Extracurricular literature lesson in elementary school, 4th grade

Extracurricular activities in literary reading. 2nd grade

Literary circle program “Learning to love books” as part of extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard

2nd class "G"

2013 – 2014 academic year year

Implementation period 1 year.

Developed by a teacher of the highest category: Kuzmina L.L..

Explanatory note.

The modern school is experiencing a new stage of its development. The primary school teacher is faced with the task of building the educational process in such a way that society receives highly cultural, deeply moral and socially active citizens, for whom the ability and desire to learn should become stable personality traits. This cannot be achieved without serious work by students from the first days of school, not only with the textbook, but also with children's books from the available reading range. Until recently, the value of books and reading was undeniable in our country. But today the situation looks different. The picture of mass reading, its prestige, reading preferences and habits have changed significantly. In our age of scientific and technological progress, where television, computers and video games dominate, children have lost interest in reading. We observe:

  • changing the nature of reading;
  • the predominance of “business” reading over “free”;
  • an increase in the number of students who limit themselves to reading literature only according to the school curriculum;
  • Currently, there is no official extracurricular reading lesson; work with books is included in the structure of literary reading lessons.

The problem of developing correct, conscious, fluent and expressive reading worries every teacher, since reading plays a very important (if not dominant) role in the education and development of a child’s personality.

What is happening with modern children's reading in terms of the prospects for the birth of a new generation of children in the information society? This question worries adults deeply. Many teachers and parents are unhappy that children don’t like to read, but you can’t force them to study, you have to get them excited about learning! And this is absolutely fair. How to teach reading so that children fall in love with books, because a book read in childhood remains in memory for a lifetime and influences the subsequent development of a person? This problem becomes especially relevant in elementary school. Each book must come to a child at a certain age, otherwise friendship with it may not happen!

Teachers are seriously concerned about the problem of children's reading. Many parents do not know what their children read and are not interested in what books they are interested in; the vast majority do not subscribe to periodicals for their children. Schoolchildren themselves prefer to buy scanword puzzles and comics.

To solve this problem, we have created a literary club program for 2nd grade students “Learning to Love a Book” as part of extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

The program is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • develop in children the ability to fully perceive a work of art, empathize with the characters, and respond emotionally to what they read;
  • to teach children to feel and understand the figurative language of a work of art, the means of expression that create an artistic image, to develop students’ imaginative thinking;
  • to develop the ability to recreate artistic images of a literary work, develop students’ imagination, associative thinking, develop children’s poetic ear, accumulate aesthetic experience in listening to works of fine literature, cultivate an artistic ear;
  • to create a need for constant reading of books, to develop interest in literary reading, the creativity of writers, creators of works of literary art;
  • enrich the child’s sensory experience, his real ideas about the world around him and nature;
  • to form a child’s aesthetic attitude to life, introducing him to the classics of fiction;
  • provide a sufficiently deep understanding of the content of works of varying levels of complexity;
  • expand children's horizons through reading books of various genres, varied in content and subject matter, enrich the child's moral, aesthetic and cognitive experience;
  • ensure the development of students’ speech and actively develop reading and speech skills;
  • work with different types of texts;
  • create conditions for the formation of the need for independent reading of works of fiction.

The purpose of this program:

The goal of the program is to thoroughly acquaint students with children's literature and books, ensure the literary development of younger schoolchildren, reveal to children the world of moral and aesthetic values ​​and spiritual culture accumulated by previous generations, develop artistic taste, and form a culture of feelings and communication.

The selection of literary content is guided by the value of the works and takes into account the age capabilities and social experience of younger schoolchildren. That is why, along with classical Russian and foreign literature, a place is given to works of oral folk art and modern children's books.

During the classes, children also get acquainted with the literature of their native land, works of oral folk art, reflecting the life and traditions, the richness and originality of the language of the people living in the area, which will not only have an impact on the formation of the personal identity of the growing person, but will also help to master the figurative specifics literature as an art form.

Teachers who work with primary schoolchildren know how difficult it is to teach children reading techniques, but even more difficult to raise an enthusiastic reader. It is necessary to organize the process so that reading contributes to the development of personality, and a developed personality feels the need for reading as a source of further development. Reading and telling books is organized at all moments of life at school; it is associated with games and walks, with everyday activities and work.

