Ethical conversation “Why do they say “Hello?” lesson plan (middle group) on the topic

Conversation using ICT “Who works in kindergarten”

Conversation using ICT in the senior group on the topic: “Who works in kindergarten.”

Program content.

Educational objectives:

Systematize children's knowledge about the professions of people working in kindergarten. To generalize and expand children’s knowledge about the social significance of the kindergarten (parents work, they are calm, because in their absence the kindergarten staff takes care of the children).

Educational tasks:

instill a sense of gratitude towards people for their work, cultivate respect for kindergarten employees, their activities and their results.

Speech tasks:

Develop coherent speech.

Developmental tasks:

Develop attention, thinking, memory.

Preliminary work: conversations about professions, reading fiction, studying proverbs and sayings about work.

Organizational moment: a presentation about kindergarten professions is included on the board.

Progress of the conversation


- Guys, do you love your kindergarten? Who works in our d/s? What professions do people work in our kindergarten? My profession is called “educator”. Who knows why it is called that? (answers) - How do I raise you? I teach you how to dress, wash your hands properly, and how to behave civilly at the table. What else am I teaching you to do? (answers).

-Right. Educator

is a person who raises and teaches children in kindergarten. The profession of a teacher is important and necessary; he must love and understand children. In kindergarten, the teacher organizes games with children, teaches them to draw, sculpt, cut out of paper, design, and craft. The teacher reads books to the children, tells them fairy tales, teaches them poems, riddles and counting rhymes, introduces them to the world around them, teaches them to love nature and respect their elders. In the morning, when children come to kindergarten, the teacher does exercises with them. The teacher teaches children to wash themselves, dress and undress, use cutlery correctly, and teaches children the rules of etiquette. While preparing the children for the walk, he helps the children get dressed, tie scarves, and fasten buttons. The teacher sees the attitude of the children in the group, knows who is responsive, friendly, who likes to complain and start arguments and quarrels. Through his behavior and conversations, the teacher influences children, trying to suppress the manifestation of bad qualities in them and cultivate good ones. In older groups, the teacher prepares children for school, introduces them to numbers and letters, teaches them to count and write stories. The teacher is a kind, attentive, caring person who loves little children very much.

Junior teacher

is an assistant teacher in a kindergarten. The junior teacher takes care of the children and looks after them. The junior teacher should be kind, caring, hardworking, and responsive. In kindergarten, the assistant teacher sets the table, feeds the children, washes the dishes and the floor, and wipes the dust. The teacher's assistant changes the children's towels and bed linen, and neatly makes up the children's cribs. Thanks to the work of the nanny, the group is always clean and comfortable. While preparing children for a walk, the junior teacher helps them get dressed, tie scarves, and fasten buttons. When the children return from a walk, he greets the children warmly and helps them undress. When the teacher is working with a subgroup of children, the nanny plays with the rest of the children, reads books, and talks. The work of a junior teacher is very necessary in kindergarten.

The main owner of our kindergarten is the head

. Who can tell what her name is? The head of a kindergarten has a lot to worry about. From morning to evening he works to ensure that the kindergarten is clean and beautiful, warm and cozy, that the children are well-fed and healthy, that food is delivered to the kitchen. She also takes care of the kindergarten staff, talks with your parents, and comes to us on holidays and for classes. That's how much the manager has to do.


is a doctor’s assistant who cares for sick people and helps treat them. A nurse must have the necessary knowledge and skills in various fields of medicine, be able to properly treat a wound, apply a bandage, give an injection, and carry out other medical procedures. The nurse must strictly follow the doctor's instructions. In kindergarten, a nurse monitors the health of children: examines them, weighs and measures their height, and gives vaccinations. She creates a menu for every day so that the cook prepares delicious and healthy food. The nurse's office has the necessary equipment: height meter, scales, syringes, various medications, vitamins. The nurse always wears a white coat and a white cap. She must be patient, kind, disciplined and observant.

Physical education minute.

Get up quickly, smile, pull yourself higher, higher. Come on, straighten your shoulders, raise them, lower them, turn left, right, touch your hands with your knees. They sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up and ran on the spot.

