A dramatization game based on the Russian folk tale “Turnip” for the younger group.

The Tale of a Turnip in Verse

Hello, dear visitor to the School of Crafts.

The Tale of a Turnip in Verse
I have no doubt that absolutely everyone knows the Russian folk tale “The Turnip.” Remember, our parents once told it to us at night, and now it’s our turn to tell this fairy tale to our children. Yes, and in our puppet theater this performance is no less beloved.

What if you read this fairy tale to your baby again? In a completely unusual form for this fairy tale - poetic.

I think a child will be very happy to hear his favorite fairy tale in a new interpretation. So, we sit down comfortably and begin to read and listen to the fairy tale “Turnip” in verses by different authors.

One day in the summer, when the weather was good, in the garden, taking a shovel, throwing off his cap, Grandfather planted a miracle turnip.

She grew up big, so huge. I started to pull it out of the garden, but something went wrong. He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out.

The grandfather called the grandmother for help, grabbing the tops in his arms. Grandma holds on to Grandpa, Grandpa pulls the turnip. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

Grandma called her granddaughter and brought her by the hand. The granddaughter is holding on to Grandma, Grandma is holding on to Grandpa, Grandpa is pulling the turnip. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

Here the granddaughter called Zhuchka, Zhuchka holds on to her granddaughter, Granddaughter holds on to Grandma, Grandma holds on to Grandfather, Grandfather pulls the turnip. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The bug beckoned to the cat, the cat jumped from the window. The cat is holding on to the Bug, the Bug is holding on to the granddaughter, the Granddaughter is holding on to the Grandmother, the Grandmother is holding on to the Grandfather, the Grandfather is pulling the turnip. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The cat invited the mouse, Little Little Mouse. They became an accordion again, the Mouse holds on to the cat, the Cat holds on to the Bug, the Bug holds on to her granddaughter, the Granddaughter holds on to Grandma, the Grandmother holds on to Grandfather, and Grandfather pulls the turnip. They pulled and pulled, and pulled it out of the garden bed.

(A. Pidenko)

Grandfather planted a turnip seed in the field. The turnip grew big, big, deeply rooted into the ground, making grandfather happy with his harvest.

The grandfather grabbed the tops, satisfied, and pulled, but couldn’t pull the turnip out. You need to call your grandmother to the field quickly, let her help you pull the turnip out of the ground.

Grandma came, grabbed onto grandfather, Grandfather grabbed the turnip tiredly. They pull - they don't pull. I have no more strength. The grandmother went and called her granddaughter.

The granddaughter ran and grabbed the grandmother tightly, and the grandmother, as best she could, grabbed the grandfather’s waist, who grabbed the turnip. If they pull, they won’t pull... The bug will help.

The bug rushed over, grabbed the granddaughter, the Granddaughter grabbed the grandmother, and the grandmother grabbed the grandfather, and the Grandfather grabbed the turnip. Bug barked. They began to pull - there was no movement.

The bug barked and called the cat. She responded and was lying on the roof. The cat came and stood behind Bug. They began to pull on the turnip, but they couldn’t pull it out.

The cat followed the mouse - the girlfriend went. The mouse grabbed the cat very tenaciously. They began to pull, using all their strength. They pulled together and pulled out the turnip.

(S. Skorina)

Grandmother and Grandfather lived together in harmony, together they planted a turnip. She has grown so big, so big!

Height - up to the roof of the house! The width is half a city! The turnip is ripening soon, but they don’t know how to get it out!

Very round sides, hard to grip. A thought dawned on Grandfather: I’ll pull the turnip by the tail!

Grandfather grabbed the turnip. He pulls and pulls... he can’t pull it out! No, nothing happened! It would be necessary to call at least someone else for help.

The turnip was very tasty, since it sat firmly in the ground. Grandma! Throw away your pancakes, and come out quickly, help me pull the turnip!

Grandma for Grandfather, Grandfather for the turnip. They pull and pull... they can’t pull it out! No, nothing happened! It would be necessary to call at least someone else for help.

The turnip was very sweet, Since it sat firmly in the ground. Our granddaughter loves porridge, listens to grandma, grandpa, will help us pull the turnip!

Granddaughter for Grandma, Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for the turnip. They pull and pull... they can’t pull it out! No, nothing happened! It would be necessary to call at least someone else for help.

The turnip was fragrant, Since it sat firmly in the ground. Bug! Come on, help! Don't wag your tail here in vain! It’s better to grab your granddaughter by the hem with your teeth!

