Research work on the topic: “We choose sport”

Sports for preschoolers. Choosing a section for a child

Depending on the child’s temperament, age, physical and psychological development, and health, different sports are available to him. Most popular:

Team games

Football, volleyball, handball, basketball, etc. Suitable for almost all children. In addition to physical development, they contribute well to the development of:

  • communication skills;
  • strategies;
  • group collaboration.

By playing a team sport, active, sociable children receive the necessary amount of communication, while withdrawn children learn to interact with other children.

Water sports

Swimming, water polo, diving. Unlike team games, there are no age restrictions; the first lessons can be started with a newborn child. The beneficial properties of water procedures and swimming are often used for medicinal purposes in the fight against diseases of the spine and muscle underdevelopment. Children visiting the pool and learning various water sports have:

  • excellent posture;
  • strong muscles;
  • hardening;
  • strong immunity.

Martial arts

Wushu, karate, boxing, judo, taekwondo, Greco-Roman wrestling, etc. When a child is so active that parents do not know how to help the child direct energy in a positive direction, the ancient philosophy of the art of combat comes to their aid. While practicing in the wrestling section, the kid:

  • learn to manage your emotions;
  • build muscle mass;
  • will become flexible and coordinated;
  • learns the philosophy of contactless conflict resolution;
  • learn to defend yourself.

Martial arts are not recommended for aggressive and physically weak children.


Athletics, acrobatics, rhythmic and artistic gymnastics. The sport is most popular among girls. The desire to improve the capabilities of one’s own body and display the achieved results in an aesthetic form distinguishes this sport from others. The creative component allows us to talk not only about the physical benefits of classes, but also about the development of internal potential. Gymnastics exercises with the right loads:

  • improve posture;
  • develop muscles;
  • strengthen character;
  • form a slender and graceful silhouette.

Large loads on the spinal column in early childhood in most cases prevent athletes from achieving high height.

Winter sports

Skis, skates, snowboard, sled. Amateur acquaintance with the capabilities of skis can begin at an early age (2-3 years), children from 10 years old are recruited into the professional section. Winter sports, thanks to the peculiarities of training, allow you to:

  • harden the body;
  • develop the muscles of the whole body, especially the arms and legs;
  • improve coordination;

Figure skating

Of course, on the one hand, this is a winter sport, but learning its basics by preschoolers should be placed in a separate category. This is the most difficult type to master. None of the types available to kids requires so much persistence and perseverance to achieve results. Each element is first studied in the gym, the smallest details are brought to automatism and only after that they are practiced on the skating rink. Before offering this sport to your child, warn him about it. This sport is most suitable for children who are active and have a desire to compete. With regular training:

  • the muscles of the whole body develop, especially the arms and legs;
  • coordination improves;
  • character is strengthened;
  • will, perseverance, and hard work are formed.


Choreography, aerobics, ballroom and modern dancing, the number of areas of this type is difficult to count. The simplest, most accessible way of a child’s overall physical development, which reveals creative potential and brings aesthetic satisfaction.

There are many options for the sports development of preschool children; the choice of direction depends on the preferences of the parents and the child, the health status and age of the future athlete. Let's look at what types are available for specific ages.

What sports can a child under 4 years old do?

What sports can a child under 4 years old do?

The importance of sports in children's lives

Sport plays an extremely important role in the lives of children. A child who plays sports not only looks healthier and stronger compared to other children, but also achieves various goals faster. Sports develop discipline in a child. But how to instill in him a love of physical activity?

If you want your child to show interest in sports, then you should not force him to do it. Start with family training. Family physical activity, such as biking, running or swimming in the pool, helps deepen the bond between parents and their children through shared fun and develops a child's interest in sports.

What sports disciplines are suitable for your child?

There are many different sports. Some are right for your child and others aren't, but where do you start? It’s worth starting with activities that your child will enjoy. Surely, all children like to splash in the pool, ride a bike and run. Why not then direct your child’s energy in the right direction? You can enroll your child in lessons in swimming, cycling, running or triathlon, which combines all of the above sports disciplines. He will be able to prove himself and build a real sports career.

What will sports give a child?

Children who constantly show physical activity will never be passive in adulthood, they will always go towards the goal and achieve it. Sport strengthens the body and balances the child’s mental state. Group training will allow the child to learn to interact with other children, become more sociable and get rid of various psychological barriers.

Sport has a positive effect not only on a child’s health, but also on his mental abilities. If you think that sports will distract your child from school and have a bad impact on his grades, then you are wrong. Children who regularly play sports are always calmer, it is easier for them to sit and concentrate on lessons. Sports teach them discipline not only in practice, but also in the classroom.

An athletic child is more confident in solving various problems. Participation in sporting activities has been proven to increase a child's self-esteem and self-confidence. Success in competitions and awards motivate him to further challenges, and failure becomes just a step on the path to victory. A self-confident child will more easily face and survive various life difficulties.

Sports and physical exercise teach you how to relax properly and look at various things more positively. This is a real happiness pill. During physical activity, the brain releases endorphins, happiness hormones, which make us feel better and more optimistic about the world.

If you want your child to show interest in sports, then allow him to take part in various sports competitions more often, for example, in the children's triathlon championship. For the first time in Moldova, on June 16, 2020, children's triathlon competition Kids Triumph will be organized in the Valea Morilor park in Chisinau. Children will be able to get acquainted with the world of triathlon, which will combine swimming, cycling and running competitions. Organizers:, National Sports Federation of Triathlon of the Republic of Moldova (FTRM),,

You can register and find out all the details of the championship on the website

TRP standards

Many parents nowadays pay great attention to sports and try to instill this love in their children. Is it important? Of course yes. The role of sport in a child’s life is great and it is directly related to his health.

Sports are needed not only by great athletes, but also by ordinary children. By playing sports from early childhood, a child grows stronger and more resilient, his body copes well with illnesses, and colds occur less frequently. Exercising is good for a child's immune system.

A child who is passionate about training spends less time on useless activities, such as playing on the computer and mindlessly being outside. The baby makes new friends who are passionate about the same thing, new interests and aspirations.

Regular visits to the gym and training help your child study better. After all, sport helps the body get enough oxygen, which activates the brain. In addition, discipline in training is discipline in school. Classes have a beneficial effect on knowledge. No one will argue that by playing sports, excess weight no longer threatens the child.

It is necessary to attend sections for children with cardiovascular problems, breathing problems and musculoskeletal problems. Not only healthy children can play sports. Now you can select special sections for children with disabilities and limited physical activity. These children definitely need sports. Don't be afraid or embarrassed. The child will become more relaxed during training, which will have a beneficial effect on his health and make new friends. Training will give you self-confidence and strength to resist illness. Sections should be selected in consultation with your doctor.

It should be remembered that when playing sports, it is important to monitor your nutritional system and regularly attend training, which will help you achieve good results. It is better to practice in special clothes that will be comfortable for the baby.

There are a lot of sports for children, but no matter which one you choose, consult with your child and take into account his preferences. After all, you can achieve results only by doing what you love. Explain to your child that playing sports is good for the body, helps overcome stress and ensures growth and development, regardless of the child’s gender. Staying alert and active will help you achieve results. Who knows, maybe this is his future profession?

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