Presentation of the work program of the preparatory group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

The “Inspiration” program edited by I.E. Fedosova.

The program proposes the construction of educational activities based on scientifically based approaches that take into account data from Russian and foreign modern research in the field of psychology, educational psychology, psychophysiology, neurophysiology and other scientific areas in the field of child development.
The program integrates the best achievements and practices of domestic and foreign preschool pedagogy, offering the optimal combination of traditions and innovations.

Features and objectives of the program:

  • The main idea is that kindergarten should become a motivating educational environment for the child, helping to best develop and reveal his abilities and talents.
  • An important aspect of the program is to help the child develop in accordance with the completely new requirements of modern society, such as the ability to positively interact with other people, initiative, activity, ability and desire to learn, ability to take responsibility, creativity, readiness to create and apply innovations.
  • The program is also based on scientific research that has proven that it is during preschool childhood that the foundation is laid for more complex qualities necessary in life: a high ability to concentrate, logical and analytical thinking, readiness and ability to navigate in an uncertain, changing world and adapt to it , readiness and ability to independently formulate and solve problems, taking into account the context of their occurrence, orientation in complex relationships, high psychological stability.
  • Much attention is paid here to another important participant in the process - the teacher and his abilities, knowledge and inspiration for the idea: such a teacher understands the processes of child development, has good scientific and methodological training and, enjoying his work, will strive to achieve good results every day. The Program gives such teachers inspiration, a serious scientific and methodological base, vivid examples from the experience of the best teachers and educational practices, the necessary and conscious freedom in professional activity, which allows them to build the pedagogical process taking into account the individual capabilities and needs of each child.
  • The program is also interesting because the section “Basic theories of development and their significance for education and upbringing” provides the opportunity for a deep dive into various discoveries of psychology about the development of children, and in a fun way, with examples. This contributes to a deeper understanding of the essence and tasks of working with children, and helps to see cause-and-effect relationships in one’s teaching practice.
  • The program aims to “introduce” children to themselves and instill the skills to choose the right and happy lifestyle. As an example, children are helped to learn to relax (if it is difficult to fall asleep), imagine, get to know themselves (how my body works, what feelings I have, what I am capable of, etc.)

Methodological support of the program

To achieve the goals of the program, manuals and materials approved by educational standards are used. The teacher needs:

  • educational and thematic notes, plans;
  • workbooks;
  • copybook;
  • visual aids, tables, diagrams;
  • counting material;
  • multimedia presentations.

Note! Didactic materials and necessary creativity aids can be produced independently.

A competent and comprehensive approach to preparing for school helps the child successfully adapt to new conditions and teams. A favorable social environment, in turn, contributes to the successful acquisition of knowledge.

Program “Kindergarten 2100” Scientifically edited by R.N. Buneeva

The program is based on the best traditions of domestic education; it has been tested in 37 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This is a comprehensive program for the education and development of preschool children; it is a structural component of the “School 2100” system, developed on the principle of unified lifelong education.

The links of this continuous chain must not only be connected to each other, but each of them must be the basis for the next.

Features and objectives of the “Kindergarten 2100” program:

  • The key feature of the program is a real solution to the problem of continuity of preschool and primary school education. A modern kindergarten synchronizes the processes of upbringing and learning, which begin to complement each other rather than oppose each other, and also ensure the rich development of children. The child believes in his own strength, learns to be successful, sees his potential, and becomes the subject of his life. All this, undoubtedly, makes it easier for the child to say goodbye to kindergarten and enter school, and also maintains and develops his interest in learning in new conditions.
  • In kindergarten, conditions are created for the harmonious development of the child’s personality, his cognitive sphere (memory, thinking, speech, imagination), emotional sphere, as well as the experience of self-knowledge and the formation of an integral worldview.
  • The result of raising a child in kindergarten should be his awareness of himself, his characteristics and capabilities, the disclosure of his individual potential, the ability to cooperate with peers and adults, communicate with them, the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle, physical education, as well as psychological and functional readiness for school.
  • Preschoolers who are brought up under this program are able to clearly defend their point of view, they are independent, sociable, liberated and open to the world. The program is based on dialogue with children, and the teacher does not just pass on knowledge, but allows the child to discover it himself. The learning process is accompanied by classes with colorful manuals, consisting of several parts and including an impressive amount of knowledge and entertaining tasks.
  • Formation of cognitive motivation in children by organizing their activities in such a way that they themselves can make discoveries and learn something new, solving accessible problem problems, overcoming feasible difficulties of an intellectual and personal nature. • Reliance on previous development and teaching creativity to develop in preschoolers the skill of independently solving problem situations and non-standard tasks.

List of activities within the framework of cognitive development:

  • speech development;
  • familiarization with the surrounding world;
  • introduction to mathematics;
  • introduction to computer science (only in senior and preparatory groups);
  • introduction to fiction;
  • rhetoric (only in senior and preparatory groups);
  • visual activity;
  • synthesis of arts, as well as
  • design;
  • modeling and applique.

Work program for preparing preschoolers for school according to the new Federal State Educational Standards

The plan for preparing a preschooler for school is very rich in content. The goal of the program is to introduce the child to a multifaceted environment. Teaching methods are designed in such a way that they are aimed at mastering knowledge, as well as developing the emotional sphere. In accordance with the methods, a necessary condition for obtaining knowledge is the creation of a high level of emotional tone during the learning process.

