Lapbook – “Journey through Russian folk tales”

A fairy tale is of great importance in a child’s life. It becomes a means of development and education from the first years of life. After all, the language of a fairy tale is understandable to a child, it allows you to simply and clearly explain the difference between good and evil, give ideas about the relationship between man and nature, human relationships. It will be very interesting and useful for a teacher who uses advanced pedagogical achievements in his practice to make a lapbook on this topic for preschoolers.

  • 2 Information content of the laptop on fairy tales
    2.1 Examples of riddles on a fairy tale theme
  • 2.2 A selection of proverbs and sayings about fairy tales
  • 3 Original design of the laptop “Fairy Tales”
      3.1 Photo gallery: ready-made laptop spreads on a fairy tale theme
  • 4 Video: lapbook based on the fairy tale “Kolobok”
  • 5 Video: lapbook “Visiting Grandfather Korney” (based on the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky)
  • 6 How to use the manual when working with preschoolers
  • For what age is a laptop based on fairy tales suitable?

    The “Fairy Tales” laptop book is a wonderful universal guide that can be used in working with children from the second junior group onwards. Of course, the contents of a lapbook for children will be different from those for older children. The main emphasis in it should be on clarity, colorful pictures - this is what will captivate little preschoolers.

    In a lapbook for kids, the emphasis is on clarity and colorful pictures.

    In the senior and preparatory groups, the content of a hand-made book will be more complex and diverse. The manual will be replenished with interesting facts related to folklore and original fairy tales, riddles, puzzles, crosswords, quiz questions, etc.

    A laptop based on fairy tales for older preschoolers will, of course, be more complex and intricate

    In general, the main function of the “Fairy Tales” lapbook at any age is to enhance children’s knowledge of these works, as well as social and communicative development. After all, based on the material of fairy tales, children can come up with a lot of tasks: from retellings to theatrical mini-productions.

    Lapbook “Tales of K. I. Chukovsky”

    Yulia Abzalimova

    Lapbook “Tales of K. I. Chukovsky”

    Lapbook “Tales of K. I. Chukovsky.”

    The use of a visual method as one of the directions in the development of speech of children with ODD.

    Uv. Colleagues, I present to your attention my didactic guide - the lapbook “Fairy Tales of K. I. Chukovsky”, this is not just a book with pictures, it is a teaching aid that carries a cognitive, developmental and correctional function, which is very important for children with ODD.

    The purpose of this manual:

    development of cognitive abilities, activation of the vocabulary of children with special needs development, and in general the development of speech through educational games and tasks.

    Working with this manual, the following problems can be solved::

    Correctional and educational . Clarification and expansion of the dictionary on various lexical topics. Enrichment, activation of the child’s vocabulary. Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Development of coherent speech.

    Correctional and developmental . Development of dialogic speech, visual attention, thinking, development of fine motor skills.

    Correctional and educational. Formation of a certain relationship with the heroes of fairy tales. Forming children's interest in books. Formation of cooperation skills, a positive attitude towards participation in such an activity, and a responsible attitude towards completing the task.

    The didactic manual is intended for children 4 -7 years old. This manual is a means of developmental learning.

    The manual will help the child to organize information on the topics studied at will, to better understand and remember the material, which is very important for children with ODD.

    Often the plot of a fairy tale suggests the lexical topic of a lesson:

    “Fedorino grief” - dishes,

    “Tsokotukha fly” - insects,

    “Moidodyr” - person, toiletries,

    "Aibolit" - animals of hot countries (wild animals,

    “Cockroach” - transport, animals.

    Or suggests which exercise or game to use:

    Fedora insulted the dishes - “Call me kindly”

    The dishes were broken - “Collect the picture”

    The insects hid from the spider - we reinforce the use of prepositions

    A laptop is a great way to review the material you have covered. At any convenient time, the child simply opens the laptop and repeats what he has learned.

    The content of the lapbook itself is thought out in such a way that work on it can be organized both individually and in groups of children of 4-6 people. That is, someone can be given tasks from their pockets, and someone can work in the book itself.

    Therefore, in order to facilitate perception, when teaching children, I try to introduce an element of play, entertainment and clarity into the educational process.

