Class hour on the topic “Journey to the world of kindness” 3rd grade

Class hour on the topic “Do good!” (2nd grade)

Class hour on the topic: “Do good”


: formation of the moral quality of the individual - kindness.
• expand among students the meaning of the concepts of “goodness” and “kindness”;
• reveal the moral content of kindness; • introduce the patterns of their manifestation in a person’s personality and in the surrounding life; • show students the need to purposefully cultivate kindness in themselves, and encourage them to do this; • give a moral assessment of good deeds; • develop self-esteem; • develop a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance in children. Equipment:
computer, projector, presentation; song “What does our world consist of?” sl. M. Tanich, music. B. Savelyeva; song “Peace be with you, people!” sl. B. Savelyeva, music. M. Plyatskovsky, Mozart symphony 6, music of angels 1 part; A. Rybnikov theme of the star boy; green and red cards, adjectives on pieces of paper - compliments, a bag of kindness, colored pencils, Whatman paper.

Progress of the class hour: SLIDE (1)
– Hello, what a wonderful word,

Beautiful, kind, a little gentle.

Hello! Let's say to the new day!

Hello, we will say to our guests!

We wish health to everyone and everything!

-Well, we said hello, our spirits rose. Let's perform a song!

Children sing the song “What is our world made of?” SLIDE (2)
Guys, look at the board. Today the sun came to visit us. He really needs your help. The sun was bewitched by an evil sorceress. She took the rays and said that only friends can disenchant the sun... and she didn’t continue further. I just gave her a poem. After listening to it, you should understand what other quality this evil sorceress wanted to talk about. 1. I once brought a puppy into the house, a homeless tramp, to feed him a little, a hungry poor fellow. “Well,” said my mother, “let him live a little, there is such sadness in his eyes!” There will be a spoon of soup...

2. I later found a kitten in the yard, barely alive,

I also brought it into the house,

Mom said again: “Well,” said mom, “let him live a little, there is such sadness in his eyes!” Find a spoon of porridge.

3. I found a chick under the nest, crows hovered over it, I hid it in the tomboy’s hat. We came home with him. “Well,” said my mother, “let him live a little, there is such sadness in his eyes!” There will be a crumb of bread...

4. One day I brought a hedgehog, a snake and a turtle, and a hare ran into our door, Probably out of fear. Mom said: - Let them live - It’s so wonderful in the apartment, And if we make room here, And there will be a place for us.

What is this poem about?
What kind of mothers are boys like, since they allowed their sons to bring, feed and leave animals at home? What about boys, what if they feel sorry for all the animals that are hungry and cold on the street? - Of course, this is kindness
. It was this quality that the evil sorceress did not mention. It will help us save Sunny from evil spells. This is a very important, necessary quality, without which a person cannot be called a human being.

5. The most valuable thing in the world is Kindness, It shines with kind eyes, Invisible, but with bright rays, It will warm and respond to the soul. 6. Beauty changes its price, It fades over time, like rhinestones, But only, like shiny diamonds, the desired ray, Kindness shines. 7. There is nothing more beautiful than beauty, She is worthy of all praise, But only those who have known Kindness will bow to her low to the ground.

Teacher: -
Kindness... Kindness... What is it?
What can goodness be compared to? With the sun, spring rainbow, bright, beautiful flowers, mother, smile, family, friend, beauty, affection, warmth, happiness, fun, life, love, holiday, joy, laughter. -This is all good, beautiful, all positive, useful. SLIDE (4)

- Goodness, kindness, feel the “taste” of these words.

-If we could touch this quality, what would it feel like?
Kindness is an amazing thing. It brings people together like nothing else. Kindness saves us from loneliness, emotional wounds and resentment. Kindness is a friendly disposition towards people. -You learned, felt, touched kindness. And now you can safely pass the tests to save the Sun. After each test, the spell over the sun will melt and its rays will return to it. SLIDE (6)

- So the first test
is “Say the word.”
-I will read a poem, and your task is to complete the word that has the appropriate meaning.
* A block of ice will melt from a kind word... (Thank you) * When people scold us for pranks, we say:... (Please forgive us) * If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell our mother... (Thank you) * Both in France and Denmark at parting they say... (Goodbye!) *Sit with me sister, read to me, be..... (Kind) *You helped me! - I say: My friend, you……….. (Thank you) *I forgot the book bring! For this you me……. (Sorry) *We sadly said to Uncle Nikita: For breaking us a cup……….. (Sorry) *Don’t complain to your father about me, I ask you,……………….. (Please) *Say in the morning: Thank you, excuse me, excuse me, allow me, I .. (thank you)
-You are very attentive!



