Summary of a lesson on speech development in junior group 2 “Examining the plot picture “Children playing.”

“Classes on speech development in the first junior group of kindergarten”

“Program of education and training in kindergarten” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova, based on the recommendations of SanPiN, in the first junior group recommends conducting eight classes per month on speech development and introducing children to fiction, lasting 8–10 minutes.

Some activities - dramatization of fairy tales, observations, didactic and outdoor games, accompanied by the reading of nursery rhymes or original poems, are carried out with the entire group of children. Classes aimed at inducing complex speech expressions in children or developing new skills in them (for example, hearing, listening and understanding a story without visual accompaniment) are conducted in subgroups. Children with more or less the same level of development are selected into subgroups. It is known that a speech skill cannot be formed in one lesson, therefore the program material that was studied in the previous lesson is usually repeated in the next one, and the interval between them should be no more than 1-3 days. In the future, the intervals between classes during which certain speech skills are improved can be increased. Observations have shown that 1-2 lessons are enough for a child of the third year of life to master some skills, and much more time to master others, for example, to dramatize excerpts from fairy tales, perceive plot pictures and convey their impressions in speech. In the first junior group, in many classes, in addition to the leading task, several more problems are solved. For example, in parallel with solving the main task of the lesson - introducing children to a nursery rhyme, the teacher practices children in expressive reading of poetic lines; Practices clear and correct pronunciation of onomatopoeic words. In the first junior group, combined classes, consisting of several parts, each of which is devoted to solving a single problem, begin to occupy a significant place in the educational process. These problems can be solved using various software materials. A wide variety of options are productive: repeated telling of fairy tales and exercises to develop the sound culture of speech; looking at a painting and reading a poem; telling without showing and didactic game. Younger preschoolers love to study, but their voluntary attention and memory are imperfect. The child has difficulty concentrating on what is not interesting to him, what did not surprise him, what did not bring him joy. Therefore, when planning a lesson with children, you need to carefully think about what to teach kids and how best to do it. The emotional attitude towards the upcoming lesson is extremely important. It helps to “include” the baby in active work, increasing its efficiency from the first minutes. For example: “Today I will read you a very interesting poem about how a fox with a box ran through the forest,” says the teacher. "Where is she? - the children are interested. - Show!" - “I’ll definitely show you.” Now we’ll play, I’ll show you everything, and I’ll tell you about everything,” the teacher replies. You can put the toys that will be demonstrated during the lesson on the table in advance (3-4 minutes before class), allowing the children to touch and move them. But at the same time, children should be taught to follow the rule: toys prepared for the lesson can only be played on the teacher’s table; they cannot be taken away. Often, a display requires a wind-up toy or a toy that is especially attractive to children and “comes” only for classes. The children's desire to hold this object is so great that they each pull it in their own direction. In such cases, the toy must be placed so that everyone can see it clearly, but cannot reach it (for example, on a piano, on a shelf). Kids quickly get used to the fact that the toy, displayed before class, will be used on it. The children look at it, exchange impressions, and ask the teacher. During the lesson, it is necessary to support the desire of younger preschoolers to learn. Children need to be seated in such a way (in a semicircle; at tables standing separately or moved together, etc.) so that they do not interfere with each other (especially when imitating some actions). It is equally important that easily excitable children be close to calm, balanced peers. Kids should clearly see the teacher and the objects (pictures) that he shows. Distractions should be excluded (for example, if a cage with a bird falls into the child’s field of view, it needs to be rearranged). Children of the third year of life are prone to imitation (both the teacher and their peers). They are easily “infected” by the mood of their comrades and gladly imitate both desirable and undesirable actions. As soon as one child starts looking under the chair, after 1-2 minutes, if the teacher fails to switch the attention of the children, half the group will imitate the baby. In this case, you should not resort to disciplinary remarks (“Don’t sway, sit quietly!”). It is more advisable to resort to a toy brought to class. For example, tell her: “Don’t be scared, mouse, it’s not the cat who came. It was Vova who accidentally rattled his chair.” Or turn to a child who has begun to play pranks: “Here, Vova, hold the mouse. Yes, sit quietly, don’t scare (don’t drop) her.” In children of this age, bright, beautiful objects and pictures make them want to look at them longer, so the illustrative material shown in class should be in good condition, tastefully designed and attractive to children. Manuals should be placed so that time is not wasted searching for them. If the pictures fall off the flannelograph or the battery of an electric toy turns out to be unusable, then the normal course of the lesson will be disrupted and the children’s perception of the material will be difficult. The teacher’s speech and his ability to talk with children are of great importance. The teacher’s speech should be clear, expressive, and unhurried. Words and phrases spoken to children should not be random. If possible, they should be thought through in advance. This is especially true for those figures of speech that the teacher seeks to make available to the child’s own statements: words denoting the qualities of objects, syntactic constructions, in particular sentences with homogeneous members, etc. Using them in class, approving the attempts of a particular child to reproduce a word or sentence, the teacher thereby enriches the children’s active speech. In the first junior group, the teacher teaches children to understand the question and answer it. But if for some reason the child is silent and the pause drags on, it is more advisable to suggest an answer, repeat it with the children, and after some time ask the child the same question again. It is known that it is very easy to suggest something to a child of the third year of life. It is worth remembering this feature when teaching children. (“Anya will succeed... Vova will be able to... Alyosha will think now and will certainly find the right picture (toy)...", etc.). Any conversation with children should be businesslike, thorough, and the teacher’s interest in what the child says and does should be “seriously interested.” Children unmistakably react to the teacher’s mood, intonation, and gestures. And if the teacher sincerely, with pleasure “blows on hot pancakes and eats them”, shows how goats butt, the child not only becomes infected with the desire to do the same, but strives to do it very well, with good humor. In turn, a successful answer, a well-executed action increases the baby’s joy and his desire to repeatedly reproduce what he saw and heard. All this ensures the children’s performance and their contact with the teacher. In addition, there are several other factors that increase the effectiveness of training. • Alternation of various teaching methods and, above all, explanations, instructions and demonstrations (model, method of action) with game tasks. Let's give an example. The teacher tells the children: “Aw-aw-aw - the dog barks. “How does she bark?” After the children pronounce the onomatopoeia, the teacher continues: “Now we will play wind-up dogs. The dog that I turn on with the key (makes an imitation movement) should bark: aw-aw-aw.” • Combination of children's choral responses with individual ones. Typically one choral response is combined with 3-4 or more individual responses. This significantly increases the density of the lesson, helps to involve all children in the work, and also to find out which of the kids has not mastered the skill being mastered in order to further explain or show something (in class). • Using a variety of demonstration materials (objects, toys, pictures, tabletop theater figures, etc.). Looking at them maintains children's attention, increases speech activity, and develops the ability to generalize. • Using tasks aimed at giving children the opportunity to change their position and move around (for example, approach the teacher to look at something with him; look under the chairs to find where the little kitty hid; depict little goats butting, pecking chicken grains, etc.). In some cases, these tasks simultaneously pursue the goal of teaching children the ability to accept an imaginary situation: bake pancakes, catch a snowflake and blow it away. When performing such tasks, children learn the play actions necessary to develop independent role-playing games, the appearance of which in the third year of a child’s life indicates a new stage in his development.

