What kind of sport
America is considered the birthplace of basketball. In 1891, a young teacher, James Naismith, during a gymnastics lesson, invited students to throw balls into fruit baskets attached to the balcony railings. The winning team was the one that made the most hits.
A year later, 13 points of the rules of the game were spelled out. The competition turned out to be so exciting, dynamic and exciting that three years later official rules were published and teams began to be formed.
The game began to rapidly gain popularity around the world. In 1901, at the Olympics in St. Louis, an exhibition tour was held among teams from several cities. And half a century later, the first Basketball Association of America was created.
And a few years later - the National Basketball Association and the International Basketball Federation. It included: Argentina, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania. Sweden, Czechoslovakia. And since 1936, it has been included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games.
Basketball training in primary school, methodological development on physical education on the topic
Compiled by: teacher
physical culture
Muratshin I.I.
Uchaly 2020
The uniqueness of the program based on one of the sports - basketball, is that it was created on the basis of a course in teaching the game. Technical techniques, tactical actions and the game of basketball itself contain great opportunities for the formation of vital motor skills and the development of physical capabilities of schoolchildren. Researchers of gaming activities emphasize its unique possibilities not only for the physical, but also the moral education of younger schoolchildren, especially for the development of cognitive interests, the development of will and character, the formation of the ability to navigate the surrounding reality, and the cultivation of a sense of collectivization. The game process ensures the development of the educational potential of the individual, his individual creative attitude to activity.
Working according to this program, I consistently solve the main tasks of physical education:
— improving health, physical development, increasing the performance of students.
Junior school age provides an opportunity for a systematic, in-depth study of basketball techniques. Already in the first grade, children master natural movements, which later serve as the basis for mastering basketball-specific movements and technical techniques of the game. Therefore, from the 1st grade I introduce children to the basics of moving techniques using play techniques.
The basic stance of a basketball player: legs bent at the knees, one leg extended forward half a step, torso slightly tilted forward, look in front of you, hands down. When teaching children the basic stance, you need to pay attention to the positioning of the legs, for this I use a play technique - a spring. At my command, the children depict how a spring works - they bend and straighten their legs while in the basic stance of a basketball player. Having consolidated this skill, I move on to the next stage of training - ball possession.
Ball possession: I start training with the technique of holding a small ball. Exercises with a small ball are carried out in the “spring” position.
- Throw and catch with both hands.
- Throw and catch with the right hand.
- Throw and catch with the left hand.
- Throw and catch with both hands with one, two, three claps.
- Throw with the right, catch with the left.
- Throw with the left, catch with the right.
- Throw the ball to the floor, catch it with two.
- Throw the ball with the right, catch with the right from above, also with the left.
- Throw the ball with your right hand to the floor, catch it with your right hand from below.
- We throw and catch at different rebound heights.
- Throwing the ball at the wall, catching it with both and one hand.
- Throwing the ball at the target.
- Catching and throwing the ball to a partner.
- Hitting the ball on the floor.
In all these exercises, special attention is paid to footwork and hand position on the ball. As soon as the children have mastered techniques with a small ball, I move on to learning how to use mini balls.
Ball juggling exercise
- Rotation of the ball around the body.
- Shifting the ball under the right and left foot in place and in motion.
- Standing still, feet at the width of a long step, rolling the ball between the legs - “eights”.
- Hold the ball with your feet: a) jumping forward, forward-backward, left-right.
- Hold the ball with your feet: a). tossing the ball with your toes and catching the ball.
- Throwing the ball from the right hand to the left (the ball does not touch the body).
- Throwing a ball with turns in place and catching it.
- Tossing the ball with turns in place and catching it.
- “Pendulum” - feet shoulder-width apart, throw to the floor between the legs, catch from behind, throw to the floor, catch from the front.
- Throwing the ball up with both hands from below, catching it from above the head.
- Hit the ball hard into the floor in front of you, so that it jumps up above your head, then catch it with both hands from above.
- Throwing the ball up with the right (left) hand and catching it with the same hand, after hitting the ball once on the floor.
The number of hits varies. After consolidation, children perform the same exercises in competitive conditions: a) who can perform it faster and more accurately, b) team relay races.
The next stage of training is the elements of dribbling the ball. I start training from the starting position: crouching down, I explain to the children the correct position of the hand on the ball: a) fingers are widely spaced, slightly bent, contact with the ball is made with the tips of the fingers, b) the upper part of the arm and hand help the fingers give the ball speed, c) . The ball hits the right (left) foot, d). footwork - “spring”. Errors when dribbling the ball: the hand slaps the ball, high frequency of hits to the floor, eyes looking at the ball. I try to tell children that when dribbling the ball it should feel like the ball is sticking to their hand. As soon as the children have consolidated the skill, I move on to teaching the basketball player’s stance: a) dribbling with the right leg, b) dribbling with the left leg, c) from hand to hand. Acceptance - for footwork.
CATCHING A BALL is a relatively simple skill, but children do not always perform the catching technique correctly, so we teach the ABCs of catching a ball:
a) look at the ball until you catch it;
b) catch the ball on your fingertips;
c) direct the movement of the arms and hands towards the ball.
To teach the technique of catching a ball, I use exercises with medicine balls to strengthen the hand and ligamentous apparatus.
- i.i. sitting on the floor, legs wide apart, hands on the ball, push the ball to your partner.
- i.p. standing with your feet apart, hands with the ball below, throwing the ball to the floor.
- i.p. standing with your feet apart, hands with the ball at your chest, throwing the ball forward.
To quickly master the technique of catching a ball, I use outdoor games in lessons related to throwing and catching: “Hunters and Tackles”, “Knocked Out”, “Fortress Defense” - this game is played in two versions: a) who will catch the most flying balls, b) in whose half after the signal there are fewer balls left.