- Well done, you have cast the spell on the first ray.

- Guys, what kind of words are these?
Let's read them together. Can they be called kind? A kind word can cheer us up, instill confidence in us, warm our soul. Do you often use kind words? And now we will check it. SLIDE (9)

- The next test is
“Where is Good Hidden” -
When we wake up in the morning, what kind phrase do we say to our loved ones? - “Good morning!”

8. The sun rose clear. - Good morning! - said. - Good morning! - I shout to passers-by, Cheerful passers-by, looking like morning...

9. But if you wake up and the rain is knocking and knocking on the window and it’s dark without the sun? Good morning friends, whatever. Invented wisely: - Good morning!


-What other greetings do you know with the word good, kind?
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- a polite greeting and a hospitable invitation to come, arrive, enter the house, etc.
Good afternoon!
- wishes of good luck, prosperity when starting any business.
Good luck!
- good wishes to those who are leaving somewhere.
Good evening!
-Let's all say these words together. The word goodness is hidden in these greetings. By pronouncing them, we wish our family, friends and acquaintances good health, a pleasant mood, we want their whole day to be joyful, cheerful, and kind. The spoken word, like a seed, enters a person’s heart. From kind words we feel warmth and gratitude, love and hope growing in our hearts.

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— They returned another ray. -The word “good” appeared a very long time ago. Kindness has always been valued by different peoples. We can judge this from a huge number of proverbs and sayings. People have long praised with gratitude everything good done in the name of people. Even in the ancient Russian alphabet the letter “D” was called “dobro”.

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— Third test
“Proverbs and sayings about goodness.”
What proverbs and sayings do you know about goodness and kindness?
- Without good deeds there is no good name. - Life is given for good deeds. - They don’t seek good from good. - It’s warm in the sun, good in mother’s presence. - A kind word pleases the cat too. “It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.” Teacher:
-What do we show to the dearest person? “Help”, “care”, “gratitude”, “tenderness”, “love”, “affection” - Guys, where does kindness come from? From whom did you first learn kindness? - Well, of course, kindness starts in the family. These good qualities are always necessary and important for a person. Now you are schoolchildren. School is your second home. You brought the good qualities of your soul inherent in your family in your heart to school. -Well done, you returned another ray of sunshine!

- But is it only kind words that people need? Is it only by the number of kind words that a person utters that one can judge whether he is kind or not? Listen carefully to the poem. 10. Don’t stand aside indifferently, When someone is in trouble, you need to rush to the rescue, At any moment, always. 11. There is a flower in the flowerbed, its leaves are hanging. He's sad... about what? Did you guess his thoughts? He wants to get drunk. Hey, rain, rain! And the rain came down from your watering can.

12.Why is your sister bored on the sidelines? Do something magical for your sister! And you turned into a zealous horse - Little sister will gallop on it! 13. Even though mom hasn’t returned from work yet, it’s not difficult to find out her thoughts and worries. “I’ll come back, it would be nice to sew, read... But I have to bother with cleaning again” And you perform a great miracle - The floor sparkled, the dishes sparkled! And my mother gasped when she returned home: “Yes, it’s like in a fairy tale, a wizard, you’re mine!”


-What did the boy do here?
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- And here is the next task,
“Good Deeds.” Game “Stop - Red Light”
You know that when the traffic light is red it is dangerous to walk.
So in relation to people we need to remember this signal. You have mugs of two colors on your desks. I will name actions, as soon as you notice a bad deed - raise a red circle, a good deed - a green circle. SLIDE (14)
• Taking other people's things without asking. • After playing, put toys, books, and colored pencils in their proper place. • Don't help adults. • Pulling the tails of dogs or cats, throwing stones at birds. • To offend those who are younger and weaker. • Do not give up your seat on the bus. • Help out friends in trouble;

• Take care of birds in winter.

• Break branches of trees and bushes.

