Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group outline of a drawing lesson (middle group) on the topic

Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old

Abstract of educational activities for the public organization "Artistic and aesthetic development" (drawing) in the middle group on the topic "Fairytale tree" Abstract of educational activities for the public organization "Artistic and aesthetic development"
drawing ) in the middle group on the topic
"Fairytale tree"
Goal: to consolidate
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Perspective drawing plan middle group

Long-term planning for artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)


Planned results of educational activities:

masters the skill of drawing with a brush and the skill of painting with a pencil; knows how to draw round and oval shapes, different in size; knows how to emotionally and tactfully evaluate his own and his comrades’ works, and choose the best from an aesthetic point of view.



Topic and tasks
1st drawing 2nd drawing 3rd drawing 4th drawing

“Draw a picture about summer”

Topic: “Draw what kind of toy you want” Subject:


Theme: “Fairytale tree”

Learn to reflect received impressions using accessible means. Strengthen the techniques of painting with a brush, the ability to hold a brush correctly, rinse it in water, and dry it on a cloth. Encourage drawing of different objects in accordance with the content of the drawing.


Strengthen the ability to conceive the content of a drawing, create an image, conveying the shape of the parts. Strengthen painting skills with paints.

Foster independence. Develop creativity, imagination, and the ability to talk about the created image.

Form a positive emotional attitude towards the created drawings


Teach children to draw objects from life, consisting of an oval and a semi-oval; create a simple plot composition. Strengthen the ability to remove excess water on a brush with a cloth


Teach children to create a fairy-tale image in a drawing. Practice the ability to convey the correct structure of a tree. Learn to paint. Develop imagination and creativity.

Vocabulary work Summer, heat, sun, shower, forest, rainbow, meadow, field, flowers, birds, insects, animals, thunderstorm, river, summer, hot, stuffy, bright, shine, swim, splash, hot, sunny, fun, stuffy, joyfully Toy, doll, matryoshka, boat, ball, beloved, dear, play, take care, love, give Mushrooms, leg, cap, fly agaric, toadstool, boletus, mushroom, poisonous, edible, raw, harmful, useful, search, find, cut, collect, clean, wash, fry, pickle, salt Tree, trunk, branches, bark, roots, fabulous, big, magical, autumn, growing
Material and equipment Scene pictures “Summer” Series of paintings “Mushrooms”,

"Mushrooms" layout

Poster trees
Methodological literature KHER No. 7 p. 23 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” KHER No. 7 p. 56 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” KHER No. 3 p. 15 (D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 4 – 5 years old”) KHER No. 7 p. 33 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group”


Planned results of educational activities:

masters the skill of drawing with a brush and the skill of painting with a pencil; knows how to draw round and oval shapes, different in size; knows how to emotionally and tactfully evaluate his own and his comrades’ works, and choose the best from an aesthetic point of view.



Topic and tasks
1st drawing 2nd drawing 3rd drawing 4th drawing

“Apples are ripe on the apple tree”

Topic: “Cucumber and Tomato” Subject:

"Gold autumn"

Topic: “Testicles are simple and golden”

Continue to teach children to draw a tree, conveying its characteristic features: the trunk, short and long branches diverging from it. Teach children to convey the image of a fruit tree in a drawing, reinforce drawing techniques with pencils. Learn a quick technique for drawing foliage. Lead children to an emotional aesthetic assessment of their work.


Teach children to draw round and oval objects from life and paint them with colored pencils, without going beyond the outline and painting in one direction. Learn to draw objects large, placing them on the entire sheet. Develop sensory sensations. Learn to distinguish and name vegetables.


Teach children to depict autumn. Practice drawing a tree, trunk, thin branches, autumn foliage. Strengthen the technical skills of painting with paints (dip the brush with all its bristles into a jar of paint, remove an extra drop on the edge of the jar, rinse the brush well in water before picking up another paint, blot it on a soft cloth). Lead children to figuratively convey the phenomenon.