Drawing lesson on the topic “Who do you want to be” in preparatory groups

Language part of the program

The speech development system is based on an integrated approach. It should be aimed at achieving several aspects of speech development within one lesson. It is important to pay attention to the following:

  • phonetics;
  • grammar;
  • vocabulary

Note! In the process of preparing for school, a child should form a clear idea of ​​​​linking sentences into one statement. Work must be done on the semantic side.

Reading fiction plays a big role in achieving goals.

The main method of work is play. In its process the following tasks should be implemented:

  • development of auditory and visual perception;
  • development of thinking and speech, attention and observation;
  • formation of fantasy and imagination skills;
  • formation of ethical ideas.

Reading fiction in kindergarten

Development of elementary mathematical concepts

The formation of initial mathematical concepts is an important part of the development program for preschool children. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, this is the first stage of preparation for school.

By elementary mathematical concepts we mean the following:

  • orientation in the sizes and dimensions of objects;
  • account ownership;
  • development of spatial relations;
  • acquaintance with geometric shapes;
  • studying the concept of time;
  • measuring measures;
  • familiarization with the concept of shares;
  • ability to compare objects.

The work process involves organizing exercises, as a result of which the child repeats practical actions.

Important! Visual materials are presented in the form of tables, illustrations, and consideration of visual models. Didactic games are used as verbal methods.

Teaching Math Skills

Component of the program in fine arts and artistic work

The state program for preschoolers to prepare for school should include multifaceted activities. Children should get acquainted with the various crafts of Russia and creative directions.

The program is based on the introduction of intellectual, creative, visual and theatrical activities.

Goals of educational activities:

  • developing children's interest in fine arts;
  • development of figurative aesthetic perception;
  • engaging in productive activities (sculpting, appliqué, artistic work).

Note! Each area of ​​activity has its own tasks.

If we are talking about subject drawing, then in the process of classes the following goals are achieved:

  • Improving the ability to depict objects, developing observation and memory.
  • Image technique improves, and the child develops freedom of imagination.
  • The accuracy of hand movement and visual acuity are formed.
  • The child’s ability to see beauty develops, the ability to draw clear lines and create smooth color transitions is trained.
  • When drawing with a plot, the ability to create compositions on paper and independence in choosing topics is developed.

The whole process takes place both in organizational groups and individually. Tasks are offered taking into account age and level of initial skills. This approach contributes to the successful preparation of the child for school, thanks to this, successful mastery of educational skills occurs.

Basics of fine art in kindergarten

Formation of communication skills of preschoolers and others

The transition to primary school is a complex emotional process. Children must be fully prepared. Communication skills play an important role in this. Their competent development will help them quickly adapt to a new team.

Observations on a walk and in a corner of nature in the middle group

In order for communication skills to develop comprehensively, it is recommended to use two methods:

  • Theatricalization.
  • Game activity.

Note! Theatricalization helps to achieve good results.

It allows children not only to relax, but also to enrich their vocabulary. In the process of acting out a fairy tale, embodying one of the fairy tale characters, they learn to look at the world around them with different eyes.

This method is very useful for a child who does not show any activity in the real life of a kindergarten. In the conditions of productions, he has the opportunity to interact more widely with peers. In this way, it is possible to expand the circle of communication.

Changing images has a positive effect not only on the development of communication skills, but also on the enrichment of speech. The child himself will not notice how he will begin to pronounce sounds differently and try to pronounce words more clearly.

With the help of theatrical activities, the following results can be achieved:

  • liberation of children;
  • expanding their vocabulary;
  • development of artistry and getting rid of the fear of speaking in front of an audience.

Note! This activity helps you learn to easily communicate with different people.

The leading type of activity for preschoolers is play. Many communication skills are transferred through play activities. The greatest liberation occurs in children during outdoor games. This is an important activity for shy kids.

A combination of various methods for developing communication abilities, used regularly in preschool age, effectively prepares the child for school. Such techniques prevent problems that children may have with teachers and future classmates.

Development of communication during active games

The program "Kindergarten according to the Montessori system" ed. E.A. Hiltunen

This program was created on the basis of the pedagogical system of the famous teacher and psychologist Maria Montessori in accordance with the Federal State Educational System (FSES) of preschool education.

At the end of the 20th century, an activity-based and constructivist approach to education emerged in our country, meaning a transition from the authoritarian paradigm of the relationship between teacher and student to a humanistic one. The child gradually becomes a subject of education, and not an object of influence on him by adults.

The program is based on anthropological, cultural-historical and activity-based approaches to the educational process in kindergarten and is based on the philosophical and psychological foundations of the pedagogical system developed in the first half of the 20th century by the Italian scientist, teacher and psychologist Maria Montessori.

In Russia, the first Montessori kindergarten was opened in 1913 by Russian teacher and scientist Yulia Ivanovna Fausek. And since 1991, a new wave of preschool and primary school organizations began to develop in our country, continuing this tradition. Currently there are more than 2000 of them in Russia.

Features and key ideas of the Montessori program:

  • Maria Montessori called her pedagogical system a system of self-development for children in a didactically prepared environment. She examined the process of child development and education from the point of view of anthropology, highlighting special periods of his growth and creating the most comfortable conditions for their occurrence.
  • The means of developing a child’s personality is his own active activity in mastering the environment, based on the free choice of the subject of activity, partner, place and pace of his work.

