Open lesson on geography 6th grade Federal State Educational Educational Institution “Spheres”

Shepeleva Olga Fedorovna Educational institution: Branch of Mbou "Bolsheokulovskaya Secondary School" - "Pozdnyakovskaya Secondary School". Brief job description: The lesson is aimed at achieving personal, meta-subject and subject-specific results. The goals and objectives of the lesson are formulated taking into account the characteristics of the educational material. Type of lesson - discovery of new knowledge. The specificity of the lesson is the organization of individual work on an activity basis.

Arbuzova Elena Nikolaevna Educational institution: MBOU "Polkh-Maidan Secondary School" Brief description of the work: Objectives: to form a concept about the river, its parts, the river system, the river's nutrition; show the role of the river in human life. Planned results Subject - students identify the main parts of the river, characterize the features of the river system, identify the feeding characteristics of rivers. Meta-subject - develop skills and abilities to work in groups, read and analyze maps. Define the concept\ Make meta-subject connections with the natural history course on the issue “Parts of a River” Personal – create an image of a river using the example of rivers in your area

Kotov Alexey Leonidovich Educational institution: IDC "Artek" Brief description of work: As part of the practical block, students receive theoretical knowledge about Space (climate) resources, and also study the resources of the World Ocean, Geography of the world's natural resources, applying the acquired theoretical knowledge in creative activities. By completing practical tasks, students will deepen their knowledge about space (climate) resources, water, mineral and land resources. The main problem that students solve is: how to reduce the extraction of exhaustible resources on our planet, and how can we influence the deteriorating environmental situation?

Engelko Anastasia Vladimirovna Educational institution: Aktobe city, school No. 26 Brief description of work: unlike the Urals, Mugodzhary has gentle eastern slopes and steep western ones; folded in the Paleozoic - Hercynian folding; composed of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic; due to exogenous processes – low-altitude; divided into western and eastern parts by the Bershogyr depression; western part – main, slope from north to south

Yakhontova Irina Yurievna Educational institution: Municipal state educational institution secondary school No. 47 Brief description of the work: A technological map of a lesson in geography with the requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard is presented. The goals and objectives of the lesson, stages, and activities of the teacher and student are indicated. The formed UDDs are described.

Shumskaya Alla Vladimirovna Educational institution: OKOU "Kursk School" Brief description of the work: Objectives of the lesson: to give an idea about the plant communities of the Kursk region, to find out their features, paying attention to the natural conditions of the natural zone of the Kursk region, to find out how natural conditions influence the formation of unique vegetation, to educate careful attitude towards the nature of one's region

Geography is a science that studies lands and their inhabitants. In Russia, geography is taught in grades 5-11 in schools. On our website, materials on geography are presented in the following sections: Lesson notes Technological maps Control and testing Laboratory and practical Independent tests Preparation for the Unified State Exam Preparation for the Unified State Exam Olympiad tasks Quizzes and games Extra-curricular activities Work programs Lesson […]

Lesson plan for a lesson in geography according to the Federal State Educational Standard

This section of the educational portal Conspectek presents lesson plans in geography. A geography lesson outline is a detailed plan, including the content and detailed description of the stages of a lesson in this academic discipline.

A well-written lesson outline serves the teacher as a reference plan for conducting the lesson, and is also a document that is used when certifying geography teachers. Therefore, we can say that lesson plans play an important role in the process of building a competent and effective process of teaching geography in Russian schools.

According to the new requirements of the new generation state educational standards (FSES), the outline of a geography lesson must meet the following requirements: the goals, objectives and methods of conducting the lesson must correspond to the age group of the students, the goals and objectives of the lesson must be clearly formulated, the course of the lesson must contribute to the achievement of the assigned tasks and achieving goals.

The main components of a geography lesson outline are: topic, goals, objectives, type, form of delivery, sequence of stages, methodological materials and technical support.

Geography lesson notes

This page contains methodological recommendations for a geography teacher at school. A geography teacher will benefit from free lesson plans, calendar and thematic plans, lesson planning, development of open lessons, sanitary and hygienic requirements for the office and geography class at school, as well as Geography Olympiad tickets and answers to tickets, options for plan characteristics of objects, quizzes, games , scripts for conducting a geography lesson, elective courses on the subject of geography. Lesson outlines, thematic assessments, notes on geography in Ukrainian language for geography teachers in Ukrainian schools.