To consolidate knowledge of the oval shape, the concepts of “dull” and “sharp”. Continue teaching the technique of drawing an oval shape. Practice carefully painting over drawings. Lead to a figurative understanding of the content. Develop imagination.

Vocabulary work Tree, apple tree, apples, fruit, harvest, fruity, ripe, sour, ripe, grown Vegetables, cucumber, tomato, oval, circle, red, green, vegetable, salt, ripened Autumn, branches, trunk, foliage, wind, yellow, red, fly around, turn yellow, fall off. Egg, food, food, simple, gold, food, cook
Material and equipment Scene pictures “fruit” Tomato, cucumber Painting "Autumn" Toy eggs, food poster
Methodological literature KHER No. 7 p. 25 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” KHER No. 3 s. 12 (D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 4 – 5 years old”) KHER No. 7 p. 31 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” KHER No. 7 p. 36 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group”


Planned results of educational activities:

masters the skill of drawing with paints and a brush; makes a pattern of lines, knows how to draw using the “dipping” technique, draws objects consisting of two parts, decorates an object emotionally and tactfully evaluate his own work and the work of his peers; experiences joy from contemplating the results of his creative activity.



Topic and tasks
1st drawing 2nd drawing 3rd drawing 4th drawing 5th drawing

"Beautiful Bird"

Topic: “Apron decoration” Subject:

"Fairytale house - teremok"

Topic: "Boat" Topic: “Blanket for Vanyushka”

Teach children to draw a bird, conveying the shape of the body (oval), parts, beautiful plumage. Practice drawing with paints and a brush. Develop figurative perception and imagination. Expand the idea of ​​beauty, imaginative impressions.


Teach children to make a pattern of lines and strokes on the silhouette shape of an apron; consolidate the ability to quickly draw lines with the entire width of the bristle of the brush, rinse the brush well; continue to learn how to draw using the “dipping” technique (“vertical stroke”, from left to right at the same distance from each other, top and bottom, between the lines); develop imagination, aesthetic taste, sense of rhythm, fine motor skills; cultivate interest in decorative creativity.


Learn to draw a big house, convey the rectangular shape of the walls, rows of windows. Develop the ability to complement the image based on impressions of the surrounding life. Encourage children to want to look at their drawings and express their attitude towards them.


Teach children to draw objects consisting of two parts and paint over them with wax crayons. Learn to tint a sheet of paper with watercolors.


Teach children to decorate rectangular objects with colored stripes, alternating them by color. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others.

Vocabulary work Bird, plumage, wings, beak, beautiful, fabulous, bright, flies, pecks Apron, pattern, line, House, small house, mansion, hut, fabulous, painted, wooden, build, worth ship, little boat, sea, sail, moor Furniture, room, bed, blanket
Material and equipment Scene pictures “Birds” Series of paintings “At Home”, Subject pictures “Water transport” Series of paintings “Room, furniture”,
Methodological literature KHER No. 7 p. 61 T.S. Komarova “Visual activities in kindergarten Secondary KHER No. 7 p. 34 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” KHER No. 7 p. 72.77 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” KHER No. 3 p. 22 (D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 4 – 5 years old”) KHER No. 3 p. 20 (D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 4 – 5 years old”)


Planned results of educational activities:

knows how to plan the sequence of actions when performing creative work; knows how to use paints of different colors, carefully apply one paint to another; with the whole brush and the end of the brush; responds emotionally to the creative works of himself and his comrades, takes initiative in helping children and adults; puts one paint on top of another.