Philosophical aspect of the system.

Maria Montessori was convinced that every object and subject of the world around us performs a special function intended for it by nature. A person endowed with consciousness explores the world and transforms it for the better.

A child, radically different from an adult in that in the early and preschool period he has a special form of consciousness - an absorbing mind, builds his personality, obeying the laws of nature, through active interaction with the environment with the help of his feelings, movement and speech.

Psychological aspect of the system.

Following the ideas of natural conformity to the development of children, Maria Montessori proposed her own age periodization. She especially highlighted the period from birth to 6 years - the years during which the child lived through the main sensitive phases: the period of development of feelings, movements, language; a period of order and interest in small objects, as well as the development of social behavior.

Pedagogical aspect of the system.

The central idea is the recognition of the child’s right to natural development and free expression of his abilities. Teachers build open and trusting relationships with children and purposefully create a culture of friendly and welcoming relationships between the children themselves, as well as between children and adults.

Teachers retreat into the background, supporting children’s initiative, cognitive and creative activity in interaction with the subject-spatial developmental educational environment. The teacher’s tasks are to create such an environment, organize children’s free work in it, and study the course of their lives in the group.

How to write a work program for a kindergarten teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Recommendations for educators on writing a work program.
Author: Gribanova Anna Leonidovna Position and place of work: teacher, MBDOU No. 44 “Combined kindergarten”, Kemerovo. Description of the material: I bring to your attention recommendations for writing, designing and developing a work program. This material may be useful to preschool directors when drawing up regulations on a teacher’s work program, senior educators when writing the main preschool work program, and educators when developing their own programs. Contents of the teacher's work program Currently, global changes are taking place in the preschool education system. They are due to the fact that, in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-F3 “On Education in the Russian Federation,” the preschool education system has become the first stage of the Russian education system. This led to the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), which determines what the program of a preschool educational institution should be and what conditions are needed for its implementation. The teacher’s work program is developed by the teacher based on the educational program of the preschool educational institution. The structure and content of the work program is developed taking into account the requirements and standards approved at the federal level (in our case, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, which has been in effect since January 1, 2014). The work program is a normative document and is approved by the head of the preschool institution. One program is sufficient for a group of the same age; it is not advisable for each teacher to write it; co-authors of the program can be: managers, 2 teachers, preschool specialists, and a creative group. Approximate structure of the educational program (laws give us partial freedom in planning the educational process) 1. Title page , which indicates: • Name of the educational institution • By whom and when the program was adopted and approved (protocol numbers and date) ADOPTED by the Pedagogical Council of the MBDOU Protocol No. of 2020 APPROVED Head of MBDOU No. Full name _____________ Order No.___ dated “___”_______2016 • Name of the work program (age of children, school year) • Compilers of the program (full name, position, category) • City and year of development of the program 2. Contents of the program (table of contents) 3. The program itself 1.
Target section 1.1.
Explanatory note (indicating the relevance of the program, goals, objectives, program participants, implementation deadlines) 1.2. Regulatory documents on the basis of which the program was developed • Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 43, 72. • Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). • Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (2012). • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 27, 2011 N 2562 Moscow “On approval of the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution.” • Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the regime of preschool educational institutions. SanPin • Charter of preschool educational institution. • GEF DO. 1.3. Main characteristics of the developmental characteristics of children in this group (Age characteristics) 1.4. List of children indicating date of birth and age as of September 1, 2016 1.5. Psychological and individual characteristics of children in this group (characteristics for the group, not for each child) 1.6. Social passport of the group as of 09/01/2016 (information about parents) 2.
Organization of the regime of children’s stay in an educational institution 2.1.
Organization of the stay of children in preschool educational institutions (for cold and warm periods) 2.2. System of hardening measures 2.3. System of health measures 2.4. Organization of motor mode 2.5. Schedule of organized educational activities (class schedule) 2.6. Cyclogram of educational activities for a week or day (at the request of management) 3.
Content section 3.1.
Long-term thematic planning for the year (you can include “Working with parents” in this section if you don’t have a separate plan) Topic of the week Goal Replenishing the developmental environment 3.2. Educational area “Cognitive development” Calendar and thematic planning for the educational area “Cognitive development” 3.3. Educational area “Speech development” Calendar and thematic planning for the educational area “Speech development” 3.4. Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development” Calendar and thematic planning for the educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development” 3.5. Educational area “Physical development” Calendar and thematic planning for the educational area “Physical development” 3.6. Educational field "Social and communicative development" Long-term - thematic planning for the educational field "Social and communicative development" 4.
Planned results of mastering the Program This section describes the basic knowledge, abilities and skills, level of development that students must master in the process of implementing a specific educational program areas.
Monitoring system In the monitoring process, the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of the child are examined through observations, conversations, expert assessments, etc. A mandatory requirement for building a monitoring system is a combination of low-formalized (observation, conversation, survey, analysis of activity products, etc.) and highly formalized (tests, etc.) methods that ensure the objectivity and accuracy of the data obtained.
Monitoring of the educational process (Appendix No. 1) Monitoring of the educational process (monitoring of the development of the educational program) is carried out by kindergarten teachers (educators and specialists). It is based on an analysis of children's achievement of intermediate results. Monitoring of child development (Appendix No. 2) Monitoring of child development (monitoring of the development of integrative qualities) is carried out by teachers (caregivers, other specialists) and a medical worker (pediatrician). The main objective of this type of monitoring is to identify the individual developmental characteristics of each child and, if necessary, outline an individual route of educational work to maximize the potential of the child’s personality. 6.
Long-term planning for interaction with parents
4. List of references The list of references indicates all programs, methodological publications and teaching aids used to develop the Work Program and used in the process of its implementation. The list is constructed in alphabetical order, indicating the city and name of the publishing house, the year of publication of the literature. The list of references is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003. The list of material and technical equipment includes: Printed manuals. Technical teaching aids and ICT tools. Digital and electronic educational resources. Educational-practical and educational-laboratory equipment. Game and didactic material. Demonstration aids. Musical instruments, etc. 5. Applications are developed depending on the desires and needs of the teacher. This could be: - description of games and exercises; — card files (walks, morning exercises, etc.); — scenarios for group events; — scripts for master classes for teachers and parents; — scenarios of various forms of interaction with parents; — visual media (visual propaganda materials, booklets, memos), etc. Requirements for the design of the educational program are established in the regulations of the preschool educational institution on the development of the work program. Approximate
requirements for the design of work programs: The text is typed in the Wordfor Windows editor in Times New Roman font, font size 14, tables are filled in font size 12, single line spacing, no hyphens in the text, width alignment, paragraph 1.5 cm, margins on all sides 2 cm. The finished program is stitched (bookleted), the pages are numbered. The title page is considered the first and is not subject to numbering, as well as the application sheets. The list of references is built in alphabetical order; it is allowed to design a list of references in the main sections of each educational field. The program is approved annually at the beginning of the school year (before September 1 of the current year) by order of the head of the preschool educational institution (stamped on the title page). The teacher reserves the right to make minor changes to the program as the work progresses. The variable part of the work program is written and bookleted separately and is closely intertwined with the main program only in weekly planning, which is advisable to include in an appendix.