Bug for Granddaughter, Granddaughter for Grandmother, Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for the turnip. They pull and pull... they can’t pull it out! No, nothing happened! It would be necessary to call at least someone else for help.

The turnip was very fresh, since it sat firmly in the ground. Come on, Cat, get off the stove, Stop warming your sides, Yes, licking the sour cream is in vain.

Help me pull the turnip! Cat for Bug, Bug for Granddaughter, Granddaughter for Grandmother, Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for a turnip. They pull and pull... they can’t pull it out! No, nothing happened! It would be necessary to call at least someone else for help.

The turnip was very large, Once it sat firmly in the ground. Mouse! Even though you are small, it’s really not a problem, all kinds of help are needed!

Come on, Mouse, don’t yawn, help me pull the turnip! Mouse for Cat, Cat for Bug, Bug for Granddaughter, Granddaughter for Grandmother, Grandmother for Grandfather, Grandfather for a turnip. They pull and pull... They pulled out the turnip!!!

Together we dragged the turnip, We won only through friendship! They helped Grandmother and Grandfather, It was difficult - everyone was tired!

Grandma will make us porridge, We will strengthen our strength. We love turnip porridge, thanks to Grandma and Dedko!

(S. Egorov)

Grandfather planted a turnip in the garden in the spring. And it seems that nothing foreshadowed that the turnip would become like this.

The turnip became higher than the roof, and then higher than the trees! Grandfather pulled it, pulled it, but couldn’t pull it out.

He then called the old woman: “Leave your hut and grab your sash. I can't do it alone

Pull out the turnip!” The old woman soon came out of the hut, grabbed Grandfather by the sash, and let’s pull as hard as he could.

The grandmother pulls, the grandfather pulls, But there is still no movement! Lo and behold, my granddaughter comes home from school, and a bug meets her.

Granddaughter, grandmother, grandfather, they pull and pull. The turnip sat firmly in the garden, And nothing will work out.

“I’ll have to call the bug now,” said the grandfather. They look and rush. She came running, sat down next to her, and looked at everyone cheerfully.

Bug, granddaughter, grandmother, grandfather Pull, pull. I have no strength! Grandfather shouts: “Wait a little! Let's call, let's cat!

We cherish her, we cherish her - Let her help in our work.” Cat, Bug, granddaughter nearby Grandma. Grandfather, looking around

He said to everyone who pulls a turnip with him: “We won’t win!” The whole crowd is pulling the turnip - It doesn’t work, what’s wrong?!

Let's call the mouse for help, but it doesn't have much strength. But maybe this time everything will work out for us!

They took a mouse, a cat, a bug, a grandmother, a grandfather, and also a granddaughter. They pulled out the turnip at once, Even though it was sitting tight!

And now a year ahead Everyone will forget the garden: Mouse, cat, grandfather and granddaughter, Grandma and the dog Bug!

(S. Pancheshny)

My grandfather once planted a miracle turnip in the garden. And about five weeks later, the turnip was unrecognizable.

A yellow ball, big as a house. There are a lot of vitamins in it. Only grandfather, no matter how hard he tried, - The delicious ball remained in the ground.

Grandma helps grandfather, Grabs the turnip by the tops, But the intractable turnip is firmly entrenched in the ground.

Grandmother and grandfather immediately wave, calling their granddaughter Masha. But, although there are three of them, Repka is still there! What's happened?

There was nothing to do and the granddaughter called the dog Bug. The four of them are now pulling the turnip out of the ground.

But the stubborn root crop does not go and does not go. And the cat runs to the rescue, and behind her is a tiny mouse.

The six of them again Yes, grab the turnip at once! Together, we pushed together - we pulled the turnip out of the ground!

(I. Millis)

Fairy tale "Turnip" for adults by roles

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a lesson in it, a hint for the grown-ups! I will slightly paraphrase a Russian proverb and give you, the readers, a hint as to what will be discussed on this page.

Everyone loves good old stories, remade in a modern way? Yes! Therefore, I would like to please my friends and present the fairy tale “Turnip” for adults in roles. Let this funny interpretation please the ladies on March 8th or all the guests at the next party.

So, what are we going to talk about? And we will talk about modern gadgets that greatly influence our lives. To a large extent, we have already turned into Zombies, and we are controlled by phones, tablets, computers and other smart toys. But how does this relate to the fairy tale “Turnip”? Now you will find out!

Immediately read the funny skit and put on performances with your family, colleagues and friends!

