Game “Field of Miracles” for elementary school “In the world of fairy tales” presentation for the lesson (3rd grade) on the topic

Game “Field of Miracles” with presentation for primary school students

Scenario of the game “Field of Miracles” for primary schoolchildren
Author: Ryabichenko Nadezhda Vladimirovna, primary school teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Mikhailovskaya Secondary School” of the Kikvidzensky District of the Volgograd Region Brief description: This material for elementary school students is presented in the form of a game “Field of Miracles” on the topic “Inhabitants of the Underwater Kingdom " The game can be played in a lesson about the surrounding world, as well as in extracurricular activities on the subject. Goal: to consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about the inhabitants of water bodies. Objectives: - to form in students a feeling of love for their native nature; — develop cognitive and creative activity, intelligence, curiosity, and horizons. Equipment: Field of Miracles drum, two boxes, a black box, prizes, pens, pieces of paper with the alphabet, computer, multimedia projector, presentation with a game and pictures of the inhabitants of reservoirs. Explanatory note for working with the presentation At the beginning of each round of the game, final and super game, when the presenter reads the task, a presentation slide opens in front of the players with a scoreboard that consists of rectangles.
The player names a letter of the alphabet, and if such a letter is in the word, the presenter or his assistant clicks on the rectangle where it is located (or rectangles, if there are several such letters in the word). After the word has been guessed and all the letters on the board are open, clicking the mouse anywhere in the presentation opens a picture depicting a representative of the underwater world. Progress of the game
Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guys. I am glad to welcome you today to our wonderful game “Field of Miracles” on the theme “Inhabitants of the Underwater Kingdom”. (A slide with the name of the game is projected onto the screen.)

The rules of the game are familiar to all of you. The game takes place in three rounds, each of which involves 3 players. Before each round there is a qualifying round, based on the results of which we will find out who will be in the top three players. Each player will have pieces of paper with the alphabet on which you must mark all the letters named so as not to repeat yourself. The player names the letter of the alphabet that he believes is present in the hidden word. If there is such a letter, then it opens on the scoreboard, and the player receives the dropped number of points and can spin the reel again. If the answer is incorrect, the turn goes to the next player. If the player knows the word, then he can name it immediately without guessing by letter. If he dares to name a word, but gets even one letter wrong, he leaves the game. For three successively guessed letters, two boxes are awarded - one with a prize, the other empty. The first player to guess the entire word wins. The winners of rounds 1, 2 and 3 advance to the finals. The winner of the final receives the main prize. He can take part in a super game. All word answers in each round of the game must name one object. And one more rule - the audience should not give hints. First qualifying round.
1. Name a poisonous sea animal with long tentacles.
2. Large sea crayfish.
3. The largest freshwater fish that lives in rivers and lakes.
(catfish) Assignment to the first three players. Scientists call these animals amphibians because these animals can live on land and in water. They love calm creeks, lakes and ponds - quiet places with stagnant fresh water. Some of them do well in salt water. ( frog)

Second qualifying round. Riddles:
1. People live under water and walk backwards.
2. Water craftsmen, They build a house without an axe.
3. Toothy wags his tail, but does not bark.
(pike) Task for the second three players. These animals love to live in water. However, they are born on land. To hatch their offspring in the summer, they lay eggs in dug holes on the shore of a reservoir. Animals feed on small fish, tadpoles, and pond snails. (turtle)

Third qualifying round. 1. This is the name for a sewing item and a fish that has an elongated body. (fish - needle)
2. Marine animals whose shape resembles trees or shrubs.
3. You can see them in the sky at night, as well as in the sea.
(stars) Task for the third three players. This animal can be found where it is damp. He has a soft, gentle body. An animal can stick to a stone so that you can’t tear it off with a knife. It loves to travel at someone else's expense: clinging to the bottom of a ship, it calmly moves thousands of kilometers from its place of birth. (snail)

Playing with the audience. These menacing, toothy animals are among the ancient inhabitants of planet Earth. They are very similar to crocodiles, but differ in their size. They are much smaller than crocodiles. They also differ in that all of a crocodile’s teeth are clearly visible if its mouth is closed, while this predator’s teeth are all visible only when its mouth is open. And, unlike crocodiles, they can only live in fresh water. (alligator)

