Class hour in grades 5-6 on the topic: “Teenagers and alcohol”

Conversation “Alcohol in the life of a teenager”

"Alcohol in the life of a teenager"

(informative talk)


  • To form a negative attitude towards alcohol, to help understand the extent of the harm of alcohol to human health.
  • Fostering self-respect, self-esteem, confidence that a healthy lifestyle makes a person free and independent, gives him the strength to make informed choices in everything.

Unfortunately, in our time, almost every evening you can see teenagers standing in courtyards, on the streets, in hallways and drinking beer, gin tonics, etc. Moreover, teenagers are convinced that they did not get together to drink , but just chat and spend time together. It seems to them that alcohol is just an attribute of their meetings.

First, let's formulate a definition of the concepts of alcohol, alcoholism

is: /children's answers/
is a substance harmful to health, which is found in beer, wine, champagne, vodka.
is a disease caused by the systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages, characterized by craving for them and leading to mental and physical disorders.

Most teenagers and young men believe that low alcohol is just an inexpensive and absolutely safe way to relax. At the same time, many, periodically drinking a bottle of intoxicating liquid, look with contempt towards alcoholics. It seems to them that they are not drinking vodka, but practically “lemonade”. And they do not use it to “forget themselves,” but only to improve their mood. The attitude of our youth towards low-alcohol drinks, like lemonade, is very dangerous!! Beer alcoholism develops more slowly and less noticeably than alcoholism from strong alcoholic drinks. And usually, the moment when the need for alcohol becomes a necessity for a teenager, a need, goes unnoticed.

Guys, do you think there are any benefits from alcoholic drinks? If so, which one?

Sample answer options:

  • This is delicious
  • You get drunk and forget yourself"
  • It becomes fun, you become more relaxed
  • You become more confident
  • I feel more mature

But, in addition to the positive ones, there are also negative aspects of low-alcohol drinks

. Let's look at them.

The main active source of intoxication for any drink was alcohol - ethyl or wine alcohol. After taking it orally, within 5-10 minutes it is absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body. Alcohol is poison for any living cell. After entering the body, alcohol very quickly disrupts the functioning of tissues and organs. Burning quickly, it takes away oxygen and water from them. The cells shrink and their activity becomes difficult. If alcohol often enters the body, the cells of various organs eventually die under the influence of alcohol, almost all physiological processes in the body are disrupted, and this can lead to serious diseases (degeneration of kidney tissue, liver, heart, blood vessels, etc.). d.)

The most noticeable manifestation of the destructive effect of alcohol on a person is its effect on the brain. Manifestations of this include confused speech of a drunk, memory lapses, stumbling legs, blurred vision, and slow reactions. These symptoms of intoxication usually disappear as soon as the alcohol leaves the blood. But if a person drinks alcohol regularly, its effect on the brain is noticeable even after the alcohol has no longer completed its direct effect on the brain.

Even a small dose of alcohol can lead to clouding of consciousness and memory loss. This effect is observed in people regardless of gender, age or the presence of alcoholism. Despite the fact that men drink alcohol more often than women, the fairer sex also experiences memory loss and clouding of consciousness. This suggests that the harm of alcohol for women is more pronounced. A woman's brain is more susceptible to alcohol and the consequences of alcohol abuse are more severe in women than in men.

Despite the fact that information about the dangers of alcohol is now widely available, many teenagers begin to get acquainted with “adult drinks” too early. The reasons that prompt a young creature to try alcohol for the first time can be different. But the harmful effect of alcoholic drinks on a young body, be it beer or low-alcohol drinks, cannot be underestimated.

Why do teenagers start drinking?

  • cheer up
  • overcome the feeling of stiffness, embarrassment
  • keep up with others, feel like you belong
  • that's how it's done, traditionally
  • forget about troubles
  • feeling of meaninglessness of life
  • thrill
  • boredom -

In general, the motives for drinking alcohol among adolescents are divided into two groups.