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Individual program of correctional and developmental work with preschoolers with intellectual disabilities; Club program in kindergarten for children 6-7 years old; Work program of a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Sections Work program of additional education in preschool educational institutions in ecology

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Program "Childhood"

Developed in 2013, and supplemented in 2014 by teachers of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Institute of Childhood of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen.

The authors position this program as a program for the enriched development of preschool children, helping the unified process of socialization and individualization of the child’s personality through his awareness of his needs, capabilities and abilities.

It is worth noting that the development of such primary skills of self-knowledge will greatly help the child in developing his place in the world.

Features and objectives of the program:

  • create an opportunity for every child in kindergarten to develop abilities, broad interaction with the world and creative self-realization;
  • development in the child of independence, cognitive and communicative activity, self-confidence and the formation of value orientations;
  • fostering a humane attitude towards the world and people, emotional responsiveness and the ability to empathize;
  • awakening in the child the child’s creative activity and imagination, the desire to be involved in creative activities;
  • interaction of preschoolers with various spheres of culture: fine arts and music, children's literature and native language, ecology, mathematics, games;
  • introducing the child to the culture of his country and instilling respect for other peoples and cultures;
  • introducing the child to beauty, goodness, non-violence, for it is important that preschool age becomes the time when the child awakens a sense of belonging to the world, a desire to do good deeds;
  • the program places the child at the center of educational practices and interactions, and most importantly, the child is the source of his own change

Recommendations for developing a work program for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

Svetlana Ishmuratova

Recommendations for developing a work program for a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

Recommendations for developing a work program

teacher of a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Prepared by: senior teacher Ishmuratova S.V.

MBDOU "Krapivinsky kindergarten "Firefly"

Before approaching the design and writing work program, it is important to know the basic concepts that exist in preschool education.

1) Approximate basic educational program - developed by methodological scientists . Preschool institutions take it as a basis for developing their own educational program , taking into account the regional component and local conditions (for example, “From birth to school”

edited by
N. E. Veraksy; “Childhood”
, etc.).

2) The educational program of a preschool educational institution is a management document that establishes certain norms, goals, content, technologies and methods, forms and means that are used in each specific preschool institution when organizing the educational process. Developed by the head of the preschool educational institution and the creative team.

3) Teacher’s work program - developed by the teacher on the basis of the educational program of the preschool educational institution . The structure and content of the work program is developed taking into account the requirements and standards approved at the federal level (in our case, in accordance with the Federal State for Preschool Education, which has been in effect since January 1, 2014). The work program is a normative document and is approved by the head of the preschool institution.

Regulatory documents regulating the activities of educational institutions and teachers :

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ

Article 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

9) educational program - a set of basic characteristics of education (scope, content, planned results, organizational and pedagogical conditions and, in cases provided for by this Federal Law, certification forms, which is presented in the form of a curriculum, academic calendar, work programs of academic subjects , courses , disciplines (modules, other components, as well as assessment and teaching materials;

Article 48. Duties and responsibilities of teaching staff

1. Teaching staff are obliged:

1) carry out their activities at a high professional level, ensure the full implementation of the taught educational subject, course, discipline (module)

in accordance with the approved
work program .
Unified qualification directory of positions for managers, specialists and employees dated October 31, 2010. Section: job responsibilities:

Speech therapist teacher - implements educational programs .