Let us give examples of lesson notes (for more detailed recommendations, see the book: Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development in the first junior group of kindergarten. - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2007).

Game “Who is good with us, who is handsome with us”

This game can be played both outdoors and indoors.

Target. To arouse in children sympathy for their peers, to help them remember the names of their comrades (including those pronounced by adults in different ways (but without babying): Asha - Sashenka - Sashulya), to overcome shyness.

Progress of the game

The teacher seats the children on chairs. Using the text of a Russian folk song, he says: Who is good with us? Who is our handsome one? (The teacher takes the child out and hugs him). Vanechka is good (Olechka is good), Vanechka is handsome (Olechka is beautiful). “Vanyusha is fair-haired, with dark eyes, handsome, strong and not a crybaby,” says the teacher. (“Olenka is pretty, cheerful, loves her doll Masha, sings songs to her. Will you sing to the children? I’ll help you if necessary...” “Dima is good, Dima is handsome. Strong, he doesn’t fight. He knows how to build high towers...”) Praising 5–6 children, the teacher invites all the kids to join him. He asks to take on a partner of his own age, whom the child especially likes. The teacher offers the paired children a hug. The teacher takes turns hugging the children who were unable (did not want) to find a partner. “My children are wonderful,” the teacher concludes his conversation with the kids, “beautiful, smart, kind, cheerful. I love you all". This game is played several times throughout the year.