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1. Didactic requirements for a modern lesson 2. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for a geography classroom 3. Fundamentals of general education in geography 4. Answers to tickets for geography in secondary schools. 5. Characteristic plans (mountains, seas, oceans, etc.) 6. Geography tests 7. Summary of 4 lessons 8. General review lesson on the topic “Antarctica” 9. Creative report on the topic “New technologies in teaching geography” 10.Quiz "Intellectual Labyrinth" 11.Olympiad 7th grade 12.Olympiad 8th grade 13.Olympiad 9th grade 14.Lesson summary for 6th grade 15.Lesson summary for 7th grade 16.Lesson summary for 8th grade 17.Lesson summary for 9th grade 18.Lesson summary for grade 10 19.Test for grade 10 20.Experience in developing an optional course “From mainland to mainland” 21.Geography program for grades 5-9 22.Exam papers in geography 23.Methodological development of a lesson 24.Development of a generalization lesson and control of knowledge on the topic: “The Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle” 26. Quiz game in 7th grade 27. Lesson game on the topic: “Climate” 28. Development of a lesson on the topic: “World Population” 10th grade 29. What is GPS? 30. Geographical dictations for grade 10 (Ukrainian) 31. Geography course program: “Geography of human activity” 9th grade 32. Two lesson developments on the topic: “Problems of humanity” 33. Diagnostic materials (7th grade) 34. General lesson on the topic: “Hydrosphere” 35. Interesting earthquake 36. Calendar planning in 6th grade 37. Calendar planning in 7th grade 38. System of general lessons in 6th grade 39. Lesson-conference in 10th grade 40. Using game situations in geography lessons 41. Lesson of generalization, systematization and testing of knowledge 42. Geographic game “What? Where? When?" 43. General lesson on the topic “Hydrosphere”, grade 6 44. Development of an open general lesson. Game “The Weakest Link” 45. Calendar-thematic planning in geography 46. Development of a geography lesson in the 6th grade “Secrets of geographical names...” 47. An advanced lesson in the 6th grade on the topic “Minerals and rocks” (Ukrainian) 48 .Practical work No. 5 on the topic: “Awareness of the signs of minerals and rocks” (Ukrainian) 49. Development of a geography lesson on the topic “Lithosphere” 50. Development of a geography lesson on the topic “Conventional signs and scale, geographic coordinates” » 51.Development of a geography lesson on the topic “Ecological problems in the biosphere” 52.Development of a geography lesson on the topic “Hydrosphere” 53.Presentation on geography for a lesson in 7th grade on the topic: “Relief of Africa” 54.NOU program and Olympiad in geography in 8th grade 55. Types of problem situations in the course of economic and social geography of the world 56. Study of local history issues in geography lessons 57. Development of the lesson “Nature conservation of the Krasnodar Territory. Natural monuments" (8th grade) 58. CALENDAR AND THEMATIC PLANNING OF RUSSIAN GEOGRAPHY LESSONS 8th grade 59. Olympiad questions on the surrounding world 60. Development of a geography lesson on the topic: "Continents Eurasia and Africa, their parts of the world" 61. Methodology for instant knowledge testing “Magic square” on the topic: “Earth is a planet of the solar system”, 6th grade 62. Lesson-game on geography “Home Ecology”, 6th grade 63. Open lesson on geography “Ecology of continents and oceans” + presentation 7th grade 64. Development Geography lesson on the topic: “Russian Timber Industry” 65. Geography lesson in 7th grade on the topic: “Natural areas of Africa” + presentation 66. Article on the topic: “Techniques of educational activities as a condition for forming the image of the territory” 67. Synopsis of a lesson in geography on the topic: “Internal structure of the Earth” 68. Development of a geography lesson for grade 7 on the topic: “Population of South America” 69. Development of a geography lesson for grade 7 on the topic: “Antarctica” 70. Development of a geography lesson for grade 7 on topic: “Oceania. Generalization on the topic Australia" 71. Development of a lesson on geography on the topic: "Development of relief on continents and oceans" 72. Development of a lesson with a presentation for the 6th grade on geography on the topic: "Geographical map" 73. Development of test tasks on geography in the 7th grade on the topic: “South America” 74. Plan - summary of an open lesson in geography in the 6th grade on the topic: “Relief of the bottom of the World Ocean” 75. Development of a geography lesson on the topic: “Water on Earth” 76. Development of a lesson with a presentation on geography on the topic: “Cities of Russia” 77. Development of group lessons on geography 78. Geographic game for 8th grade “Tic Tac Toe” 79. Development of a geography lesson on the topic: “Rivers” 80. Extra-curricular activity on geography on the topic: “Heart of Africa” full of singing and blazing..." 81. Synopsis of a geography lesson on the topic: "Man and mountains" 82. Calendar-thematic planning in natural science in grade 5 83. Methodological development of a geography lesson with a presentation in grade 7 on the topic: "Germany and the Alpine countries » 1.Electronic version of the class magazine (28.6 Kb) ©Author 1.Introduction to a geography lesson for 6th grade on the topic: “The Atmosphere is the Earth’s shell” 2.Introduction to a geography lesson in 6th grade on the topic: “Temperature of the Earth’s surface” again" 3. Introducing a geography lesson in 6th grade on the topic: "Atmospheric pressure and wind" 4. Introducing a geography lesson in 6th grade on the topic: "The current flow, the pattern of movement of wind masses" 5. Introducing a geography lesson in 6th grade on the topic: “Water vapor and moisture in the air” 6. Introducing a lesson in geography in the 6th grade on the topic: “Weather, its elements, types, changes in the hour” 7. Introducing a lesson in geography in the 6th grade on the topic: “Climate of the Earth, factors of its formation" 8. A lesson in geography in the 6th grade on the topic: "Climatic zones and head types of the Earth's climate" 9. A lesson in geography in the 6th grade on the topic: "Climate change. People and climate" 10. Thematic assessment in geography in the 6th grade with the topics: "Atmosphere" 11. Exploration of the geography lesson on the topic: "Geographical location and history of the discovery and exploration of Antarctica"

