class hour with elements of the training “Secrets of Communication” for 2nd grade

Goal: 1. Expand children’s understanding of culture of behavior. 2. Instill in children the skills of cultural behavior in communicating with each other and other people.


PC, multimedia projector, Internet connection (if possible). This extracurricular activity can be carried out in high schools; the teacher’s story is accompanied by a presentation. In conclusion, a short test “Can you listen” is carried out, and if you have access to the Internet, then you can conduct online testing, as well as role-playing games.

Progress of the class hour:

Organizational issue. Greetings. Communicate the topic and purpose of the class.

Teacher's story:

Man is a social being. One of the basic needs of Homo Sapiens is communication. We talk a lot and often. However, do we know how to listen and hear? Experience shows that among the existing myths about the ability to listen, the following are most common. Listening and hearing are the same thing. We hear with our ears; this is a person’s physical ability given to him from birth. In order to listen, ears alone are not enough; you need intelligence and desire. The process of listening is the result of a conscious choice. Research shows that we hear half of what is said, listen to half of what we hear, and understand half of what we hear. Listening is a passive process. Concentration of attention is maintained by itself for no more than one minute. At this time, the information we perceive is recorded in the so-called short-term memory. It has a limited capacity and protects our brain from overload. If the “recorded” information is not recognized by us as intended for processing and analysis, it is forgotten. The person himself makes the choice of what meaning to attach to what he hears, so the process of listening requires active involvement and conscious effort, sometimes significant. It is possible to simultaneously listen carefully to your interlocutor and do other work efficiently. Many people are convinced that they can talk on the phone, print documents and greet visitors at the same time. Of course, you can simultaneously listen to your interlocutor, sort your mail, and prepare a presentation. But what will happen to the quality? The truth of life is this: only a computer can perform several tasks simultaneously in the same first-class manner. And then, if you look at it, the computer performs one task at a time. A person works better and better when he does one thing at a time. Trying to do even two things at once inevitably leads to a decrease in the quality of work. In a telephone conversation situation, when you are listening to the interlocutor and at the same time doing other work not related to the current conversation, such a “split personality” is fraught with scattered attention and loss of the thread of the conversation. When talking on the phone, the other person expects your undivided attention.

While listening, you need to think about your next statement.

You need to do one thing (see previous myth). If you need a few seconds to formulate your answer, be honest about it. Your interlocutor will appreciate your serious approach and is unlikely to object.

There are many good listeners.

We only listen to 25% of our potential. This means that we ignore, forget or misunderstand 75% of what we hear. The listening process is a combination of what we hear, understand and remember. The ability to listen is acquired, it can and should be learned. What to do? How to improve communication skills? A few tips will help you develop your listening skills.

Stop talking

This is the first thing to do, since it is impossible to do two things at the same time and efficiently - speaking and listening.

Don't interrupt

By interrupting the interlocutor, we thereby give him a signal: “What you are saying is not at all interesting and not very important.” Who will like it? The overused phrase “Sorry to interrupt” is a lame excuse for poor listening skills and should be forever forgotten. And don’t be tempted to finish your interlocutor’s thought!

Listen so you can hear

When talking on the phone, the other person cannot see you. He is unable to appreciate your attentive gaze, head nod and other non-verbal signals. Your silence alone is also not enough to convince your interlocutor that you are listening to him.

Moreover, silence on the other end of the line may cause the interlocutor to doubt whether the connection has been interrupted. But you have a powerful instrument - your voice, all the strings of which are correctly tuned. Use it! From time to time, confirm your attention with words “yes”, “I understand you”, “absolutely right”, etc.

Repeat out loud what you said, especially dates, numbers, names. This is called active listening.

Don't pretend to listen. Sooner or later, the interlocutor will notice your pseudo-listening and will be upset, dissatisfied or annoyed. Concentrate, get physically ready, get ready to record.

People love it when their thoughts are written down; it makes them feel important.

But you won’t see this on the phone, so make it clear that you are writing it down: “Ivan Ivanovich, could you repeat your last argument, I’ll write it down, this is a very interesting idea.”

In addition, this has an undoubted benefit for you: you will have much more information about the outcome of the conversation.

This will help you understand the essence of the problem and show the interlocutor that you are following his train of thought.

Expect the best from your interlocutor

“I know in advance what he will say”, “He’s talking about the same thing again”, “Well, now it’s starting...”. Such attitudes hinder cooperation. Take a step forward, free yourself from prejudices and preconceived attitudes, and be open to conversation. Communication is a two-way street.