Lesson “Reading the story by L. N. Tolstoy “Petya and Misha had a horse”

Target. To improve children's ability to listen to a story without visual accompaniment.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher tells the children about two brothers - Petya and Misha, for whom their mother bought a toy horse. “How do you imagine this horse?” – the teacher is interested and listens to the children’s answers. “And then one day,” the teacher continues the conversation, “the children quarreled and began to snatch the horse from each other. How do you think this story ends?” The teacher reads the story 3 times. Then the teacher asks: “Did mom do the right thing by taking the horse from the fighters? How can two people play with the same toy? Listens and corrects children's answers.

Lesson “Examining the subject painting “Near the Big Stump”

Target. Teach children to understand what is shown in the picture; comprehend the relationships between the characters by answering the teacher’s questions; promote speech activation.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher invites the children to tell what (who) is drawn (drawn) in the painting “Near the Big Stump.” The teacher approves of the children’s remarks and complements them. Then he briefly, slowly, talks about the picture: “Every day the Kid goes for a walk to the Big Stump. They are waiting for the Baby there, he is welcome. He talks to everyone who lives near the Big Stump.” The teacher clarifies: “Who lives near the Big Stump?” (Titmouse, squirrel, frog, bee, snail.) “Show,” the teacher continues the conversation, “how the Kid raised his hand, greeting his little friends and Big Stump. “Hello, frog,” shouts the Kid. And she responded... (kva-kva-kva). - Good morning, tit birds! - And they: “Chiv-chiv, chiv-chiv!” We are waiting for you, we are waiting for you!“ The bee buzzed... the squirrel clicked... Big Stump began to smile. Do you see his kind eyes? Only the snail continues to sleep, did not see anything, did not hear anything. Then, when I invite you to come closer to look at the picture, I advise you to wake her up. How will you do this? What do you tell the snail? What if it’s not a snail, but a hedgehog hiding its head? Then be careful, don’t inject yourself!” The teacher, praising the children for helping him look at the picture, offers to listen to a story about the Kid and his friends living near the Big Stump: “Every day the Kid goes for a walk to the kind Big Stump. Little friends are waiting for him there. “He’s coming, he’s coming, chiv-chiv, he’s coming!” - the tit birds rejoice. “Kwa-kwa-kwa!” Good morning, Baby!“ - the green frog greets him. “W-w-w,” the bee buzzes. “Today is a wonderful day, Baby.” "Good morning! Good morning, my dear beloved Big Stump! - Baby shouts. – Good morning, my wonderful little friends. Shall we play?’” The teacher repeats the story, giving the children the opportunity to finish the highlighted words. The teacher invites the children to come closer to the picture and look at it. He draws the kids’ attention to how beautiful it is around the Big Stump, how many flowers and berries there are; listens to children's remarks and reasoning.

Lesson “Didactic exercise “Whose mother? Whose baby?

Target. Teach children to correctly name domestic animals and their babies; guess the animal from the description.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher displays pictures on a flannelgraph depicting an adult animal and a baby (you can use the visual aid “Pets” from the series “The World in Pictures” (M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005) or the page “Pets” from the workbook “Speech Development in kids: Junior group" (M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2006)). Having found out from the children who is drawn in the pictures, the teacher asks who likes which cub. The teacher asks the children which animals have horns (mane, thin tail with a tassel at the end, fluffy tail, which one has the longest tail). He asks how a foal calls a horse, a lamb calls a sheep, a puppy calls a dog. He is interested in who has fluffy soft fur and who has smooth fur.

Concluding the lesson, the teacher invites the children to portray a kitten (or puppy) that catches its own tail, rejoices, meows (yelps).

Lesson “Looking at illustrations for the fairy tale “The Three Bears.” Didactic game “Whose picture”

Target. Give children the opportunity to see that looking at pictures in books is interesting and useful (they can learn a lot of new things); continue to learn how to coordinate words in sentences. Preliminary work. The day before class, the teacher places illustrated editions of the fairy tale “The Three Bears” in the book corner (among them there must be books with drawings by Yu. Vasnetsov). During the day, the teacher invites children to independently examine the drawings and asks who particularly liked which drawing.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher shows the children books and briefly, but vividly and emotionally tells them who liked which drawing. He praises the kids for carefully looking at the pictures and noticing a lot of interesting things. Then the teacher describes the picture that he liked the most, or the one that the children ignored. Next, the teacher invites the children to play. On the teacher’s table there are object pictures (or a set of small objects according to the number of children). Among the items there are the same name, but different in color. Children choose one picture at a time and name them. The kids close their eyes, and the teacher takes pictures from 4-5 children. Children open their eyes. The teacher shows the picture and asks whose object it is. He gives it back only after he receives a complete answer. (This is my little red bucket. These are my silver bells.) When the children get their pictures back, the teacher invites them to exchange cards and repeats the game. At the end of the lesson, based on the characteristics of the visual material, the teacher asks the kids to bring pictures that depict “what is growing”; “animals in fur coats”, “those with beaks”, etc. are drawn.

