Ecological holiday at the preschool educational institution “Visiting Lesovushka”

Ecological theatrical festival for grades 1 - 4. Scenario

Scenario of the ecological theatrical holiday “Our Earth is in our hands!”
Author : Alla Alekseevna Kondratyeva, primary school teacher, Zolotukhinsk Secondary School, Zolotukhino, Kursk Region Description: The event is dedicated to an environmental problem and is intended for children of primary school and middle school. The holiday material can be used for conversations, classroom activities, and extracurricular activities.

Goals: 1. Propagation of environmental knowledge and education of environmental culture. 2. Expanding the individual experience of interaction between schoolchildren and the environment. 3. Orientation of schoolchildren to the implementation of environmental rules of behavior in the environment - as a norm of life. 4. Children’s awareness of the need to correlate their actions with their consequences for the people around them, the natural and social environment. 5. Increasing children's readiness to participate in environmentally oriented activities. Objectives: 1. Teach children to see and hear, to peer inquisitively into the world, to observe this world. 2.Summarize, consolidate and deepen the environmental knowledge of students acquired in ecology, biology lessons and in the geographical circle “Live to Live”. 3. Contribute to the formation of knowledge about nature and its patterns. 4.Develop the emotional and sensory sphere of schoolchildren’s personality. 5.Promote the development of thinking, attention, observation. Preliminary work: 1. Active participation in various competitions on ecology, in festivals and conferences on nature conservation, in environmental education of the population. 2.Spring and autumn work to improve the village of Zolotukhino, clearing it of garbage and dead wood. 3. Active assistance in restoring the park near the obelisk to the Unknown Soldier: plant flowers and shrubs there, keep order. 4. Conduct targeted work on landscaping the school grounds. 5. Continue cooperation with the district children's library: constant reading of children's works, holding theatrical events as part of extracurricular activities in the general cultural direction "Amateur Theater "HARLEQUIN" Educational resources: presentation for the holiday, group and individual assignments-projects.
The greats about nature:
“Love for nature, however, like any human love, undoubtedly develops in us from childhood.” I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Nature cannot cope with logic, with our human logic; it has its own, which we do not understand and do not recognize until it runs over us like a wheel.” I.S. Turgenev “The joy of life was revealed to a man, because he heard the rustling of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring stream and the play of the silver bells of a lark in the hot summer sky, the rustling of snowflakes and the groan of a blizzard outside the window. This beauty is not revealed to everyone, but only to those who know how to see and hear, who peer inquisitively into the world, observe and thoughtfully explore the harmony of forms, colors and sounds of nature.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky “I picked a flower - and it withered. I caught a moth - and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can only touch nature with your heart.” E.L. Prasolova The teacher, accompanied by quiet classical music, reads S. Mikhalev’s poem “The Moan of the Earth.” Rotating in space, in captivity of my orbit, Not a year, not two, but billions of years. I am so tired... My flesh is covered with scars of wounds - there is no living space. Steel torments my earthly body, And poisons poison the waters of clean rivers, All that I had and have is swept away by man with His goodness. I don’t need rockets and shells, but they use my ore! And what does the state of Nevada cost me - Its succession of underground explosions! Why are people so afraid of each other that they have forgotten about the Earth itself? After all, I can die and remain a charred grain of sand in the smoky darkness. Is this why, burning with vengeance, I rebel against the forces of madness and, shaking the firmament with an earthquake, I give my answer to all insults. And it is no coincidence that formidable volcanoes splash out the pain of the Earth with lava. Wake up, people! Call on the countries to save me from death! /Pause!/ Teacher:
Earth... what is it like?
(slide show)
The earth gives birth to transparent streams and powerful streams, grass and trees. She carries the oceans, clouds and their shadows. Receives all rain, snow and fog.

It opens up into the vents of smoky volcanoes.

Releases birds into the sky and throughout all the forests - fleet-footed animals.

YES! Majestic, rich, powerful is the nature of our Motherland. But the giant green forest, the river outside the outskirts, and the anthill in the park need our attention, our protection.

Today, guys, we will talk to you about nature, about our attitude towards it, about respect for all living things and about the ability to foresee the consequences of our behavior in the natural environment.
1 student: There is no peace on planet Earth! And was it calm there? Strife and wars ceased, Only the horses were saddled again. Now space is already in sight Having stood over the abyss, we look into the abyss. Like the earth's foolish children, we chop off the branch on which we sit. 2nd student: It’s time for humanity to understand, by collecting wealth from Nature, that the Earth also needs to be protected. She is just like us - alive! 3rd student: Our earth is crying, the alarm is sounding. It is polluted and destroyed by the people. Rivers, lakes, forests and meadows have never suffered like this. 4th student: And the air became dirty, and the forest became scarce, and the same is the fate of the ocean. The forest is increasingly suffering from fires, and the living creatures in the forest are dying as a result. 5 student: Today the world has one task, It is apparently very important, so that the air becomes cleaner and the forest grows better. Here we must show interest.