2 class
In second grade we begin to study the technique of moving a basketball player. Running is the main method of movement; we study mainly uniform running, paying attention to the placement of the feet, as well as the bending of the legs at the knee joints.
The side step is studied in a basketball player's stance - to the right and to the left.
Jump stops - at the sound signal, pay attention to your footwork, land on two feet.
In second grade we continue to strengthen ball possession with elements of juggling.
a) Most exercises are performed in a basketball player's stance.
b) Each player has his own ball.
c) Perform exercises without visual control.
d) Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds
- Hold the ball in your palm, throw it up and catch it with the back of your hand.
- Roll: ball in the palm of your hand above your head, straightening your arms with a movement of your hand, transfer the ball to your fingertips. Lowering your hand forward, roll the ball onto the back of your hand.
- Tossing the ball from hand to hand with your fingertips.
- Rotating the ball around the neck, from hand to hand.
- Rotation around the body, passing from hand to hand.
- Rotation around the legs - figure eight.
- Roll along the back, catching at waist level.
- “Pendulum” - strike under the feet in front, catch, strike under the feet, catch in front.
- Throwing the ball up, hitting the hips, catching the ball.
- Throwing the ball up with clapping, increasing the number of clapping each time.
In second grade we move on to learning how to pass the ball, improving catching. There are many transmission methods. The main ones are a two-hand pass from the chest, a two-hand pass from the chest, a two-hand pass with a bounce off the floor, a one-hand pass from the shoulder. These types of transmissions are studied in elementary school.
When learning to pass with two hands from the chest, pay attention to the work of the arms, legs, as well as catching the ball, recalling the ABCs of catching.
- Basic stance 6 The ball is held with both hands at the chest, fingers widely spaced, thumbs facing each other. Arms are bent at the elbows, elbows pointing down. The ball is sent by the movement of the shoulders, forearms, hands, and fingers.
- A pass with a bounce from the floor is performed in the same way, only the ball is sent to the floor.
By studying these passes, children learn the ABCs of passing the ball:
a) choose the right stand
b) do not forget that the transmission must be accurate;
c) check the position of your hands on the ball;
d) catch the ball correctly.
When teaching the technique of dribbling a ball in the second grade, I use exercises in various forms.
- Dribbling the ball while standing on your right (left) knee.
- Dribbling a basketball player in a jay with a high and low rebound.
- Dribbling the ball with your eyes closed.
- Dribbling the ball in step with the right (left) foot.
- In place, one foot in front, the other behind, dribbling the ball under the foot.
- Dribbling the ball from a crouching position, transitioning to a basketball player's stance.
- Dribbling the ball in place, with the ball moving from hand to hand.
- Dribbling the ball in step: along the lines, along the sidelines, along the arc, along the penalty kicks
Outdoor games are learned in accordance with the material studied.
Moving: "Sparrows, crows." "Traps." “Tea-tea, help me out”, “Kite and chickens”, “Hen and kite”.
Throwing and catching: “Shootout”, “Knocked Out”, “Hunters and Ducks”, “Fortress Defense”, “Ball Traps”, “Ball Tag”.
In the third grade, the program provides training in movement with various types of running, stopping with jumps and two steps, a defensive stance, side steps, catching and passing the ball with two and one hands in place and in motion. Various variations of management. And a throw with one hand from the shoulder from a place and in motion is introduced. Outdoor games with basketball elements.
The technique of moving in the third grade becomes more complicated, because Speed is very important in basketball; just running fast is not enough. Therefore, we learn to make jerks, stops, change the direction of movement and speed.
We study jerks both from a standing position and while running at low speed.
A). formation in one line, according to a signal, acceleration from various items. – standing, crouching at close range, standing with your back turned, performing jumps, hops, etc. - lying down.
b). A very effective exercise is shuttle running.
Stops! Stopping with two steps is introduced into the study as a lead-in exercise for learning to throw while moving. Training is carried out while lining up in a line, first we practice stopping by jumping at a signal, landing on two feet. Then, counting one, two, we teach stopping in two steps. One step - right, two - left. Then walk, in a column, one at a time, counting. When fastening, while running slowly, counting. And with complete mastery of this element, while running, according to the sound signal: one whistle - stop with a jump, two - with two steps.
Movement in a defensive stance: while improving the side step, I begin to teach movement in a defensive stance backwards:
a) a basketball player’s stance, moving backwards along the volleyball lines, wide steps, straight back;
b) in a pair, holding hands, we try to touch the partner’s toes;
c) in a pair, opposite each other, stain the partner’s knees;
G). in a couple, to stain your partner’s shoulder blades, while protecting your own.
Exercises in juggling a ball in the third grade are more complex, because... elements are performed both in place and in motion.
- Rotate the ball around and between your legs in a figure eight pattern while running.
- With your feet apart, hold the ball with both hands between your legs, right hand in front, left hand behind. Change the position of your hands without letting the ball fall to the floor.
- With your feet apart, lift the ball with your hands above your head and forcefully send it to the floor in front of you. Catch the ball at the level of the waist, knees, floor.
- Hold the ball in your palm with your outstretched arm. With the movement of the hand we send the ball to the shoulder. Bring him back with a shoulder strike.
- Feet shoulder-width apart, ball behind your back, throw the ball to the floor between your legs so that it bounces forward, catch it with both hands in front of you.
- Jumping up, we throw the ball with the movement of the right hand (left).
- The ball is behind your back at waist level. Throw the ball behind your back with both hands, take a step forward and catch it.
Dribbling the ball is studied in step and in motion.
- Dribbling the ball in a high and low stance.
- Dribbling the ball along the corridors.
- Figure 8 dribbling. Driving penalty loops. Change of hands.
- Dribbling the ball in a straight line, stop, sit on the floor without stopping dribbling, get up and continue dribbling.