Fairy tale "Turnip" for adults by roles:

Behind the scenes, a beautiful Russian melody in a rustic style sounds, birds sing, and the noise of the forest is heard.

The presenter begins in a fairy-tale voice: Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman...

Suddenly the melody ends abruptly and a modern grandmother appears on stage. Dressed in the latest fashion, a pedometer in her hands, headphones in her ears.

The grandmother turns to the presenter: Hey, asshole! What kind of woman am I to you, come out to the battle with me. Let's honor the rapper or organize a marathon running competition!

Voice-over host: Dear grandma, this is not according to the script! It's time to water and hill your garden!

Grandma grins: Now I’ll show you how to hill a garden!

A very catchy melody comes on and the granny famously rocks out in Go-Go style. The audience is delighted, dancing and standing ovation.

While grandma is making sausage, grandfather comes on stage with a large box.

Grandmother finishes the dance, grandfather kisses her on the cheek: Darling, you are in great shape as always!

Grandma, dancing: Hello, dear! What do you have? Another parcel from Aliexpress?

Grandfather: Almost got it right! You know what's happening to me...

Granny: I know, shopaholism and coupon mania.

Grandfather: No, dear! This is something else, it’s as if an inner voice whispers to me: Plant a turnip, grandpa!

Grandma: What? Is this some kind of call of the ancestors?

Grandfather: I probably can’t get rid of it. So I scoured the internet and ordered this.

Granny with interest: Intriguing!

The couple removes the packaging from the box, there is an inscription on it - Smart Turnip!

Grandmother: That's all we needed.

Grandfather: Wait, here are the instructions (takes out a thick book). We need to figure out what's what!

Granny: You don’t understand instructions, that’s why we have trouble with technology. We roll up cans with a 21st century vacuum cleaner, and remove a cat from a tree with an electric fishing rod. You don’t get along with modern gadgets, so maybe the old fashioned way – Plant a turnip, grandpa!

Grandfather: Well, no, I’ll master fashionable wisdom. Where are my glasses?

At this time, the Granddaughter comes on stage to the music, with a huge dog (actor) on a leash.

Girl: Hello, ancestors, what are you suffering from?

Grandmother: Grandfather bought a new gadget, it’s called “Smart Turnip”, now he’ll figure out how to use it. My heart knows this will end badly.

The granddaughter approaches the box and examines it: What’s unusual here? Here is a cord with a plug, which means it needs to be plugged into an outlet.

Grandmother with hope: Maybe it’s not necessary?

The granddaughter rolls her eyes: What will happen? The maximum will close! (plugs the device into the network, the light in the box lights up). Well, this is a lamp. And if you are smart, then there will be lights and music and a disco of the 80s. Cool, what! (grins)

Grandma looks into the box with caution: Is it just me, or is this thing growing?

Granddaughter: Well, just like in a fairy tale! (runs up and smacks grandma) I went for a walk with the Vampire. Bye, bah! (pulls the dog by the leash) Vamp, go ahead!

Grandmother: Bye, dear! (addresses the audience) Now they call dogs scary names. It hurts your ears so much you'll spit and cross yourself. Another thing is my little cat, Vaska, he is Vaska.

Grandfather enthusiastically reads the instructions.

Grandma: Grandpa, did you hear what I’m saying?

Grandfather, without looking up from the book: Pay attention, we have a good cat! But nothing is clear about this thing!

Granny: Don’t worry, it’ll pass as a night light. But where is my Vasily, this is a serious question (pours milk into a bowl). Vasya-Vasya-Vasenka, where are you, my cat?

A healthy cat, Vasily, slowly crawls onto the stage, sniffs, and caresses his owner. He drinks milk, and then notices a new object in the room. Light is streaming from the box and clearly something is happening there!

Grandmother strokes the cat: Vasenka, don’t be surprised, this is grandfather’s new toy.

The cat Vasily sneaks up to the new item, sniffs it, and at that moment it clicks loudly. The cat, squealing on bent paws, quickly runs backstage.

Grandma: Wow, that infernal machine, it scared Koteyka! Grandfather, look, your turnip is growing. I feel like we’ll be harvesting tomorrow (laughs). Give up this Chinese letter, let's go have tea.

The couple goes backstage, the audience laughs and applauds.

A beautiful fairy-tale melody sounds again, birds sing, oak forests rustle.

Presenter behind the scenes: How long, how short, but morning has come in a Russian village!

The lights come on on the stage, and a head with leaves, similar to a Turnip, is already sticking out of the box.

