Experience and advice
Geometry lesson notes, 7th grade. The third sign of equality of triangles The third sign of equality of triangles Author:
The “Inspiration” program edited by I.E. Fedosova. The program offers the construction of educational activities based on scientific
Folk crafts (presentation) presentation for a lesson on the world around us (senior group) on the topic
The main feature of mechanical motion is a branch of physics called mechanics that studies motion, describes and characterizes
Conversation “Talk about bad habits” Conversation “Talk about bad habits” Goal: to continue the formation of a responsible
Monotype drawing technique is one of the types of non-traditional creativity. It is used by both preschoolers and
Work program in mathematics, grade 5, Federal State Educational Standard Vilenkin, use the rules of politeness in communication; use
The concept of homeless animals Let us consider and study in more detail the concept of “stray animal”, where homeless animals come from
How many-sided a fairy tale is! And meanwhile, this folklore genre is divided into several more groups,
The benefits of geometric applique for the development of preschool children From early preschool age to 1