Children's performances: results of project activities during extracurricular hours. 1st student: In preparation for the holiday, we conducted research on the topic: “The Earth... what is it like?” and learned that our planet is heavily polluted. We are not yet aware of this danger and we live on this planet, but will future generations be able to live on it? Student 2: Look around, almost every family has a car or other equipment. This is good, but every day there is less and less oxygen on Earth, and more and more exhaust gases from chemical factories, metallurgical plants, and transport.

Student 3: Scientists have calculated that so many harmful substances enter water bodies all over the world every year that they could fill 10 thousand freight trains. As a result of human activity, it is no longer possible to swim in many rivers in Europe, and our rivers are becoming shallower every day.

Student 4: Deforestation is intensifying. So, over the past 20 years, man has cut down as much forest as was destroyed during his entire previous existence. How many fires are caused by people?! Student 5: For many animals, the forest is their home, and there are fewer and fewer forests on Earth. This means that the animals lose their home and are doomed to death.

1 student: Man is dangerous to animals not only through fires and oil spills, but also through the thoughtless destruction of all living things. 2. We are talking about the fact that the whole Earth is our common home - Our good home, a spacious home, We have all lived in it since birth. We are also talking about this, That we must take care of our home. 3. Let's prove that it's not in vain that the Earth hopes for us. Let's take care of the planet, there is no other like it in the world. We will scatter clouds and smoke over her, we will not let anyone offend her. Another group of children comes out. 1 student: Our group worked on another topic: “The problem of waste disposal. What can I do with the garbage! .