Gerbova Valentina Viktorovna – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, author of methodological manuals on the development of speech of preschool children and introducing them to fiction.

Review: V.V. Gerbova, magazine “Modern Preschool Education”

Calendar plan for the week in 1st junior group “Mom’s holiday”

04.03.2019 — 07.03.2019 Topic of the week: “Mom’s holiday”


Cultivating a sense of love and respect for mother, grandmother, desire to help them, take care of them. Organization of all types of children's activities around the theme of family, love for mother, grandmother.


to form children’s ideas about mother and grandmother as significant and beloved people in the child’s environment, about the holiday of March 8, to enrich children’s vocabulary (dear, dear, loving, only, caring).

develop fine motor skills of the fingers, coordination of actions in the “eye-hand” system through the making of crafts.

to cultivate a caring attitude towards mothers and grandmothers through the desire to thank them for their love, through the desire to make gifts with their own hands.


gift, flowers, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, brother, sister, niece, uncle, aunt, orphan. care, love, respect, try, help, cook, clean, wash, iron, set (the table), wash, work, wipe, dry, look after, raise. dear, beloved, caring, adult, small, affectionate, kind, hardworking, strict, polite, obedient.

Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities Interaction with parents


Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6



Conversation: How do they talk in kindergarten? How are controversial issues resolved? The goal is to continue to teach how to observe the basic rules of behavior in kindergarten, to behave calmly, not to shout, and not to disturb others.


in a corner of nature - how the soil in pots turns black from watering.
Morning exercises.

ZKR - sound a.

A-a-a-a - the children sing affectionately to the doll, pronouncing the vowel a while exhaling for a long time. At the same time, the Alyonushka doll moves her hands, expressing the joy of communicating with children.

Formation of CGN - At breakfast, continue to teach how to eat carefully, not to stuff your mouth full, to finish eating food, and to use a napkin.

"It's good to be healthy"

teacher's story

about health

Independent games for children in play centers

Balloon games

Creative games

– rocking a baby to sleep with a lullaby

Conversations with parents and children about the well-being of children or current problems.

Information sheets "Immunity"

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

GCD Cognition. 09.00. "Mom's holiday"

P.S. To form children’s ideas about mother and grandmother as significant and beloved people in the child’s environment, about the holiday of March 8, to create a joyful mood. Develop

observation, attention, memory, initiative speech of children.
To cultivate
love and respect for mothers, the desire to please her. Cultivate a caring attitude towards mothers and grandmothers through the desire to thank them for their love.

Enrich and activate the vocabulary:

mother, holiday, affectionate, kind, dear, beloved, caring, hardworking, strict, polite, care, love, respect, try, help, cook, clean, wash, iron, work, look after, raise.

Demonstration, materials: photographs of mothers, pictures. subject pictures “Mom at work”, “Mom and grandmother”.

Methodological techniques: Game moment “Whose mother?”, conversation with children about mother and grandmother, about the upcoming holiday, storytelling based on a plot picture, d/i “Show and name”, summing up.

Physical education.09.30.

P.S. Exercise children in throwing into the distance, rolling the ball into a collar, and teach them to maintain direction when throwing and rolling the ball. Foster independence. Equipment. Balls, arcs.

Methodological techniques: Alternating walking with running, outdoor gear with balls, throwing a ball into the distance from behind the head, rolling balls into collars, “Cat and Mouse” routine, walking at a normal pace.

Walk: Weather observation.

The goal is to form ideas about spring changes in nature, to cultivate interest in the environment.

P/n “Run to the flag”

The goal is to teach children to perform actions strictly according to the teacher’s signal. To develop children's attention and ability to distinguish colors. Practice running and walking.

Telling familiar nursery rhymes.

The goal is to introduce oral folk art

Labor assignments: feeding birds;

The goal is to cultivate a sense of responsibility, a desire to care for birds and take care of them.

Cleaning toys.

The goal is to encourage children to collect toys after a walk and put them back in their place.

Games with external material.


To develop the ability to show interest in the gaming activities of peers. Help them play nearby without interfering with each other. Develop the ability to play with peers.