Listen to everything

And not just what is interesting, useful and pleasant to you. Express sincere interest in the problems of the interlocutor. Any information would be invaluable.

I wonder how your communication is going?

In order to assess your ability to listen and perceive your interlocutor, we suggest answering questions from V. McLeney’s memo:

1. Do you wait impatiently for the other person to finish speaking and give you a chance to speak?

2. Are you in a hurry to make a decision before understanding the problem? 3. Don't you only hear what you want to hear? 4. Do your emotions and mood interfere with your listening? 5. Are you distracted when others are talking? 6. Do you remember any unimportant points instead of the main points of the conversation? 7. Do prejudices prevent you from listening? 8. Do you stop listening when you encounter something incomprehensible or difficult for you to perceive? 9. Do you take a negative attitude when listening? 10. Maybe you’re just pretending to listen? 11. Do you put yourself in the speaker’s shoes to understand what made him say this? 12. Do you take into account that you and the speaker may not be discussing the same issue? 13. Do you keep in mind that words may have different meanings for you and for the speaker? 14. Are you trying to find out whether the dispute is really caused by differences in points of view or different formulations of the issue? 15. Do you avoid the gaze of the interlocutor, do you look into the corner or to the sides when listening to another? 16. Do you have an irresistible desire to interrupt your interlocutor and insert your word for him or to spite him, to get ahead of his conclusions? If you, hand on heart, confidently answer “no” to all the questions posed, except 11 - 14, then you are not fencing yourself off from your interlocutor with an insurmountable barrier of perception. For those who are not so confident in their answers, this memo is essentially a list of tips on how to listen in order to hear. And one more test, interactive: And here’s what visitors answered when they were asked “….Do you know how….just listen???”

Class hour “Can we communicate?”

Class hour: “Can we communicate?”


developing a culture of verbal communication among students with each other and with people around them; fostering a polite, kind attitude towards people, instilling rules and norms of behavior in society; mastering the skills of cultural behavior.


Teach children to work in groups and pairs. Learn to reason and draw conclusions. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards each other and others.

Progress of the event

Guys, in our previous lesson we talked about people: what are they like? You correctly noted that all people, first of all, are very different: there are good and evil, there are (the children continue)

  • attentive and rude
  • hardworking and lazy
  • tactful and unrestrained
  • fair and envious
  • vindictive and selfish
  • cheerful and honest
  • responsive and polite

You see how many different qualities there are in people: good and bad. Here is a man in front of us (a figure is pasted on) What qualities, in your opinion, should a person worthy of imitation, who can always be trusted with anything, have? - (cards are glued)

There were a lot of positive qualities. Of course, they are all very important, but I will ask you to choose only 3

the most important, in your opinion. Let's try to create a collective portrait: (work in groups) Qualities:
Kindness, Responsiveness, Good manners.
How do you understand “being educated”? (knows how to behave among people, treat other people well).

Guys, I would add one more thing: to be well-mannered means to be able to establish correct relationships with other people, to win them over, that is, to be able to communicate.

Is it really that important in life?

If we look in the explanatory dictionary, we will find the following definition:

Communication is the interaction of two or more people, consisting in the exchange of information of a different nature between them.”

As we see, this is the interaction of people, and people, as you have already said, are very different: it is always pleasant to communicate with some, not so much with others; Some are easy to engage in conversation, while others are not. According to psychologists, it depends on the character of the person. The most difficult thing to communicate with is a person who has an unrestrained and explosive character.

I offer you a small test that will help you determine whether you are a conflict person or not.


  1. A loud argument began in the class. Your reaction:
  • 1) I don’t take part
  • 2) I will only briefly speak out in defense of the point of view that I consider correct
  • 3) I actively intervene and “cause fire on myself.”
  1. Do you often argue with friends?

1) Only as a joke and only if these people are not touchy

2) Only on some issues

3) Disputes are my element

  1. You are standing in line. How do you react if someone gets ahead?
  1. 1) I’m outraged in my heart, but I’m silent
  2. 2) I make a remark - you need to teach the rude man good manners
  3. 3) I go forward and begin to observe the order
  1. At home, under-salted soup was served for lunch.

1) I won’t make a fuss over a trifle

2) Silently I will take the salt shaker

3) I can’t resist making caustic remarks, maybe I’ll even refuse food

  1. Someone in the family bought something you don't like. Your reaction.

1) I won’t say anything

  • 2) I will limit myself to a short but tactful remark
  • 3) I will express everything that I think about it.
  • Scores: 1—4 points
  • 2—2 points
  • 3—0 points
  • Let's summarize:


You are tactful and peaceful, avoid arguments and conflicts, and avoid critical situations. You are sometimes called an opportunist. Take courage and, if circumstances require, speak out on principle.