    This is what my laptop looks like.

    First page.

    Here in the pocket are books with fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky.

    Second page.

    Here mini folding books with fairy tales “Aibolit” and “Fly-Tsokotukha” are attached to a magnet, which will allow the child to tell a fairy tale based on the pictures.

    There is also a task, “Name the work.” The child, turning over the pages, recognizes the work of K.I. Chukovsky and names it.

    According to the assignment “Read the riddles and find the answers in the pictures,” the teacher reads a riddle based on the work, and the child chooses a picture that is the answer.

    Third page. Here in the pockets are sheets of coloring books based on the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky.

    And cut-out pictures on the topic “Animals of hot countries.”

    On the fourth page there are cards, pictures, tasks, riddles about animals of hot countries.

    On the fifth and last page - Fedora and her dishes with various tasks.

    Help Fedora, the dishes have broken, collect the dishes and name them.

    The dishes returned, but Fedora forgot where they were. Place the dishes in the right places, do not forget to say: I will put the kettle on the stove. etc.

    To help the teacher, different game options are described on Fedora’s page.

    This is how we learn - by playing.

    Original design of the laptop “Fairy Tales”

    The theme of fairy tales itself gives the teacher (or parents) the opportunity to show all their imagination when designing a lapbook. First of all, it’s worth coming up with a bright name, if, of course, the lapbook is dedicated to not one, but several works. Options could be:

    • “My favorite fairy tales”;
    • "The Magic World of Fairy Tales";
    • "Visiting a fairy tale";
    • "In the world of fairy tales";
    • "In the land of fairy tales";
    • "Teremok of Fairy Tales"

    The manual itself can be given the general shape of a house (fairy-tale tower).

    It would be very appropriate to give the lapbook the shape of a fairytale house

    You should put a colorful picture on the cover, for example, a collage of fairy tales.

    You can put characters from different fairy tales on the cover

    Swing covers tied with a ribbon look very nice.

    The cover halves can be beautifully tied with a ribbon

    A great idea is to use felt applique for the cover.

    Felt appliques look very original and will perfectly decorate the cover of a lapbook.

    The lapbook itself should include as many unusual elements as possible. For example, these are rotating disks. For example, on the top one you can make a window in which, when turned, portraits of fairy-tale characters will appear.

    An original design element - rotating discs

    Another version of the rotating disk can be dedicated to the heroes of Pushkin’s fairy tales. By turning the circle, the child must correctly make pairs of heroes from the same work.

    You need to rotate the upper circle so that pairs of heroes from the same fairy tale are formed

    You definitely need to place little books in your lapbook, for example, with riddles.

    Children love to look at baby books in laptops

    An indispensable attribute of the manual is various envelopes in which educational games and other material are placed. The fairy-tale theme makes it possible to make them unusual, for example, in the form of character attributes: a magic chest, Masha’s box in which the bear carried her, the tskotukha fly’s samovar, etc.

    Original envelopes in the form of a chest, Masha's box, Mukha-Tsokotukha's samovar will surprise children

    A fun idea is to place information (such as riddles) on identical cardboard discs on a bright floral background. They can be placed one below the other (glue only the top part).

    The riddles are printed on a bright floral background.

    The lapbook should include folding strips.

    A fascinating element of the lapbook - folding strips

    An unusual tape is found in one of the lapbooks based on Chukovsky’s fairy tales. It characterizes the author as a person. Each part of it contains information about Korney Ivanovich.

    By unfolding the tape and reading it, the children will learn a lot of new things about K. Chukovsky

    Photo gallery: ready-made laptop spreads on a fairy tale theme

    The openwork ribbon framing the house gives the laptop a special charm

    The material is placed on a bright multi-colored background

    The manual contains crossword puzzles. labyrinths, puzzles and other rather complex tasks

    This laptop even contains photos of monuments in Russian cities dedicated to Pushkin’s fairy-tale characters

    Like Pushkin’s fairy tales, Chukovsky’s works provide rich material for a lapbook.

    The material is located on a beautiful blue background, with which the inscriptions are harmoniously combined

    In the central part of the manual there is a portrait of K. Chukovsky

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