The motives of the first group are based on the desire to follow traditions, experience new sensations, and curiosity. Even before their first acquaintance, teenagers form a certain idea about this product and its special stimulating effect. But the first acquaintance with alcohol turns out to be not what it seemed: “bitter taste,” burning in the mouth, dizziness, nausea. After such an unpleasant encounter, most teenagers avoid drinking alcohol for a while. Then a second group of motives appears, which forms drunkenness as a type of behavior of offenders. “Drunkenness humiliates a person, takes away his reason, at least for a while, and ultimately turns him into an animal,” wrote J.-J. Rousseau.

If you want

: • maintain your health, • have an attractive appearance, • be successful in school and work, • maintain good relationships with your family, you can always say “NO!” the one who hands you a glass of alcohol.

Teenagers' answers to the question “How to say “NO”?

Here are some opt-out options:

1. State the reason for refusal, for example: “I know that this is dangerous to health”, “I already tried it and I didn’t like it”, “I’m not interested”, “I have other plans for today”. 2. Just say NO. You don't have to explain your reasons to everyone. 3. Have an interesting, exciting business. If you are busy, this is already a reason for refusal. 4. Sometimes there can be a lot of pressure from peers to drink alcohol. Try to act confidently and remain firm in your decision. You can say: “No, don’t try to persuade me anymore,” “I need to leave.” Then just leave. 5. Make friends with people who don't drink alcohol. Your true friends will not force you to drink alcohol and will not do it themselves.

Having learned what alcohol is and what alcoholism is, we come to the rules:







Teacher. Drunkenness, unfortunately, has existed for more than one millennium. However, in the old days it was not widespread. In Ancient Greece, only highly diluted wine was consumed (3 parts water and 1 part wine). Anyone who drank pure wine was considered a drunkard and was expelled, which was an extraordinary event. In ancient Rome, men under 30 were not allowed to drink wine, and women were strictly prohibited from drinking wine.

1 participant. At first our ancient ancestors did not know the taste of wine at all. They were content with fresh grape juice, which was called wine.

2nd participant. By the way, fresh natural grape juice is also capable of cheering and uplifting, but does not carry any harmful consequences.

1 participant. The discovery of the effect of fermented juice belongs to the priests of ancient religions, who thought of glorifying their gods by drinking fermented juice.

2nd participant. Gradually, mere mortals began to drink wine. In Egypt and China, alcohol was consumed 5 thousand years ago.

1 participant. With the advent of alcohol, the first fighters for sobriety appeared. One of them was the famous philosopher of the 7th century BC. Zarathustra.

2nd participant. The ancient sage Solomon, in his famous “Book of Solomon’s Proverbs”, located in the Bible, warns: “Who is howling? Who's moaning? Who's having quarrels? Who's in trouble? Who has wounds for no reason? Who has purple eyes?

Those who sit for a long time drinking wine, who come to look for seasoned wine. Don’t look at the wine, how it turns red, how it sparkles in the cup, how it flows smoothly: later, like a snake, it will bite and sting like an asp; Your eyes will look at other people's wives, and your heart will speak debauchery, and you will be like one sleeping in the middle of the sea and like one sleeping on the top of a mast. And you will say: “They beat me, it didn’t hurt me; They pushed me, I didn’t feel it. When I wake up, I’ll look for the same thing again.” (Proverbs: ch. 23, v. 29–35)

1 participant. The Romans brought wine to the Germanic lands. During the Reformation period (16th century), Martin Luther attacked the “green serpent” and issued a decree prohibiting drinking to health.

2nd participant. The statement about the “Russianness” of vodka is a blatant lie. Vodka was not invented in Russia. It was first brought to Moscow by Genoese merchants in 1428.

1 participant. True, the import of vodka was immediately prohibited. Occasionally it was used for medicinal purposes, and doses did not exceed half a spoon.

2nd participant. In Rus', the common people drank non-alcoholic sbiten, low-proof mead and mash, and even then only on holidays.

