Synopsis for the fine arts lesson “Firebird”

For beginners: how to draw a firebird step by step

First of all, we draw a “plus sign” - we draw two lines: one horizontal, the other vertical. With their help it will be easier to draw a picture. On the upper right side we draw a large oval, and a little higher from it another smaller one. We connect both ovals with two wavy lines. This will be the body, head and neck of the firebird. On a small oval we draw a beak - a triangle. Let's move on to the next step.

How to draw a firebird's tail? From the bottom of the body we depict three feathers looking in different directions. They should be smooth and wavy.

We add three more feathers to the existing three.

The next stage is the wings. We draw them on the sides of the body, as if the firebird were waving them - they should be raised. We finish drawing the end of the bird’s body - making it a little sharper. Using an eraser, we remove excess lines that intersect with others on the body.

We modify the shape of the wings, using an elastic band to remove unnecessary contours.

We decorate the wings of the firebird with wavy lines in the middle and patterns in the form of drops. How to draw patterns? Look at the photo below. We also draw eyes on the face. We finish drawing the feathers on the top of the head.

That's all. The Firebird is ready!

Birds (crafts from paper palms)

Works of children of the association “Ladushki-palms” MBOU Secondary School No. 24, Belovo, leader: Petrashina Tamara Mikhailovna.


Baksarin Maxim (7 years old), Antonova Maria (7 years old), Valieva Daria (7 years old).


Volkov Roman (8 years old), Dultseva Victoria (8 years old), Zhirnova Vika (8 years old), Ilyash Konstantin (8 years old).


Zagorodnaya Tanya (8 years old).


Anna Kargina (9 years old), Anastasia Pashchina (9 years old).

Coloring the Firebird

How to draw a firebird for beginners? We discussed this with you, now let's color it. For this you will need paints/markers/pencils in yellow, orange, blue and white. Since the firebird is a fiery bird, its wings resemble tongues of fire, and its feathers shine with gold.

We paint the body and head of the bird yellow. And also the upper half of the wings. We paint their lower half orange. We make the “droplets” blue and white, alternating colors with each other. The feathers on the head are yellow, blue and orange. Let's move on to the tail. We paint it randomly in different colors from our arsenal. Here we have such a beautiful firebird.

Birds - drawings and crafts from palms

Works by students of the “Solnyshko” group, BDOU “General Developmental Kindergarten No. 10” in the city of Gryazovets, Vologda Region. Teachers: Pivneva Olga Alekseevna, Sadovaya Marina Aleksandrovna.

Cockerel (applique)

Anastasia Lozina (3 years 10 months) How to make this craft is in the article “Crafts from palms: turkey applique.”

Cockerels playing in the grass (craft)

Galkina Anastasia (3 years 6 months).

Cockerel (craft)

Lebedinova Varvara (3 years 8 months).

Chicken (applique)

Komolova Daria (3 years 8 months).

Peacock (applique using sequins)

Komolova Daria (3 years 8 months).

Dancing cockerel (craft)

Bazanova Darina (3 years 9 months).

Penguin and owl

Chernetskaya Sofia (4 years 2 months)

Drawing with children

It will probably be difficult for children to draw the firebird as shown above. Therefore, it is better to try a different way of drawing with children. Firstly, kids should talk about the bird being depicted, read a story about it, and show pictures with its presence. Then tell the child that now you will try to portray her together. It is very important to help children while drawing, to tell them some points: how to draw this or that part/detail. It will be better if you draw together with your child, that is, not for him, but with him at the same time, on a separate sheet.

We start drawing from the head. We draw an oval, marking the beak, draw below: the neck, abdomen, back, connecting the lines at the end.

Next we depict the wing: it is lowered. We outline the feathers (crest) on the head. Only four feathers. Draw an eye for the bird.

Let's move on to how to draw the firebird's tail - its most beautiful part. We draw short and long feathers looking in different directions. The further they are from the bird’s body, the wider and wider they become. We decorate the feathers with circles closer to their ends. We draw the legs in the form of elongated triangles.