The final. This spider, the only one of all spiders that lives in water, is very beautiful. Its abdomen is covered with hairs, which are lubricated with a fatty substance. Between these hairs is the air that the spider breathes. This spider also brings air into its nest. The more air there is in its nest, the less often it appears on the surface of the water. The spider weaves its home from a web and attaches it to plants and stones that are in the water. (silver)

Super game. These animals are called sea nurses. They clear the seas of dead animals. Some species of these animals live in fresh water. They swim well, many crawl quickly and deftly sideways. (crab)

At the end of the game, the winner is awarded.
Presentation of the Game “Field of Miracles” for primary school students on the topic “Inhabitants of the Underwater Kingdom”

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Game “Field of Miracles” for primary schoolchildren in grades 3-4 with presentation. Medicinal plants

Game for children from 9 years old.
Doctor plants Author: Lebedeva Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher of the after-school group of the State Educational Institution “Educational and pedagogical complex nursery-garden-secondary school of the agricultural town of Lutskovlyany”, Grodno district, Grodno region, Republic of Belarus

Description: This material will be useful for primary and secondary school teachers for organizing and conducting extra-curricular activities on the subject “Man and the World”, teachers of after-school groups, and teachers working in summer camps. Goal: Testing and consolidating knowledge about medicinal plants. Objectives: - Contribute to the expansion and deepening of children’s understanding of medicinal plants; — To consolidate children’s knowledge about medicinal plants; — Develop children’s cognitive activity; — Foster love and respect for plants. Equipment: screen, multimedia projector, computer, playing field, spinning top with arrow, prizes for participants and a diploma for the winner. Preliminary work: observations in nature, conversations, reading articles about medicinal plants.
Progress of the game
Music from the game “Field of Miracles” sounds
1. Introductory part.
Host: Guys, today we met again at the Field of Miracles game. And today we will talk about medicinal plants. Man has long noticed that many plants cure ailments. I began to remember what helps with what. I remembered that animals are also treated with plants, and among the great variety they look for what they need for themselves. Even 4 thousand years ago, recipes for the treatment of 450 diseases were described in Egyptian papyrus. Knowledge about the healing properties of plants was passed on from generation to generation. We will remember some of them today in our game. So, the topic of today's game is Plant Doctors. The forest is not only for our amusement, it is the wealth of our country.
All the trees, berries, and herbs in it are grown for our benefit, friends. Medicinal herbs, healing herbs! There is no useless grass on earth! 2. Main part.
Host: We read and talked about medicinal plants. Now you have to demonstrate your knowledge. First, we will conduct a qualifying round to determine the top three players. Riddles: This vegetable is very cool! Kills everyone around. Phytoncides will help against smallpox and plague. And we can cure colds with them too. (Onion)
These carved leaves heal the heart and kidneys.
Improves appetite, drives away pain wherever it hurts. The freckles are quickly washed away, and there is no bald spot on the top of the head. (Parsley)
Leaves, like lace, Decoration for the table.
Increases appetite and gives a healthy appearance. Treatment all year round, And all for inflammation. (Dill) Host: I invite the first three players to the gaming table. (3 participants come to the table on which there is a game circle with a top) Presenter: You all know this game well. But I want to tell you about the rules of our game. So, - You must listen carefully to the task and try to guess the word, while naming the word itself or one letter. First you need to set the top in motion. The arrow will show you what needs to be done. - If the “+” , then you can name the letter that we will open, if it is in the guess word. - If the “-” , then you lose the opportunity to answer, and the right to move passes to another participant. - If you get the “+1” , you can name two letters, even if you didn’t guess the first letter. - If the sign “B” , you can open any letter in the word without naming it. (For example, the first, last, etc.)