Age of children participating in this program

The program is aimed at students aged 8-9 years.

The forms and methods of organizing the activities of pupils are focused on their individual and age characteristics. An important role in the formation of groups is played by some difference in the age of children, since the educational process proceeds more favorably, since older teenagers readily act as mentors. Younger pupils are brought up to the level of work and to the style of behavior of their elders.

Time frame for implementation of the additional educational program

The additional educational program “Learning to Love a Book” is designed for one year of study, 34 academic hours.

Forms and mode of classes

Study group classes are held once a week for 30 minutes. The forms of working with a book are varied and determined by the creativity of the teacher. To develop interest in reading, you can use different forms of organizing classes:

  • lesson-debate;
  • activity-performance;
  • activity-holiday;
  • interview session;
  • integrated lesson;
  • conference;
  • oral journal;
  • competitions;
  • literary meetings;
  • literary lounge;
  • literary ring, etc.

The system of work presented in the program makes it possible to implement new technologies, non-standard forms of work in extracurricular activities, develop students’ speech, increase children’s educational motivation and, most importantly, raise a literate reader. The use of computer and multimedia technologies will significantly increase the effectiveness of cultivating interest in books and reading.

The teacher must create conditions for the modern child that guarantee him the discovery of a holistic picture of the world thanks to the current set of children's books, the development of motives for his attitude towards reading, so that the culture of understanding the value and priority of reading and reading activity is not violated.

Timing and stages of program implementation, focus on the final result:

This program is implemented for 1 year in extracurricular activities. At the end of the school year, diagnostics are carried out in the form of tests, questionnaires, and interviews.

The content of the program for each year of study is divided into two sections:

1. Reading circle.

2. Working with a children's book (WUD)

The reading range from class to class gradually expands children's reading capabilities and their knowledge about the world around them, about their peers, about their lives, games, adventures, about nature and its protection, about the history of our Motherland, helping to accumulate the child's social and moral experience, gaining qualities of “reader independence”.

When teaching children to read, their knowledge should be supplemented with elementary

concepts of a literary nature: simple information about the author - writer, the theme of the work being read, its genre, features of small folklore genres (riddle, joke, proverb, counting rhyme). Children will receive initial ideas about the visual and expressive capabilities of verbal art (about “painting with words”, about metaphor, comparison, personification, rhythm and musicality of poetic speech).

The club's activities are aimed at developing the child's communication skills, the ability to conduct a dialogue, participate in a conversation, listen and complement comrades, express judgments and prove their correctness. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a friendly tone, the emotional nature of speech, while practicing mastery of the literary norms of the native language.

Reading range:

fiction and popular science literature, works for students to independently read silently and selectively reread aloud, poems, short stories, fairy tales about the Motherland, about children, about exploits, about animals and plants, about adventures and magic, books by writers of their native land.

Working with a children's book: orientation in the book, the ability to distinguish the main elements of the book, determining the content by title (author, title), the ability to give the correct answer about who or what the book is about. Orientation in a group of books, determination of the topic of reading, selection of books according to given criteria, according to a recommendation poster and a book exhibition. Consolidating the skill of collective reproduction of what was read based on the teacher’s questions. Moral assessment of situations, behavior and actions of heroes. The ability to correlate the names of authors with their books. Consolidating a positive attitude towards independent reading of children's books in class and outside of class, independently learning games from collection books, participating in preparing a performance at a matinee, the ability to keep the classroom reading corner in order.

Guiding principles of the literary circle program

“How good it is to be able to read...”

The program assumes the following content of books, their structure and teaching methods, which are based on the following guiding principles:

artistic and aesthetic;

literary studies;


Artistic and aesthetic principle

determines the strategy for selecting works for reading, and therefore the reading range of younger schoolchildren includes mainly literary texts. Children's attention is drawn to the fact that before them are not just educational, interesting texts, but works of verbal art that reveal to the reader the richness of the surrounding world and human relationships, give rise to a sense of harmony, beauty, teach them to understand the beauty in life, and form in the child their own attitude towards reality. This principle involves active

establishing connections between all other forms of art.

