an essay, And I need peace!

Presenter: - Mom fell silent, and my son wrote a phrase in his notebook...

Kolya (writes in a notebook, slowly speaking out loud): - Only mom needs to ask, I rush to the store right away. Ready to buy something for mom without delay. I love helping my mother, Without a doubt!

Presenter: – Mom opened the door again.

Mom: - Son, I need you. I'll go to the store now, I need to cook dinner. Peel the potatoes for now, otherwise I won’t have time.

Presenter: - Here Kolya’s hands are on his sides...

Kolya: - But mom! How dare you! I’m trying here, I’m learning, I’m sick of even listening. I’m working on my essay, You and your potatoes!

Presenter: - Mom drooped and left, And the son sat, brought out....

Kolya (writes in a notebook and says out loud): “I cook my mother’s breakfast myself, lunch and even dinner.” I look after my little brother when he has a cold. I even do my own laundry and iron things too.

Presenter: - Our Kolya is so upset, he can’t finish. We will give you simple advice, since you listen to us: We should help our mother, But not like this Kolya!

The characters in another short school play for March 8th are a son, daughter and mother.

The children decided to please their mother by congratulating her on International Women's Day. The son wants to bake a cake for the holiday, and the girl wants to prepare kharcho soup. They get to work, but each one adds the foods they like to the dish.

The boy reads the recipe: - Take two glasses of flour, add three eggs, a glass of sour cream...

He places these items in a large bowl and fires up the oven.

At this time, the girl reads another recipe. – Take hot red pepper, add grated garlic, onions, cilantro...

She puts these products in the same bowl and mixes them with a spoon.

Then the children put the dishes in the oven. Soon mom appears. The children congratulate her on the holiday and invite her to the table.

Mom: - What a great fellow you are, children! Thank you very much for your concern! The daughter hands her a plate.

Mom carefully tries the dish and asks, smiling forcefully: “What is the name of this unusual dish?” The boy answers: “Cake!” Girl: - Kharcho soup!

Mom nods and says: “That’s what I immediately thought: Kharcho cake.” Simply amazing! Thank you, my family!

The following funny scene dedicated to the holiday of March 8 involves several 5th grade schoolchildren. - Guys, which of you did something good today in honor of Women's Day? - asks one.

They answer him: “I put on a new suit and... washed my hands!” – I solved the math problem myself, and didn’t copy it from my neighbor’s desk! “And I didn’t push a single girl at recess today!” – Indeed, we don’t perform any great feats for the sake of girls!

The guys read poems: - We are all ready to praise you Today, at this festive hour! We are ready to bend our knees Before you, girls, And live together in class.

One continues: “If you help with your studies: Give me hints, and let me copy you!” Then congratulations to the girls are heard in verse: You are our classmates, No one is sweeter and more beautiful than you, No one is more diligent, smarter and, of course, more fun! Congratulations on March 8th, We wish you an ocean of happiness, a boundless sea of ​​joy, a bright, serene life! More positive, laughter and success in all matters!

The audience will also like this funny skit that fifth-graders can stage by March 8th. Musketeers take part in it - d'Artagnan and his friends: Athos, Porthos and Arimis. The song “It’s time, it’s time, let’s rejoice in our lifetime...” sounds, and the musketeers appear on stage.

D'Artagnan: - Mothers, grandmothers and aunts, you are held in high esteem by us. You won't find another reason for us men to gather. We are all here together now...

All the musketeers in chorus: - Because we love you!

The guys begin to talk about what they would be like if they were born girls.

Athos: - If I were a girl, I wouldn’t run, I wouldn’t jump, But I would dance all evening with my mother, without hesitation.

Porthos: - If I were a girl, I wouldn’t waste time, And all day long without a break I would draw with my mother.

Aramis: That's what I thought. What happens? If we were all girls - In ruffles, bows, frills, If there were no boys, What would happen to us then?

D'Artagnan: - Who would take care of them, Do the difficult work? Who would build, dig, dig, Who would protect them with their breasts In the sky, on the ground, in the infantry On the border and in the Navy?

All together: - No, friends, our path is one - Glorious valiant men!

The guys will end their performance with congratulations: - On March 8, we congratulate our classmates! Let's read out our congratulations to our dear girls.

Happiness to you, love, good luck, mood, beauty. Let failures bypass and dreams come true!

Funny school scenes for 5th grade on March 8th will please the audience and cause a lot of positive emotions. Each scene will need to be rehearsed at least once - and your festive performance will be excellent!

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