Working documentation: Presentation of a psychologist for a school council (template for TPMPC, documentation of a psychologist)
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Music of my people music 4th grade. In the field there was a birch tree, Kalinka, just like a bridge, a little bridge, like my own mother, my native country is wide, Marmot Skvorushka. - presentation
Presentations on music Create your teacher website PC and PPK courses Video lessons Olympiads Webinars
Organization of educational activities in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the requirements of new generation standards
Visual methods and techniques The main principle of children's thinking is the principle of visualization. Therefore, in class
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Individual project “The role of medicinal plants in human life.”
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Plan - lesson notes on the surrounding world for 1st grade on the topic: “Why is the Moon different?”
Since ancient times, watching the sky, people have noticed that at different times of one month
Methodological office as an information center to support the professional growth of young teachers
Passport of the methodological office of the preschool educational institution MBDOU of Vladimir “Child Development Center - Kindergarten No.
no smoking
Methodological development “Say NO to bad habits”
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Game "Field of Miracles" with a presentation for primary school students Scenario of the game "Field of Miracles" for
Pedagogical project on social and personal development of preschool children “I am a person in the world”
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