Literary principle

taking into account the characteristics of the initial stage of training, it is implemented when analyzing a literary work and brings to the fore the artistic image. The word becomes the object of attention of the reader and is interpreted by him as a means of creating a verbal and artistic image through which the author expresses his thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

In elementary school, analysis of a work of art should help children feel the integrity of the artistic image and adequately empathize with the hero.

The literary principle is also expressed in the fact that the program

covers all major literary genres: fairy tales, poems, short stories, fables,

dramatic works (in excerpts). When analyzing a work, this principle aims to enrich students with their first ideas about the issue.

Communicative speech principle

is aimed at developing the speech culture of students, at the formation and development of speech skills in younger schoolchildren, the main of which is reading skills. The goal of literary reading classes is to intensively develop the skill of reading as a type of speech activity: from the loud speech form of reading to silent reading.

Conditions for the program

The implementation of goals is impossible without the use of resources: the availability of fiction in school and city libraries, educational materials, visual demonstration aids and tables, the Internet, electronic presentations.

Taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children.

The selection and arrangement of educational material, the use of various methods and pedagogical technologies in this program correspond to the age and psychological characteristics of children of primary school age, for whom the leading activity is communication in the learning process.

The program is focused on children's feelings, images and thoughts that arise during the lesson. The process of working with a work is a generalization, search and discovery of truths, cooperation according to the scheme students - teacher - author

. The language of our classics should become an inexhaustible source for the speech, intellectual and moral development of children.

Expected results (personal and general subject competencies).

The student must be able to:


survey the environment;

consult a teacher;

get information;


establish connections between past and present events;

be critical of this or that statement or proposal;

be able to confront uncertainty and complexity;

take a position in discussions and develop your own opinions;

evaluate works of art and literature;


be able to work in a group;


resolve disagreements and conflicts;

agree; develop and carry out assigned responsibilities;

get down to business:

join a group or team and make a contribution;

prove solidarity; organize your work;



use new information and communication technologies;

to withstand difficulties; find new solutions.

It follows from this that students must demonstrate the ability to mobilize previously acquired knowledge, use the practical experience of adults, demonstrate the ability to prove (substantiate their point of view), be able to organize the relationship between past and present knowledge in solving a specific situation, i.e., use previously acquired competencies. The knowledge obtained in this way turns out to be more durable and of higher quality.

  • psychological and diagnostic techniques.

To monitor the level of mastery of the program and make timely corrections, it is advisable to use the following forms of control : (meta-subject


  • competition classes for repetition of practical skills,
  • lessons for repetition and generalization (after completing the main sections of the program),
  • self-presentation (viewing works while simultaneously protecting them by the child),
  • participation in literary Olympiads and competitions at various levels.

In addition, systematic monitoring of students during the school year is necessary, including:

  • the child’s performance and independent activity,
  • activity,
  • accuracy,
  • creative approach to knowledge,
  • degree of independence in their decision and implementation, etc.

Calendar and thematic planning of classes

according to the literary circle program “How to be able to read well...”

the date of the Subject Note
Plan Fact
1 Introduction. Poems about school and children
2 “Hello, golden autumn! A school filled with sunshine"
3 Hello, golden autumn! A school filled with sunshine"
4 Journey to the Land of Literature.
5 Journey to the Land of Literature.
6 Stories of the birth of fairy tales.
7 Types of fairy tales
8 Russian folk tales.
9 Tales of the peoples of the world.
10 My favorite fairy tales (dramatization).
11 “The one who has a smart head and a kind heart is good.”
12 Creative searches. "Changing the fairy tale."
13 Creative searches. "Changing the fairy tale."
14 Preparation for the reading competition among grades 1 and 2 “White snow swirling above the ground.”
15 Preparation for the reading competition among grades 1 and 2 “White snow swirling above the ground.”
16 Preparing for the New Year's performance.
17 Preparing for the New Year's performance.
18 Literary lotto “Heroes of books are my heroes.”
19 Where did the book come from?
20 Rules of behavior in the library
21 Reading books about the Motherland.
22 Reading poems “I Serve the Fatherland”
23 Preparation for the holiday “The most beautiful in the world.” (Dedicated to mothers.)
24 We're going to the theater.
25 Book Week: “The book is your friend, take care of it.”
26 "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten".
27 "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten".
28 What do magazines say?
29 "Native poets".
30 "Native poets".
31 "From my bookshelf"
32 "From my bookshelf"
33 "Let's go, friends
34 Final lesson
Name of course topics Total hours Activities date
plan fact
1. Introduction. Poems about school and children