You and I rested a little, now we sit down in our places.


this is the person who prepares the food. He knows how to cook deliciously and appetizingly, beautifully decorate any dish: salad and cake. In kindergarten, the chef prepares different dishes. He cooks soups, porridges, compotes, fries cutlets, pancakes, and meat. The cook knows how to bake delicious pies and buns. When a chef prepares food in the kitchen, delicious smells spread around. The cook uses a stove and an oven to prepare food. The cook's assistants are a meat grinder, a potato peeler, a bread slicer, and a dough mixer. Food is prepared according to recipes. From the hands of the cook, the first, second and third courses, salads and pastries come to the children's table. It is important not only to cook correctly but also to present the dishes beautifully. The cook must have a good memory. He knows and remembers how to prepare certain dishes, how much and what foods to put in, what side dishes to serve with cutlets, chicken, fish, and meat. Food must be prepared under sterile conditions. That's why the cook always wears a white robe and cap. A cook is a person who loves to cook, while showing imagination and invention. He must have a keen sense of smell and well-developed sense of taste.


is a person who washes, dries and irons clothes.
The work of a laundress is very hard, but very necessary for other people. In kindergarten, the laundress washes towels, bed linen, and bathrobes. The room where a laundress works is called a laundry room. There is a bathtub for soaking clothes, a washing machine for washing, and a centrifuge for spinning clothes. After washing, the laundress places the wet laundry in a special dryer, and in the summer you can dry the laundry outside. When the linen is dry, the laundress irons it and folds it neatly. Thanks to the work of the laundress, children in the garden dry themselves with clean towels, sleep on fresh bed linen, and employees wear clean bathrobes. To wash clothes you need washing powder, laundry soap, and gloves. Household appliances make the laundress's work easier: washing machine, centrifuge, iron. A laundress must be a hardworking, diligent and neat person. A janitor
is a person who keeps the streets and yard clean. The work of a janitor is necessary and requires respect. In a kindergarten, a janitor sweeps playgrounds, collects garbage, waters sand and areas, and cuts the grass. In the fall, the janitor rake up the remaining leaves and remove them from the areas. In winter, a janitor clears snow from paths and removes snow from areas. He makes sure that the yard is always clean and beautiful. To work, a janitor needs a broom, a shovel, a rake, a cart, a watering hose, and gloves. In winter, he can use a snowblower to make his work easier. A janitor must be a hardworking, caring, strong, healthy, disciplined person.

Music worker

is a teacher who develops children's musical abilities and shapes the aesthetic taste of students. The music director organizes and conducts music classes, children's parties, literary and musical matinees, conducts individual work with children, identifies musically gifted children, conducts individual work with them in a group; takes part in organizing children's activities in the 2nd half of the day, leading clubs.

Housekeeping manager

is engaged in ensuring the replenishment, restoration and safety of work equipment; maintaining cleanliness and order in the entrusted territory; monitoring the condition of buildings and structures, organizing their repairs if necessary; supplying preschool educational institutions with consumables, stationery, equipment and furniture; organizing the work of cleaners, workers, mechanics.


- the right hand of the director of the kindergarten. A methodologist in a kindergarten supervises educational work. His responsibilities include monitoring the work of educators and other teaching staff (music director, speech therapist, psychologist), checking plans for educational work, and drawing up a schedule of classes that are necessary and mandatory. Preparing for classes. Also attending these classes and analyzing them. The terms of reference of a kindergarten methodologist include working with young professionals who have arrived at the preschool institution. The methodologist is obliged to provide assistance at the initial stage of work to a young teacher and help in organizing work with children.

Physical education instructor

. The main job of a physical education instructor is to conduct physical education classes, sports activities and holidays with children. Fiz.ruk instills in children a love of sports, a healthy lifestyle, and teaches them to take care of their health.


A psychologist in a kindergarten works with children and parents, carries out psychological diagnostics of children. The goal of a psychologist’s work in a preschool educational institution is to preserve and strengthen the psychological health of children, their harmonious development in a preschool educational institution, as well as to provide timely assistance to children, parents and teachers in solving psychological developmental problems that arise in various life situations.

Results of the conversation.

- Guys, tell me, what new did you learn today? What profession would you like to get? (answers).

Most importantly, remember that every person's work is equally important and necessary.

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