You are considered a conflicted person, but this is an exaggeration. You conflict unless there is another way out. You are able to defend your opinion. You do not go beyond the limits, do not stoop to insults. All this earns respect for you.

Less than 8b.

Disputes and conflicts are your element. After all, you love to criticize others, and if you hear a remark addressed to you, you can eat the person. It is very difficult for those who are close to you. Your lack of restraint pushes people away. Try to curb your temper.

Class hour in 5th grade. How to win people over?

Class hour “How to win people over?”
Guseinova Lyudmila Alekseevna, English teacher, MBOU "Secondary School No. 8", Novy Urengoy Material presented by me for students in grades 2-5. I believe that this will help class teachers, in the form of a game, present such qualities as how to communicate correctly. After all, in communication, children should be able to win people over. That only a kind person can maintain good relationships with people. It is very important what people think about you. Children should always remember that their every action, every wish is reflected on the people around them. Goal: developing students’ communication skills and communication culture. Form : dialogue workshop.
Progress of the class hour.

Recommendations for the teacher: To create a favorable mood for the class hour, the teacher, at his discretion, can conduct the following communicative games:
“I wish you well.” Instructions: Squares of colored paper (3x3 cm) are made in advance. Each participant takes the required number of squares. On the colored side, the student writes: “I wish you well!” On the reverse side is written the name of the person being addressed. The number of wishes may vary. The teacher collects the flags and gives them to those to whom they are addressed the next day. "Magic Scroll". Children sit in a circle, and the class teacher is with them. Everyone prepares a long scroll - a piece of paper, at the bottom of which they mark their first and last name. The sheet is given to the neighbor on the left. He writes down on top what he likes about the owner of the sheet. Then the sheet is folded so that the next one cannot read what is written, and the sheet is passed around in a circle. Thus, the scroll of each participant gets to everyone and everyone notes in it those qualities that attract them to its owner, each time folding the record. Finally, the scroll comes full circle and returns to the recipient, who receives full information about what others value about him. The teacher needs to warn the children that only the positive qualities of their classmates are recorded. "Tell me about me." One of the players, if desired, leaves the room. All those remaining take turns naming one, but the best, from everyone’s point of view, quality of this person. Each quality is recorded, and at the same time it is noted who named it. The person to whom these opinions are addressed must guess who said this about him. The game allows you to see whose opinion is especially important for everyone, and helps to establish friendly relationships between children. So, guys, the games allowed us to tune in to a very important and interesting conversation. In communication, it is very important to learn how to win people over. Today we will talk about how to become a person with whom people enjoy communicating. My friends, instill faith in people And say more often: “Good afternoon” And follow a good example: Extend people’s lives with a kind word. V. Bokov. “A smile costs nothing, but gives a lot.” A kind, benevolent person knows how to maintain good relationships with people. Remember how many times you said hello today, smiled at other people, and how many times you called your classmate by his nickname? Analyze today, how many people enjoyed communicating with you, and whose mood did you ruin? Very often we don’t think about whether it’s pleasant to communicate with us, and what do others think about me? Of course, there are people who like to say that they do not care about the opinions of others, but most likely they are insincere, they simply do not know how to communicate with other people. But today our conversation is not about them, but about how to learn to win people over, to become a pleasant person to talk to, because this is very important in life. Let's start with a smile. If you wake up in a bad mood, it will be hard for both you and those around you. And if you smiled... Remember how it is sung in the famous song by V. Shainsky “Smile”: “Share your smile, and it will come back to you more than once...”. Of course, you can smile in different ways. You can do it sincerely and openly. Or you can pretend. But a fake smile only pushes the other person away. A smile is important not only for the person himself, but also for those around him. Can you remember times when a smile helped prevent a quarrel or conflict? The next very important step in the ability to win over people is greeting. Next, the teacher asks the children to remember how they address each other. Listening to the answers, he notices that they do not always address each other by name, and yet this appeal to each other by name or to an adult by patronymic name is another way to win over a person. Now answer the question: do you know how to say hello correctly? “Hello”, “goodbye”, “thank you”, “please”, “good afternoon”. Such everyday words, but how important they are in communication! Have you probably noticed how, in response to these words, your interlocutor becomes kinder, a smile appears on his street, the conversation becomes more pleasant, and you are perceived as a well-mannered person? It’s not for nothing that these words are also called “magic”. Surely, among your friends there are guys and girls whose speech is not at all overloaded with these polite words, but rather, on the contrary, is replete with swear words. So, maybe our communication can do without them? Let's think together. The most common greeting is, of course, “Hello!” We confirm our acquaintance with this and express our desire to continue it. It bothers us when a good friend, passing by, only nods his head slightly or does not notice us at all. After all, to stop saying hello means to interrupt a good