“Hello, golden autumn! A school filled with sunshine"

2 If desired, learn one poem about school by heart. Poetry competition about school. Photo exhibition “My first day at school” with a quatrain about school of my own composition.
2. Travel to the country of Literature. 1 Bring your favorite book, tell about the content and the author (if any).
3. Stories of the birth of fairy tales.

Types of fairy tales.

1 Organize a book exhibition. Determining the features of the genre of fairy tales
4. Russian folk tales. Tales of the peoples of the world. My favorite fairy tales (dramatization). 2 Retelling based on illustrations. Role-playing a fairy tale.
5. Preparing for the Family Day holiday 2 Learning poems by heart, practicing dramatizations.
6. “He is good who has a smart head and a kind heart.” 2 Writing a fairy tale about an inanimate object (briefcase, mug, shoe, pen, etc.)
7. Creative searches. "Changing the fairy tale." 2 Changing the beginning


fairy tale plot. We create our own fairy tales.

8. Preparation for the reading competition among grades 1 and 2 “White snow swirling above the ground.” 2 Search for a poem about winter. Learning poems, design. Competition for the best reader in the class.
9. "At the Fair" 2 Highlighting the distinctive features of Russian folklore. Learn a nursery rhyme, a fable, a simple proverb. Competition for the best reader. ICT
10. Preparation for the New Year's performance. 2 Selection of works, New Year's material for theatrical performances with the invitation of parents. ICT
11.Literary lotto “Heroes of books are my heroes.” 1 Learn to solve riddles, find key words, and navigate reading topics by title.
12. Where did the book come from? 2 Collect information, teach how to work with a book: cover, illustrations, author, theme, genre.
13. Rules of conduct in the library 2 Make up your own rules of behavior in the library, visiting the library.
14. Preparation for the holiday “The most beautiful in the world.” (Dedicated to mothers.) 2 Learning poems by heart, practicing dramatizations.
15. We are going to the theater. 2 Prepare a program based on the work “Helped” by G. Ladonshchikov.
16. Book week: “The book is your friend, take care of it.” 2 Selection of repertoire and rehearsal for the Book Week holiday (Together with the after-school group). ICT
17. “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.” 2 Reading books about WWII together. Pick up proverbs and sayings about the Motherland.

Identifying moral qualities for yourself.

18. Generalization lessons 2 Preparation for KVN, KVN “In the Country of Chitalia”. ICT
19.Final diagnosis 1 Testing to identify the reader's horizons. Decorating a summer reading corner.

Thematic lesson planning

according to the literary circle program “How to be able to read well...”

Name of course topics Total hours Including Activities date ICT
lecture Etc plan fact
1. Introduction. Poems about school and children

“Hello, golden autumn! A school filled with sunshine"

2 1 1 If desired, learn one poem about school by heart. Poetry competition about school. Photo exhibition “My first day at school” with a quatrain about school of my own composition. ICT
2. Travel to the country of Literature. 1 1 Bring your favorite book, tell about the content and the author (if any).
3. Stories of the birth of fairy tales.

Types of fairy tales.

1 1 Organize a book exhibition. Determining the features of the genre of fairy tales
4. Russian folk tales. Tales of the peoples of the world. My favorite fairy tales (dramatization). 2 1 1 Retelling based on illustrations. Role-playing a fairy tale. ICT
5. Preparing for the Family Day holiday 2 2 Learning poems by heart, practicing dramatizations.
6. “He is good who has a smart head and a kind heart.” 2 1 1 Writing a fairy tale about an inanimate object (briefcase, mug, shoe, pen, etc.)
7. Creative searches. "Changing the fairy tale." 2 1 1 Changing the beginning


fairy tale plot. We create our own fairy tales.