Topic and tasks
1st drawing 2nd drawing 3rd drawing 4th drawing

"Winter landscape"

Theme: "Snow Woman" Subject:

"Snow Maiden"

Topic: “Our decorated Christmas tree”

Introduce children to the landscape. Learn to draw winter trees with the whole brush and the end of the brush. Learn to draw a contrasting winter landscape using white paper. And black gouache. Develop imagination, emotional and aesthetic feelings, love of nature


Continue to teach children to convey in a drawing the features of the depicted object, using an imprint with crumpled paper. Learn to bring an object to the desired pattern using a brush


Learn to portray the Snow Maiden in a fur coat (the fur coat is widened downwards, arms from the shoulders). Strengthen the ability to paint with a brush and paints, apply one paint to another after drying, when decorating a fur coat, rinse the brush cleanly and dry it by blotting it on a cloth or napkin.


Learn to convey the image of a New Year tree in a drawing; use paints of different colors, carefully apply one paint to another only after drying.

To develop the ability to draw a Christmas tree with branches lengthening downwards. Promote an emotional assessment of your works and the drawings of your comrades, creating a joyful atmosphere when perceiving the drawings

Vocabulary work Winter, snow, landscape, snowy, cold, shiny, falling, freezing, glitters Winter, snow, woman, lump, snowman, snowy, cold, shiny, falls, sculpt, freezes, shines, roll Snow, Maiden, girl, snowy, winter, cold, fabulous, kind, cheerful, have fun ship, little boat, sea, sail, moor
Material and equipment Scene pictures “Winter” Snowman picture Karinka Snegurochka Subject pictures “New Year”
Methodological literature KHER No. 3 p. 22 (D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 4 – 5 years old”) KHER No. 3 p. 23 (D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 4 – 5 years old”)

KHER No. 7 p. 48 T.S. Komarova

KHER No. 7 p. 47 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” KHER No. 7 p. 50 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group”


Planned results of educational activities:

knows how to freely move a brush along the pile, repeating the outline of a silhouette; draw an object consisting of two circles with a simple pencil. Developed sense of color and shape; knows how to plan the sequence of actions when performing creative work; responds emotionally to the creative works of himself and his comrades, takes initiative in helping children and adults; convey the features of the bird’s appearance – body structure and coloring.



Topic and tasks
1st drawing 2nd drawing 3rd drawing 4th drawing


Topic: “Like pink apples on bullfinch branches” Subject:

“Draw whatever picture you want”

Theme: "Chicken"
Tasks: Tasks:

Teach children to draw bullfinches on snow-covered branches: build a simple composition, convey the features of the bird’s appearance - body structure and coloring. Improve the technique of painting with gouache paints: move the brush freely along the pile, repeating the outline of the silhouette. Develop a sense of color and shape. Cultivate an interest in nature, a desire to reflect aesthetic emotions and received ideas in the drawing.


Teach children to think about the content of their drawings and bring their ideas to completion. Foster independence and creativity.


Continue teaching children to draw an object consisting of two circles with a simple pencil. Learn to convey the features of the depicted object using a poke with a hard semi-dry brush; Bring the item to the desired image using a brush.

Vocabulary work Winter, snow, birds, breast, bullfinches, wintering, pink, beautiful, flying, sitting, pecking Bird, chick, hen, rooster, small, yellow, fluffy, squeaks, pecks
Material and equipment Karinka bullfinches Scene pictures “Hen with chicks”
Methodological literature Lykova I.A. (Lykova I.A. “Art activities in kindergarten”) p. 92 KHER No. 7 p. 82 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” KHER No. 3 p. 25 (D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 4 – 5 years old”)


Planned results of educational activities:

knows how to draw four-legged animals; draw a happy and sad face with a simple pencil; draw a human figure, conveying the simplest relationships in size: small head, large body; the girl is wearing a dress; responds emotionally to the creative works of himself and his comrades, takes initiative in helping children and adults.



Topic and tasks
1st drawing 2nd drawing 3rd drawing 4th drawing

“The little goats ran out for a walk on the green meadow”

Topic: “There are such boys” Subject:

"The girl is dancing"

Topic: “Planes fly through the clouds”

Continue teaching children to draw four-legged animals. Reinforce the knowledge that all four-legged animals have an oval body. Learn to compare animals, see what is common and what is different. Develop imaginative ideas, imagination, creativity. Learn to convey fairy-tale images. Strengthen the techniques of working with a brush and paints.