• Help where my help is needed; • Smile at those with whom you communicate;

• Take care of loved ones;

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— They disenchanted the ray
. SLIDE (16)

-5 test
“Bag of Kindness”. -
Guys, have you ever done good deeds?
Think and tell me, please, what good deeds did you do in class? At home? On the street? In transport? Outdoors? Every good deed you do can be placed in a Bag of Kindness. -Good deeds are a cure, a salvation from everything bad. The more good we do, the more of it will remain in us. Kind words…kind deeds…. And a kind person...What does he do that we call him kind? Loves nature, rescues animals, loves nature. SLIDE (17)

- Well done, you completed this task and cast a spell on the ray.
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— 6th test
Game – “Please”
-I will ask you to complete tasks, but you must complete them only when I call the “magic word.” Stand up please!
Hands up!
Please clap your hands!
Jump please! Please, hands forward! Please put your hands down! Please, tilt your head forward! Tilt it back, please!
Right. Please, take your seats!
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-You coped with this task very well and cast a spell on another ray.
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-Do you guys know that there is a holiday called “Spontaneous Acts of Kindness Day”? And it is celebrated on February 17th. This holiday should be celebrated regardless of place of residence and nationality. On this day, you need to be not just kind and responsive to someone else’s misfortune, but kind infinitely and unselfishly. In some countries, on this holiday it is customary to give flowers to friends and strangers, and to give compliments to at least three strangers on this day.

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-7 test
“Give a compliment to the sun”
Game "Just like that."
-Guys, describe the sun in one word.
Now lower your heads and close your eyes. The teacher removes these words.
-Raise your heads. Look at the screen. There is nothing on the screen. But where did the best qualities go? INTO YOUR HEARTS! Clear, light, burning, eternal, beautiful, sunny, warm, dazzling, radiant, cheerful, cheerful, joyful.

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- The sun prepared a surprise for you in return and wrote a kind word about everyone.
Neat, kind, sweet, sympathetic, honest, devoted, cheerful, caring, friendly, polite, helps in trouble, modest, sociable, affectionate, happy, attentive, smiling, generous , modest, fair...
-These words are in the Bag of Kindness. Now each of you will take one word as a gift from Sunny. -All people need to appreciate and emphasize the dignity of others. When we give compliments, people become kinder, more gentle, and more responsive. Spontaneous Kindness Day helps us understand how much our actions affect other people. And how easy it is to cheer up another person. So let's make acts of kindness our daily habit, and then the world will definitely become a little kinder!

14. Kindness does not die, It heals us and resurrects us. And this main feature does not diminish in the human race.

15. Don’t hide your kindness, Open your heart to everyone. Share more generously with what you have, open your soul... SLIDE (23)


- Well done, what good words you chose for the sun, that the spell over another ray dissolved!
Guys, we are doing a good deed - saving the sun, but what act did the evil witch do when she bewitched the sun? Where else do good and evil live, where does good fight evil? That's right, in fairy tales. SLIDE (24)

-And in the next test, the Evil Witch mixed up all the heroes, both good and evil.
I show a fairy-tale hero, and you answer whether he is good or evil. If you are kind, you joyfully clap your hands; if you are evil, you cover your face with your palms. SLIDE 25, 26, 27
- Which hero would you like to be like, good or evil?
Why? (A good fairy-tale hero does good deeds. Good always triumphs over evil.) SLIDE (28)

- Well done.
We have proven that we know good heroes and therefore another ray of light has appeared. So we saved our sun!
It thanks you with a very kind word. What do you think you have done just now? To give people joy, you need to be kind. Each of us has a little sun inside us. This sun is kindness. You yourself, the people close to you, your friends, and just those around you really need it. -The witchcraft spell collapsed and all his rays returned to the Sun, thanks to you. Stand up please. Close your eyes and imagine that the sun is shining its warm rays on you. Under its rays you become kinder, smarter, more attentive to each other. Send rays of sunshine to mom, dad and all your loved ones, mentally wish them health and joy. And also send good rays to all the people of the Earth: may all people love each other and take care of peace. Open your eyes and sit in your seats.

16. Give everyone a piece of sunshine A piece of light, kindness Words of love and tenderness Give to people like flowers. Teacher:

-Guys, imagine that kindness is flowers.
Take a flower on your desk and write the word GOOD in the center of the flower. You can make the letters multi-colored. Children write to music.
(Mozart.) - It’s good when a person leaves behind a good mark.
Let us now also do one more good deed in common. On the “Glade of Kindness” on a piece of whatman paper, each student sticks his own flower. The result is an overall beautiful applique. Teacher:
- Guys, look what a wonderful clearing we have!
Doing good is very pleasant and joyful. Under the kind rays of the Sun, goodness blossomed in the clearing. Take care of your heart, do not let it become overgrown with weeds, fill it with sunshine, kind words and deeds! Hurry up to do good! SLIDE (29)

-Let’s thank each other for this great hour (applause) and say it all together (thank you).

