Lesson summary for senior children on the topic: Birds

What does it mean if you managed to find a black bird feather?

A feather you find in any situation can be of great significance. The interpretation of such a find varies significantly depending on where exactly it was discovered: in an apartment, on the street or in an office. If you really believe in omens, then you should be more careful about their interpretation.

If you come across a pigeon feather, then you should expect only good things. Such a find of ideal white color carries the most rosy forecasts. According to the signs, all your wishes will come true, and peace and tranquility will reign around you. To achieve greater effect, it is advisable to carry the feather with you in your pocket or purse. Then you are guaranteed good luck in business.

A feather with a multi-colored color can act as a talisman that can protect against the evil eye or human envy. It is considered a good omen when it flies onto your balcony or out the window. This guarantees you peace, good luck and family well-being. Be sure to keep this feather at home as a talisman.

If your find is white, then make a protective amulet out of it and place it above the front door. Such a talisman will protect your family nest from evil spirits and negative energy that can penetrate the house.

A black bird feather that looks like a crow accidentally flying into your home is not a reason for despair. Of course, this color always causes alarm, but, for example, the people of India consider the black raven to be a noble bird. Its plumage often serves as decoration for the local population and is not associated with bad omens. On the contrary, Indians claim that the raven is a symbol of wisdom and good luck.

An interesting sign is associated with the tip of the pen. If it is sharpened, then this should alert you, since the bird itself cannot sharpen it. Therefore, this is the work of human hands, and it is necessary to find out whether it is for good or not. So, you can try to pierce your finger with a sharpened tip. If pain appears, then perhaps some troubles await you or your loved ones in the near future.

An alternative to piercing your finger is the following method: you need to wash your hands well with hot water and, without wiping them, go to the intersection. There you have to swing your limbs until they dry out. If the feather you find does not have a sharpened tip, then you don’t have to pay much attention at all. You shouldn’t believe omens too much and set yourself up for failure.

How to treat a black bird feather found on the street? There are many interpretations of this sign, it all depends on the location of your find. We can only say with certainty that if you come across this item near a cemetery or any burial place, then it is better to avoid it. Do not touch it with your hands under any circumstances, but simply follow it past.

If you are not a hereditary sorcerer and do not specialize in black magic, then it is unlikely that you will be able to correctly use such a find. Ignoring this item will help avoid unnecessary danger.

If we are talking specifically about the color black, then it often causes a negative reaction. According to signs, a bird's feather of this shade symbolizes a close connection with black magic. If you decide to use it, you may receive help from some dark forces. Here everyone answers the question about the advisability of cooperation with such “helpers”. Not everyone is able to withstand the effects of black magic and not get into trouble.

There is a sign regarding peacock feathers. If you were accidentally given such an item or you found it yourself, it can bring a lot of happiness into your life. The peacock is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. But this sign only works if it is a spontaneous find or a gift. If you were purposefully looking for a similar item or asking your friends for such a gift, then you will not see financial success. The feather will be just an ordinary trinket decorating your interior. Although, remembering the magical component of any details of bird plumage, it is better not to take risks with such decorative elements.

Various signs are primarily a matter of your faith. Psychologists say that if you really believe in something, it will definitely come true. It is similar to the placebo effect in medicine, when the patient does not doubt the effectiveness of the medicine and recovers, even if he took a “dummy”. The multifaceted interpretation of such a sign as the discovery of a bird feather is an excellent example of where a reasonable combination of your faith and knowledge accumulated by generations of people based on the omens that have worked is necessary.

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