Student 2: Question “Where should I put the garbage?” is becoming more and more relevant, and we will try to answer it today. I am convinced that if every morning you see a beautiful tree, a beautiful street, a house or a landscape from your window, you will feel better and live longer. If from your window you see a garbage pit, a dirty yard, dull gray buildings, stunted dying trees - these will be your negative emotions. Student 3: Cleanliness begins with ourselves, with our attitude towards the environment, with the place where we live, work, and study. Do we like it here? Do we feel comfortable? Student 4: It is well known how much disturbance noise brings into our lives: it affects a person’s health, performance and mood. Have you ever listened to how much noise there is in the corridors of our school? Student 5: It has been noticed that noises of natural origin (the sound of the sea surf, rain, the rustling of leaves, the murmur of a stream) have a beneficial effect on the body, soothing and relaxing. But industrial or transport noise tires, oppresses, and prevents a person from concentrating. We invite you to check this out. Listening to a recording of the sound of the sea surf (you can replace the recording with birdsong) 1 student: However, loud music has an extremely negative effect on a person. Thus, in 20% of boys and girls who were fond of rock music, hearing was reduced in the same way as in 85-year-old people. Conclusions: 1. Thus, we learned that a lot of garbage accumulates in populated areas, so the problem of waste disposal has arisen. 2. Having studied the scientific literature, we found out that waste processing plants are being built to process waste, and new environmentally friendly landfills are being created. 3.Each of us is able to make various crafts and household items needed from unnecessary plastic. 4.Together, we believe that every person should think about the harm that garbage causes to nature and what contribution it can make to solving the problem of fighting garbage. Demonstration of crafts from waste materials: results of classroom and extracurricular activities. Teacher: And now the participants of the amateur theater “Harlequin” will show you a dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”. This fairy tale is not simple, but ecological. 1st buffoon. Get ready, good people! The show will be here! 2nd buffoon. Hello, dear guests, and you, dear hosts! 1st buffoon. I wish you health and good luck, patience and joy to boot! Would you like to listen to a fairy tale? And where to listen and watch. But our fairy tale is not simple. At least everyone knows this. 2nd buffoon. Guess the riddle: Rolled without looking back Through the field and forest Our ruddy... (Kolobok) 1st buffoon. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, Look and you will understand. The buffoons run away. Grandfather appears. Grandfather. Do you see smoke coming from the chimney? That old woman is a bun. She'll bake it for me today. I scraped the plots, I swept the brooms around the barns - exactly on the bun. I found torment there. And then she kept singing in the morning: “Grandfather, she’s dumb, dumb...” Well, what a smell! An old woman appears. Old woman That's it. Ready. I baked it. Need to cool now. Grandfather A is good, but handsome! I would have eaten it! Old woman No, don't touch it! Grandfather I won’t touch you, don’t be afraid. And he’s poor, and he’s ruddy... He’s armless, unlucky! Stop! Where are you going? Wait a minute! Old woman Well, hold him, hold him! Grandfather . Oh, catch him, catch him! It's no use, we won't catch up! Mother's strength is no longer the same... Old woman What, you jumped, you devil?! I told you, don’t touch it! Grandfather What should I do? Can he come back? He'll take a walk and come back. Old woman No, old man, he won’t come back... Look how good he is! Grandfather Okay, grandma, don't worry! Don't cry, for God's sake. Oh-ho-ho... Let's go home. Buffoons run onto the stage. 1st buffoon Grandma is crying, grandfather is crying, There is no sign of Kolobok. 2nd buffoon . I rolled along the path, my frisky legs couldn't catch up. 1 buffoon . He rolled without looking back - Only his heels sparkled - Through the field and the forest Our ruddy little bun. 2 buffoon It’s not soon that the fairy tale is told, but soon the main thing happens. Hare (His paws and head are bandaged). Oh-oh-oh... God forbid... What is that delicious smell? Kolobok? So let's eat! Stop! Don `t move! Oh-oh-oh... (Moans.) Kolobok What are you doing, oblique? And beaten and lame... Hare I ask you not to call me names! Do you know who the scythe is? Kolobok Isn't it me? Hare No, not you! There are people like us, who were relaxing here yesterday, and then took aim and shot at the bushes with empty bottles. And I was just lying under a bush - Well, I was having a cultural rest. Kolobok What a problem! What then? Hare What? You won't even believe it! Garbage, dirt, fragments, cans, Cellophane, paper, bottles, you have to think about it! Were these people?! After all, the animals will get hurt, the foolish guys. Move on, friend, warn everyone around you. 2nd buffoon Our rosy little bun rolled without looking back, And towards him came the Wolf. Kolobok . Hello, gray! Al not happy? You can barely drag your feet. Are you worried? Wolf That's right, Kolobok, Round and ruddy side. I was playful and cheerful, I was never hungry. I got food myself, quickly ran through the forests. And then I contacted him. Kolobok With whom? Wolf Yes, I stole a sheep... And that lamb walked through the meadows and fields. And the grass in those fields is watered from an airplane, Herbicides, pesticides are treated with something. In general, the chemistry is the same! Kolobok Well, then what? Wolf All you need is “what, what?”! I ate that lamb, gnawed it all - and now... My stomach swells, my paws curl, my teeth clench, my skull rips. That's it - I need to get treatment. In the clearing further there is Herb that I need to eat Medicinal! Kolobok Get well soon, Wolf! From now on you will be smarter. Be careful in the clearing: There are bottles, jars, flasks. Don't cut your paws! Wolf Thank you, round side. Well, go ahead and be healthy! Kolobok. And health to you too! What's going on! Oh my God! 2nd buffoon . The bun rolled. He already helped the wolf - There’s no shame in helping. Look, here comes... A bear. Kolobok Hello, General Misha! Are you also sick? Bear Hello, hello, Kolobok, Round and ruddy side! I, my friend, am not sick. I'm in my native forest I almost got burned alive, brother. Kolobok How did this happen, Misha? The rule you need to know is that bears are not allowed to play in the forest with matches. Bear . Not me! Am I stupid to play around with matches? A mushroom picker walked by, threw a cigarette butt - I have no mind to put it out! The forest burst into flames, the dead wood crackled - I barely carried my feet away. But I wanted to build a den... Yes, you can’t argue with trouble. I feel sorry for the birds, I feel sorry for the squirrels, and the hedgehogs... What a disaster! Kolobok Oh-oh-oh! What a disaster! How can I help such grief? And in the neighboring village, under the big branchy fir tree, won’t you find a place? Bear What are you talking about, rosy side? No splinter: chopped up! There are no Christmas trees either: they cut them down! What kind of people are I, I don’t understand? They sow only one misfortune. Well, happily, Kolobok! Don't be bored and be healthy! Kolobok Oh-oh-oh! Yes, what can I say? 1st buffoon. What are you doing? 2nd buffoon. Do you feel sorry for the animals? 1st buffoon. We must not, brother, lose heart! Let's continue the fairy tale. 1st buffoon. Kolobok rolled. The breeze is blowing at your back. Well, roll if you can’t sit. Look, a fox is running here. Kolobok . Bah! Fox! What a miracle! Where are you going in a hurry? Don't even look at me! Didn't you recognize me? I'm a bun - look here! And I scraped the box, I swept it across the barn, I mixed it with sour cream, I cooled it at the window. And he left his grandmother, and he left his grandfather. What a cheat! It gives! The bun doesn't recognize it! Lisa Kolobkov no longer eats: I’m on a diet now. I would have eaten you up long ago, but I’m afraid of gaining too much weight. Have you ever been to the village store? Have you seen a chicken there? There were no birds in the forest at all, and I was a little hungry. Kolobok himself has never been to the village store, but from his grandmother he heard a conversation between her and her neighbor, saying that they had been lying on the counter in the “Bush Legs” shop for a year. Fox Are you kidding me?! How is this possible? It's not even possible to eat them! There is no smell, no taste - Don’t ruin my soul! Every day the forest is getting worse, even the puddles have been poisoned. It's scary to drink water in the river - There is no life for animals anywhere! Kolobok No, it was not in vain that I took this walk! A fox without birds, and land without water. Less and less surrounding nature, More and more environment! All participants in the performance come out. Hare How scary it is - the extinction of a species, one and all, every single one, when devastated nature is no longer able to do anything! Wolf And the leprosy of desolation will creep in, And the threads of water will dry up, And the birds will die out, and the plants will fall, And the beast will not escape its misfortune. Bear And no matter how much self-interest you seek here, No matter what excuse you have, the Earth requires protection, protection, She asks people for salvation!