Evening: Gymnastics after sleep.

Game-situation “Let’s treat mom to tea.”


: continue to introduce children to the basic ethics of greeting, develop communication skills, and cultivate cultural communication skills.

Constructive activity “Beautiful turrets”. Goal: learn to build 2 turrets from cubes and bricks according to the model

Individual. work with a subgroup of children - “Stitches-fastenings” - teach how to fasten buttons. Formation of correct behavior at the table

Situational conversation on the topic “Friendly guys”

Goal: To form friendly, friendly relationships between children

Work in the toy center: together with the children, clean up the shelves with toys.

Story games at the request of children. Goal: forming friendly relations between peers.

Walk Outdoor games of children's choice.
Observing the sun.
Goal: continue to introduce natural phenomena (sunny weather or not); form concepts about the signs of spring.
Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities Interaction with parents


Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6



Morning exercises.

Examination of plot pictures on the topic “Going with mom to kindergarten”

Goal: to teach children to look at pictures and to activate speech while looking at them.

Exercise on sound pronunciation “Tick-tock”.

Target. Learn to pronounce the sounds “t” and “t” correctly.

D/i “Find Mom” to consolidate the ability to talk about babies and their mothers.

D/u with cubes and bricks - practice distinguishing and naming colors, completing teacher tasks designed to understand speech and activate it. Situational conversation “Favorite toys.”

Goal: introducing children to objects in their immediate environment - toys; learn to answer questions, describe a toy and actions with it, carry out simple instructions; compare and distinguish plastic, rubber, fabric toys by touch. Develop children's speech. Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Independent motor activity. (equipment: balls, cars on strings)

Offer children a Lego set - build a house and a bridge, and drive a car across the bridge to the house.


"Children's games and toys."

GCD Speech development. 09.00.
"Mommy's Beloved"

Expand knowledge about family members (about mother). Strengthen the ability to say your mother’s name and what she does. Develop the ability to clearly pronounce vowels and consonants in words. Develop a dialogical form of speech. Learn to read short poems by heart, develop literary speech.

Cultivate a desire to help mom.

We cultivate interest in looking at illustrations.

Enrichment and activation of children's vocabulary: mother

Demonstration materials: album “My Mother”,

Section materials:. photos of mothers.

Methodology: Org. moment “The Parcel”, dynamic pause “Wind-up Dolls”, looking at the album “My Mother” and talking about it, reading poems about mom, physical education, d/i “How I Help Mom”, summing up.

Music 10.00.

(according to the music director's plan)

Walk: Monitoring the work of the janitor.

The goal is to form ideas about the work of a janitor, develop the ability to listen to the teacher’s story, and cultivate respect for people’s work; responsiveness.

"Birds in nests."


: teach to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other; act quickly on the teacher’s signal, help each other.

Games for the development of motor abilities.

"Run to the goal."


: develop motor activity.

Ind. work on movement development.

Walking on a straight path while stepping over objects.

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to walk on a straight path while stepping over objects.

Develop coordination of movements.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow from the path.


learn to use spatulas correctly.

Independent games with external material.

Remote material

Shovels, snow molds, sleds, signets, pencils, oilcloths for downhill skiing.

Evening: Gymnastics after sleep.

massage track.

Singing songs about mom.

The goal is to help children remember the words of the song “Pies, pies we baked ourselves...” and continue preparing for the matinee.

Theatrical game-situation “Concert for girls”

The goal is to continue to encourage children and the teacher to sing along to the musical phrases in the song.

Educational game “Find a pair”

The goal is to teach children to group objects by color; cultivate attentiveness.

Individual work. on drawing.

The goal is to continue teaching children to draw continuous lines in a circular motion.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills

Learn to roll up your sleeves before washing your hands

Learn to eat neatly and sit straight above the plate

Fun games using folk and educational toys

Children looking at illustrations for fairy tales.


create conditions for viewing illustrations at will; encourage children to

a story based on illustrations about the characters, their mood, feelings, actions, surroundings. about nature.

Walk Ball game: “What’s your name?” The goal is to consolidate knowledge of your name. P/n “Who will throw the ball further?”

Goal: to teach the rules of turn in the game, requiring the same actions with one common object.

Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities Interaction with parents


Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6



Conversation “How to avoid trouble.”

Situation - “How to protect yourself from danger in the washroom”

Goal: teach children to take care of their health.

Speech game “Loud and Quiet” (telling nursery rhymes, poems


– develop the ability to change the strength of your voice: speak loudly, then quietly

Morning exercises

D/i “Whose, whose, whose?”