8. Preparation for the reading competition among grades 1 and 2 “White snow swirling above the ground.” 2 1 1 Search for a poem about winter. Learning poems, design. Competition for the best reader in the class.
9. "At the Fair" 2 1 1 Highlighting the distinctive features of Russian folklore. Learn a nursery rhyme, a fable, a simple proverb. Competition for the best reader. ICT
10. Preparation for the New Year's performance. 2 1 1 Selection of works, New Year's material for theatrical performances with the invitation of parents. ICT
11.Literary lotto “Heroes of books are my heroes.” 1 1 Learn to solve riddles, find key words, and navigate reading topics by title.
12. Where did the book come from? 2 1 1 Collect information, teach how to work with a book: cover, illustrations, author, theme, genre.
13. Rules of conduct in the library 2 1 1 Make up your own rules of behavior in the library, visiting the library.
14. Preparation for the holiday “The most beautiful in the world.” (Dedicated to mothers.) 2 1 1 Learning poems by heart, practicing dramatizations.
15. We are going to the theater. 2 1 1 Prepare a program based on the work “Helped” by G. Ladonshchikov.
16. Book week: “The book is your friend, take care of it.” 2 1 1 Selection of repertoire and rehearsal for the Book Week holiday (Together with the after-school group). ICT
17. “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.” 2 1 1 Reading books about WWII together. Pick up proverbs and sayings about the Motherland.

Identifying moral qualities for yourself.

18. Generalization lessons 2 1 1 Preparation for KVN, KVN “In the Country of Chitalia”. ICT
19.Final diagnosis 1 1 Testing to identify the reader's horizons. Decorating a summer reading corner.
Methodological support of the program

The result of the “Learning to Love a Book” program largely depends on the preparation of the premises, material and technical equipment and educational equipment.

The room for classes should be bright, dry, warm and, in terms of volume and usable area, correspond to the number of students studying.


tables; chairs; a music center with audio recordings, stands for displaying informational, didactic, visual material, and exhibition samples.

The placement of training equipment must comply with the requirements and standards of SanPin and work safety rules. Particular attention should be paid to the student’s workplace.


Certificate "For special achievements in the field of creativity" Sovina Anna (11th grade)
Certificate "For special contribution to the development of museum affairs"

"For special achievements in the study of individual subjects"

Polomoshnova Anastasia (9th grade)
Certificate of honor for active participation “Eternal companion of the book”

Author of two books.

Polomoshnova Anastasia (9th grade)

Used Books


1. Newspaper “Pedagogical Council”. - 2005 No. 3; 2005. No. 6

2. Gostimskaya E.S. Extracurricular reading M., 2005.

3. Russian literary classics. Samara: Fedorov Corporation, 1995.

4. What is it? Who it? M.: Pedagogy, 1990. T.1-3

5. Russian children's writers xx

century. Bibliographic Dictionary. M.: Flinta - science, 2001.

6. Russian children's writers xx

century. Bibliographic Dictionary. M.: Flinta - science, 2001.

7. Russian school reader. 1-4 grades. Publishing house "Interbook", 1985.

8. Svetlovskaya N.N., Dzhezheley O.V. Extracurricular reading in grades 1-3.

M. Education, 1985.

9. Svetlovskaya N. N. “Methods of extracurricular reading”, M. 1991.

10. Oseeva G. The Magic Word. M., "Children's Literature", 1980.

11. Magazines “Elementary school”, 2006-2009.

12. Internet resources with literary presentations metodisty.ru›All works›Presentations and videos, viki.rdf.ru›item/373, lit-studia.ru›method/46.html

Extracurricular reading activity

Ministry of Public Education
of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Namangan city department of public education

Secondary school No. 42

Extracurricular reading lesson on the topic: “Winter-winter” in the form of a quiz “Field of Miracles”

primary school teacher

Salimova Z.N.:

Extracurricular reading lesson on the topic: “Winter-winter” in the form of a quiz “Field of Miracles”

Sections: Extracurricular activities



  • development of students' intellectual abilities;
  • nurturing communication skills, a sense of collectivism, and responsibility for the assigned work;
  • instilling an interest in reading and a love of nature.



  • colorful poster
  • board with task words (4 pcs.);
  • drum, 2 drawers, tray, plaques with names of prizes, prizes;
  • 2 sets of numbers for participants in the draw, 2 boxes;
  • tokens to fans for correct answers.