(Kolobok says goodbye to everyone and rolls on) The Fairy appears, singing the song “Our Land” (D. Kabalevsky) 1. Now a birch tree, now a rowan tree, a willow bush over the river. My native land, forever beloved, Where can you find another like this! 2. From the seas to the high mountains, In the middle of their native latitudes, Everyone is running, the roads are running, And they are calling forward. 3. The valleys are filled with the sun, and wherever you look - the native land, forever loved, is all in bloom, like a spring garden. 4. Our golden childhood is getting brighter every day! Under a lucky star We live in our native land! Fairy: The forest is fabulously beautiful at any time of the year! He has always been and will be a friend of man. It purifies the air, gives people food, shelter and warmth! Forest inhabitants give people joy and beauty! Remember this, guys, never forget. Kolobok appears.

Fairy: Oh, who came to my forest? Kolobok: I'm scraping the box, I'm sweeping the bottom of the barrel, There's a lot of sour cream, It's cold on the window, I left my grandmother, But where did I come? Fairy: And you, Kolobok, came to the forest. Welcome! Where are you going? Kolobok: . And where are the eyes looking? I want to see the world. Who are you? Fairy: I am the Forest Fairy. Kolobok: And I thought that fairies only exist in fairy tales. Why do you live here? Fairy: Yes, I live here in the forest. This is my kingdom. Have you ever been to the forest? Kolobok: No, I haven’t been anywhere yet and I don’t know anything, I was recently baked. Fairy (addressing the children): Guys, explain to Kolobok what a forest is.

Children read poems: In the forest V. Orlov 1. Like a fairy-tale book, the page of the forest opened, ringing with leaves. I understand both the beast and the bird, and they understand me. Maybe on animal paths, in the impenetrable depths of the forest, suddenly a hut on chicken legs will unexpectedly meet me. Maybe in this region, inadvertently, Avoiding the roads, The Kolobok will shine with its browned side Among the tall grass. And I can’t get lost in the forest, Even though I wander far away from people, Because both animals and birds speak their native language. 2. White birch, dear sister, grow, do not be afraid of the evil ax. White birch, Russian land, And sadness, and joy, and my love!

3. The fragrant bird cherry blossomed in spring. And golden branches that curled her curls.

4. Near the river in the fog, the poplars are ringing a little. Maybe the earth attracts people with them? Or rowan bushes, what blooms in the forests? Or a dancing viburnum that shakes its earring?

Fairy: But the trees are not the whole forest. A lot of herbs, flowers, and mushrooms grow here. There are many other inhabitants in the forest: birds, animals, insects. Without them, the forest is not a forest. Let's go, Kolobok, I'll introduce you to them! Look how many inhabitants there are in the forest! What beautiful flowers! But many flowers are good for health. Children: 1. Many useful herbs grow on the soil of our native country. Mint, tansy, St. John's wort can cope with the disease. Anyone who hurt their heels, come on over, guys! The plantain will help, the plantain will cure. 2. We don’t tear them for fun, we’ll take them to the pharmacy. People make medicine from the gifts of the forest kingdom. Fairy: What other medicinal herbs do you guys know? A group of children who worked on the project: “Medicinal Herbs” tell those present about the work done and draw conclusions.

Kolobok: I learned so many interesting things about herbs and flowers. Thank you guys! The bun sits on the “meadow”, he is surrounded by flowers, the daisy girl sings the song “The Happiest” (lyrics by S. Chichkov, music by V. Shainsky)
The sun has come out and is shining in the meadow.
I'm running towards the sun along the grass. And white daisies I will tear up. I’ll make a wreath and weave in the sun. Then the flower girls dance the Flower Dance.