Goal: learn to coordinate words in a sentence.

D/i “Big and small balls”


- learn to alternate objects by size (large, small)

Hygiene procedures.

The goal is to teach how to soap your palms with the help of adults; rub your palms together, rinse off the soap, use your own towel.

Praise children who remember to use a napkin

Children's games with inserts - getting to know geometric shapes.

Sri "Family" - Develop the ability to choose a role, perform several interrelated actions with toys. Develop the ability to interact in a plot with two characters (mother-daughter).

Talk to parents

- about the need to adhere to the daily routine adopted in kindergarten, bring children to 8 o’clock

GCD Drawing. 09.00.
Flower for mommy"
Etc. With.:

Make you want to draw a flower as a gift for your mother on March 8th.
Develop the ability to paint with paints of different colors. Practice the technique of painting with gouache paints. Introduce the concept of “one and many”, “part and whole” using the example of a flower (the flower is the whole, the petals are its parts). Develop a sense of shape and color. Cultivate a caring attitude towards parents, a desire to please, independence, and accuracy. Form
aesthetic perception.
Enrich and activate the vocabulary:
mother, holiday, gift, postcard, flowers.

Demonstration material:

flower, greeting card.

Handout materials:

a sheet of paper (A5), gouache paint in blue, red, yellow, green, brushes, cups of water, paper napkins.

Methodical techniques:

Conversation with children about the holiday, reading a poem, showing greeting cards, looking at a flower, explaining how the teacher does the job, physical education, children’s productive activities, exhibition and analysis of the drawing, reflection.

Music 15.15.

(according to the music director's plan)

Walk: Bus surveillance.

Goal: to form an idea of ​​the role of public transport and its purpose for people.

P/i “Bubble” Goal - To strengthen in children the ability to stand in a circle, gradually expand and narrow it.

P/n game “Who will throw the furthest”.


: develop coordination of movements, accuracy, dexterity.

D/i “Echo” Purpose: To teach how to pronounce vowel sounds correctly and clearly.

Ind. work on movement development.

Outdoor game “Little feet walked along the path!”

The goal is to exercise the ability to walk on a limited surface; develop attention, maintain independence in actions

Work assignments.

Collect toys in a basket.


- attract children to help adults in feasible work; cultivate hard work.

Independent play activities of children.


- support children’s desire to play independently; develop imagination, creative interest; foster independence.

Evening: Gymnastics after sleep.

Repetition of familiar verses.

Goal: To evoke joy from listening to familiar works, a desire to tell them together with the teacher. Promote the formation of intonation expressiveness of speech.

Finger game “My Family” - development of fine motor skills

Drawing “Flowers for Mom”

Goal: to develop the ability to draw with paints, to enjoy drawings.

D/i "Matryoshka".

Goal: To teach the child to act with assembled, dismountable toys, consisting of two similar and interconnected parts; develop tenacity and strength of the fingertips; learn to separate and connect parts of a nesting doll; cultivate attentiveness.

Situational conversation about friendship.

The goal is to explain to children that there is no need to quarrel over toys, that they should not fight or bite, but that it is much more interesting to play friendly, together, and share toys.

Bring a doll into the group, name it, encourage everyone to say hello to it. Walk, show how Katya walks, falls, cries. Encourage children to repeat facilitated words
Walk Outdoor games of children's choice

Independent play activities for children in the area, games of their choice. Weather observations.

Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities Interaction with parents


Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6



Conversation on the topic “My mother is the best in the world.”


– cultivate love and respect for loved ones.

P\i "Tumblers".

When meeting children, show the doll, ask them to say hello to the doll, and state their name and the doll’s name.

Morning exercises.

d/i “Collect beads” - develop fine motor skills, continue familiarization with color.

D/i “Find an object of the same shape”


- develop the ability to distinguish objects, toys by color and shape

When getting dressed, learn to dress yourself with a little help from an adult Independent motor activity.

Walking on a massage mat.

Games with physical education equipment

Congratulate mothers and grandmothers on International Women's Day.
GCD Speech development.09.00. Reading poetry (E. Blaginina. “Let’s sit in silence.” G. Vieru. “Mom’s Day”, Y. Akim. “Mother.” E. Blaginina. “That’s what a mother is”)

P.S. To clarify and expand knowledge about the concept of “family”: to form a conscious understanding of the importance of mothers in the lives of children, families, and society: to consolidate knowledge of the content of poems.