relationship, to stop acquaintance. And vice versa: when we greet a person with whom we have not communicated before, we express a friendly attitude towards him and our intention to enter into business relations with him. When you say hello, you wish the other person health, which means you need to do it kindly. The person to whom the greeting is addressed must see your location. Children should remember that they should be the first to say hello and goodbye to an adult. The greetings “My respect!” and “Good health!” are very polite and full of dignity, but they are most often used by older people. "Great!" - male greeting. It is familiar, somewhat rude and has a colloquial character. If you do not want to look like a person with little education and insufficient knowledge of the norms of literary speech, try to avoid this greeting. And of course, it cannot be recommended to girls. In official, solemn occasions, especially when addressing a large audience, they say: “I greet you!” or “Allow me to greet you.” If you are greeting a close or well-known person, you can say “hello”, but this form of greeting is unacceptable in relation to older or unfamiliar people. They never combine different greetings together: “Greetings, great!” or “My respects, hello!” This is completely impossible, because each greeting formula has its own use, expresses special relationships, and is associated with a specific situation. Greetings are usually accompanied by gestures, a handshake, raising a hand, a nod of the head, a bow. The tradition of presenting the right hand for greeting goes back centuries. Its purpose was to show that there was no weapon in the hand. You can do without a handshake, but if you like this type of greeting, remember: the handshake should not be too strong and too lifeless. Exercise “Let's say hello!” Students are asked to say “Hello” with different intonations (irritated, cheerful, gloomy, indifferent, ironic, polite, etc.). Which greeting option did you like best and why? Hello! Having bowed, we said to each other, Even though we didn’t know each other at all. Hello! What special things did we say to each other? Just “hello”, we didn’t say anything else. Why is there a drop of sunshine in the world? Why has there been a little more happiness in the world? Why has life become a little more joyful? What greetings of different nations do you guys know? A polite person should be able to say “goodbye.” At the same time, you need to look into the face of the person you are saying goodbye to. We must remember that words of greeting or farewell, spoken in an unfriendly tone, can offend a person; you should also not overuse words of gratitude. If in a conversation you endlessly thank the interlocutor for something, it may seem insincere to him and will not inspire confidence in you on the part of the interlocutor. Next, the teacher introduces the children to the memo. Rules for meeting and greeting. 1. Younger children in the family, on the street, in public places are introduced to other people by adults. 2. When introducing someone, you must look the interlocutor in the face, and it is advisable to smile. 3.When meeting someone, they usually offer their hand. The first person to offer his hand is the person to whom the other was introduced. The handshake should be short, not too strong or lifeless. 4. A woman, regardless of age (including a girl, young woman), does not introduce herself to a man (boy, boy) first. 5. When meeting, clearly state the name, if necessary, the surname and patronymic. 6. In society, theatre, or at a party, the hostess (host) of the house or the organizer of the event introduces everyone to each other. 7. Addressing “you” is unacceptable when communicating with adults. Task “Collect a phrase” (performed in groups). Students receive a set of cards with parts of a phrase. It is necessary to restore the author's statement, reconstruct it according to its meaning. The group then discusses the validity of the phrase and selects a member to speak for the group. “Nothing costs us so little or is valued so dearly as politeness.” Cervantes. “Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his own face” I. Goethe. “Politeness begets politeness.” E. Rotterdamsky. “Treat people the way you would like to be treated.” (The Golden Rule of Morality) “To be rude is to forget your own dignity.” (N.G. Chernyshevsky) “Two forces most successfully contribute to the education of a cultured person - art and science. Both of these forces are combined in the book." (M. Gorky.) “You live among people. Don’t forget that your every action, your every wish is reflected in the people around you. Check your actions by asking yourself: are you doing harm or inconveniencing people? Do everything so that the people around you feel good.” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky.) In the final part of the class hour, the teacher will introduce the children to the Rules of Communication, which will help them learn to win over other people and be a pleasant conversationalist. 1. In a conversation, try not to talk about things that may unpleasantly offend your interlocutor. 2. Do not humiliate others, do not hurt the feelings of your interlocutor, do not try to “pin” him, offend him, or rise at his expense. 3. Don't gossip. It is indecent to speak ill of absent people. 4. Watch your speech. You should not talk too loudly, attracting the attention of others, but you should also not speak too quietly, since the interlocutor will have to strain his hearing with all his might to understand you. 5. If you misunderstood or didn’t hear something, ask to repeat: “Sorry, I didn’t hear.” 6. It is very impolite to answer a question with a question. 7.If a third person joins two interlocutors, find a topic that will be interesting to all three. 8. In a dispute, do not strive to be right, do not demonstrate your resentment if your point of view is not accepted by everyone. Take into account the arguments of others. This does not mean that you should give up your opinion, but the form of disagreement must be correct. 9. Do not litter your speech with swear words. Remember that by using obscene language, you not only cause disgust in others, but also commit an offense. Reflection: today I learned and realized that...