- "Slalom". Dribble the ball around the posts located around the court.
- "Game of Gestures" Children stand in a line, following the teacher’s gestures they carry out the task. Gesture with hands towards yourself - leading with a step forward. Gesture from yourself - leading with your back. Hand gesture - circle above head - movement with guidance throughout the hall. Hands crossed above the head - everyone runs to their places.
- Dribbling tag. The driver, while dribbling the ball, tries to stain the players who, while dribbling the ball, run away from the driver.
- Relay races with dribbling the ball.
To the previously studied passes, a one-handed pass from the shoulder in place and in a step is added. Sample exercises to help consolidate this transfer:
1. Basketball player’s stance, the ball is at the left (right) shoulder on widely spaced fingers, the other hand supports the ball from the front - from below.
2. In steps. When making a pass, take a step forward, when catching, take a step back.
3. The same, but with leading, stopping.
4. In a pair whose pair will score 30 assists without losing the ball.
5. In pairs. Dribbling the ball to the middle of the hall, stopping with a jump, passing with one hand from the shoulder.
6. In pairs. Dribbling the ball to the middle of the hall, stopping with two steps, passing with one hand from the shoulder.
7. Passing the ball with the driver. Children pass the ball to each other in a circle, without giving the driver the opportunity to take possession of the ball.
8. In pairs. Dribbling the ball, passing in motion after two steps, returning to the place backwards.
The most important thing when training is footwork, the correct position of the hands on the ball.
Of the throws at the initial stage of training, the motion throw is one of the most basic, but also one of the most difficult to master.
1) We start training from under the ring, from a place. One leg in front, the other behind, the right hand at the shoulder, the ball is located on the hand. Bending and straightening your legs, throw with one hand. Learn to aim at the square of the shield. As soon as the child masters this movement, we move on to practicing the steps.
2) I draw two circles under the shield, the child takes a step with his right, a step with his left, pushes off, and throws into the hoop.
3) Then with one hit of the ball, step right, left, push off, throw.
4) Consolidating the skill: dribbling, two steps, throwing.
5) The performance is carried out like a relay race, in two columns, the team that scores 10 goals wins.
6) Stepping on the supporting leg, dribbling, two steps, throwing.
Throw with one hand from a place. Training begins with the basketball player's stance, the ball lies on widely spaced fingers, the left hand supports the ball from below. The ball is sent by straightening the arm and extending the wrist, while simultaneously straightening the legs. The hand works forward and upward. Children perform this throw from under the ring, from behind the trapezoid.
Outdoor games are studied with elements of basketball: “Ball for the captain”, “Fight for the ball”, “Mini-basketball”, “Scouts”, relay races with elements of basketball - throwing, dribbling, passing.
Conclusions: Development of basic motor qualities;
Raising high moral qualities in children, taking care of their health, and the need for systematic physical exercise.
But the most important thing in this program, in my opinion, is the use of an individual approach to meeting educational standards, the possibility of various options for assessing children’s results, taking into account the gains in their motor and technical readiness.
At what age can you start training?
Children's basketball requires stamina, good coordination, and analytical thinking from the child. All these qualities appear no earlier than at 8-9 years of age. It is at this age that athletes are allowed to participate in competitions.
However, you can enroll a child in the basketball section at five or six years old.
Basketball for preschoolers will become a preparatory step into adult sports life.
During training, kids will become:
- become familiar with the rules of the game;
- engage in general physical training;
- learn to work with a projectile;
- study dynamic techniques and combinations.
Both boys and girls are accepted into the section. For the first two or three years, everyone trains together. And when athletes reach 10 years of age, men's and women's youth teams are formed.
The emergence of basketball as we know it
The teacher James Naismith mentioned at the beginning of the message once tried to find a suitable sports activity for his students during the cold period, when physical education lessons were moved to the hall. As a result, he came up with a game in which participants could win not only through physical data, but also through gaming skills and intelligence. This is how basketball was born. Many of Naismith's rules are still in effect today.
The class was divided into two equal teams. Each of them had to throw a basketball into their opponent's fruit basket hanging on the wall. At first they used a soccer ball for the game, and only after some time they came up with a special basketball ball. By the way, baskets appeared in basketball by accident. At first, Naismith used boxes to play, but one day the school watchman was unable to find them, and therefore suggested using baskets instead.
Basketball is now included in the school physical education curriculum.
A year later, the first official basketball match was played. Two teams took part in it - 9 people in one and the other. It’s funny that after any successful throw, you had to climb the ladder to get the ball out of the basket, because at that time they didn’t think of cutting through its lower part, so as not to climb for it again every time. Dribbling the ball also did not exist; the players tossed it to each other until one of them decided to throw the sports equipment inside the container.
How the training goes
Any workout begins with a warm-up. It includes exercises that allow you to warm up your joints, ligaments and muscles.
This includes:
- easy running with vigorous rotation of the wrists;
- jerking your arms in front of your chest;
- swing your arms to the sides;
- springy bends forward and to the sides;
- squats;
- push ups;
- plank exercise;
- lunges;
- jumps
After this, they begin to work with the ball.
You need to work with it:
- rotation on the index finger or thumb;
- throwing it from the right hand to the left hand;
- revolutions around the body and head;
- passing from hand to hand, describing a figure eight between the legs;
It is very important to learn how to catch the ball by hitting the floor, walls, simply tossing and rolling it.
When performing all training complexes, you should increase the speed of work, learn not to look at the ball, but to feel it.
Warm-up takes 15-20 minutes and ends with active fights with the ball. It could be “Tag”, “Third is a wheel”, “Circular rounders”. Such competition promotes the development of speed, reaction, intelligence and initiative.
After warming up comes the main part.
- Dribbling the ball, passes, throws and combinations of these techniques are practiced.