Teach children to draw a happy and sad face with a simple pencil. Learn to analyze and understand the content of a poem, Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others. Learn to express and describe your feelings.


Teach children to draw a human figure, conveying the simplest relationships in size: small head, large body; the girl is wearing a dress. Learn to depict simple movements (raised hand, hands on a belt), reinforce the techniques of painting with paints, felt-tip pens, crayons. Encourage imaginative evaluation of images.


Teach children to draw airplanes flying through the clouds using different amounts of pressure on the pencil. Develop figurative perception, figurative ideas, evoke a positive emotional attitude towards the created drawings.

Vocabulary work Goat, kids, hooves, horns, horned, butting, running, frolicking Children, boy, head, face Girl, children, dancing, having fun Airplane, holiday, defender, Motherland, Russia, solemn, responsible, fly, land
Material and equipment Picture “Goats with kids” Pictures "Man" Pictures “Children dancing” Subject pictures “Airplane”
Methodological literature KHER No. 7 p. 69 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” KHER No. 3 s. 11 (D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 4 – 5 years old”) KHER No. 7 p. 60 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” KHER No. 7 p. 80 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group”


Planned results of educational activities:

knows how to make a pattern from familiar elements of Dymkovo painting, knows how to draw with a simple pencil from life of a certain size; place the image on the sheet; knows how to paint with paints (rinse it well, dry it, put paint on the brush as needed), uses previously learned drawing and painting techniques.



Topic and tasks
1st drawing 2nd drawing 3rd drawing 4th drawing 5th drawing

“Let’s decorate the doll’s dress”


"Family of Tumblers"


"Cup with dots"


“Draw a picture about spring”


"My lovely sun"


Teach children to make a pattern from familiar elements of Dymkovo painting (dots, circles, straight and wavy lines). Develop creativity, aesthetic perception, imagination.


Encourage children to look at different sized tumblers. Learn to draw a tumbler from life with a simple pencil of a certain size; convey the characteristic features of tumblers.


Teach children to draw a large piece of utensils from life with a simple pencil, placing it on the entire sheet. Learn to choose the appropriate colors yourself, trace the outline drawn in pencil with dots using a cotton swab with gouache; decorate the product with dots drawn with a cotton swab.


Teach children to convey impressions of spring in drawings. Develop the ability to successfully position an image on a sheet of paper. Practice painting with paints (rinse well, dry it, put paint on the brush as needed)


Develop figurative ideas and imagination of children. Reinforce previously learned drawing and coloring techniques.

Vocabulary work Doll, dress, haze, young lady, bright, elegant, decorate, paint Tumblers, family, head, face, torso, friendly, caring Prosula, cup, food, dining room, kitchen, tea room, wash, store Spring, sun, clouds, warmth, spring, light, warm Sun, spring, , clouds, warmth, spring, light, warm
Material and equipment Picture "Haze",

Dymkovo young lady

Tumbler toys Pictures "Dishes" Scene pictures “Spring” Scene pictures “Spring”
Methodological literature KHER No. 7 p. 68 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” KHER No. 3 p. 33 (D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 4 – 5 years old”) KHER No. 3 p. 18 (D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 4 – 5 years old”) KHER No. 7 p. 81 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” KHER No. 7 p. 74 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group”


Planned results of educational activities:

has the ability to depict parts of a plant, fish, and can paint with a brush and paints; draw from life, convey in a drawing the image of a small man - a forest gnome, composing images from simple parts: a large head, a cone-shaped shirt, a triangular cap, straight arms, while observing in a simplified form the ratio of size, emotionally responds to the creative works of oneself and his comrades , takes initiative in helping children and adults.