1 participant. Only after almost a century and a half did vodka begin to spread in Rus'. This was under Ivan the Terrible, by whose order the first “tsar’s tavern” was opened in Moscow.

2nd participant. But, however, the formidable king quickly came to his senses and strictly forbade everyone to drink vodka, with the exception of his guardsmen. Only under Peter I did vodka begin to go on open sale in Russia.

3rd participant. It was then that the invasion of vodka into Rus' began. No enemy has caused as much damage as these chemical weapons of mass destruction. Throughout the 17th century, ordinary people brought numerous petitions to the Tsar asking him to limit winemaking, since many “drank and wandered.”

4th participant. Periodically in Russia, with the spread of alcohol, various restrictions and punishments for drunkenness were introduced. But despite these measures, alcohol consumption increased.

3rd participant. Textbooks are silent about one war that took place in our history in the 1858–1860s, although it was a real war. With gun shots, with the victors and the vanquished, the dead and the prisoners.

4th participant. Historians often call this war a “teetotaler rebellion,” because the peasants refused to buy wine and vodka and swore the entire village not to drink.

3rd participant. Vodka was literally forced upon us. If someone didn’t want to drink, he still had to pay for it: they set the rules then. In those years, there was a practice in our country: each man was assigned to a certain tavern, and if he did not drink his “norm” and the amount from the sale of alcohol turned out to be insufficient, then the taverns collected the lost money from the yards of the area subject to the tavern.

4th participant. In the end, the peasants got tired of such orders and began to rebel. The replenishment of the treasury through the sale of alcohol decreased and the government banned... sobriety.

3rd participant. This is where the peasant pogroms began. The riot was pacified by troops who received orders to shoot at the rebels. This is a page in our history.

5th participant. In 1911, the beer and vodka kings of Russia, frightened by the growth of the teetotaling movement, turned to scientists with a request to calculate a harmless dose of alcohol, thereby demonstrating “concern for people.” The Nobel Prize laureate physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was the first to respond:

6th participant. “Anyone who talks about any harmless doses of alcohol has nothing to do with science. Alcohol is a potent poison, and the degree of poisoning is directly proportional to the amount drunk.”

5th participant. Now many honest and conscientious doctors talk about the same thing, but they are not heard, they are “out of fashion.”

6th participant. The truth about the “number one drug” is carefully hidden, replaced by beautiful myths: about the usefulness of moderate doses; that humanity since time immemorial cannot do without alcohol, and even more so Russia; that wine is a companion to talent, etc. and so on.

5th participant. Back in 1916, a congress of Russian doctors recognized alcohol as a drug. In those years, “prohibition” was introduced in Russia. And not by the Tsar’s Decree, but by the people themselves: local authorities received the right to independently decide whether or not to sell alcohol on their territory.

6th participant. Within six months (from June to December 1914), all (!) territories of the country abandoned the sale of poison.

5th participant. Within a year, the beneficial effects of sobriety manifested themselves in all areas: people began to get sick less, labor productivity increased, the number of crimes decreased, and the well-being of families increased.

6th participant. And if not for the revolution and the Bolshevik experiment, which required “drunk” money, Russia might have remained a “sober” country (in 1924, the sale of vodka was resumed by Rykov, the chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars; by the way, he was being treated for alcoholism in Germany) .

5th participant. With the outbreak of the First World War, the level of alcohol consumption in our country was extremely low. It was only in the 1960s that the mechanism of “peaceful” alcohol aggression was launched: the level of per capita consumption increased from 2 liters in 1960 to 8 liters in 1980. Streams of wine poured not only onto the shelves, but also onto the screens.

6th participant. Compare: in 1913, 95% of men under 18 did not drink alcohol at all; in 1984, 96% of men tried alcohol by age 15. 98% of women in pre-revolutionary Russia did not know the taste of alcohol at all.

5th participant. In 1985, an inept attempt was made to limit the spread of alcoholism in our country. The sharp restriction of the production and sale of alcohol in the country caused discontent among the majority, since by this time the epidemic of alcoholism and drunkenness had already reached alarming proportions.

