Class hour on the topic “What mood depends on” (2nd grade)

Conversation with students My mood

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Goals and objectives:

  • Forming a belief about the need to be able to voluntarily control and regulate your mood.
  • Give students the concept of mood and its influence on a person’s psychological state.
  • Enrich the emotional sphere of students with positive experiences, introduce them to techniques for self-regulation of mood.

Expected result

: To awaken students’ desire to independently control their mood and its manifestations.

The conversation is designed for two lessons. The whole class participates in the conversation without prior preparation.


  • Acquaintance
    . A short story about the topic of the conversation.
  • Exercise: “My emotions”

“Two cheerful faces will mean that a person is experiencing very pleasant and joyful feelings, that he is happy, he feels good. Two sad faces mean that a person is very sad, that he is in a bad mood, that he is dissatisfied with something. One happy face means that a person is experiencing good feelings, but not to a strong degree. And one sad face will mean that the person is more sad than happy. The last face is indifference, the person doesn’t care.” “I will name words that mean something familiar to you. You need to think about your feeling, draw those faces that most accurately reflect your feelings.”

Phrases: - I myself

- My class

- My classmates

- My hobbies

- My studies

- My mood.

  • Discussion on the topic of the lesson

Question: What is a mood?

Mood is a person’s state of mind, how a person feels.

Question: What is your mood like?

Mood can be different: cheerful, sad, angry, dissatisfied, joyful, calm, etc. What a person feels, how he feels, is his mood.

Question: How can you determine what kind of mood a person is in? How can you express your mood?

Mood can be expressed: - in words (talk about the mood, describe it, name it);

- silence, with the help of facial expressions, gestures, posture;

- using color;

- song, etc.

  • Exercise No. 1

It is necessary to express the mood in words. Let's finish the sentences:

"My mood now..."

“It is like this because...”

“I want now...”

  • Exercise No. 2

Let's express the mood using the emotional expression of a person's face.

  • Exercise #3

Let's express the mood with color. Game "Color Painting"

Red color is a wonderful, good mood.

Yellow – a pleasant, cheerful mood.

Green – calm.

Gray – anxious, restless mood.

Black – bad mood.

  • Discussion on the topic of the lesson

Question: Remember the situations that spoil your mood, cause irritation, and vice versa, situations that can help you “lift your mood”? Work in groups. The discussion of the results.

Question: A person in a good mood, a person in a bad mood - with whom do you prefer to communicate? Is it necessary to regulate your mood and influence it? Is it possible to make our mood depend on us?

Moods tend to change. It is sometimes similar to changes in nature: now rain, now sun, now silence, now wind. Each person develops his own ways of controlling his mood throughout his life. The ability to control your mood, your emotions, have self-control and self-regulation can be considered an important property of an adult.

  • Exercise #4

It is suggested to continue the statements: “In order to cope with a bad mood, I usually...” “I need to control myself in order to...”

  • Exercise: “Anchor”
    (preferably performed to music)

Students are asked to take a comfortable position, relax and remember the real situation that caused a feeling of joy. Then reproduce it in your imagination in great detail, remember the feelings that arose. Connect your thumb and index fingers tightly and repeat several times. It is possible to spontaneously induce a feeling of joy, a pleasant, good mood by squeezing your fingers into a ring.

  • Some principles of good mood

1. Learn to be optimistic, learn to control your mood;

2. Try to look at different situations from different angles, learn to analyze and, if necessary, find the good in the bad;

3. Learn to enjoy life, record all the positive moments, and not focus on failures;

4. Strive for reasonable organization, discipline, and be able to plan your affairs correctly;

5. Learn to say “No” when necessary;

6. Exercise regularly, eat right and get enough sleep (“A healthy body means a healthy mind”).

Source - ""

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