Development of a class lesson on the topic: “My rights and responsibilities” 3rd grade
Independent motor activity in kindergarten
Forms and types of organization of children's physical activity during the day What does physical activity mean?
Abstract on the topic of berries preparatory group. Theme: “Vegetable garden. Berries". Senior group. Objectives of teaching drawing in the preparatory group
Preparation The result of achieving the goals depends on how thoroughly the teacher prepares for the lesson.
class hour 'October 11 - Republic Day of Bashkortorstan'
Extracurricular event “Seven Wonders of Bashkortostan” dedicated to the Day of the Republic of Bashkortostan Answer: Beetery is the prey of wild
Final lesson in the preparatory group of children on the topic “Mushrooms and berries”
GCD on familiarization with the outside world on the topic “Mushrooms. Berries" NOD Familiarization with the surroundings
“Fairy tale - as a means in the spiritual and moral education of preschool children”
“Fairy tale - as a means in the spiritual and moral education of preschool children” Creative report “Fairy tale -
Synopsis of a technology lesson on the topic “Patchwork, its history and techniques.” (6th grade)
Lesson summary on the “Patchwork” technology Lesson outline Topic: “Patchwork is an inexhaustible source
Master class on making a model “Arctic and Antarctic”
Travel to the Arctic Presentation for the educational activity "Hello, World" according to the program "Kindergarten 2100" Prepared by the teacher of the first quarter. categories Chernova S.N. MBDOU DS. - presentation
Master class on making the model “Arctic and Antarctic” Tatyana Koryakina Master class on making the model “Arctic”
Extracurricular event (game - quiz) for schoolchildren in grades 3-5 with a presentation on the topic: Birds
Lesson-game on traffic rules" "Safe world. School of Confidence"
Road safety lesson.. The road to knowledge must be safe! — presentation Safety Lesson
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