On the educational and methodological portal Conspectek you can download notes from geography lessons for free

Teachers can post lesson plans on various topics on our Internet resource and receive personalized certificates of publication of original material. By posting your work, you allow other geography teachers to learn from your experience and help your colleagues improve. All author's works on geography on our portal can be downloaded completely free of charge for review purposes.

In addition to notes on geography, on our website you will find developments in biology, Russian, mathematics and all other subjects from the curriculum of Russian schools.

Bibliographic description:

Nesterova I.A. Outline of a geography lesson [Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia website

The geography lesson plan is a pedagogical development within the framework of the curriculum in the subject of geography. Currently, the requirements for the level of teaching geography have increased greatly. Therefore, in order for the lesson to be conducted at the highest level, it is best to prepare it in advance.

Summary of a geography lesson on the topic “Plan and Map”

MAOU "Slobodchikovskaya basic secondary school"


6th grade


Teacher: Usanova S.A.

Lesson topic: Waves in the Ocean


introduce students to the main movements of water in the ocean; improve skills in working with sources of geographic information.



form concepts about ebbs and flows, the formation of waves and tsunamis, the cause of their occurrence; introduce the concepts of “wave height”, “wave length”, “swell”, “surf”, “tsunami”, “high tides” and “low tides”;


develop cognitive learning tools, imaginative perception, the ability to work with sources of information, establish cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to analyze, generalize, and draw conclusions;


nurturing involvement in nature, awareness of oneself as a part of it.

Lesson type:



physical map of the hemispheres, atlases, electronic visual aid on geography “Geography 6-10”, presentation “Waves in the Ocean”, computer, multimedia equipment, cards.


I. _ Updating students' knowledge

A. Work at the board: show on the map the objects that form the World Ocean.

b. Geographical dictation (mutual check)

Geographical dictation

1. Unit of measurement of water salinity ______________________________

2.Write the sign that indicates salinity ___________

3.The average salinity of ocean water is __________________

4. Water temperature with depth ____________________________

5. Determine the salinity of water if 1 liter of water contains 1 g of salt _____________

6.The largest ocean in area is _______________________

7. The largest island ________________________________

8. The largest continent ______________________________

9. A group of islands located close to each other _________________________

10. The higher the temperature, the salinity ________________________

“5” – 9-10 points

“4” – 7-8 points

“3” – 5-6 points

“2” – 4 or less

II.Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.