Fairy: Let's move on, Kolobok, and see who else will meet us. Squirrels appear

Squirrel I have a bushy tail. Fir trees and pine trees are my friends. I crack the nuts finely, but I’m simply called a squirrel! -Hello, Kolobok! Help yourself to some nuts, we have a lot of them. A Bear, a Fox, and a Bunny peek out from behind the trees
Bear: Where do I live? In the most common place, the most real place, I walk there, I sleep there, I raise my children there. I love pears, I love honey, I’ll treat everyone who comes (treats Kolobok with honey) A hooligan boy appears with a slingshot and shoots at the animals. Fairy: (indignantly) What's going on here? Squirrel: The boy offended us. Little Fox: This bad boy doesn’t know how to behave in the forest at all! He breaks branches on trees. Hare: And the bird complained to me that he ruined her nest! Fairy: Ah, that's it, because you did so many bad things out of boredom, I leave you speechless. Boy: No, don’t, I and s and (moos, waves his hands something) Fairy: Remember, guys, you can’t offend defenseless animals! Children sing the song “Don’t tease the dogs” (E. Ptichkin, M Plyatskovsky) 1. Don’t tease the dogs, don’t chase the cats, don’t spare any grain or crumbs for the birds. And then the sparrows will wake you up with a song, and no one will scratch and bite you. 2. If you make a lot of noise near the den, then you will have to carry your feet away. And the bee just won’t stick around either. After all, no one will sting or growl in vain. 3. There is no point in offending a butterfly on a branch. It’s more fun in the forest because of its colors. Don't scare the beetles with long whiskers, and trust that the beetles themselves will not touch you. 4. If you like the beauty of the earth, Take care of it, without knowing it. Surely then we will become friends, And sing with us about cats and dogs Boy (crying) Animals: Spell him, Fairy, we believe that he will no longer play pranks in the forest. Fairy: Well, okay, just let him first tell me the rules of the forest:

Fairy: Children, who will complement the boy’s answers? (Children's answers) Don't leave trash in the forest. Don't scare birds and animals with loud voices. Follow the rules for making fires. Do not break branches of trees and bushes. You can't catch insects. You can only go for a walk in the forest with adults. Fairy: Well done, boy, you already know the rules of the forest. Look, guys, is anyone else hiding behind the trees?

1. I look like an umbrella, only 100 times smaller. If there is a thunderstorm on the horizon, I am very happy. If it rains and is warm, I consider myself lucky. (Mushroom boletus) 2. And my friends and I crowded together on the stumps in a tight group? And we hold umbrellas in our hands, Caught by a cloud. (Honey mushrooms) Mushrooms: Who recognized us here? Kolobok: . Oh, what beautiful mushrooms! Get into my basket! Fairy: Wait, Kolobok, don’t rush, not all mushrooms can be picked. But only those that are edible. And it’s better not to touch the rest. Let them grow, someone else might need them too. Guys, tell Kolobok what mushrooms he can pick.

A didactic game “Edible-inedible” is being played (Put the mushrooms into 2 baskets)

Kolobok: Well, now I know what mushrooms you can pick. Fairy: Do you know how to collect? Kolobok: Where from, because I just came out of the oven, I don’t know about that. Mushrooms: Collect us, boil, fry, marinate. But don’t uproot us, don’t destroy our mycelium. If you don’t listen, soon the mushrooms won’t grow at all. Kolobok: . I learned mushroom science well. What about you guys? Children repeat how to pick mushrooms correctly. Kolobok: . Whom did I not meet in the forest today, whom did I not get acquainted with! Great! How happy I am!