- Pupils learn steps and movements around the playground.
- Game schemes are analyzed.
- Athletes learn how to work in defense and attack.
- Interaction is worked out in pairs and trios.
This is followed by educational training using the learned techniques.
The duration of the main part is 60 minutes.
The final part of the training is recovery.
It takes 5-10 minutes and consists of:
- walking;
- moderate running;
- throws around the ring without load;
- regulation of breathing.
After class, it is recommended to take a warm shower.
Water procedures will help relieve muscle tension, wash away sweat, and open air access to the skin pores.
We work at stations Basketball lessons in grades 7-9. - presentation
We work at stations Basketball lessons in grades 7-9
TIME DISTRIBUTION BY PARTS OF THE LESSON LESSON - 40 min introductory part main part final part 10 min. 25 min. 5 minutes.
OPTION 1 Station 1. Teaching the double step technique. Station 2. Passing the ball. Station 3. Free throw.
Station1. Teaching the double step technique 1. Throwing the ball into the basket from a place after hitting the floor. 2. The same, but after dribbling the ball in place. 3. The same, but after dribbling the ball in step 6. 4. The same, but running at a slow pace. 5. The same, but running at a fast pace. 6. Throwing the ball with a double step after passing and dribbling. 7. The same, but after passing the ball with one hit on the floor. 8. The same, but after passing the ball without dribbling. 9. Throwing the ball with a double step after dribbling a passive opponent. 10. The same, but after dribbling the active defender.
Station 2. Passing the ball 1. Passing the ball in pairs. 2. The same, but in a jump. 3. The same, but with a clap in the palm. 4. The same, but with a 360° rotation. 5. The same, but with a squat. 6. The same, but with pairs moving forward in one direction, then in the opposite direction or in counter-movement of pairs in a circle. 7. Passing the ball in threes with changing places. 8. The same, but moving forward. 9. Race (pass) in a circle of one three balls, first to the left, then to the right. 10. The same, but through one player. 11. Arbitrary passes of one and two balls.
Station 3. Free throw. 1. Standing in one or two columns, performing a free throw according to the principle of throwing, picking up the ball, completing a pass, standing at the end of the column. 2. Free throws based on the “if you hit it, throw it again” principle (before the first miss, encouraging hits and the effectiveness of shots).
Option 2 Station 1. Dribbling the ball Station 2. Throwing the ball into the hoop Station 3. Fighting for the ball
Station 1. Dribbling the ball. 1. Dribbling the ball (low, high, medium) in place. 2. The same, but in a step. 3. The same, but running at a slow pace, 4. The same, but running at a fast pace. 5. The same, but with 360° turns (right, left). 6. The same, but with the ball being transferred behind the back with the right or left hand. 7. The same, but with the ball moving under your feet. 8. Dribbling a passive defender in a given corridor. 9. Dribbling by an active defender who is trying to gain possession of the ball.
Station 2. Throwing the ball into the hoop 1. Throwing the ball from a place. 2. The same, but after leading. 3. The same, but after the transfer. 4. The same, but in a jump. 5. The same, but for rate of fire. 6. Free throw (at the player’s request). 7. Throws from given points from a place and on the move. 8. In pairs, one throws, the other serves 9. The same, but with a passive defender. 10. The same, but with an active defender.
Station 3. Fight for the ball 1. In pairs. Both players are holding the ball. 2. The same, but the ball is on the floor, the players are facing each other. 3. The same, but the players stand with their backs to each other. 4. The same, but the players sit on the floor facing or with their backs to each other. 5. The same, but the players lie on the floor. 6. The same, but the players are at a distance of 34 m from the ball. 7. Fight for possession of the ball that has bounced off the backboard in pairs with their faces or backs to the backboard. 8. The same, but in a competition between two teams.
Other options: When working at stations, we widely use outdoor games and relay races. “I told you to sit down.” The game is used at the “Pass the Ball” station. The teams are lined up in columns, with the leaders standing in front of each, facing the columns. At a signal, they pass the ball into the column to the guides, who, after passing it back to the leader, quickly sit on the floor. Then the second player receives the ball from the leader, etc. The team that completes the ball transfer first wins. The last one in the column becomes the leader, and the leader takes his place.
Ball to the average." This game is also used at the “Pass the Ball” station. The participants stand in a circle, the leader takes a place in the middle. At his discretion, the presenter passes the ball to any player and immediately receives it back.” The game can be played standing still, moving to the right and left in a circle. "Throwing the ring on call." Takes place at the Free Shot station. A group of students sits in a line at the free throw line with balls in their hands. Each has its own serial number. Behind the court line there is a presenter who calls any of the numbers. The player with this number immediately shoots at the ring. In the team competition, teams are formed from players with even and odd numbers.
“Cockfight” - Used at the “Dribbling” station. Couples play. Both players, bending their left leg and jumping on their right, simultaneously dribble their balls with their right hand and try to knock the ball away from the opponent with their left. The same, but bending the right one and jumping on the left leg. Take possession of the ball." Used at the "Fight for the Ball" station. The players, divided into two teams, line up at a distance of 5-6 m from the wall. The leader stands behind the players, holding a ball in his hands. He throws the ball at the wall. After the ball bounces off the wall, each of the players located near its flight tries to take possession of it
Consolidation of skills 1. Double-sided game 2. Blitz tournaments 3. Game against time 4. Game to a certain score
The rules have been changed and supplemented several times. There are now two teams taking part in the match. Each has 12 players - five field players, the rest reserves.
How long does the basketball tournament last?
Children's game consists of four halves of eight minutes each with breaks between them. Teams may take additional timeouts. Thus, the total duration of the fight is 60-80 minutes.
The goal of the game is to throw the most balls into the opponent's basket. Throws can be worth one, two or three points depending on where on the field they were taken.