The next step is to add color, how could we do without it. Coloring the firebird. Wax crayons are perfect for this. We paint the feathers green, red and orange. We color the circles at their ends blue. The bird's body is orange, its wing is fiery red. The crest is green, the beak, legs and eyes are brown. We take the red chalk and go over it again along the entire contour of the firebird. After this, we add even more patterns to the bird’s body: blue beads on the neck, wing and crest, as well as green stripes, again on the wing. You can make any patterns of your choice.

If your baby is still very small, it will be difficult for him to draw such a firebird, you can do it easier. You can help the child trace his own hand, which will serve as the basis for the drawing. The body is the thumb, the tail is all the rest. And then add a couple of touches. Good luck!

Synopsis for the fine arts lesson “Firebird”

- That's right, Firebird.

(The doors of the decorated board open)

— Guys, the topic of our lesson today is Firebird .” And she is our guest for a reason: you help her, and she will show you all the magic of color.

— Do you like fairy tales? I love them too. You’ve read a lot of them, I can probably see it in your eyes. In what fairy tales did you meet the Firebird?

( The Little Humpbacked Horse ”, “ Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf ”, “ The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess ”).

They say that whoever finds her feather will have his deepest wish come true, and the Firebird herself will fly to the call for help.

The Firebird lives in the thirtieth kingdom, in the Garden of Eden. The Firebird's feathers shine like gold in the sun or like a bright flame, her eyes resemble precious stones, she eats golden apples.

It was created by the popular imagination as a heavenly fire-flame, and its radiance also blinds the eyes, like the sun.

What a beautiful Firebird she is! It is not for nothing that among the people she was the embodiment of the radiant god of the sun, beauty and bright dreams.

Writers and people captured this beauty and radiance in their lines, and artists in their paintings. I invite you to the gallery of artists and storytellers, where the main character is the Firebird. Artists depict it differently and at the same time equally. It seems to me that the birds have different characters in the paintings.

— Tell me, please, what do you think she is like in Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov’s film The Flying Carpet ”?

(The firebird in the cage is arrogant and proud).

— And in this illustration for the Russian folk tale About Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf by Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin?

(She's scared)

— In this illustration for the fairy tale by Pyotr Petrovich Ershov The Little Humpbacked Horse ”?


- But what is it like for everyone?

(beautiful, magical, fabulous)

2. Somehow, after re-reading my favorite fairy tale The Little Humpbacked Horse ” once again, I wanted to draw the Firebird.

Let's create our magical bird together. Its beauty and fabulousness will depend on you. And she will not be like any of the previous birds. She will be special. There are feather templates in front of you. Please note that not all templates are the same. One group has small ones, another has a little more, and the third has even more. Let's paint feathers for our Firebird. Your task is to color these feathers and decorate them with decorative sparkles. After the feathers are ready, we will decorate the bird with them.

But before we start coloring feathers, let's learn about some secrets and the magic of color.

- What bird does the Firebird look like?

(on a peacock)

I show you a feather from a peacock tail.

- Look at the beauty nature has created! What color is the feather?

(green, blue, purple)

— Guys, what primary colors do you know?

(red, blue, yellow)

- Well done. Today, with the help of these three colors, we will get others. We will mix the colors. And now I’ll show you how. There are several ways to obtain flowers. Some methods are called natural, others are called mechanical. Before you are blank sheets of paper. Draw two lines with a brush of two colors, one line is red, the second is yellow. Draw the lines side by side, the brush with the paint should be wet, the paint should be thicker. Now draw between these lines with a clean, paint-free, damp brush. Put the brush aside, then, picking up the sheet, tilt the paper so that the colors flow into one another. The method is called infusion (natural method). Notice what fancy patterns you get.

The following method: apply a few drops of blue on one side of the sheet, yellow on the other, fold the sheet in half, iron the sheet with your palm in different directions, open it and see what happens.

And method 3: apply red and blue paints side by side and mix these two colors with a brush.

— Which method did you like best?

- Now tell me, what colors did you get when mixing?

(orange, green, purple).