The surface of oceans and seas is never calm. Imagine that you are standing on the shore of the sea or a large lake, and an endless expanse stretches out in front of you. What can we observe?

— Describe the waves, what are they like?

— You already guessed that the topic of today’s lesson is “Waves in the Ocean.”

- Let's try to formulate the goals of the lesson?

— During the lesson we will have to answer the following questions: “Why is water always in motion?”, “What are the types of waves?”, “What does a wave consist of?”

III . Studying new material.


The Myth of Poseidon

A long time ago, when people did not have scientific knowledge, they believed that King Poseidon lived in the sea. In a fit of rage, he stirred up the sea, creating waves. To prevent the storm, people sacrificed those convicted of crimes to it.

Geography lesson outline: features of compilation

The outline of a geography lesson must include clarity. Colorful slides and an abundance of posters will allow students to better master new information. The outline plan for a geography lesson is drawn up in accordance with the standard outline preparation scheme:

  1. study the curriculum for the subject geography;
  2. write the number and topic of the geography lesson in accordance with the curriculum;
  3. formulate the goals and objectives of the lesson in accordance with the requirements of modern pedagogical science;
  4. create a lesson plan;
  5. describe the expected course of the lesson.

Recommended elements of a geography lesson plan include the use of ICT (information and communication technologies). Unfortunately, some teachers, especially “old school” teachers, believe that the use of ICT in a geography lesson can overshadow the teacher’s merits. However, in our opinion, in the age of high ICT technologies, the lesson emphasizes the high professionalism and erudition of the teacher.

Making a plan for a geography lesson

, it is important to remember that the lesson plan is written in brief form according to the main stages of the lesson. The most convenient way to prepare a geography lesson outline is in tabular form. The course of the lesson is presented in the form of a table with the following content:

Lesson stage Techniques and methods Time, minutes

Below the table is the homework that students will receive for the next lesson. However, this form of outline for a geography lesson is not mandatory. A lot of teachers prefer the standard type of outline for a geography lesson.

Each teacher, when drawing up a plan for a geography lesson, must see and reveal the connection between geography and other subjects of the school curriculum, the connection between theoretical knowledge and the practical activities in which they are used.

The most important thing when drawing up an outline for a geography lesson is that it is important to remember the fact that an outline is a necessary component in preparing for the lesson. Everything must be thought out in advance. But it is not possible to predict all events, all thoughts and responses of students. Therefore, you need to be able to improvise and lose the thread of the lesson when non-standard situations arise.

Geography lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Goal: - create conditions for understanding the location and use of mineral resources in Russia.

Objectives: 1. Educational: systematize knowledge about the relationship between tectonics, relief and minerals.

Planned result: subject

A) Using a map, name the types of mineral resources in Russia.

B) Show on the map the location of fuel, ore and non-metallic minerals.

B) Give examples of the relationship between tectonics, relief and minerals.

2. Developmental : develop the ability to analyze, compare and evaluate Russian mineral resources

Planned result: meta-subject

A) Analyze the relationship of minerals with tectonic structures and relief.

B) Assess mineral reserves and determine Russia’s place in the world using additional sources.

3. Educational : to cultivate feelings of pride, respect and thrifty attitude towards the country’s resources.

Planned result: personal

A) Ability to explain the basics of rational use of subsoil.

B) Express your point of view on further ways of using the subsoil of Russia.

Universal learning activities:

— L: personal: realize the need to study the subsoil of Russia, assessment and self-analysis;

— R: regulatory: accept and formulate an educational problem.

— P: cognitive: searching for information when working with maps, highlighting the main thing, comparing data, analyzing and selecting information, extracting new knowledge from information sources, finding cause-and-effect relationships,

— K: communicative: the ability to communicate and interact with each other.

Lesson type : learning new material.