Athletes move around the field, hitting the floor with a sports equipment. It is prohibited to hold it in your hands, touch it with your fist, feet or other parts of the body.
If during regular time both teams score the same number of points, then a 5-minute overtime is assigned. If it ends in a draw, then the next one is appointed and so on until a winner is identified.
Competitions can be team, individual-team and individual.
According to their purpose and objectives, tournaments are divided into:
- championships;
- championships;
- cup competitions;
- qualifying, match and friendly matches.
Before drawing up the match calendar, a draw for participants is carried out. Then they meet each other twice.
Each tournament begins with a grand opening, followed by a parade of participants and judges.
The secretary keeps minutes of the meeting.
At the closing ceremony, the results of the championship are announced and the winners and prize-winning teams are awarded.
The winner receives the right to take a victory lap with the won prize.
Basketball at school is a guarantee of health and physical improvement.
Physical education teacher: Svetlana Zagidovna Takhvatulina.
Basketball at school is a guarantee of health and physical improvement. Introduction
Today, physical education is not a pursuit of results, but the painstaking work of teachers and parents to improve the health of children. In the lessons, it is necessary to take into account the desires, mood, temperament of each child and teach each child self-regulation, adaptation, and relaxation. Physical education lessons must be structured based on the principles of humanization and democratization, nurturing a culture of health, using psychological, pedagogical and psychological-physiological theories of training, education and personal development. Proper organization of basketball classes is necessary for physical development, gives positive emotions, allows you to develop useful habits when playing sports: organize proper nutrition, observe hygiene requirements, take care of your health. But basketball training alone cannot ensure the comprehensive development of physical qualities: the educational and training process must include elements from other sports, such as athletics, acrobatics, swimming, etc. When classes are properly organized and led by a qualified specialist, this gives good results. However, special care must be taken in this case, since, for example, when performing strength training exercises with heavy objects in younger age groups, serious injuries can occur, which can negatively affect the development of the physical qualities of young players.
For high results, a basketball player must:
1) master well-known playing techniques and be able to implement them in different conditions. 2) Be able to combine techniques with each other in any sequence in a variety of playing conditions. 3) Have a set of examples that you have to use more often in the game. 4) Constantly improve techniques.
When conducting physical education lessons in basketball, it is necessary to pay attention to the execution of throws, since throws are one of the main technical techniques of basketball. The team's success is ensured by an accurate finishing throw. When talking about shots in basketball, one should keep in mind their three main characteristics - the type of shot, the style and the technique, understood here as the organizational structure of the movements when throwing. Shooting the basket is the most important element in basketball. To win a match, a team must outscore the opponent, and this is achieved through more accurate shots. All other game techniques only help create conditions for an accurate throw into the basket. To benefit the team, each player must be able to accurately hit the basket. The complex set of abilities that go into putting a ball in a basket involves proper technique, focus and determination. There are many types of throws. Each throw is based on the technique of performing one of six throws:
1) with both hands from below; 2) with one hand from below; 3) with both hands from a place; 4) with one hand from a place; 5) jump shot; 6) hook.
The classification of basket throws is as follows:
1) throws with two hands; throws with one hand; 2) throws from above, from the chest, from below, from top to bottom, finishing; 3) throws with the ball spinning, with a rebound from the backboard, without a rebound from the backboard; 4) by the nature of the player’s movement: from a standstill, in motion, in a jump: 5) by distance: long, medium, close 6) towards the shield: directly in front of the shield, at an angle to the shield, parallel to the shield.
The accuracy of throwing into the basket is primarily determined by rational technique, stability of movement and controllability, correct alternation of muscle tension and relaxation, strength and mobility of the hands, their final effort, as well as the optimal trajectory of flight and rotation of the ball.
The trajectory of the ball is selected based on the distance, the player’s height, his height and the activity of the tall defender’s opposition. The ball is usually thrown with backspin, which allows you to keep it on a given trajectory and achieve a softer rebound in case of an unsuccessful throw. In addition, reverse rotation slows down the speed of the ball; when it meets the ring, the chances that it will slip into the basket rather than bounce outwards increase (Sherstyuk A.A., 1991). From a dynamic point of view, it is better to perform all throws with a rebound from the shield. Observations show that most shots are inaccurate due to the ball not reaching the basket. Regardless of whether the player is aiming at the front or back of the hoop or the backboard, he is concentrating on a chosen point on the target during and after the throw. When throwing, all movements must be smooth and rhythmic. Following the ball is a natural extension of the throw while the player's eyes are still focused on the target. When working with students, we highlight the basic requirements for throwing:
1) throw quickly, 2) in the starting position, hold the ball close to your body, 3) if you throw with one, then point the elbow of the throwing hand towards the basket 4) release the ball through your index finger, 5) accompany the throw with your arm and hand, 6) constantly hold look at the target, 7) fully concentrate on the throw,
watch for the softness and ease of the throw, 9) to maintain balance, keep your shoulders parallel.
During training, I note common mistakes when shooting baskets:
1. Inability to focus on the goal. 2. The ball is spinning too much.
The purpose of the master class: effective pedagogical techniques that contribute to achieving success in sports activities.
Outline of an open basketball lesson on the topic: “Basketball as a means of improving operational thinking”
Purpose of the lesson: Development of motor abilities through the development of various motor actions Objectives: • Educational: 1. Learning to dribble the ball 2 steps throw. 2. Improving dribbling, passing the ball in motion, “juggling the ball.” • Developmental: develop motor qualities - agility, speed of movement, endurance. • Educational: Fostering independence; ability to control emotions. Lesson methods: 1.Frontal 2.Group 3.Competitive
Equipment: basketballs, whistle. 7th grade.