“P” appears , then you can take the prize and leave the game. A word is encrypted on the screen - the answer to the question of the 1st round.
I round
Presenter: Tincture from the buds of this plant treats skin diseases and is a wound healing agent. Juice increases the body's resistance to disease. An infusion of leaves is used for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Steamed leaves of this plant are applied to relieve joint pain. Question: Name a plant whose bark, buds, leaves, roots and juice are healing? (Birch)

Presenter: Let's applaud the winner of the 1st round! Let us now select the participants in the 2nd round of the game. Qualifying round to determine the 2nd three players.
The leaves of this plant burn us, The juice from the leaves of this plant saves us.
In spring it is used for soup. Wash your hair with its decoction - your hair will grow. (Nettle)
You injured your leg on a hike, Fatigue does not allow you to walk - Bend over: the soldier by the road is ready to help you on the way.
Bitter grass, It improves the stomach, And it is fragrant, And it sweeps cleanly.
(Wormwood) Host: I invite the second three players to the gaming table. A word is encrypted on the screen - the answer to the question of the 2nd round.
2nd round
Host: The oil of this plant is widely used as a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic for burns, frostbite... Infusion and juice are used for vitamin deficiencies and stomach pain. A decoction of fruits and branches is used against hair loss. Question: What is the name of this plant? (Sea ​​buckthorn)

Presenter: Let's applaud the winner of the 2nd round! Let us now select the participants in the 3rd round of the game. Qualifying round to determine the 3rd three players.
The bunch of berries is beautiful, yellow or red, I’m afraid to get it - I’ll prick myself on the thorns.
But I have respected Heart Remedy since childhood. (Hawthorn)
These leaves and fruits contain phytoncides.
They are indispensable for the cook and doctor. Source of vitamin C – Cough relief. Those multi-colored fruits are a treat with pleasure. (Currant)
Everyone has been familiar with these delicious fruits since ancient times.
Everyone who ate did not get sick, White teeth shone, Anemia, obesity Win without a doubt. There is jam, juice, puree and a pharmacy in the yard. (Apple tree) Host: I invite the third three players to the gaming table. A word is encrypted on the screen - the answer to the question of the 3rd round.
III round.
Host: This plant is used in folk medicine as a vitamin, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and wound-healing agent. The unusual leaves of this plant emit germ-killing odors and are used for soothing baths. Question: What is the name of this plant? (Pine)

Presenter: Let's applaud the winner of the 3rd round!
Playing with the audience.
Question: What kind of grass do cats like? (Valerian)

Host: What disease is treated with this herb? (Heart disease) Presenter: Let's applaud the winner of the game with the audience! (The winner of the game with spectators is given a gift).
I ask the winners of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd rounds to take their places near the playing field!

Question: This plant grows mainly in swamps. Its fruits are useful for coughs, sore throats, and high blood pressure. The juice of this plant is used as an antipyretic. (Cranberry)

Super game
Presenter: This plant is 95% water. It is useful as a sedative and analgesic for stomach diseases and poor dental health. The juice of this plant is used to wipe the face for cosmetic purposes. Question: What is the name of this plant? (Cucumber)

3. Final part.
All plants need to be known, preserved and protected. After all, people make medicine from the herbs of the forest kingdom. Vegetables and fruits They love everything in the world. Grandmothers and children know these secrets. Grapes and cherries Heal all blood vessels. Apricot - from the heart, Pear - from colds. Orange, like a vitamin, everyone knows, is irreplaceable. Eat fruits, stay healthy, drink juice and don’t get sick! Summarizing.
Awarding the winner of the game. Presentation Game “Field of Miracles” on the theme “Plants Doctors”

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Interactive game “Field of Miracles”

Rules of the game.

The rules of the game are the same as in the television game “Field of Miracles”:

  • three rounds of three players;
  • players spin the drum and name a letter, the correct letter continues to spin, the wrong letter passes the move to another;
  • The winners of each round take part in the final game;
  • the winner of the final game can play the super game.

Markings on the drum.

Recommendations for the presenter.

  1. The winner of the final game can choose a prize using the points they earn. On slide No. 11 there is a list of comic prizes. Washing machine - eraser, adding machine - ruler, typewriter - pen, magic wand - paint brush, material for building a country house - plasticine, safe - pencil case (or box).
  2. Super prizes: table service - a set of plastic dishes, a car - a toy car, a mascot - a toy dragon.
  3. After each round, you can give players coloring pages with dragons.
  4. Players in the final game can be given a dragon souvenir.
  5. Participants who choose a prize can be given a coloring book with a dragon or a keychain with a dragon.