Develop speech, memory, logical thinking of children, develop facial and speech expressiveness.

Cultivate a caring, attentive attitude towards mother; create responsibility for the assigned work

Enrich and activate the vocabulary: family, mother, homemaker, affectionate, kind, dear, beloved, caring, hardworking, strict, polite, care, love, respect, try, help, cook, clean, wash, iron, work, look after , grow.

Demonstration, materials: illustrations for the work.

Methodology: Reading poems while simultaneously showing pictures, pronouncing individual words together with the teacher, re-reading poems you like, playing with toys, summing up.

Physical training. 15.30.

P.S. Exercise children in walking on a gymnastic bench, develop the ability to jump off it, strengthen the ability to throw from behind the head, walk in pairs, help overcome shyness, and develop a sense of balance. Foster independence.

Equipment. Hoops, gymnastic bench.

Methodology: Walking and running between hoops. ORU with hoops, walking on a gymnastic bench, throwing the ball ilal from behind the head, p/i “Cat and Mouse”, walking in a column one at a time.

Walk: Bird watching (sparrows).

The goal is to continue to introduce children to birds, develop observation and attention. To develop the ability to recognize birds by appearance.

Game "Sparrows and the car"

The goal is to practice running, spatial orientation, and the ability to act on a signal.

Base game: “Run to the named object”

The goal is to develop motor activity.

Ind. work - development of movements.

Game exercise “Pass and don’t knock down” (skittles).


develop a sense of balance and dexterity.

Labor activity

Collect trash from the site.


: to cultivate the desire to provide all possible assistance, to teach how to complete the work started.

Independent games with external material.

Remote material

Spatulas, buckets, molds, sleds, water, seals, oilcloths for sliding downhill.

Evening: Gymnastics after sleep.

walking along the massage path.

Performing musically rhythmic movements: melody - “Rattle, dance.”

Repetition of songs and dances for the matinee.

S/r “Family” situation “Preparing a treat for mom”

The goal is to develop children’s ability to implement game plans.

Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular role; supplement the play environment with missing items and toys.

Ind. Job.

Conversation “What I saw on my walk”


- learn to talk about what you saw during a walk, develop coherent speech;

- develop the ability to communicate with adults

- support the child’s speech activity and initiative, his desire to engage in verbal communication;

Continue to work with each child on the skills of putting on tights, teach children how to put on shoes correctly. Children's games with mosaics. – develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Games in the construction corner: build a gate for a car - learn to roll cars through the gate.

SRI "Let's go for a visit"

-Goal: to develop children's gaming skills. Strengthen basic methods of communication.

Walk Outdoor games of children's choice.

Jumping on two legs. Goal: to practice jumping on two legs, develop motor skills, and cultivate a positive attitude towards physical exercise.

Card index: Examination of the painting in the second junior group

Tatiana Makrushina

Card index: Examination of the painting in the second junior group

Topic: Mom bathes her child.

Goal: To teach children to understand the vital plot depicted in the picture , to develop the ability to listen to explanations.

Progress: The painting shows a bathtub in which a little boy is sitting. His mother rubs his back with a washcloth. A boy reaches out to a duck floating in the bathtub. The boy's face is cheerful. Not far away there is a chair with a large towel hanging on the back. The teacher practices naming words: swim, bath, towel, water, wipe. The teacher shows the picture and gives the children the opportunity to look at it , listens to their exclamations. Then he says: “This is mom, mom is giving her son Vanya a bath. Vanya loves to swim. Katya, show me the bathroom. There is warm water in the bath. Mom rubs Vanya’s back with a washcloth. And what does Vanya have? A duck swims in a bathtub, a large, yellow duck. Vanya wants to catch a duck. Mom will wash Vanya and pour clean water on him. What's that hanging on the chair? Large towel. Mom will dry Vanya. Vanya is clean now.”

Topic: Children having lunch

Goal: To teach children to understand the vital plot depicted in the picture : to teach the ability to listen to explanations, a short story by the teacher , to expand their vocabulary, to learn to talk about images in pictures .