Contents of the lesson Dosage Organizational and methodological instructions Preparatory part (10 - 12 min) Forming in a line with balls, communicating the objectives of the lesson. Exercises for walking with balls: 1. Ball up, walking on toes. 2.Ball behind your head, walking on your heels. Juggling a ball. 1. Passing the ball from hand to hand in front of the chest, below, above the head. 2. Circular rotation around the head 2 times to the right - 2 times to the left 3. Circular rotation around the torso 3. Circular rotation around the knees 2 times to the right, left. 4. “Eight” between the legs 5. Toss the ball with your hand to the right, to the left. 6.Additional steps 4 times with the right side, 4 times with the left side, passing the ball in front of the chest
Running exercises. 1. Running backwards, passing the ball in front of your chest.
2. Dribbling the ball with your right hand
3. Dribbling the ball with your left hand
4. Transferring the ball left, right
Dribbling along the sideline of the volleyball court
5. Jumping on the right leg, leading with the right hand. 6. Jumping on the left leg, leading with the left hand 7. Swinging the shin, leading with the right hand. 8. With a high hip lift, leading with the left hand 9. Acceleration, leading with the right hand. 10. Acceleration, leading with the left hand. 11. Accelerate the dribble with the right hand in the middle of the court, transfer to the left, and finish the dribble with the left hand. 30 sec. 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec. 30 sec. 30 sec 30 sec. 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec half a circle half a circle half a circle half a circle The ball is in the right hand pressed to the side of the body, look forward.
We look straight, raise our heels higher. Spread your elbows to the sides.
We look straight, we work with our hands. Do not press the ball to your head.
Do not press the ball to your body.
Take small steps, on half-bent legs, look straight. Lunges wider, look straight. We throw it in an arc not too high, accompany it with a brush, and catch it with our fingers. Basketball player's stance, the first foot is placed on the heel, do not jump.
Look over your left shoulder, lift your heels higher. Dribble from the right - from the side behind the line of the volleyball court. We look straight, we don’t lift the ball above the waist. Translate diagonally
We dribble the ball from the side
Do not hit the ball above your waist. Look straight ahead.
Let's look straight. Translation diagonally. Main part (25 -30 min.)
A) Training: dribbling the ball 2 steps, throwing. 1) I.p. - right leg in front, ball in right hand, left hand holding the ball to the side - throwing the ball up above you
2) I.p. - left leg in front - step with the right, step with the left, bringing the right knee up 3) I.p. the same - step with the right, step with the left, jump with the right knee moving up - throw the ball up with the right hand. 4) I.p. the same thing - dribble in place, on the whistle dribble 2 steps throw 5) I.p. - right foot in front, Simultaneously with the ball being hit, step with the left, ball in hands, step with the right, step with the left, jump, throw the ball up 6) I.p. - left foot in front. Simultaneously with hitting the ball, step with the right, step with the left - with the ball in hands, step with the right - step with the left, jump, throw the ball up 7) I.p. - right foot in front. Simultaneously with hitting the ball, step with the left, step with the right, step with the left - with the ball in your hands, two steps, jump, throw the ball up.
C) Improving passing the ball in motion (relay race) The class is divided into 4 teams. Each team opens from the front line to the front line across the entire volleyball court. Each student has his left foot in front. Players in a team stand 5 meters apart from each other with their left foot in front facing the guide. The guide stands behind the end line facing the team with the ball in his hands. At the signal, the guide passes the ball with the indicated pass forward to the player and runs to his place, the player who received the ball makes a turn to the right, taking a step forward with his left foot, passing the ball to the next one and runs to his place, etc. The last one, having received the ball, dribbles the ball back behind him. the front line and passes the baton to the next one. The first team to complete the relay wins. A) throw with one hand from the shoulder. C) throw with two hands from the chest 6 -7 times 2 times 2 times 2 times 2 times 2 times 5 -7 min The hand is facing the face, the ball lies on the fingers without touching the palm, the elbow is at shoulder level. During the throw, the arm straightens up, and after the throw, the hand completes the flight of the ball. The first step is wide, the second is shortened and explosive. The hand accompanies the ball.
We look straight, we do everything according to the signal. Let's look straight
We raise the knee higher, the hand accompanies the ball after the throw.
Throwing the ball with one hand from the shoulder - the hand accompanies the ball.
During the return, all teams dribble from the right side.
Final part (3-4 min.) Construction. Summing up.
Homework. Identify students who have mastered the exercise well and the winning team in the relay race.
1) Raising straight legs and arms from a prone position 15-18 times 2) Push-ups from the floor 10-15 times. 3) Touching your legs behind your head with slowly lowering your legs 15-20 times
What are the benefits and disadvantages
What are the benefits of basketball? The popularity of this sport is explained by the diversified development of the athlete.
Main positive aspects.
- Perfection of physical form. Walking, running, stopping, turning, jumping - all this contributes to the proper development of all muscle groups.
- Strengthening the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems of the body.
- Socialization. Collective sport helps you feel self-confident, gives you the skills to work in a group, gives you a sense of mutual assistance, responsibility for your friend, and promotes discipline.
- Mental development. Only here the kid tries to be an analyst, forecaster, strategist and tactician. What counts is the speed of reaction, predicting the opponent’s behavior, and solving complex combinations.
All this will be useful in adult life.
- Availability. Almost all local areas are equipped with shields with rings. You can play alone or with friends in the yard, in the gym, in the park.
- Emotional release. Group sports allow you to throw out negative energy and recharge yourself with positivity.
The main disadvantage is the risk of injury.
The most vulnerable places for athletes are the shoulders, hands and knees.
However, proper stretching, strict and strict adherence to the trainer’s recommendations, and compliance with safety rules will reduce the risk to a minimum.