All forest dwellers read the poems Chamomile 1. Once upon a time, having gathered his last strength, the Lord created a beautiful planet, gave it the shape of a large ball, and planted trees, flowers, and herbs of unprecedented beauty there. Squirrels 2. Many animals began to live there: Snakes, elephants, turtles and birds. Here is a gift for you, people, take possession, plow the Earth, sow it with grain. I bequeath to you all from now on - you take care of this shrine. 3. We want the birds to sing, So that there is noise around the forest, So that the skies are blue, So that the river is silver, So that the butterfly frolics, And there is dew on the berries. Bear 4. We want the sun to warm and the birch tree to turn green, and a funny prickly hedgehog to live under the tree. So that the squirrel jumps, So that the rainbow sparkles, So that it rains cheerfully in the summer. Mushrooms 5. Look at the globe - the globe, After all, it sighs as if alive, And the continents whisper to us: You take care of us, take care! 6. The groves and forests are in alarm, The dew on the grass is like a tear, And the springs quietly ask: You take care of us, take care of us! Kolobok 7. Tree, flower, grass and bird They don’t always know how to defend themselves. If they are destroyed, we will be left alone on the planet. Boy 8. We will never destroy animal holes or bird nests! Let the chicks and small animals live well next to us! Fairy 9. We love the forest at any time of the year, We hear the rivers speaking slowly. All this is called nature - Let's always take care of it!
Teacher: Every year two special calendar holidays are celebrated on our planet: Earth Day (April 22) and Environment Day (June 5) . These are not just another “red dates”, which are usually accompanied by solemn speeches, carefree fun and joy. These days are a reminder of the problems of nature conservation. In June 1980, laws on the protection of nature, animals, and air were adopted in our country. Scientists - ecologists, biologists, game managers all over the world have sounded the alarm: nature is in danger! 35 years have passed, but the problem of environmental protection remains. We also say today - nature is in danger! “Fish need clean water - we will protect our water bodies. Various valuable animals live in forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forests, steppes, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.” Think about the content of the writer M. Prishvin's call to us. How do you understand the meaning of these words? If every person protects his homeland, then in general we will preserve our planet called Earth. There is no need to kill animals in vain, Let the birds sing, our world will become more beautiful! Nature itself cannot save itself, so it is necessary for people to take up this task! Preserving nature is a sacred matter. Only together can we build a bright tomorrow. And if we harm nature as before, then who will live on Earth?! Plants, mushrooms and bacteria will disappear, Animals, birds and other animals. We will also disappear, so come to your senses, people! Appreciate nature, TAKE CARE OF IT!

The holiday ends with these words: 1. Come on, people. Be friends with each other, like birds with the sky, like the wind with a meadow. 2. Like a sail with the sea, Grass with the rains, How the sun is friends with all of us. 3. Come on, people, Love the planet There is nothing like it in the entire universe! I. Mazin

Happy birthday, EARTH!
Thanks everyone for your attention!

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for grades 3-4. Author: Shelyagina Anna Vyacheslavovna, teacher-organizer of the MBU DO “Station of Young Naturalists” Abstract:
The event is dedicated to the most important environmental date - World Earth Day - and is held as part of the annual event “Days of Protection from Environmental Hazards”.
For the event “Save our planet!” An unconventional form of environmental education has been chosen to significantly expand and enhance children’s knowledge about the harmful effects of municipal solid waste on the environment, biological species listed in the Red Book of the Kemerovo Region, as well as to develop the creative activity of schoolchildren in solving environmental problems. Goal:
to promote the formation of an environmental culture of the younger generation by drawing attention to current problems of environmental conservation.

Progress of the event:
Hello, dear children and respected teachers!
Today we have gathered in this room to talk about our common home with you - planet Earth and how to keep it as beautiful, amazing and rich for many centuries. On April 22, we celebrate not just a big, but a truly global holiday - International Mother Earth Day, held under the auspices of the UN. The tradition of celebrating Earth Day on April 22 originated in the United States in 1970; in 1990, this day became an international event. It has been celebrated in Russia since 1992. In the Northern Hemisphere, Earth Day is celebrated in the spring, while in the Southern Hemisphere it is celebrated in the fall. The main goal of this worldwide action is to attract the attention of society and every person on the planet to the problems of the Earth, to the problems of its environment. Every year, scientists from around the world gather on this day at a round table to discuss global environmental problems. A wide variety of events and promotions are organized in different countries. These include conferences, exhibitions, closing traffic on the busy streets of large cities, cleaning the area and planting trees. In Russia, International Earth Day is traditionally considered the day of public organizations that hold various environmental events and campaigns on this day. On this day, everyone can take part in the improvement and landscaping of their yards and streets. What kind of our Earth is it, what amazing things our planet hides, what kind of neighbors surround our house - let’s try to remember by answering the questions of the “Warm-up”. 1. Warm up.
1. The time of day when the earth's surface gives off more energy than it receives?
(night) 2. Name the star closest to us? (Sun) 3. Which continent has no rivers? (Antarctica) 4. Is the Earth a planet or a star? (planet) 5. Who do they say stopped the Sun and moved the Earth? (Nicholas Copernicus) 6. Natural satellite of the Earth? (Moon) 7. The source of life on Earth? (Sun). 8. What shape is our Earth? (spherical, a ball, flattened on the sides) 9. What is more on the globe - land or water? 10.What is the name of the model of the Earth? (globe) 11. An imaginary line that divides the globe into two hemispheres (equator) 12. The structure of the earth’s surface, that is, mountains, lowlands, hills, etc. (relief) 13. The galaxy in which our planet is located (Milky path) 14. Molten mass of rocks located in the bowels of the Earth (magma) Well done guys, you know a lot about the Earth, space and the features of our planet. Now let's get to know your teams. 2. Presentation of commands.
Thank you, friends, for the interesting, creative and informative team presentations! The future of our native planet lies with you, the younger generation, and what it will be like in decades depends on each of us. After all, today our fragile living planet is in danger! It is threatened by many environmental problems and almost always their cause is man’s unreasonable consumer attitude towards nature. Pollution of the planet with garbage has become one of the global environmental problems today. Every year, humanity produces almost one and a half billion tons of household waste. According to a report from the Washington Institute, by 2025 this volume will at least double. The largest amount of waste occurs in economically developed countries, and the absolute leader is the United States. According to some calculations, each inhabitant of the Earth “produces” about 300 kilograms of garbage annually: in the USA - about 600, in Moscow - up to 360. So much garbage has accumulated on Earth that if it is not recycled, but leveled over the land surface of our planet, it will will cover the entire planet with a 3-meter layer! An exceptional example of ocean pollution is the existence of the Eastern Garbage Continent in the Pacific Ocean, located between the coast of California and Hawaii. Over the past 50 years, ocean currents have brought there at least 3.5 million tons of floating household waste, and the area of ​​the ocean dump area exceeds the size of a state like Belarus! The existence of the garbage island is the cause of the death of millions of living beings!