The music changes to rhythmic, Repka says in a human voice: Get up, don’t be lazy, get ready to exercise!

A frightened grandmother in curlers, a grandfather in lopsided glasses, a granddaughter with a dog in pajamas run onto the stage. They walk in place to the music.

Grandmother: Grandfather, what the hell is this?

Grandfather: I don’t know, all I understood from the instructions yesterday was that the Smart Turnip will become your good friend and mentor.

Granddaughter: I think she will become our evil fitness trainer. Because I can't stop, this thing is zombifying us.

Turnip loudly to the music: Now let’s move on to squats!

Granny: Oh my God! Not this!

Grandfather squats: Oh, oh, I can’t stop, my legs don’t obey me!

Everyone does squats together, even the dog Vampire.

Granddaughter: We need to reach the outlet and turn off this plague from the network.

Grandmother reaches out: I’m trying, but I can’t reach it. Can Vasily click?

Grandfather: Cats are not good with electricity!

At this time the melody changes. Turnip again commands in a loud voice: And now take the lying position, push-ups. One-two, one-two.

Grandma on the floor: Well, Hell's Machine, I'll get to you! (The cat screams hopefully) Vasya, Vasenka, unplug the cord from the socket.

The music stops, Repka’s hands suddenly appear from the box, and his legs come out from behind the table. She knows how to walk and command.

Repka: We finished the exercises, now go for a walk and water treatments.

Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter and dog run backstage screaming. The audience laughs. The turnip slowly follows them, and a cord trails behind it.

The cat Vasily appears on the stage and looks around cautiously.

Vaska: Mmmrff-meow, this terrible thing is gone. Fuyrrrrrr, when I see her, her fur stands on end! Although maybe not from fear, but just static electricity.

Suddenly a thin voice is heard behind the closet: Pee-pee-pee, calm yourself down, you cowardly cat. It's not electricity at all, and you're seriously scared of a big robot.

Vaska: Who is that squeaking there? You white mouse?! Come on out!

Mouse: I won’t go out!

Vaska the Cat: Come out! Otherwise I will hunt you!

At this time, screams are heard again, the whole family runs across the stage in the other direction. The cat hides in time, the terrible Turnip walks by.

The noise subsides, Vaska crawls out: Mrrr-meow, what a horror! My tail is still on end!

Mouse from behind the closet: Coward! Are you afraid of a robot? And I know how to help you!

Cat: How?

A mouse crawls onto the stage: If I help you, promise me you will leave my mouse family alone. I get my lifelong share of cheese, and you get the care and adoration of your grandmother. Is it coming?

The cat scratches the back of his head: Okay! And how will we act?

Mouse: It’s very simple! I chewed all the instructions, but managed to figure out what was what. You need to close a couple of wires inside, and the system unit will be closed. Even in our native China they won’t fix it!

Cat with caution: Great! How do you get to this car, it’s so scary.

Mouse: There is a plan, hide, they are coming back!

The heroes manage to escape, and the family returns to the stage to the music.

Behind them is Repka: Stop! After a run and water treatments, a healthy breakfast! Grandmother cooks porridge, granddaughter bakes pancakes, grandfather sets the samovar. Is this a Russian breakfast?

Grandfather very politely: Dear turnip, of course you are very smart, but can I have a snack with sandwiches and coffee?

Turnip is evil: No, not according to the instructions, it's harmful!

The family is upset, obediently fiddling around in the kitchen.

And at this time the Mouse and the Cat carefully crawl onto the stage. They sneak up on Turnip, and the nimble Mouse pounces on her neck. Dynamic music turns on, sparks fly from the car, and the evil Turnip spins in place.

Turnip closes: This is harmful, this is harmful!

The mouse does not lag behind and chews through the necessary wires, the robot falls and is knocked out.

The family slowly approaches the car.

Grandmother: The end of Turnip?

Grandfather: Looks like it!

Granddaughter: Hurray! Freedom!

The dog Vampire approaches the car, sniffs and growls. Grandmother strokes Vaska and gives the mouse a large slice of cheese.

Grandfather: Let’s pull Turnip out into the street, like in a fairy tale.

Granddaughter: How is that?

Grandfather: That's it! (grabs the robot’s hand) The grandfather grabbed the turnip, pulled, pulled, but couldn’t pull it out. Grandma is calling for help!

Grandmother: You will answer for grandma! (Grabs at grandfather)

Grandfather: Don't grumble! Grandfather for Turnip, grandmother for grandfather, they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out! They are calling their granddaughter to help!

