Work program and technical specifications for speech practice for grades 1-2 according to the Federal State Educational Standard for schools of type 8
Work program for the academic subject “Manual Labor”, 2nd grade (option 8.3.) + KTP Explanatory note
“Civil and legal education of preschool children” educational and methodological material (preparatory group) on the topic
Even the smallest members of society have certain social rights that cannot be violated by anyone
Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group “Spring is coming, make way for spring”
Lesson on the topic: Spring in the preparatory group Children’s mastery of basic logical techniques on the topic
Summary of GCD for drawing in the preparatory group “My Motherland-Russia”
Drawing competition “My small Motherland in the future” State budgetary educational institution of the Pskov region “Center
Application “Mushrooms” on a clearing made of colored paper in the senior group with video
Most often, mushroom stencils may be needed to create children's or autumn crafts. However, the spectrum
Lesson summary in athletics (Topic: Throwing a small ball at a target, standing sideways in the direction of throwing. Grade 3.
Calendar-thematic planning in mathematics (grade 9)
Project method in environmental education of preschool children Project method in environmental education of preschool children Educator: Yarikova Natalya Evgenievna. - presentation
Environmental education of preschool children through the implementation of project activities Environmental education of preschool children through the implementation of project activities
Plasticine applications on cardboard for children with photos and videos
Reverse applique made of plasticine on a transparent basis
“Autumn in the Forest” Let’s show another example of a volumetric application made of plasticine, rich in details
Summary of a lesson on gender education in the senior group “Who am I: a boy or a girl?”
Summary of an open lesson on gender education in the middle group “Magic Journey” Magic Journey. Class
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