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Let's give our guests a good song from the bottom of our hearts (Song “Peace be with you, people!”)

Class hour on the topic: Kindness, 3rd grade

Class notes in elementary school (3rd grade) on the topic “Kindness walks the planet”
Description: This material is useful for primary school teachers and additional education teachers. Goal: to develop positive character traits in children, to promote team unity, and to motivate children to do good deeds. Objectives: 1. cultivate mutual respect, polite treatment, the ability to feel and understand oneself and another person. 2. Make children aware that kindness helps in life. 3. Fostering the desire to do good deeds and be attentive to others. 4. Develop independence and personal responsibility for your actions. Equipment: cut-out cards, laptop, song “What is kindness.”
During the classes:

Look into each other's eyes, smile, convey a piece of your good mood to the other.
You see, your smiles made the classroom feel more comfortable and brighter. Guess what song is playing. (Song “What is kindness? Barbariki”). What will we talk about today? (About kindness). We will talk about kindness and friendship. Let's think about the meaning of these words in the life of every person. What is good? This is all good, kind, beautiful. Goodness is a selfless and sincere desire to achieve good, for example, helping one’s neighbor, as well as a stranger, or even the animal and plant world. This is what makes people happy. What kind of person can be called kind? A kind person is one who loves, appreciates, respects people and is ready to help in difficult times. A kind person loves nature and takes care of it. A kind person loves birds and animals and helps them survive in the cold. A kind person tries to be polite and respectful in his interactions with friends and adults. I have no doubt that you are kind, polite and know how to make friends. Today we will go on an amazing journey. So, let's go... 1. Station “Proverbs about Goodness”. I read the beginning, you finish. 1. Good regards... (kind answer). 2. About a good deed... (speak boldly). 3. Life is given for... (good deeds). 4. Learn good things... (bad things will not come to mind). 5. Thank you - a great... (deed). 2. Station “Remember Fairy Tales”. Positive qualities are listed; you need to remember the fairy tales in which these qualities were manifested in the heroes. SMILE, HELP, SYMPATHY, CARE. 3. Station “Necessary word”. I'll start, and you finish, you finish the right word. 1. Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (thank you) 2. An old tree stump will turn green when it hears (good afternoon) 3. If you have done something wrong, then say (forgive) 4. If a friend is in trouble, you (help him) 5 .Settle disputes with words, not (with fists) 6. If the sun sets, there will be gold in the trees. Then, when we meet, we say to all our acquaintances: (Good evening!) 7. A polite boy, when we meet, says to everyone: (Hello!) 8. So that no one gets sick, wish him good (health). 9. If you need to ask for something, don’t forget to say (please). 4. Station “Play out the situation.” Different situations are written on the cards. You need to play them out, using only polite words. — Feed a capricious baby. — Gather a restless child outside. — Persuade the child not to buy many toys. 5. Station “Match the qualities.” The qualities and their characteristics are given. Compliance needs to be done. Good-natured (kind-hearted, gentle in character, warm-hearted and friendly towards people) Benevolent (wishing the good of others, ready to promote the well-being of others, showing a friendly disposition) Good-natured (has a good disposition, good behavior, decency) Kind-hearted (has a kind heart, affectionate, sympathetic ) Conscientious (honestly fulfills his duties) Respectable (decent, decent, worthy of approval) 6. The last station is “Yes-no”. I read the questions, you answer - yes-yes-yes or no-no-no and at the same time you shake your head like yes, nod if you say no. Will we be strong friends? (Yes, yes, yes) Should we value our friendship? (Yes, yes, yes) Will we learn to play? (Yes, yes, yes) Shall we help a friend? (Yes, yes, yes) Do you need to piss off your friend? (No, no, no) What about giving a smile? (Yes, yes, yes.) Should you offend a friend? (No, no, no) Well, how about resolving disputes? (Yes, yes, yes) Will we be strong friends? (Yes, yes, yes.) Being kind is both easy and not at all easy. Unfortunately, we do not always treat each other with attention. Remember the basic rules that will come in handy in life to remain kind, caring, polite, and attentive to others. • Provide assistance to people in trouble, the weak, the sick, the poor; • Respect the work and interests of others; • Be polite, kind, attentive to others, respect elders, listen to comments; • Be patient, don’t adopt bad habits, don’t repeat mistakes or bad deeds. So, the winner in our quiz is everyone who is kind and for whom this class hour became useful and a good lesson for the future! Guys, take each other’s hands and let’s finish our quiz with the song “What is kindness.” Thank you for your attention!

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