6th participant. However, the wives and mothers of drinkers asked to continue the fight against alcoholism. Over the two years of restrictions introduced, mortality from alcohol poisoning has decreased significantly.

5th participant. Inept policy on this issue led to the fact that in 1987, supporters of uncontrolled production and sale of alcohol won. As a result, we have what we have.

6th participant. There are 25 million alcoholics, the life expectancy of Russians is decreasing (the average life expectancy of drinkers is 10–20 years shorter than the life of abstainers); our people are doomed to degeneration.

Role-playing game “Pictures from life”

The game involves two groups of 5–7 people. Each group must come up with and act out its own scenario according to the given beginning: “Andrey is a young man, he has just graduated from school and is going to become an architect. His beloved girlfriend Lena supports him in everything. They are making rosy plans."

Required condition in the script:

Group 1 – Andrey and Lena agree to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Group 2 - Andrey loves feasts, parties, likes to drink beer with friends and is not going to give it up.

In conclusion, the teacher evaluates the work in groups and sums up the results.

Teacher. Attention! Research conducted by specialists has shown that alcoholism is the result of drinking alcohol by people predisposed to alcoholism. No one can know whether you have this predisposition or not until you start drinking. Don't take risks! It is better to never find out about your predisposition to alcohol. Once the addiction mechanism is started, it is unlikely to be stopped.

Game “Clash of Opinions: My Choice”

Invite participants to split into 2 groups. Group 1 fills in the first column, group 2 fills in the second column. Then carry out a “clash of opinions” - invite each group to defend their point of view, bringing as many arguments as possible in their favor.

Positive consequences Negative consequences

The teacher summarizes the discussion.

7th participant. Substitution of concepts is a well-known trick of scammers. Sometimes it is enough to replace one letter in a word - and the meaning of what is said changes to the opposite. “In vino veritas” - “the truth is in wine” - this Latin proverb is trumped by supporters of wine drinking. Well, what truth could there be? No, there’s no secret: they just replaced one letter in the word. Originally the proverb sounded like this: “In vino feritas,” which means “wildness in the wine.” Someone changed the letter, turning wildness (feritas) into truth (veritas). So they filled our heads with nonsense. The ancients, they say, said it, and they already knew what they were saying. Yes, indeed, the ancient Romans turned out to be right: savagery will remain savagery, no matter how high a word you call it.

Teacher. Who is to blame for our people becoming drunkards? Who is in Russia and over the course of 70 years has increased the production of alcohol by 20 times (!) in our country? There is probably no point in looking for the culprits now.

We are setting a record... A record of universal shame! Comedians still manage to amuse people with this shame. No wars, epidemics, or repressions combined have caused such damage as we suffered from alcohol.

The situation needs to change. Otherwise our people will degenerate. And you, young people, decide what your future and the future of your children will be like, and whether there will be such a future at all. You choose: to be slaves or to live freely.

Scientists say that in order to survive as a people, we need to give up all drugs. Both legal and illegal. Back in 1975, the World Health Organization decided “to consider alcohol a drug that undermines human health.”

Legal drug addiction

Start the class by playing any group bonding game (see Appendix).

Teacher. Today we will talk about what threatens a person’s addiction to alcohol.

To begin, formulate and write down your definitions of the concepts of alcohol, alcoholic.

An alcoholic is...

Alcohol is...

Listen to some definitions.

1 participant. “An alcoholic is a person who does not have the will to refuse to drink alcohol, that is, dependent on alcohol.”

2nd participant. “Alcoholism is a dependence on a drug called alcohol, which has two main components: compulsion and progression.”

1 participant. Most people associate the concept of alcoholism with the typical appearance of an alcoholic with sloppy clothes, dirty shoes, shaking hands and a puffy, purple face.

2nd participant. This is true, but in a severe stage of the disease. And how many alcoholics are unaware of the terrible diagnosis they have and would consider even a hint of it a personal insult!