Educational psychologist - maintains documentation in the established form, using it for its intended purpose. Participates in the planning and development of developmental and correctional programs of educational activities, taking into account the individual and age-gender characteristics of students, pupils, in ensuring the level of training of students, pupils that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard, federal state educational requirements.

Teacher (including senior)

Develops a plan (
program ) of educational
work with a group of students and pupils.
Federal State for preschool education (order dated 10/17/13, valid from 01/01/2014)

— contains requirements for the structure of the educational
program of preschool education, and therefore the requirements for drawing up a teacher’s work program .
Sections of the work program according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education .

1. Title page


3.Target section:

Target section includes:

a) explanatory note;

b) planned results of mastering the Program .

The explanatory note should disclose:

-goals and objectives of the Program ;

-principles and approaches to the formation of the Program .

— characteristics significant for the development and implementation of the Program , including age and individual characteristics of children in the group

The planned results of mastering the Program specify the requirements of the Standard for targets in the mandatory part and the part formed by participants in educational relations

4. Content section:

1. Contents of educational activities for children to master

educational areas:

• Direction “Social and communicative development”


• Direction “Cognitive development”


• Direction “Speech development”


• Direction “Artistic and aesthetic development”


• Direction “Physical development”


2. Description of the forms, methods, means of implementing the Program

3. Features of educational activities of different types and cultural practices

4. Ways and directions of supporting children's initiatives

5. Features of interaction between the teaching staff and families

6. Part of the Program formed by participants in educational relations (partial programs )

7. Content of correctional work and/or inclusive education.

5.Organizational section:

1. Methodological support of the Program , teaching and educational means (List of methodological aids ensuring the implementation of educational activities)

2. Daily routine.

Can be turned on: After the daily regimen, the motor mode, the hardening grid,

3. Activity cyclogram.

4.Extract from the curriculum for your group: GCD grid.

5. distribution of thematic periods. Comprehensive - thematic planning of direct educational activities

6. Features of traditional events, holidays, activities.

7. Features of the organization of developing subject-spatial


Structure of the work program of a preschool teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard

1. Title page

The title page is a kind of “calling card” of the program . Therefore, like a business card, only the most necessary information should be indicated here:

name of the educational institution;

where, when and by whom this program (in the upper right corner - approved by the head of the preschool educational institution (date, signature, order number, in the upper left corner - ACCEPTED by the pedagogical council of the institution , protocol number);

full name of the program (for example, Work program for joint activities of a teacher with children 3-4 years old , junior group.);

compiled on the basis of an approximate educational program for preschool education (2014)

“From birth to school”
, edited by N. E. Veraks, M. A. Vasilyeva, T. S. Komarova

duration of the program (academic year)


Full name and position of the author (s)


year of program development .

2. Contents.

The content of the work program and the pages are indicated.

3.Target section:

1) Explanatory note

Work program for child development… . The groups (hereinafter referred to as
the Program ) were developed in accordance with the OOP “Kindergarten No.”
, in accordance with the implementation
of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education .
The work program for the development of children in the senior group ensures the diversified development of children aged __ to __ years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas - physical, social-communicative, cognitive, speech and artistic-aesthetic.

programs used : (list)

This program is developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

• Constitution of the Russian Federation, art. 43, 72.

• Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)

• Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”

• “Federal state educational standard for preschool education.” Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 No. 1155

•Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 N 1014 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of preschool education”

•Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 N 26, Moscow “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations”

The purpose and objectives of the Program (from the sample program , i.e. “From birth to school”



Creating favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, forming the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing for life in modern society, for studying at school, ensuring the safety of a preschooler’s life.

Goal ( Childhood programs )


Creating opportunities for each child in kindergarten to develop abilities, broad interaction with the world, active practice in various types of activities, and creative self-realization. The program is aimed at developing independence, cognitive and communicative activity, social confidence and value orientations that determine the child’s behavior, activities and attitude to the world.

Tasks ( program “From birth to school) (mandatory part)


1. Caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely development of each child.

2. Creating an atmosphere in groups of a humane and friendly attitude towards all students, which allows them to grow sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity.

3. Maximum use of various types of children's activities, their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process.

4. Creative organization (creativity)

educational process.

5. Variability in the use of educational material, allowing the development of creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child.

6. Respect for the results of children's creativity.

7. Unity of approaches to raising children in a preschool educational institution and family.

8. Maintain continuity in the work of kindergarten and primary schools, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of education for preschool children, ensuring the absence of pressure

subject teaching.

Tasks ( Childhood program

1. Strengthening the child’s physical and mental health, formation

the foundations of his motor and hygienic culture;

2. Holistic development of the child as a subject of species feasible for a preschooler


3. Enriched child development, ensuring a unified process

socialization-individuation taking into account children's needs,

capabilities and abilities;

4. Development based on different educational content of emotional

responsiveness, ability to empathize, readiness to express

humane attitude in children's activities, behavior, actions;

5. Development of cognitive activity, curiosity, desire for

independent knowledge and reflection, development of mental

the child’s abilities and speech;

6. Awakening the child’s creative activity and imagination, the desire to be involved in creative activities;

7. Organic entry of a child into the modern world, diverse

interaction of preschool children with various spheres of culture: with

visual arts and music, children's literature and family

language, ecology, mathematics, play;

8. Introducing the child to the culture of his country and instilling respect for

other peoples and cultures;

9. Introducing the child to beauty, goodness, non-violence, for it is important that

preschool age has become the time when a child’s feelings awaken

their involvement in the world, the desire to do good deeds.