What is garbage made of, guys?
Let's find out in the next task. You should use the description to find out what type of household waste we are talking about. Each description gives five characteristics of solid waste, if you guess the encrypted word by the first sign, you get the maximum number of points - 5, if by two - 4, etc. 3. Quiz questions “What is garbage made of”
1. The Chinese invented it.
2.It is obtained from wood. 3.It burns well. 4. This produces a lot of garbage. 5. People usually draw and write on this. (PAPER) 1.It is made from sand. 2.If you heat it up, it becomes sticky like dough. 3.If left in the sun, it may become a fire hazard. 4. Most often it is transparent. 5.When it falls, it breaks. (GLASS) 1.In the past, people used wet sand, clay, or a mixture of animal fat with water and wood ash instead. 2.It kills fish in the water and plants on the land. 3.We all use this every day. 4.With this, things and objects become cleaner. 5.When this gets into the water, it creates a lot of foam. (DETERGENTS) 1.This was invented in England in the mid-19th century. 2.It is produced from oil and natural gas. 3.It makes up most of the trash on Earth. 4.It hardly decomposes in nature. 5.This is often used to make food packaging. (PLASTIC) 1.It has been mined on the surface or in the depths of the earth since ancient times. 2.It is quite strong, it shines and most often bends. 3. It can be light, heavy and even noble. 4.It can often oxidize or rust. 5. A lot of things are made from this: building frames, tools, decorations, food containers, etc. (METAL) 1. These wastes appeared the very first, at the dawn of humanity. 2.They take up most of the trash can. 3.They can be of animal or plant origin. 4.Some of them can be used as fertilizers. 5.It decomposes quickly in nature. (FOOD WASTE, ORGANIC WASTE) 1.It is made of plastic and gas so it is very light. 2.It is used for heat and sound insulation. 3.It is highly flammable and when it burns it produces very toxic smoke. 4.It consists of grains and is most often white. 5.Various goods (especially fragile ones), household appliances and food products are packaged in this. (FOAM) In addition to the problem of solid household waste, one of the most pressing environmental problems remains the extinction of biological species. About three species of flora and fauna disappear every hour on Earth. This conclusion was reached by specialists from the Iberoamerican Center for Biological Diversity. Not since the death of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago have species on Earth been destroyed at such a rapid rate as in recent decades. From 1970 to 2000, the number of wildlife species declined by 40%. According to the Red Book, over the past 500 years, the extinction of 844 animal and plant species has been recorded. 4. Types of the Red Book of the Kemerovo region.
1. A perennial herbaceous plant, over 1 m high, with numerous erect stems that end in a beautiful large flower with five petals. It grows mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, often found in Siberia. It has various healing properties: it is used in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, various gastrointestinal diseases, bleeding, diseases of the nervous system, etc. The plant is popularly called Maryin root, Marya Korevna, zhgun-root. (PION EVADERING)

2. This is one of the very beautiful spring plants, with quite large lush golden flowers, which blooms at the end of April and blooms until the end of May. A beautiful legend about this plant is repeatedly mentioned in literature: the ancient Greek goddess of love Aphrodite fell in love with a beautiful young man and often wandered through the forests with him. One day he went hunting alone and died from the tusks of a wild boar. The goddess bitterly mourned her lover, and then turned him into a flower, sprinkling the young man’s blood with nectar. According to another legend, the flower got its name in honor of the Phoenician and Assyrian sun god, who died annually in the fall and was resurrected in the spring. People call it adonis, the more ancient name is starodubka, montenegorka, which indicates that the plant lives on the slopes of hillocks, well warmed by the sun. Preparations from the plant are used in the treatment of the heart and blood vessels and have a calming effect. (ADONIS SPRING).

