Presentation for senior preschool children: 11 interesting facts about polar bears

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about the Bears.

About the brown and polar bear!

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What is the life expectancy and weight of a Brown Bear?

In nature they live for 20-30 years, in captivity they live for more than 50 years. The weight of an adult brown bear ranges from 80-600 kg and, despite intensive hunting, bears weighing up to 750 kg are still found. The largest bears are found in Alaska and Kamchatka - they weigh 300 kg or more, and there were giants weighing 600-700 kg. The largest bear captured very successfully, named Kodiak for the Berlin Zoo, weighed 1134 kg. Average weight: males: 135-390 kg, females: 95-205 kg. In autumn, a bear's weight can increase by about 20%.

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What is the behavior of the Brown Bear?

The brown bear is active more often at dusk, in the mornings and evenings, but on rainy days it wanders throughout the day. Daytime vigil is typical for bears in the mountains of Siberia. The seasonal cyclicality of life is clearly expressed. Bears are very sensitive; they navigate the terrain mainly with the help of hearing and smell; their eyesight is weak. Brown bears can smell rotting meat more than 2.5 km away. Although the bear's body weight is large and it seems clumsy, in fact it is a silent, fast and easy-to-move animal. The bear runs extremely fast - with the agility of a good horse - at a speed of over 55 km/h. He is a good swimmer, can swim 6 km or even more, and willingly swims, especially in hot weather. In his youth, a brown bear climbs trees well, but in old age he does this reluctantly, although it cannot be said that he completely loses this ability. However, it moves in deep snow with difficulty. When encountering a dangerous opponent, the bear emits a loud roar, stands on its hind legs and tries to knock down the enemy with blows of its front paws or grab him. In the winter, looking for a den, bears can go far from their summer area.

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What is the height and length of a polar bear?

The polar bear, obviously, can be considered the largest living land predator: the body length (without tail) of adult males is usually 200-250 cm, rare bears reach 285 and, as an exception, 302 cm. Height. At the shoulders 130-140, occasionally 150 cm. The body length of adult females usually varies from 160 to 250 cm. The length of the tail (with terminal hair) is 20-22 cm.

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What is the mass of a polar bear?

The weight of polar bears varies greatly depending on the degree of their fatness. In exceptional cases, a male can reach 800-1000 kg. The usual weight of adult males in Greenland is about 450 kg, only well-fed individuals weigh up to 500 kg, and well-fed females weigh 350-380 kg. In Canada, the weight of male polar bears 1 caught for tagging did not exceed 425 kg, and that of females did not exceed 216 kg. Males studied on Spitsbergen in August - September 1967 weighed 350-400 and only one 510 kg, females - 200-250 and 320 kg, respectively. In the autumn of 1968, males over the age of 5 years were studied there, they weighed 220-530 kg , including the mass of two of them, reaching 15 years or more, was 450 and 530 kg; the weight of females over 4 years of age varied from 180 to 350 kg, two females over 10 years old weighed 290 and 320 kg.

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Read the verse! Read the Verse!

One morning at the zoo there was a serious, even heated argument. Suddenly the neighbors started - Brown and White - two bears. - How, buddy, did you become white? What, are you dirty with chalk? - What are you brown? Are you all dirty with soil? You see, the bears are not amused, they are worried about the color of their fur. Who painted these bears in different colors, please answer?

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