Topic and tasks
1st drawing 2nd drawing 3rd drawing 4th drawing

"Beautiful flowers"

Topic: “Fish swim in an aquarium” Subject:

"Little Dwarf"

Topic: “Funny nesting dolls”

Develop observation skills and the ability to choose an object to depict. Learn to depict parts of a plant in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to paint with a brush and paints, hold the brush correctly, wash it, and dry it. Improve your ability to look at pictures and choose the best. Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of satisfaction, joy from the created image.


Learn to depict fish swimming in different directions; correctly convey their head, tail, fins. Strengthen the ability to draw with a brush and paints, using strokes of a different nature. Foster independence and creativity. Learn to mark expressive images


Teach children to convey in a drawing the image of a little man - a forest gnome, composing images from simple parts: a large head, a cone-shaped shirt, a triangular cap, straight arms, while observing in a simplified form the ratios in size. Strengthen the ability to draw with paints and a brush.


Introduce children to the matryoshka doll as a type of folk toy (history of creation, features of appearance and decor, the most famous crafts - Semyonovskaya, Polkhov-Maidanovskaya). Learn to draw a nesting doll from life, as accurately as possible conveying the shape, proportions and design elements of “clothing” (flowers and leaves on a skirt, apron, shirt, scarf) to develop an eye, a sense of shape, color, rhythm, proportions. Cultivate interest in folk culture.

Vocabulary work Flowers, stem, leaves, flower, green, wide, narrow, indoor, grow, care, loosen Fish, fins, tail, scales, golden, silver, nimble, shiny, swims, grabs, dives Gnome, man, fairy tale, toy, small, fabulous, Matryoshka, toy, round dance, wooden, Semyonovskaya, Polkhov-Maidanovskaya, play collect
Material and equipment Picture "Haze",

Dymkovo young lady

Pictures "Pisces", Pictures “Heroes of fairy tales” Matryoshka toy
Methodological literature KHER No. 7 p. 27 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” KHER No. 7 p. 43 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” KHER No. 7 p. 42 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” I.A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”

P. 108


Planned results of educational activities:

has the ability to select beautiful color combinations to create the intended image; draw according to the idea first with a simple pencil, and then design the work in color; masters painting skills; developed sense of color; responds to creative works of himself and his comrades, takes initiative in helping children and adults.



Topic and tasks
1st drawing 2nd drawing 3rd drawing 4th drawing


Topic: “Draw whatever picture you want” Subject:


Topic: “Rainbow - arc”

Introduce children to a new technique of drawing on a damp sheet of paper. Continue to learn how to select beautiful color combinations to create your intended image.


Strengthen the ability to conceive the content of a drawing, create an image, conveying the shape of the parts. Strengthen painting skills with paints.

Foster independence. Develop creativity, imagination, and the ability to talk about the created image.

Form a positive emotional attitude towards the created drawings


Teach children to draw a large tree from an idea on the entire sheet, conveying the simplified structure of the trunk and crown. Continue to teach first with a simple pencil, and then draw up the work in color. Learn to draw with all the hair. Develop emotional and aesthetic feelings, love for nature.


Continue to teach children to independently and creatively reflect their ideas about beautiful natural phenomena using various visual and expressive means. Arouse interest in the image of a rainbow. Provide basic information on color science. Develop a sense of color. Foster an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Vocabulary work Fireworks, holiday, Victory Day, veterans, peace, bright, colorful, loud, shoot, rejoice, congratulate Garden, flowers, plants, spring, spring, primroses, trees, trunk, crown Summer, rainbow, sun, rain, cheerful, sunny, rainy, shining
Material and equipment Pictures "Victory Day", Pictures of "trees" Scene pictures “Summer”
Methodological literature KHER No. 3 s. 31 (D.N. Koldina “Drawing with children 4 – 5 years old”) KHER No. 7 p. 81 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” KHER No. 7 p. 81 T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten Middle group” I.A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten”

P. 138

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