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Class notes “Once in a lifetime” - for a psychologist, class hours

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  • Municipal budgetary educational institution
  • city ​​of Kurgan
  • "Secondary school No. 48"
  • Class notes
  • "psychology"
  • Grade 11
  • Theme: “Once and for a lifetime”
  • Sheveleva Elena Viktorovna
  • Educational psychologist
  • 2019
  • Class hour
  • Once for a lifetime: Conversations with high school students
  • Student age: 11th grade
  • Amount of time for class: 40 minutes
  • Goal: to form a positive attitude of students towards marriage and family.
  • Tasks:

To promote the development of students’ interest in the question: “What is a family?”, to determine their attitude towards the family as a social and universal value; help schoolchildren formulate their own ideas about modern legal and moral values ​​of the family.

  1. Progress of the lesson
  2. 1. Teacher's introduction
  3. Family is a sacred word
  4. And you can’t offend him!
  5. In it are our roots, our strength,
  6. Our cherished words!

A family is people who are related to each other and live together. From the first minutes of our birth, family is next to each of us. If we feel bad, it’s difficult, if a misfortune happens to us, who will listen to us, help, reassure us, give advice, protect us? Of course, people close to us: mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers, sisters - our family, the people closest and dearest to us, our support for life.

  • Let's remember proverbs and sayings about family, about home.
  • Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
  • A house without a mistress is an orphan.
  • There is no need for treasure when there is harmony in the family.
  • The richer you are, the happier you are.
  • When the family is together, the soul is in its place.

Yes, it’s not easy for one person to live. And no matter what they say, family is the main wealth in life. These are close and dear people.

  1. For every family, its customs and traditions are of particular importance. For a long time, wonderful traditions have taken root in Russian families, which I propose to remember now:
  2. 1. Gather with the whole family at the parental home on holidays, as well as celebrate family holidays;
  3. 2. Everyone sing and play musical instruments together;
  4. 3. Invite guests and gather a feast;
  5. 4. Collect and store family photographs;

5. Store things that belonged to relatives as antiques and as a memory of relatives and friends.

6. Since ancient times, there was a tradition in Rus': representatives of one family were engaged in one type of activity. This is how dynasties of potters, military men, builders, teachers, etc. were born.

Did you guys know that families used to be big? In such families, everyone helped each other, the kids respected old age, and the old people felt sorry for the little ones. I have a mystery about such a large family. Try to count how many people there are in this family.

  • I'll give you a task now
  • Listen, here's my family:
  • Grandfather, grandmother and brother.
  • We have order in the house, okay.
  • And cleanliness, why?
  • We have two mothers in our house,
  • Two dads, two sons,
  • Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter,
  • And the youngest is me,
  • What kind of family do we have?
  • (Answer: 6 people - brother and sister, their parents, grandparents).

People without whom we cannot exist, who love us and care about us. And we do the same. Where does a family begin? With understanding, kindness, care...

Everyone sitting here will sooner or later get married. And everyone wants to marry for love! After all, it’s terrible to live with an unloved person. For example, a girl or guy cannot get married for a long time and finally marries the first person who proposes to her or him. But the purpose of our conversation is to find out the truth. What is the truth?

Marrying for love is impossible!

According to world data, not a single person on earth has ever entered into a love marriage. Sounds a little unusual.

Very often people use the same words in completely different meanings. Let's look at what we mean by the word love. There are two basic concepts that characterize two completely different types of relationships between a man and a woman. These are “love” and “infatuation”.

  1. Infatuation Love
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. Let's start with falling in love
  6. 1 Falling in love is often a manifestation of selfishness

2 In the appearance or character of the person with whom one falls in love, as a rule, there is a certain feature that, in fact, wins the heart of the lover. This is a beautiful face or figure. In a more elevated version, it is intelligence, cheerfulness of character, etc. But in any case, a lover falls in love with something.

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