— These colors, guys, are called complementary. How many colors did we get in total?

- What colors do we need to color the Firebird?

(red, yellow, orange)

- Why?

-Of course, for its resemblance to fire, flame. She's hot. Let's compare a real candle flame and the Firebird. The tail feathers most closely resemble the flame of a fire.

-What color is the flame?

(students' answer)

- Yes, red, yellow, orange, but you can also see blue sparkles. Therefore, for the main background we will use red, yellow, orange colors, and we will complement the bluish highlights with decorative sparkles.

“But before we start painting the feathers, let’s feel like real birds.”

3. Physical exercise:

Birds are flying

(walking in place with arms raised up and down to the sides (maintain posture).)

The wings are making noise.

(Lean forward, bending over, arms to the sides.)

Bent over the ground

They shake their heads.

(Turn head.)

They know how to hold themselves straight and proud.

(Straighten up, hands behind your back - check your posture, pause 3-4 s.)

And very silent

(Hands down - stretch up.)

They sit down.

(Sit down, stay straight)

4. And now, with renewed vigor, begin to fantasize and create beauty.

After applying the main background, you can apply patterns with a thin brush to make it more beautiful. After completing the work, write your name and one cherished wish on the reverse side. At night, our Firebird will fly away into a fairy tale and into our dreams. Drop a feather somewhere with your wish, it will come true, and it will bring happiness to the one who finds it.

(Completing the task)

Oh, what beauty! What a beauty! This is exactly how I imagined her, and yours turned out even better. You have exceeded all my expectations. She will come to life not only from beauty, but also from the warmth of your hands.

- How did you guys help the Firebird?

— What new things did you learn with its help?

— What are your impressions of today’s lesson?

- Thank you for all your imagination, for your rich imagination!

I shine like the sun

There is no one more beautiful than me

If I look out the window

The whole earth will be illuminated.

Lesson summary: Self-analysis and exhibition of creative works.


Fine art lesson “Fairytale Bird” (2nd grade)

Date: November 27, 2018

№: 12

Class: 2-A

Subject: Fine Arts

Teacher: Voevodina I.V.

Lesson topic: Image and fantasy. Fairytale bird


Creating conditions for depicting a fantasy character (fairy-tale bird) based on a real object. To instill the skill of using fantasy and imagination when performing a learning task.


acquaintance with the image of a fairy-tale bird in Russian folklore and other peoples of the world; consolidation of knowledge about the genre of animal photography; repetition of what has been learned about “warm” and “cold” colors, the color wheel, contrasting colors; continue to develop the ability to use brush stroke techniques, lines, spots, lightness and color contrasts as means of artistic expression; development of an aesthetic attitude to reality, fantasy and the ability to creatively transform the forms of the real animal world into conventionally decorative ones.

Planned results:


the use of various artistic materials, techniques and techniques; image of a fairy-tale bird from memory, from imagination and based on fantasy; apply practical skills in the expressive use of line, spot, color, shape, space in the process of creating compositions.


emotional and value attitude towards the surrounding world (nature);


with the help of the teacher, put forward the goal of the work, draw up a plan for completing the creative task; working according to plan, check your actions and, if necessary, correct errors; determine the degree of success of your work, evaluate it; exercise self-control.


brain teaser:

perform universal logical actions;

general education:

independently assume what information is needed to solve a learning task; determine the most effective ways to achieve results.


Conduct a dialogue with classmates and the teacher, be able to negotiate.

Basic concepts:

Fantasy, reality.


paints, large and small brushes, sheets of paper, photographs and postcards with images of birds, books on the same topic, presentation, computer, TV.

Visual range:

slides of real and fantastic animals and birds in Russian wood and stone carvings, in European and Oriental art; M. Vrubel “The Swan Princess”; methodological tables “Color wheel”, “Warm and cold colors”.

Literary series:

A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, poems, folklore.

Musical series:

fantastic images from musical works on fairy tale themes.

During the classes

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

Guessing riddles.

Let's start our lesson by checking your readiness for the lesson.

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