3. A tall, beautiful tree with a spreading crown and heart-shaped leaves, an excellent honey plant.
In our region it is a relict species, since the islands of these trees in mixed forests are about several million years old. Not far from our city you can find a grove with this tree, unusual for our forests, preserved from the pre-glacial period! People call this wonderful tree black-trunked birch. The leaves and flowers of the plant have medicinal value as a means to strengthen the immune system, as well as a cosmetic product. (SIBERIAN LINDEN) 4. This is a large freshwater river and lake fish, up to 2 meters in length, living in the river basins of Siberia. The appearance of the fish is very characteristic: along the back, sides and belly there are rows of hard protrusions - bugs, the body between them is covered with star-shaped plates. Fish overwinter in river holes 20-30 meters deep, and in the spring they migrate to spawning grounds under the ice. The fish feeds on bottom invertebrates - aquatic larvae, worms, mollusks. Until the 1930s, it was one of the common fish in our rivers and served as an important fishery. The number of this fish has sharply decreased due to river pollution and poaching. (SIBERIAN STurgeon) 5. Non-venomous snake, most often no more than a meter in size. It differs from other snakes in its “yellow ears” - pronounced markings on the head, often yellow, but sometimes white and orange. It feeds mainly on live frogs, rodents, and less often fish. It is well tamed and tolerates captivity: in Ukraine and Belarus, there are frequent cases of domestication of reptiles for the destruction of mice. Due to catching by tourists, fishermen, vacationers, as well as disturbance and pollution of habitats, it is a rare species (COMMON) 6. Large feathered night hunter with a wingspan of 160 to 188 cm. Easily identified by its size, dark beak, paws with hair down to the claws and feathery ears tilted outward. A mysterious bird that avoids human proximity, which can be found in the taiga, forest-tundra, steppes and desert. It easily adapts to both northern frosts and the hot desert climate. The bird is sometimes classified as a pest due to the decline in hunting resources. But these ideas are easily refuted by the fact that these predators do not eat so much - no more than half a kilogram of meat per day, but their benefits for agriculture as rodent exterminators are invaluable (Eagle owl) 7. A small artiodactyl animal, body length up to 1 m, weight – 11-18 kg. The Latin name of the species translates as “bearing musk.” On the belly of a male animal there is a musk gland filled with a special secretion - musk - the most expensive product of animal origin. Another distinctive feature of the males of this peaceful herbivorous animal is the presence of long curved fangs protruding from under the upper lip by 7-9 cm and acting as a tournament weapon. Because of the musk, this animal is the object of hunting, and therefore needs special protection (musk deer) Due to unreasonable human activity, our planet is in danger: this is not only the problem of solid waste and the disappearance of biological species, but also the depletion and destruction of natural resources - forests , water, etc. However, every person can do a lot to ensure that our planet remains alive, rich, unique and beautiful. After all, for this you should follow the simplest rules of behavior in nature. Of course, you all know what these rules are. But in addition to observing these rules, you, the younger generation, can encourage others to follow them! Our latest competition is called “Save the planet for many years to come!” Each team is asked to take a picture depicting a rule of behavior in nature, and come up with a bright, memorable slogan that reveals this rule. 5.Slogan competition “Let’s save the planet for many years to come!” SLOGAN is an advertising formula, a constant advertising motto. A clear, clear and concise formulation of the main topic of the appeal. A slogan is a key phrase that identifies either a specific organization or a promotion carried out by it. Translated from English, slogan is a slogan, appeal or motto. For example: Remember and know your duty as a person, Don’t allow garbage in nature! A clean forest is the conscience of a tourist. A small spark is a big problem. Put out the fire! Take care of other people's ears - just listen to the singing of birds in the forest! Thank you guys for the creative slogans! If you publish them and encourage your parents, friends, and classmates to follow them, perhaps many of them will listen and take another step toward preserving our common home! We have one Earth.
We have one Earth, one, It is so blue. She calls us for help, so unprotected... If you don’t respond, at that very moment She will accuse us: “We didn’t protect, we didn’t save!” Save your Earth, people! Flowers bloom on it alone, Children laugh on it alone, And there is no more beautiful beauty, And there are no doves on the planet. She gave us joy, gave us dew and sunrises, and in all the worlds you cannot find a more beautiful mother planet. (D. Zevina)

Summing up and rewarding teams.

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