Preparatory exercises for playing basketball for primary school age (from work experience)
Natalia Borovikova
Preparatory exercises for playing basketball for primary school age (from work experience)
The purpose of this article is to summarize the accumulated experience regarding the use of lead-in exercises to sports games for children of primary school age and to show the importance of sports games themselves in the physical education of children. The article contains both our own developments and other tested exercises .
Sports games can be confidently called a universal means of physical education. With their help, the formation of the foundations of physical and spiritual culture of the individual and the increase of health resources are achieved.
The effectiveness of sports games in promoting the harmonious development of the individual is explained by:
1. their specificity;
2. deep, versatile impact on the body of those involved, the development of physical qualities and the development of vital motor skills;
3. accessibility for people of different ages and abilities ;
4. emotional charge;
5. Sports games are a unique spectacle; on this basis, other sports cannot be compared with them.
The main characteristics of sports games are that, unlike outdoor games, they develop not only the main muscle groups, but also many other qualities in general: agility, endurance, motor skills, physical strength. Each sports game improves certain indicators for those involved. Each game has its own plot, rules and tactics. Consequently, in addition to physical qualities, sports games contribute to the development of logic, quick response to the current situation, and develop a person mentally. In sports games there should be both theoretical and tactical training.
In childhood, play is the main activity, a means of preparing for life, for work, and an effective means of physical education. Sports games are a confrontation between two parties taking place within the rules, aimed at achieving an advantage, assessed by the number of achievements of the stipulated goal of the game. Achieving a conditionally set goal is assessed by the number of points scored, goals scored or thrown, etc. The content of activities in sports games aimed at achieving the goal of the game is determined by uniform rules. In this case, playing techniques are used (playing technique)
The complex nature of competitive gaming activity creates constantly changing conditions, necessitates assessing the situation and choosing actions, usually with limited time. An important feature of sports games is the large number of competitive actions - game techniques.
As a means of physical education, sports games have their own characteristics:
1) The complexity of the impact on the body of those involved, i.e. simultaneous improvement of the basic motor qualities and functions of the body.
2) Collective action, characteristic of most sports games. A sense of mutual assistance, friendship, and responsibility for one’s actions before the team is fostered.
3) A sudden change in the gaming environment requires quick and rational decisions and independence, which creates favorable conditions for the manifestation of the individual characteristics of the players.
4) Great emotionality and exciting nature of sports games.
Most sports are team games. In team games, the team as a whole wins and loses. Thus, a sports team is the same integral sports unit as an athlete in individual sports. In this regard, team games are an effective means of education.
The use of sports games in the physical education of junior schoolchildren plays an important role in the formation of the foundation of motor skills and technical readiness, since this age is most favorable for the development of speed and coordination abilities
In physical education lessons, teaching elements of the game is mainly carried out through outdoor games with elements of basketball and volleyball .
When performing exercises , the didactic principle “from simple to complex”
and the following teaching methods: story, demonstration, imitation without the ball, with the ball, standing still, in motion.
Leading exercises and outdoor games are universal means of promoting the growth and development of all organs and systems of the body, and are also unique means of not only physical, but also intellectual and mental development of children. They should be included in health programs for the upbringing and education of schoolchildren . Teaching children to accurately and correctly throw, catch, pick up, pass various objects, combine movements with body movement - this means greatly speeding up not only the motor training of children, but also promoting the development of the moral qualities of the student’s . Teaching game techniques begins with teaching movement techniques: moving , stops, turns, jumps.
1) Children run around the playground each with a ball in their hands and play freely. After the teacher’s signal, they quickly catch the balls and take the correct stance.
2) Children without balls stand in a circle and move with side steps in the direction indicated by the teacher. The teacher often changes the direction of movement.
3) Throwing the ball down and catching it after the rebound.
4) Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands.
5) Throw the ball as high as possible and catch it after bouncing off the floor or on the fly.
6) Throwing the ball to a partner in a child-friendly way.
7) Throwing the ball with the right (left)
hand, catching it with both hands.
Walking while throwing a ball and catching it with both hands.
9) Passing the ball in a circle to the right, left (in any way)
10) Passing the ball with both hands from the chest to the wall and catching it.
11) Passing the ball with both hands from the chest, standing still in pairs.
12) Passing the ball with both hands from the chest when moving in pairs.
13) Catching the ball and passing it with one hand from the chest (in motion)
14) Passing the ball in a line, in a circle (right, left)
15) Passing the ball in columns with moving to the end of one’s own column and then to the opposite column.
16) Hitting the ball on the floor with one hand and catching it with both hands.
17) Hitting the ball on the floor with the right hand and catching it with the left and vice versa.
18) Hitting the ball on the spot with the right (left)
19) Driving in place with the right (left)
20) Dribbling the ball in place with the right (left)
hand followed by passing the ball with both hands
(in an arbitrary manner)
21) Dribbling the ball in place alternately, then with the right and then with the left hand.
22) Dribbling the ball around yourself.
23) Dribbling the ball while moving forward.
24) Dribbling the ball with changes in the direction of movement, speed of movement, height of the ball’s rebound.
25) Dribbling the ball with the right (left)
hand and stop.
26) Dribbling the ball, stopping and passing it.
27) Throwing the ball over a net or rope stretched above the child’s head (in an arbitrary manner)
28) Throwing a ball at a basketball backboard installed at different heights.
29) Throwing the ball at the target (height 1.5m)
with both hands from the chest from a place through a rope or net.
30) Throw the ball into the basket with both hands from the chest from a place.
31) Throwing the ball into the basket after dribbling (with stop fixation)
32) Throwing the ball into the basket with one hand from the shoulder after catching it.
Behind the ball. Children form several teams, each team chooses a driver. The teams are divided in half and stand in columns one opposite the other at a distance of 2-3 m. After the signal, the driver throws the ball to the child standing first in the opposite column, and he runs after the ball. The person who catches the ball also passes it to the person standing opposite and goes after the ball. The game ends when all players return to their seats and the balls return to the driver. The team that finishes the game faster wins.