1 participant. Alcoholism usually develops after several years of drinking (sometimes within 1–2 years!). Drunkenness is the regular and irregular (!) consumption of alcoholic beverages (including beer!) in various doses (not necessarily large).

2nd participant. Mild degree of intoxication: when drinking a small amount of alcohol, the mood usually improves, a feeling of comfort appears, people become sociable, talkative, and appetite increases. People tolerate this period of intoxication well. Many have gone through this seemingly harmless stage.

1 participant. Especially young people - boys and girls, in order to overcome the feeling of constraint and embarrassment in the company of their peers, drink a little alcoholic beverages, after which they feel free and comfortable.

And how many irreparable troubles happen in the future!

2nd participant. This is where the first stage of addiction begins – mental. A person very quickly and imperceptibly develops a constant craving for alcohol.

1 participant. To improve your mood, forget about troubles, avoid feelings of shyness - there are always plenty of reasons to drink alcohol. This is already the beginning of the disease. Self-control gradually decreases, and the dose required to achieve the desired effect imperceptibly but surely increases.

2nd participant. With an average degree of intoxication, speech becomes unclear, the gait is unsteady, nausea and vomiting are possible, a good mood is manifested by uncontrollable joy, but more often there is the appearance of anger, irritability, and aggression.

1 participant. After sleep, which can be long, there is lethargy, headache, memories of the past are unpleasant and much is remembered vaguely. Some of you have probably already experienced unpleasant phenomena after drinking the first glasses of alcohol: vomiting, headache, feeling unwell - these are the signals with which the body warns us: there is danger here, you are doing the wrong thing. If a person does not listen to the voice of the body and continues to drink, then this voice becomes silent. There is an illusion that everything is fine.

2nd participant. In fact, the body turns on reserve defense mechanisms and works as if under overload, which naturally leads to rapid wear and tear.

1 participant. In severe cases of intoxication, depression or loss of consciousness is observed, while the person cannot stand, vomiting, incoherent muttering appears, and then deep, uninterrupted sleep. After waking up, a person does not remember anything from what happened the day before.

2nd participant. The second stage of addiction is physical, characterized by the fact that alcohol becomes necessary for the functioning of the altered organs and systems of the body. Without alcohol, painful disorders arise that disappear after drinking alcohol: headaches, nightmares, feelings of anxiety, fear, chills, thirst, lack of appetite, trembling limbs, convulsions, and delirium tremens may develop at this stage.

1 participant. The third stage is alcoholic degradation, characterized by indifference to loved ones, to one’s health and appearance, cynicism, often aggressiveness, loss of memory, intelligence, lethargy, deep damage to the liver, cardiovascular system, convulsions, and alcoholic psychoses.

Teacher. Man is a kind of computer. From the first day of life, the child is “loaded” with programs: how to live, how to speak, how to communicate with people and the world.

Drunkenness begins in childhood, when a child, having not yet tried alcohol, knows from family traditions that any celebration, any meeting must be accompanied by alcohol.

3rd participant. If a child sees from the cradle that his mother and father invariably sit at the festive table with a glass of wine in their hands and with a contented look, if on television he sees adult films every day, where every now and then beautiful, prosperous uncles and aunts drink, then he , naturally, an idea is formed: fun and a glass are inseparable, one is a consequence of the other. If you're in a bad mood, you need to drink this!

4th participant. From childhood, a person is programmed to believe that the best way to lift one’s mood is with alcohol, as evidenced by statistics: 38% of respondents drink to improve their mood. This is the most common and most dangerous myth about alcohol.

3rd participant. It has been so deeply embedded in the consciousness of the people for many generations that it is not even going to be questioned. Meanwhile, people who have completely given up alcohol claim the opposite. Here are the opinions of some of them:

4th participant. Writer Ivan Drozdov, author of the book “Gone with Vodka”: “Yes, we drank, but so little that we considered ourselves non-drinkers. One day they told us: “You try not to drink at all. Quite quite. After all, this is freedom, this is independence. Useful and beautiful”... And I said: “I promise I won’t drink again.” I haven't drunk since then. And you know, I’m immensely happy about it.”