Lesson stage Teacher activities Student activity UUD
1. Organizational stage Checks students' readiness for the lesson. Creates an emotional mood for understanding the material Students tune in to the material L: Willingness and ability to complete tasks
2.Updating knowledge Provides motivation for the perception of the topic, the need for knowledge of the country's resources. Question: why do we need knowledge about the subsoil? They tune in to understanding and the need to study the topic. Answer: subsoil is a necessary resource for the development of the country’s economic sectors. P: Awareness of the need to study the material
3. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities The teacher formulates and informs students what they must learn: using a map, determine the types of minerals and their relationship with landforms and tectonics. The students themselves formulate, defining the boundaries of their knowledge. P: Highlighting the main thing
4.Checking homework Testing students' knowledge acquired in the previous lesson, moving on to studying new material 1. Find and show on the map large plains and mountain structures in Russia. 2. Compare them by location, area, height.

3. Find the relationship between relief and tectonics

Students compare and answer: plains are located on platforms, mountains along the edges of platforms in fold zones. Students demonstrate a table of the relationship between tectonic structures and relief (d/h) P: Analysis, cause-and-effect relationships,

R: Formulation of the problem

5. Study of new material Research, explanatory - illustrative Offers to listen carefully and perceive information about the subsoil of Russia, offers to work with atlas maps. Work with cards:

1. Name the types of minerals, 2. Show their location on the map.

3.Place the main mineral deposits on a contour map.

Group work:

4. Visually assess mineral reserves: 1g - fuel reserves, 2gr - ore reserves,

3g. - chemical raw materials,

4g - precious metals,

5g - precious and semi-precious stones,

6gr. - determine Russia’s place in the world in terms of mineral resources.

P: Information search, analysis, comparison;

K: ability to communicate and interact with each other.

6. Primary consolidation Summarizes the lesson together with the students. Answer questions.

1. Give examples of the relationship between tectonics, relief and minerals, enter the data into a previously made table.

2. Explain visually the basics of rational use of subsoil.

3. Express their point of view on ways to use the subsoil.

P: Analysis, comparison, cause-and-effect relationships;

L: assessment

7. Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it The teacher announces and comments (more often – the task is the same for everyone) Students can choose a task from those proposed by the teacher, taking into account individual capabilities:

1.Read the textbook paragraph.

2.Rank countries by different types of minerals (according to Internet data)

P: Search and selection of information.
8. Reflection (summarizing the lesson) Summarizes the work in the lesson.

Invites you to remember the topic and objectives of the lesson, correlate it with the work plan written on the board, and evaluate the extent of your personal progress towards the goal and the success of the class as a whole.

The teacher evaluates students for their work in class

Determine the degree of compliance with the set goal and performance results. Mark the most difficult and most liked episodes of the lesson. Evaluates individual student performance. Determine psychological comfort in the lesson. K: assessment and self-analysis

Geography lessons - overview by class

Thus, the first geography lessons in the 6th grade, which begin with an introduction to the subject with the development of the concepts of “ map”

" and "terrain plan" must necessarily include familiarization of schoolchildren with local topology, which can be carried out directly on the ground.
At this stage, it is possible to organize small trips to interesting places, allowing students to understand what is hidden behind the word “ geography
” in general and “
geographical map
” in particular. Geography lessons in the 7th grade, when it comes to the world's oceans and the characteristics of the population of our planet, should be constantly supplemented with interesting historical information or interesting scientific facts.

Geography lessons in the 8th grade introduce students to the resource and geographical potential of Russia, which allows them to diversify their classes with a lot of interesting information from current history and information about the rich historical past of our country. This is especially true for sections on travel and the development of territories - in these popular topics among students, the possibilities of a talented teacher are practically unlimited.

When schoolchildren begin to study the basics of the country's economic life in geography lessons in the 9th grade, it is advisable to organize short student reports on a specific topic at each lesson. Such additional information should be formed on the basis of current economic news, which will allow students to visually imagine certain aspects of the topic being studied. And finally, when starting to teach geography lessons in the 10th grade, in which world politics and social relations are studied, the teacher must constantly rely on the concepts of positivism, promoting the equality of peoples and religious faiths, the prospect of economic cooperation and peaceful coexistence, and the need to take care of natural resources

At the same time, each time the geography textbook
is relegated to the background, giving way to interesting presentations by students and teachers, supplemented by a large amount of related information.
Studying and preparing for an exam in geography
based on such an integrated approach is a fascinating process that allows you not only to remember the material covered, but also to compare various historical and economic facts with the theoretical principles being studied.

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