Tasks (part of the preschool educational institution - partial programs )


Principles and approaches in organizing the educational process:

1. Corresponds to the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child.

2. Combines the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (corresponds to the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy ).

3. Meets the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (allows you to solve set goals and objectives using necessary and sufficient material, getting as close as possible to a reasonable “minimum”

) .

4. Ensures the unity of educational, training and developmental goals and objectives of the education process for preschool children, during the implementation of which knowledge, skills and abilities are formed that are directly related to the development of preschool children.

5. It is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of students.

6. Based on the complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process.

7. Provides for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of preschoolers, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education.

8. Involves building the educational process on age-appropriate forms of working with children (play)

9. Built on the principle of cultural conformity. Takes into account national values ​​and traditions in education.

The content of psychological and pedagogical work is focused on the diversified development of preschool children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas of development and education of children: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

significant for the development and implementation of the work program .

— Age and individual characteristics of the contingent of children in the ___ group

For example, all children in the group have perfect self-care skills and observe the rules of personal hygiene. Most children have developed fine motor skills. The children of the group are inquisitive, show high cognitive activity, and love to listen to books.

In play activities, children independently assign roles and structure their behavior, adhering to the play role.

Speech continues to improve, including its sound side. In visual arts they can depict objects of round, oval, rectangular shape. 60% of children know colors and shades. Our children master some non-traditional drawing techniques, etc.

Planned results of the Program (in the form of targets)

(register from the program by age group)

4. Content section:

1. Contents of educational activities for children to master

educational areas:

• Direction “Social and communicative development”


• Direction “Cognitive development”


• Direction “Speech development”


• Direction “Artistic and aesthetic development”


• Direction “Physical development”


A description of educational activities is made in accordance with the areas of child development presented in five educational areas, taking into account the used exemplary educational programs of preschool education ( “Childhood”

"From birth to school"

Social and communicative development can be presented in various forms of educational activities: life safety, game problem situations, conversations, quizzes.

Self-service and basic household work can be presented in the forms of educational activities: assignments, duty, games, conversations, occupational therapy.

Game activities are presented in forms of educational activities: Role-playing, didactic, etc.

Cognitive development – ​​Presented in various forms of educational activities: FEMP, FCCM, conversations, didactic games, viewing paintings and illustrations, collecting, implementing projects, quizzes.

Speech development – ​​Speech development – ​​Forms of educational activities: Conversations, quizzes, didactic games, viewing paintings and illustrations.

Artistic and aesthetic development - a) visual activity - Forms of educational activity: Drawing, modeling, appliqué. Collage. Project. Meeting the artists. Exhibition.

Perception of fiction and folklore - Forms of educational activity: Conversations, listening to fiction. works, reading, learning poetry, theatrical play.

c) musical activity - Forms of educational activity: Listening, improvisation, performance, musical outdoor games, leisure, holidays and entertainment.

Physical development – ​​Motor activity – Forms of educational activity: Outdoor games, game exercises, physical education classes, sports games, physical education holidays –

2. Description of the forms, methods, means of implementing the Program (based on an example program )

.Can be presented in table form: direction of development;
forms of program (Joint activity, Independent activity, Interaction with family);
methods; methods and techniques; means) 3. Features of educational activities of different types and cultural practices (based on a sample program )

4. Ways and directions of supporting children's initiative (based on a sample program )

5. Features of interaction between the teaching staff and families (based on a sample program )

6. Part of the Program formed by participants in educational relations (partial programs )

the educational area
presented in the partial
program 7. Content of correctional work and/or inclusive education (for speech therapy group)

5.Organizational section:

1. Methodological support of the Program , teaching and educational means (List of methodological aids ensuring the implementation of educational activities)

2. Daily routine.

Can be turned on: After the daily regimen, the motor mode, the hardening grid,

3. Activity cyclogram.

4.Extract from the curriculum for your group: GCD grid.

5. Distribution of thematic periods. Comprehensive - thematic planning of direct educational activities

6. Features of traditional events, holidays, activities.

7. Features of the organization of developing subject-spatial


Requirements for the design of the Work Program

1. The text is typed in the Word text editor on one side of an A4 sheet, font type: Times New Roman, size - 14 pt.

2.The following margins are left along the contour of the sheet:

left – 30 mm, right – 15 mm, top – 20 mm, bottom – 20 mm

3. The bibliography is drawn up in accordance with GOST.

4. The program is submitted on paper - in a folder and in electronic form.

The “Origins” program, scientifically edited by M.N. Lazutova and L. A. Paramonova

The main provisions of the program and its differences:

  • The program is based on the concept of psychological age, which will allow the teacher, based on age criteria, to take into account the different rates of development of children and implement an individual approach to them. The essence of the concept is that each psychological age has its own mission, determined by the genetic task of development, which appears as a result of contradictions that arise in the system of child-adult relations. Its solution is vital for the child’s full mental development and successful transition to the next age stage.
  • The program is aimed at enrichment, and not at artificially accelerating the child’s development. Enriching a child’s mental development presupposes the maximum realization of his capabilities; it makes it possible to preserve and strengthen the child’s physical and mental health.
  • Classes for children are developed in five educational areas: social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development. Particular attention is paid to the development of interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation of children; acquaintance with types of art (folklore, literature, music, painting, graphics, decorative and applied arts); improving the functional capabilities of the child’s body.
  • The forms of work in the classroom are varied: demonstration and explanation, conducting excursions, conversations, organizing children's experimentation as one of the most important means of independent learning, using play techniques that motivate children's activities, etc.
  • For the successful implementation of the assigned tasks, indicators of children's development at each stage of childhood (for 1 year, 3, 5 and 7 years) are given as a guideline for teachers.