3rd participant. Andrey, conservatory student, guitarist: “I don’t drink, that’s all! I do not need it. It’s a pity to waste time on trifles like alcohol. Yes, I tried: at first it was fun, euphoria, “life is good and beautiful,” and then disgusting, some kind of emptiness inside. No, life is too short and interesting to waste it on dope.”

4th participant. The Dudintsev family, Andrei and Irina: “One day they brought us a tape recording of Zhdanov’s lecture on alcoholism. The conclusions of the scientists of the Novosibirsk Academic Town horrified us. We just decided for ourselves: we don’t drink anymore! Nothing! And we were convinced that “prohibition” does not affect sincere fun and other wonderful human feelings. On holidays we still have fun, sing and dance. The only thing we have lost is the negative consequences of alcoholic “libations.” But they gained a feeling of freedom, joy, and elation. And the relationship between us has become warmer.”

3rd participant. Svetlana, psychologist: “I work as a child psychologist and I see what is happening to our children. What we could teach children yesterday, children cannot learn today. This degradation is happening so quickly! As a specialist, I know the consequences of this. If we want to have a future, we have one way out - to give up alcohol in any form and in any quantity. For our drinking society, this sounds crazy, but there is no other way. Besides, you have no idea how great it is to be free.”

Teacher. Let's look at what happens to a person's emotional sphere when he becomes dependent on artificial stimulants (and it doesn't matter what it is: a cigarette, beer, vodka, heroin or any other drug). But don’t think that we are talking about some drunkards and complete drug addicts.

5th participant. Emotional dependence sets in very quickly; it is already present when a person drinks alcohol occasionally, as they say, on holidays. Such people are called moderate drinkers, they are the majority.

6th participant. That is, a person needs to drink in order to enjoy and relax. Indeed, alcohol disinhibits, and a person’s emotions splash over the edge, they intensify.

5th participant. We have already briefly examined the mechanism of activation of human brain zones under the influence of narcotic substances - the “punishment” and “pleasure” zones. This also applies to alcohol, since it is also a drug.

Teacher. A threatening situation has arisen with the growing consumption of beer in Russia and beer alcoholism among children and adolescents.

6th participant. The beer revolution began in the 90s of the last century. The deputies decided that beer is not an alcohol, but a food product. This allowed the drink's producers to expand to their full potential. Beer, which is drunk everywhere and by everyone, has become a national disaster.

5th participant. Maximum promotion of beer advertising everywhere looks like a sophisticated form of terrorism. The impression is that if we don't drink beer, something terrible will happen.

6th participant. Things have gotten to the point where beer has been declared healthy almost from the cradle! Why not a terrorist act? Moreover, with huge human casualties. Every eighth person who drinks beer becomes an alcoholic.

5th participant. Advertising “creates the impression” that drinking beer is a prerequisite for achieving success, for improving physical and mental well-being, and presents beer as a thirst-quenching drink.

6th participant. Television advertising assures us that without beer life is boring and uninteresting; a mandatory attribute of a real man is a bottle of beer. Colorful advertisements on the street encourage us to enter the New Year with Klinsky.

5th participant. True, at the bottom it is written in small letters: “Excessive consumption of beer can harm your health.” But this is not for you. Because it’s very small, and not entirely accurate: it’s not “may harm,” but it will definitely harm.

6th participant. Doctors are sounding the alarm: after just a year of moderate beer consumption, a bottle a day, functional changes are detected in the liver.

5th participant. For some reason, advertising is silent about the fact that if you follow its call, then in the near future you will most likely have to treat a diseased liver, heart, infertility, and impotence.

6th participant. And scientists have established, by the way, that the liver, like other organs, can last 600 years.