Granddaughter: Oh, is this your quest? OK!

Grandfather: Grandfather for the turnip, grandmother for the grandfather, granddaughter for the grandmother, they pull, they pull, but they can’t pull it out! They call for help to the Bug, oh, that is, the Vampire! Ugh, Lord!

The dog hugs his owner.

Grandfather: Grandfather for Turnip, grandmother for grandfather, granddaughter for grandmother, dog for granddaughter, pull, pull, but they can’t pull! Call the Cat for help!

Grandma: Vaska the cat! Vasya-Vasya-Vasily!

The cat grabs onto the Vampire Dog.

Grandfather: Grandfather for Turnip, grandmother for grandfather, granddaughter for grandmother, dog for granddaughter, cat for dog, pull, pull, but they can’t pull! Call the Mouse for help!

Mouse: And without me, no problems can be solved in this house!

Grandfather: Grandfather for Turnip, grandmother for grandfather, granddaughter for grandmother, dog for granddaughter, cat for dog, mouse for cat, pull, pull, and pull the hated Turnip out into the street!

To the music, a friendly family goes backstage in single file and pulls the miracle machine behind them.

The audience really liked the fairy tale, they laugh and applaud in unison. End.

Author Irina Mamedova especially for the website “Valley of Positivity”.

summary “dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”” material on the topic

Dramatization based on the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Goal: Development of the child’s emotional sphere, formation of trusting relationships, activation of attention.


Educational: Learn to coordinate your actions when conducting a dramatization game, continue to introduce children to Russian folk art and fairy tales.

Developmental: Expand and enrich children’s vocabulary with action words (went, pulled, came running, called, continue to develop the pronunciation of vowel sounds through onomatopoeia (“meow-meow”, “woof-woof”, “pee-pee-pee”, develop articulation , physical activity accompanied by poetry,

Educational: To foster interest and respect for pieces of theatrical and play equipment, to develop a desire to transform into the depicted images, using various means of expression, to encourage children to express pleasure and joy from emotional cooperation and empathy.

Material and equipment:

Decorations for the game, attributes characteristic of each character in the fairy tale “Turnip”, turnip (large, musical fragment from A. Filippenko’s collection “Marichka”.

Preliminary work: reading and telling the fairy tale “Turnip”, showing the fairy tale using various types of theater, getting to know all the characters in the fairy tale through sketches, looking at illustrations for the fairy tale.

Characters: presenter, turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, mug, mouse.

  1. Progress:

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Now we will show you one of your favorite fairy tales

fairy tale "Turnip"


Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip has grown very, very big. Grandfather went to pick turnips:

Pulls, pulls,

can't pull it out.


The grandfather called the grandmother to help. Grandfather Anton (waves his hand): Grandma, Grandma - where are you? Help me pull the turnip! Grandma-Vasilisa grabs onto Dedka and tries to pull the turnip out. Teacher:

Grandma for grandfather

grandpa for the turnip -


They can’t pull it out.


The grandmother called her granddaughter! Grandmother (Vasilisa): Come on, Granddaughter, run, help pull the turnip!

Granddaughter runs out and grabs Grandma. They are trying to pull out a turnip. Teacher: Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather,

grandpa for the turnip -


They can’t pull it out.

Educator: Granddaughter called Zhuchka. Granddaughter (Agatha): Zhuchka! Bug! Run, help pull the turnip!

Bug (Zoe) runs out, barking, and grabs her granddaughter. Educator: Bug for my granddaughter,

granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather,

grandpa for the turnip -


They can’t pull it out. Teacher:

She called Murka the Bug.

Bug (Zoya): Murka the cat, run, help pull the turnip! Stepping softly, the Cat (Anya) comes out. Teacher: Murka for Zhuchka, Zhuchka for her granddaughter,

granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather,

grandpa for the turnip -


They can’t pull it out.


Murka called the mouse. Cat (Anya): Mouse-Mouse, come out! Help me pull the turnip!

Mouse (Miron) is running. Teacher: Mouse for Murka, Murka for Zhuchka, Zhuchka for Granddaughter,

granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather,

grandpa for the turnip...

they pulled and pulled and all together they pulled out the turnip!

Educator: So they pulled out the turnip, which was sitting firmly in the ground.

The turnip is pulled out, everyone falls. Educator (addresses the audience): How strong is the Mouse? It was friendship that won! Eat in good health, Grandfather, your long-awaited lunch! That’s the end of the fairy tales, And whoever listened, well done!

The artists bow.

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