Below are the main objectives of the program:

  • ensuring the full, comprehensive development of each child;
  • developing his basic trust in the world;
  • development of universal abilities, including creative abilities, to a level corresponding to age specifics and the requirements of modern society;
  • creating equal conditions for the development of children with different capabilities.

Work programs

Contained in sections:

  • Methodological recommendations and developments

Includes sections:

  • Main educational program of preschool educational institution
  • Circle work. Club programs, work programs for additional education for children

By groups:

  • Senior group
  • Preparatory group
  • Middle group
  • Junior group

Showing publications 1-10 of 6835. All sections | Programs. Educational, working, variative, additional education



The best

Additional general education general development program “Ladushki” for children 3–4 years old Explanatory note. The most important source for the development of expressiveness of children's speech are works of oral folk art, including small folklore forms (chants, lullabies, rhymes, nursery rhymes. The educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance of folklore...

Program of the parent club "Kindergarten-Family" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 6"
Work program of the parent club "Kindergarten - Family"
Compensatory group No. 1
Educators: Krasnikova Tatyana Viktorovna Mukhina Lyudmila Aleksandrovna \ Zavolzhye, 2020 ...

Program “From birth to school” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

The program is the main one among preschool institutions in the Russian Federation. This is an innovative educational program document prepared taking into account the latest achievements of science and practice in domestic and foreign preschool education.

The program is built on the position of a humane and personal attitude towards the child, aimed at his comprehensive development, the formation of spiritual and universal values, as well as abilities and integrative qualities.

Features of the program and its priorities:

  • Through the educational process, the child is gradually introduced to the main components of human culture: knowledge, morality, art, work.
  • raising a free, self-confident person with an active life position, striving to creatively approach solving various life situations, having his own opinion and being able to defend it;
  • instilling in children patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, pride in its achievements, confidence that Russia is a great multinational country with a heroic past and a happy future;
  • instilling respect for traditional values, such as love for parents, respect for elders, caring attitude towards children and the elderly; formation of traditional gender ideas; instilling in children the desire to follow a positive example in their actions;
  • development in children of cognitive interest, desire to acquire knowledge, formation of an attitude towards learning as one of the leading life values;
  • taking care of preserving and strengthening the health of children, developing in them basic ideas about a healthy lifestyle, and instilling healthy habits;
  • an individual approach to the child, taking into account his characteristics and selecting forms and methods of interaction with him (showing respect for his individuality, sensitivity to his emotional states, supporting his self-esteem, etc.).

Classes with children are held in the following areas:

  • Cognitive and research activities (development of primary ideas about the world around us, sensory development, project activities, didactic games).
  • Formation of elementary mathematical concepts.
  • Speech development (formation of vocabulary and coherent speech).
  • Introduction to fiction.
  • Artistic and aesthetic development (introduction to art, fine arts, design, musical development).
  • Physical development (formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle, physical education).

Basics of the program

The program is based on the concept of psychological age as a stage, a stage of child development, characterized by its structure and dynamics.

So, each psychological age includes:

  • qualitatively special, specific relationships between a child and an adult (“Creation of the “I Want” Foundation”), that is, introducing the child to the system of values ​​​​developed by humanity, organizing conditions for her spiritual growth, forming the foundations of a value-based attitude to reality;
  • a certain hierarchy of activities and their leading types (“Creation of the “I Can” Foundation”), that is, the child’s assimilation of knowledge, mastery of skills, the formation of a culture of knowledge, the ability to independently practically use what has been acquired in life;
  • the main psychological achievements of the child, indicating the development of his psyche, self-awareness, personality (“Indicators of the child’s competence”), that is, a mandatory minimum set of basic knowledge, ideas, practical skills and abilities that guarantee the child’s adaptation to life, the ability to navigate in it, adequately react to phenomena, events, people.

Indicators of a child’s competence are the minimum educational core, the level of assimilation of which is reflected in the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the child’s activity and behavior.

“Rainbow” program (Scientific supervisor: E. V. Solovyova)

Features and main points of the program:

  • Covers all aspects of child development from 2 months.
  • Psychologically oriented.
  • The program is aimed at promoting the timely and full mental development of each child and helping to live their childhood joyfully and meaningfully.
  • The goal is to support in children the desire for knowledge, communication, creation, and in older preschool age - for learning
  • Particular attention is paid to developing the child’s ability to independently set goals, evaluate the results of his activities and invested labor, and to volitionally control his behavior.
  • The program is based on the principle of respect for every child by an adult, which develops in children self-esteem, confidence in their strengths, abilities, and capabilities. These qualities contribute to success in any type of activity, which is always associated with the need to overcome temporary difficulties.
  • The program contains detailed characteristics of the key features, tasks, development criteria and behavior of each “micro-stage” in the development of a child from birth to 8 years - speech, thinking, consciousness, emotions, memory, perception, attention, manifestation of the child through activity, features of changes in consciousness and features of personality formation. This precise and detailed approach will help teachers better understand, feel and interact with each child and promote their development and fulfilling life in the garden.