Progress: The teacher shows pictures , says : Children are drawn in the picture . They are having lunch and sitting quietly at the table. The boy is eating porridge from a plate, Vasya, show me the plate. And what's that? (large spoon)

And the girl has already eaten the porridge. The girl eats compote with a spoon. And what's that? (cup)
Compote in a cup. And what's that? (saucer)
What is the girl doing? This boy has already eaten the compote. He wipes his mouth with a napkin. What is the boy doing? The napkins are in a glass. Tanya, show me a glass with a napkin. Children eat well and carefully. Their dresses and shirts are clean. Then the teacher asks individual children to tell what boys and girls are doing. What are they holding in their hands? What do they eat? Asks to name the color of clothing (green dress, red shirt)
. They practice naming the words plate, cup, saucer, spoon, napkin, eats, wipes, holds.

Topic: Goat with kids

Goal: To help children understand the content of the picture , characterize the characters, develop the ability to listen to the teacher’s story compiled from the picture , and when again actively help him tell it .

Progress: In front of the children is the painting “Goat with kids”

The children look at it and exchange impressions. The teacher asks who they see in the picture , suggests looking at the goat first , and then the kids. Looking at the goat , the children note that the goat is large, with horns: it has long hair, and a bell on its neck. The goat stands near the bush and eats leaves from the branches. Bell: “The goat bends down and the bell rings. The hostess leads from the house, listens and immediately determines where the goat is walking, how far it has gone.” Then the teacher, summarizing the results of the examination in a short story , turns to the picture . He says that there are kids walking next to the goat and invites the children to tell about them . Kids note that the kids are small, without horns, they have cheerful faces, thin legs, and thick fur. The kids are walking and playing. They pretend to butt heads, etc. When finishing, the teacher offers the children’s attention a story about a goat with kids. “A bearded goat has large horns, long hair, a bell on its neck, the goat stands near a bush and eats leaves from the branches. Next to her are baby goats. They have thin legs, thick fluffy fur and a funny face. The kids measure their strength. They stood on their hind legs, bent their front legs and pushed off each other. The naughty kids pretend to butt heads. Just to butt heads with them - there’s nothing to do - the horns haven’t grown!” The teacher repeats the story , encouraging the children to finish finishing individual words.
Topic: Riding a horse

Goal: To teach children to answer questions about the content of the picture . Listen carefully to the teacher's story based on the picture , induce a desire to look at the picture after class .

Procedure: In the morning before class, it is advisable to invite the children to play: make a cart out of chairs, put a horse in it and ride. The teacher suggests remembering how fun it was to ride a horse. With the words "ride a horse"

All the kids love to put
a picture . The children look at her . They really like this picture .
“You see,” the teacher shows, “the children harnessed the horse.” She is carrying a bench. Only this is not a bench at all! This is a cart. Who is riding in the cart? - A boy in a red shirt. He holds the reins. It was he who said to the horse: “Wow.”

And she stopped. – There’s also a very pretty and cheerful girl sitting in the cart. She is holding a doll wrapped in a blanket. Why did you stop the horse? They give her water to drink. The boy says something affectionate to the horse. I wonder what the boy is telling her? Drink, little horse, drink. A beautiful horse harnessed by children? Yes, with a lush mane and tail. Do you think children are just riding or going somewhere? They are probably going to visit because they are dressed up. The teacher offers to listen to the story :
“The children decided to go on a visit. They harnessed the most beautiful horse and got into the cart. Ahead is a boy in a cap. Behind is a cheerful and very pretty girl. She has a baby in a blanket in her hands. We drove for a long time. The horse is tired. Whoa, stop, horse! It's time for you to drink! Vova brought you a whole bucket of clean, cold water! Drink, little horse, drink!”

The teacher repeats the story , and the children finish the endings of the sentences.

Topic: Cockerel and his family.

Goal: To cultivate a love for the native language, enriching speech with words and lines of folk poetic works. Expand your awareness of your surroundings.

Progress: Guys, guess who I’m talking about: He gets up early and doesn’t let the kids sleep? That's right, Cockerel. And how loudly he sings (Ku-ka-re-ku)

Well done.
Let's call the Cockerel to us (the toy Cockerel appears)
Hello kids! You know who I am, right? What poem can you tell ?
Children: Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb

Oil head, silk beard

Why do you get up early? Do you sing loudly? Don't you let the kids sleep?

Guys, who is the Cockerel calling? Chicken. Let's help him, call loudly: “Chicken, come to us!”

Co-co-co. Petya - cockerel, did you see where our chickens hid? Help me find them. Guys, do you hear someone squeaking? Who is this?

-Pi-pi-pi! (chickens)

Our chickens have been found. Look how small, fluffy, and yellow they are. What small beaks, wings, and paws they have. Then the teacher and the children walk around imitating the movements of a cockerel, hen, and chicks.

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