Catch the ball. Children are divided into threes. Two of them are located opposite each other at a distance of 3-4 m and throw the ball between them. The third stands between them and tries to catch the ball or at least touch it with his hand. If this succeeds, he changes places with the one who threw the ball.
Whoever is named catches the ball. Children walk or run around the playground. The teacher is holding a ball in his hands. He calls the child's name and throws the ball up. The person named must catch the ball and throw it up again, calling the name of one of the children. The ball should not be thrown too high and in the direction of the child whose name is called.
Fight for the ball. Children are divided into teams of equal numbers and placed on the playground in random order. One of the players is given a ball. At the signal, children try to quickly complete 5-10 passes between their players. For each pass, the team receives a point. The game lasts 5-8 minutes. The team with the most points wins.
Who has fewer balls? Children form two equal teams. Each of them takes several balls and sits on their own half of the court (the court is divided by a net suspended at a level of 130-150 cm). After the teacher’s signal, the children of both teams try to throw their balls to the opponent’s court. The team that has fewer balls on its court after the second whistle wins.
Ball to the leader. Children are divided into 4-5 groups, each forming their own circle, in the center of which is the driver with the ball. At the signal, the drivers take turns throwing the ball to their players, trying not to drop it, and receive it back. When the ball goes around all the players in the circle (1-3 times), the driver raises it up. The team that drops the ball the least number of times wins.
The ball is in the air. The players form a circle and stand at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides, the driver stands in the middle of the circle. Those standing in a circle begin to throw the ball to each other, not allowing the driver to touch it. The driver, running in the middle of the circle, tries to touch the ball. If he succeeds, he changes places with the player who last held the ball in his hands.
Passed it on - sit down. Children form several teams. Teams stand in columns behind the starting line. The captain of each team, with the ball in his hands, stands opposite his team at a distance of 2-3 m from it. At the teacher’s signal, the captain passes the ball to the first player in the column, who catches it, passes it back to the captain and crouches. The captain passes the ball to the 2nd player in the same way, then to the 3rd player, etc. Each player crouches after passing the ball to the captain. When the last player passes the ball to the captain, the captain raises the ball above his head and the whole team quickly stands up. If the player does not catch the ball, then he must run after it, return to his place and pass the ball to the captain.
Shootout. Divide the area in half. 15-20 steps from the center, another line is drawn on both sides (captivity)
The players are divided into 2 teams, each freely placed on its own field. The teacher, standing in the middle of the court, throws the ball. The first team to enter the game is the one on whose side the ball lands. A shootout begins. Each team tries to hit the players of the other team with the ball. The salted ones go beyond the line of captivity (to the enemy’s side)
Players do not have the right to cross into the opponent’s field. A player is not considered to have been hit if he catches the ball in mid-flight, or if the ball hits him after bouncing off the ground. Prisoners can be rescued. To do this, you need to throw the ball to the prisoner (across the enemy field)
so that he catches it without crossing the captivity line. The one who succeeds is considered freed and returns to his place.
There are a number of contraindications for training:
- flat feet;
- errors in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
- instability of the vertebrae of the neck;
- asthma and other breathing problems;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Before starting classes, you should consult a pediatrician and specialists.
How is the winner determined?
The team with the most points in the end wins. There can be no one.
If the teams have an equal score, extra time is assigned (overtime - 5 minutes).
The history of basketball speaks of repeated changes in the rules since the inception of the game. FIBA has the right to change any point of the established rules. Now the main goal of these changes is to make the game more spectacular.
What you will need
For classes you need:
- shorts and a T-shirt or tracksuit in cold weather;
- sneakers or sneakers with non-slip soles.
You can purchase knee pads and wristbands to secure your wrist.
Most clubs offer their own sports equipment. But it is better if the child has his own ball. This will allow you to practice movements on the sports ground in the yard.
Basketball lessons for children will be a fun way to spend your leisure time. After all, you can exercise in the gym and on the street. Girls and boys will improve their physical fitness, gain experience working in a team, and the ability to think creatively.
Elements of basketball in lessons at primary school MAOU Secondary School 25, Perm Samsonova S.G. - presentation
Elements of basketball in lessons at primary school MAOU Secondary School 25, Perm Samsonova S.G.
What can you do with the ball in the game? dribbling the ball dribbling the ball passing the ball passing the ball throwing into the hoop throwing into the hoop
NOT ALLOWED IN BASKETBALL! Run with the ball in your hands Run with the ball in your hands Kick the ball Kick the ball Allow rude actions Allow rude actions
What physical qualities does BASKETBALL develop? STRENGTH SPEED AGILITY ENDURANCE
Dribbling and passing the basketball. The purpose of the lesson: to develop ball handling skills and the ability to interact in a team. Objectives of the lesson: 1) Continue teaching the technique of dribbling the ball without visual control, the technique of “catching and passing the ball”; 2) develop motor qualities; 3) form a friendly attitude towards each other, discipline. Lesson topic:
DRIVING THE BALL REVIEW THE DIAGRAM AND COMPLETE THE TASK Dribbling in a straight step Dribbling with a snake with a transfer from hand to hand Dribbling with a snake with a transfer from hand to hand with an attack of the ring From hand to hand with an attack of the ring YES NO
Outdoor game “Ball Race in a Circle”
Outdoor game “Passed - sit down”
Outdoor game “Knock the ball out”
Knock the ball Dribble the ball Try to kick the ball
Test yourself Passing the ball (30 sec) 1st place 50 times or more 3rd place Less than 30 times 2nd place once
Test yourself Dribbling the ball (30 sec) 3rd place Less than 30 times 1st place 50 times or more 2nd place times
You can find additional information here: training.org.ua/pravila_basketbola/