Individual educational program for a teacher

Sharina Daria Vladimirovna

Individual educational program for a teacher

Individual educational program

teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 28

Sharina Daria Vladimirovna

(2016 - 2020)

Relevance • In connection with the introduction of the new Law on Education and the federal state educational standard, etc., changes are necessary in the professional competence of the teacher, in teaching new technologies. In accordance with this, my goal is to increase professional competence through the study of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education and new technologies.


• Take advanced training courses in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education;

• Study literature, get acquainted with modern technologies;

• Apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

• Summarize and disseminate your own work experience.

Main directions of program implementation:

• Training in advanced training courses according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education;

• Selection and study of literature, familiarization with modern technologies;

• Generalization and dissemination of one's own experience.

Planned results:

• Creation of a page on the Internet.

• Formalization of own methodological developments, development of new forms, methods, techniques, technologies.

• Generalization of experience and dissemination of it among teachers of preschool educational institutions.

Form of self-education: individual.

Individual educational route for 2016-2017

External educational resources:

Participation in creative competitions.

• Participation in the city event “Easter Tree”.

• Participation in the creative competition “Traffic Inspector”.

• Participation in the regional event “Winter Planet of Childhood” in the category “Winter Fairy Tale of the Courtyard” as part of a creative group, the result was 2nd place in the city.

• Participation in the regional event “Winter Planet of Childhood” in the category “Canteen for Birds” Result - 2nd place.

• Participation in the regional competition of landscape projects “Geo-decor”.

• City competition “My Bright Yard” - winner in the category “Best Territory of an Educational Institution”

KiPK; distance courses, advanced training.

• Webinar “Daily planning (map plan of educational activities and upbringing) for a walk in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education” certificate No. 492473/177681

• Webinar “ICT competence of a teacher and practical issues of implementation and operation of an educational institution’s information system in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard” certificate No. 66032

Seminars, internship platform, etc.

• City seminar “Project Literacy”

City methodological associations.

• The city professional association of teachers is an active participant (message “Game as a special space for the development of a child”).

• City festival of innovative practices “Interaction between teachers and preschoolers in various activities” - an active participant.

Having effective social experience.

• Participation in socially significant events within the framework of the “Spring Week of Goodness”:

• collecting waste paper and food for the “Favorite Paws” Society for the Protection of Homeless Animals.

Internal educational resources.

Teachers' councils, seminars.

• Teachers' council - consultation "Plot-role play - as a special space for a child's development."

• Teachers’ Council - a business game on the topic: “Speech development of preschool children”

Familiarity with regulatory documents.

• Study of the “Professional standard “Teacher (teaching activity

• in preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education (educator, teacher)"

• Familiarization with the presentation “Changes in the assessment of the professional activities of preschool teachers”


• Creative theme: Experimental activities as a means of developing the cognitive activity of preschoolers.

• Study of educational technologies: Technology of experimental activities.

• Organization of RPPS: Production of didactic games, multifunctional manual “Magic House”, doll “Seasons”

Peer education.

• Dissemination of experience: Presentation of the didactic manual “Magic House” and the doll “Seasons” within the framework of the V pedagogical conference of workers of preschool educational institutions of Kansk and the eastern educational district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory “Regional experience in the development of preschool education in the context of the introduction of the federal state educational standard”

2017 - 2020.

External educational resources:

Participation in creative competitions.

• Participation in events dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

• Participation in the city event “Easter Tree”.

• Participation in the regional event “Winter Planet of Childhood” in the “Winter Tale of the Courtyard” nominations.

• Participation in the regional competition of landscape projects “Geo-decor”.

KiPK; distance courses, advanced training.

• Advanced training courses (2018).

• Participation in pedagogical webinars.

Seminars, internship platform, etc.

• Internship platform “Modeling in gaming activities” (ROSATOM school).

City methodological associations.

• City professional association of teachers - a message from work experience.

Professional competitions

• Professional skills competition for teachers:

ROSATOM school;

city ​​competition “Best Teacher”;

Internet competitions.

Having effective social experience.

• Participation in socially significant events within the framework of the “Spring Week of Goodness”:

• collecting waste paper and food for the “Favorite Paws” Society for the Protection of Homeless Animals.

• Participation in the socially significant event “Help me go to school.”

Internal educational resources:

Teachers' councils, seminars.

• Active participation. Presentation of work experience.

Increasing legal competence.

• Study of T. Harms, Richard M. Clifford, D. Cryer “Scales for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of education in preschool educational organizations.”


Creative theme: Experimental activities as a means of developing cognitive activity in preschool children.

Studying educational technologies: “Club hour”, “Children are volunteers”.

Organization of RPPS:

• Changing the spatial environment in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, age group, and comprehensive thematic planning.

• Examination of the conditions for the implementation of educational preschool education (PPES) at the municipal level.

Peer education.

• Dissemination of experience: Publications on Internet resources.

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