5th participant. Today it has become fashionable to talk not only about the safety, but also about the healthfulness of beer, which supposedly contains a large amount of vitamins and other nutrients. Beautiful young men are depicted drinking glasses of beer in the company of the same girls. Moreover, many advertisements glorify beer almost as a drink of love.

Teacher. But advertisers and sellers of beer, advertising it as a symbol of a modern and strong man, a successful businessman and winner of women, are silent that those who drink beer have, among other things, huge problems in intimate relationships with women. The fact is that drinking beer, especially at a young age, soon leads to the development of chronic prostatitis, that is, inflammation of the prostate gland, which causes impotence. The widespread use of beer among young people was one of the reasons for the decline in the birth rate due to male failure. Chronic prostatitis, even with timely treatment, can rarely be completely cured. And in the overwhelming majority of cases, it leads to the development of prostate adenoma, in which a man not only cannot live a normal sex life, but suffers great discomfort due to the frequent urge to urinate. Unfortunately, young people do not know about this and continue to drink beer, and when they come to the doctors, it is almost impossible to help. Therefore, it would be more correct to call beer holidays holidays of male impotence, because this is exactly what drinking beer leads to. As a result, families are often destroyed, children are not born, etc. Beer has an even more terrible effect on the body of a woman, and especially a girl, destroying her reproductive system and making it impossible to give birth to healthy children. In addition, beer has an extremely negative effect on the liver, causing the development of fatty hepatosis, which often turns into cirrhosis; on the heart, causing alcoholic cardiomyopathy. This list of beer diseases could be continued further, but is it worth it?

5th participant. Not a single advertisement will show you the terrible secret that beer producers carefully hide from consumers: the fermentation product of beer components is isopropyl alcohol, which is “more terrible than sarin” (sarin is a potent nerve agent).

6th participant. This is the true price of beer’s success, which every consumer measures for himself with his health.

7th participant. What else is dangerous about alcohol?

One pathologist left a description of the brain of a person who drinks like everyone else: “Changes in the frontal lobes of the brain are visible even without a microscope, the gyri are smoothed out and atrophied. Under a microscope, voids filled with serous fluid are visible. The cerebral cortex resembles the ground after bombs have been dropped on it - all in craters. Every drink here has left its mark.”

8th participant. Another pathologist compares the brain of a drinker to moth-eaten felt. Once in the blood, alcohol degreases the surface of red blood cells, as if removing the skin from them. Red blood cells begin to clump together, blocking the smallest blood vessels located in the brain. As a result, millions of brain cells die. The cells of the frontal lobes, where the nerve centers responsible for decision making are located, are especially affected. It is no wonder that a drinker has difficulty mastering even the simplest tasks. As comedians joke, as degrees increase, even angles become blunter.

7th participant. The same mechanism of red blood cell gluing puts a person in a cheerful state. Glued and destroyed red blood cells are no longer able to provide the body's tissues with oxygen, and oxygen starvation of the tissues occurs. Massive cell death begins, primarily in the brain. It is this mass cell death that causes the hilarity. Our body has a tenfold supply of capillaries. At current levels of alcohol consumption, the average person will use up a 100-120 year supply of capillaries by age 30.

Teacher. It’s your choice: either a manufactured “coolness” and dubious pleasure, or the health of you and your future children. At least let's take an example from piglets - a very entertaining and at the same time instructive story was told by Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov, a professor from Novosibirsk:

8th participant. In 1972, a Kiev film studio made a film about the behavioral reactions of one-month-old piglets. Ten piglets from different sows were placed in one pen. Having fought with each other, they united into a single herd, where a leader stood out, hierarchy and order were established. It occurred to someone from the film crew to pour a three-liter can of beer into the trough with food for the piglets. After drinking the mixture, the piglets became stupefied: they began to attack each other, fight... Only after a few days did they regain order. When the experiment with beer was repeated, the leader did not eat - he knocked over the trough. We thought it was an accident and added beer to the food again. And again the leader pig resolutely overturned the trough.

Teacher. Will piglets really be smarter than us humans?

See all Classroom scenarios for high school students

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