Test on the topic “Foreign Asia”, grade 11

Test on the topic “Foreign Asia”

Test on the topic “Foreign Asia”.


1. Find the option that correctly indicates the countries bordering each other (each country borders the other two):

A) China, India, Bangladesh D) Syria, Iran, Pakistan.

B) Laos, Cambodia, Thailand D) Kazakhstan, China, Vietnam.

B) Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Türkiye.

2. Which of the following states is a monarchy with a federal structure?

A) India D) Vietnam

B) UAE D) Pakistan C) Saudi Arabia

3. In terms of explored reserves of which natural resources, foreign Asia ranks

1st place? A) copper ores B) oil

B) diamonds D) coal

4. A typical single-national country in Foreign Asia is...

A) China B) Pakistan C) India D) Japan

5.Which states own the territory of the island of Kalimantan?

A) Indonesia, Papua New Guinea B) India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh

B) Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar D) Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia

6. First place in the world and Foreign Asia in terms of the share of spending on science is…

A) Singapore B) Japan C) Thailand D) China

7. Identify the country by its description:

A country characterized by the absence of a single economic center with the concentration of economic life in four largest cities.

8. List China's main exports and imports.

9. Indicate which of the following statements are correct:

A) China ranks first in the world in terms of territory and population.

B) Japan, unlike other Asian countries, is characterized by the first type of population reproduction.


1. Japan.
2. Nepal. 3. Indonesia. 4. Türkiye. 5. Kuwait. 6. Bangladesh.

Please indicate those countries listed that:

1) have access to the Pacific Ocean; 3) do not have access to the sea;

2) have access to the Indian Ocean; 4) have a monarchy form of government.

Indicate the country whose capital is:

5) Jakarta; 7) Ankara;

6) Kathmandu;8) Dhaka.

Indicate the countries that, according to the level of economic development, belong to the group:

9) oil-exporting countries;

Please indicate countries that:

10) are among the ten largest countries in the world in terms of population;

11) have a maritime border with Russia.

Test on the topic “Foreign Asia”.


1. The main features of the EGP of Foreign Asia are...

A) mosaic structure of the territory, the absence of insurmountable barriers

B) neighboring, seaside, deep location

C) proximity to world economic centers, distance from sea basins

D) vastness of territories, absence of environmental problems

2. Countries with a monarchical form of government are...

A) Saudi Arabia, Oman, Japan

B) Jordan, Nepal, Indonesia

B) Malaysia, Yemen, Myanmar

D) Bangladesh, Jordan, Saudi Arabia

3. Which of the following countries is located in the temperate and subtropical climate zone?

A) India B) Philippines B) China D) Saudi Arabia

4. The overwhelming number of countries from this region are: a) developing; b) developed; c) third world countries;

5. According to the characteristics of population reproduction, most countries in foreign Asia belong to: A) first type B) second type C) third type D) transitional

6. The basis of China’s fuel and energy complex is industry...

A) coal B) oil C) gas D) nuclear

7. Identify the country by its description:

A small state in territory, the capital of which is a port city, which ranks 1st in the world in terms of cargo turnover.

8. List Japan's main exports and imports.

9. Indicate which of the following statements are correct:

A) Administratively, India is divided into 29 states.

B) The three largest urban agglomerations in Japan are Tokyo, Sapporo, Nagasaki.


1. Afghanistan.
2. China.. 3. Mongolia. 4. Saudi Arabia. 6. Pakistan.

Please indicate those countries listed that:

1) have access to the Pacific Ocean; 3) do not have access to the sea;

2) have access to the Indian Ocean; 4) have a form of government - a monarchy.

Indicate the country whose capital is:

5) Islamabad; 7) Riyadh;

6) Ulaanbaatar;8) Kabul.

Indicate the countries that, according to the level of economic development, belong to the group:

9) the most backward countries.

Please indicate countries that:

10) are among the ten largest countries in the world in terms of population;

11) have a land border with Russia.

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