Recommendations for working with the presentation.

  1. Transition slides using the control button.
  2. Triggers are used to rotate the reel. Just hover the cursor over the reel, click on the mouse and the reel will begin to rotate (slides No. 4,6,8,10).
  3. Hover the cursor over, click on the mouse, the letter will open (slides No. 4,6,8,10,14)
  4. Slide No. 11 (prizes) - hover the cursor over the rectangle, click on the mouse and a list with prizes will open.
  5. Slide No. 12 (super prize) - the player selects any rectangle, moves the cursor, clicks the mouse and the super prize that he won appears.

Game tasks.

1st round

Question .
What was the name of the Dragon to whom the hobbits walked in Tolkien's The Hobbit or There and Back Again?
Answer . Smog

2 round

What was the name of the Dragon, who was a friend of the girl Masha, the doll Olya and the doll Kuklavani from the fairy tale by Dmitry Yemets?
3rd round.

Question .
What is the middle name of the Dragon from Russian fairy tales?

What is the Dragon called in China?

Question .
What is the name of the science that studies dragons?
Useful links. - download the book Tolkien John Ronald Ruel «

The Hobbit or there and back"; - read or download the book “The Hobbit or There and Back Again”; B0%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%87%D0%B8%D0%BA%20%D0%9F%D1%8B%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0% BA%D0%B0 - listen to the audiobook “Pyhalka the Dragon” by D. Yemets. - read the fairy tale “Pyhalka the Dragon.” - coloring pages - coloring pages with dragons coloring pages

Game based on traffic rules “Field of Miracles” with a presentation for primary schoolchildren in grades 2-4

Interactive game at the primary school “Field of Miracles” according to traffic rules

Down with boring conversations.
It is more interesting to teach children safety through exciting games and quizzes. The game "Field of Miracles" according to traffic rules is designed for students in grades 2-4. Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the Rules of the Road. The game is recommended for students in grades 1-4
Rules of the game: The game takes place in three rounds, each of which involves 3 players.
The presenter thinks of the word indicated on the board. Players take turns spinning the reel and guessing the letters that make up the word. The player who guesses the word faster wins. There is a game with spectators and a super game. Progress of the game.
I. Organizational moment Presenter: - Hello, dear guys! Today we have an unusual activity, today we will become participants in the famous game “Field of Miracles”. II. Setting the goal of the game. Presenter: - Whoever thinks that he knows all the traffic rules and knows how to use them, clap your hands. - If you know all the rules, but don’t know how to apply them correctly, stomp your feet. - Those who don’t know everything and can’t do everything, raise your hands up and wave them. - Guys, I see that you already know a lot. So we start the game. III. Game “Field of Miracles” Presenter: Attention, a question from the first qualifying round. In order to answer you need to raise your hand. Shouting is not accepted as an answer. What a miracle - a long house! The windows are glowing all around. Wears rubber shoes and eats gasoline. (Bus)
And so we decided on the first three players.
Attention task to the first three players. Assignment to the first “three” players. Self-propelled four-wheeled vehicle (Car) And a game with spectators Type of public transport (Bus) Presenter: And we continue with the questions of the second qualifying round, I remind you that to answer you need to raise your hand. Question of the second qualifying round. The miracle wand, it is familiar to everyone, visible to everyone: Visible during the day, and in the evening - Illuminated from the inside. We have decided on our 2nd trio of players. The task for the second “three” players. Attention question to the 2nd three players. The place where roads intersect, join or branch at the same level. (Crossroads) And a game with spectators Road for pedestrians (Sidewalk) Presenter: Third qualifying round. Attention, the answer is accepted only with a raised hand. Question from the third qualifying round. Who keeps order on the road? (Regulator)
We have decided on the 3rd three players.
Assignment to the third three players Attention question! It can be above-ground, underground, above-ground (Transition) Presenter: Final.
The best traffic rules experts take part in the finals. Let's applaud them. Attention question: Violators are afraid of him (Inspector) The winner is undoubtedly... let's congratulate him with applause! Presentation on the topic: Game according to the rules of the road “Field of Miracles”

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