Preparation: rehearsal of a song about winter.

  • homework - choose poems, riddles and proverbs about winter.


I. Organizational moment

. (Quiet music sounds)


-Dear guys, dear guests! Today we are holding a quiz game “Field of Miracles”. Having solved the riddle, you will find out what topic it is dedicated to:

When the time came, Grandma Arina covered the entire Earth with White feather bed. (Winter)

So, the topic of the lesson is “Winter-winter”.

Familiarization with the rules of the game.

II. Draw.

— To start the game, I need to draw lots. Now everyone who wants to play takes a number from this box.

-Now, attention! We have the same box on our desk with exactly the same numbers. My assistant selects numbers from a box whose owners will be participants

expand table

I round 2nd round III round
1) ….

2) ….

3) ….

expand table

(The second assistant transfers this entry to the board)

III. First tour.

So, Round 1! You are invited to the game reel... Let's welcome them guys!

(The assistant strengthens the first board with the task on the magnetic board)

“Here is encrypted a word that in Russian means a layer of freshly fallen snow.


— The winner of the first round was…. Our applause for you!

IV. Musical pause

. (The song “Winter lived in a hut..." is performed)

— Let's thank our artists!

V. Second round

— Participants of the 2nd round are invited to the drum...

— On the board is the answer to the riddle, which I will now voice:

In a new wall, in a round window, the glass was broken during the day, inserted during the night.

What is this? e


— Let's greet the winner of the 2nd round...

VI. Poetic pause

. (Children read poems about winter)

VII. Third round.

The participants of the third round are…. Please take your seats at the drum.

— Hidden here is a word that in Russian means a winter natural phenomenon.


VIII. Game with fans.

a) Competition of proverbs and sayings about winter.

- I’ll start, and you finish in unison, answer in unison.

Take care of your nose... in severe frost. January is the beginning of the year, ... the middle of winter. Blizzards and blizzards... arrived in February. Summer is wild, ... winter is wild. Snow on the fields - ... bread in the bins. A lot of snow - ... a lot of bread. / If there wasn’t snow, ... there wouldn’t be a trace.

b) What proverbs and sayings about winter do you still know? c) Competition of riddles about winter.

- Now let’s find out who is the best expert on riddles about the sorceress - winter? (Children ask riddles to their friends)

1. Warms in winter, smolders in spring, disappears in summer, comes to life in autumn. (Snow)

2. Name, guys, the month in this riddle: Its days are shorter than all days, longer than nights. Snow fell on the fields and meadows until spring. Only our month will pass, We will celebrate the New Year. (December)

3. It grows upside down, It grows not in summer, but in winter. But the sun will bake her - she will cry and die. (Icicle)

IX. Final game.

— I invite the winners of all rounds to take part in the finals.

— Here, on the scoreboard, is the name of the author of the following lines:

“... I’ll think about it - the rivers are big, I’ll hide them under oppression for a long time. I will build ice bridges, such as the people will not build...” and


- Fans, what is this poem called? (a token for the correct answer)

X. Super game.

Please bring super prizes here. (I place signs with the names of the prizes on the drum:

- source of knowledge (book) - diplomat (folder for notebooks) - spaceship (plane) - set of “golden hands” (plasticine) - kitchen set (napkins) - typewriter (pen) - table service (set of children's dishes) - car (typewriter)) - Finalist, spin the drum.

Listen carefully to the task.

— On the board on the first line is the name of the poet, on the second line is the title of the poem, which contains the following lines:

“Hello, winter guest! We ask you to be kind to us to sing songs of the north through the forests and steppes...”

— I repeat the task. - Name any three letters. You only have one minute to think. (The assistant opens the named letters) - Complete silence in the hall. - Time has passed! - The minute has expired. Your version?


XI. Summarizing.

a) Award:

— the winner of the game; — participants in tours for the will to win; — active assistants in event preparation. - assistants - counselors count the number of tokens; identify the most active fans.

b) Reflection.

- What did you like? What went well? — Did everyone respond to the instructions in good faith? — What event would you like to take an active part in?

Thank you for participating!

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