Plasticineography. Bullfinch in winter. Master class with step-by-step photos

A cute bullfinch made of plasticine sits on a branch, pleasing to the eye - even small sculptors can sculpt it.

Any plasticine is suitable for modeling. If you take a simple one, then the craft will not last long. And if you sculpt from a lightweight self-hardening material, you will get a toy that is not afraid of dust and wrinkles. The master class is suitable not only for children, but also for adults who want to create something interesting. If desired, you can make a keychain or pendant from the bird, providing for fastening.

  1. Materials for modeling
  2. How to make a little bullfinch

Materials for modeling

The bullfinch is a small bird; the overall figure is similar to a sparrow or titmouse, but its plumage is unique.

Required colors of plasticine for modeling:

  • black and gray - the main mass for the body, head and wings;
  • red - for the blushing breast;
  • white - will be used in small quantities to create eyes and unique wing plumage;
  • orange – grain for beak;
  • different shades of brown for the legs and the branch on which the bird is sitting.

Most of the colors needed for sculpting crafts are gray and black. And if you have a lot of white, then be sure to make a graceful dove using another master class.

Applique bullfinch made of plasticine

Children in the preparatory group who already have well-developed motor skills can be offered work from plasticine.

Here is a step-by-step master class with step-by-step descriptions:

  1. Draw a picture or use ready-made ones. In this case, it is better to paint the background with a soft blue color:

  2. First, we sort of outline each part with plasticine using thin sausages, and then lay out the plasticine, kneading it with our fingers, leveling it and pressing it down.

  3. Then we take another color and lay it out on all the elements where it was planned.

  4. Cover the head completely with black plasticine, make an eye separately, on top of the black head. Also highlight the beak in black.

  5. We take the white color last, otherwise it would get dirty. Finally, we decorate the branch with brown.

  6. We supplement the application with small elements to add beauty and clarity; cotton wool is used as a “snowball”:

A short video on how to make a Bullfinch from plasticine.

How to make a little bullfinch

Let's look at modeling a bullfinch from plasticine step by step. Mash the gray piece in your hands and form into a ball.

Gradually move the smoothed surface of the ball with your fingers to turn it into the body of a bird. The bottom part should be pointed. Roll a small portion of black into a ball and attach it to the body at the top.

Press the two main parts together until they take the desired shape. Make a thin cake out of red (or pink). Select its size to suit your breasts. Glue the cake onto the main piece, pressing it with your fingers along the edges. Spread a little white on the bottom end of the body.

the wings and tail to the central figure . Use small amounts of gray and black, as well as white. Form the bullfinch's tail from plasticine in the form of a stick of suitable length, split at the end. Glue the piece underneath.

For the wings, combine gray and black cakes. Leave the gray part round (this will be the upper part), press the black part on both sides with your fingers, sharpen (the lower part). Glue a white sausage in the center. Use a spatula to score the surface and make it rough. You need to make two absolutely identical wings and glue them on the sides.

Decorate the head . Glue small eyes and a sharp orange beak onto the top black ball. Make legs from thin brown sausages. Glue at the bottom.

The bullfinch can be seated on a homemade twig made of plasticine or a natural one.

Simple, fast and beautiful! Want something more challenging? Then make a lion or LOL doll from light plasticine. Modeling is useful at any age.

Show your child how to make a bullfinch from plasticine and go about your business. We are sure that even a fidget will be distracted and will not disturb mom.


Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the preparatory group on the topic “Bullfinches on the branches.”

Description of the material: I offer you a summary of the application (team work) for children of the preparatory group on the topic: “Bullfinches on the branches.”

This material will be useful to teachers of the preparatory group. This is a summary of a lesson in artistic creativity, aimed at developing aesthetic perception and cultivating the ability to take part in collective work.

Integration of educational areas:

“Artistic creativity”, “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Reading fiction”.

cognitive-research, productive, communicative, motor. Goal: to teach children to convey in applique the image of a bullfinch, the features of the shape of the head and body, tail (cutting out in parts from colored paper), observing the relative size.

Convey the color of a bullfinch.

Learn to arrange images beautifully on a sheet of paper.

Strengthen the ability to take part in collective work, find a place for your image in the overall composition.

Develop aesthetic perception.

Developmental: to develop in children creative abilities, a sense of beauty, the ability to understand and appreciate the beauty and richness of the world around them. Educational: continue to teach children to carefully glue parts, use glue and a brush; fix the names of geometric shapes; Educational: To cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a love for wildlife and a desire to care for birds; accuracy and attentiveness. Demonstration material: illustrations depicting winter landscapes, bullfinches. Sample made by the teacher. Materials for the lesson: a large sheet of light-colored paper with a drawn tree with widely spreading branches, colored paper, scissors, glue. Methodological techniques: asking riddles, conversation-dialogue, looking at illustrations and talking about them, physical education, productive activity, summing up.

1. Conversation - Tell me, guys, what time of year is it now? — What birds can we see outside in winter? — How can you call the birds that stayed with us for the winter in one word? - Well done! Now, guess the riddles. Having solved them, you will find out who we will be making today. Red-breasted, black-winged, loves to peck grains. With the first snow on the mountain ash, He will appear again. Apples on the branches in winter! Collect them quickly! And suddenly the apples fluttered up, After all, this is... (Bullfinches) - Well done! Meet the bullfinch. Show illustrations. The bullfinch got its name because it flies to us along with the snow and lives all winter. The bullfinch is a beautiful, calm bird. Look carefully and remember what it looks like. The top of its head, wings and tail are black. And the chest, belly and cheeks are red. The bullfinch's beak is short and thick. 2. Physical school Look at the branches, (They clap their sides with their hands) Bullfinches in red T-shirts. (Showing their breasts) Spread their feathers, (Arms slightly to the sides,) Basking in the sun. (Wiggle their fingers) Turn their heads, turn them, (Turn their heads right, left) They want to fly away. (They run in a circle, waving their arms) Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away! 3. Examination of the sample. Clarification of the sequence and methods of performing work. 4. Productive activities of children. Compilation of collective work. 5. Summary. - What is the name of this bird? (Bullfinch) - Tell me what the bird has? (Torso, wings, head) - What color are the bullfinch’s feathers? (Red and black)

Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the preparatory group on the topic “Bullfinches on the branches.”

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Novokhopersky municipal district of Voronezh region

"Novokhopersky general developmental kindergarten No. 3 "Sun"

Educator: O. E. Shurygina

Lesson summary on application in preparatory

group on the topic “Bullfinches on the branches.”

Description of material:

I offer you a summary of the application (team work) for children of the preparatory group on the topic: “Bullfinches on the branches.”

This material will be useful to teachers of the preparatory group. This is a summary of a lesson in artistic creativity, aimed at developing aesthetic perception and cultivating the ability to take part in collective work.

Integration of educational areas:

“Artistic creativity”, “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Reading fiction”.


cognitive-research, productive, communicative, motor. Target:

teach children to convey in applique the image of a bullfinch, the features of the shape of the head and body, tail (cutting out in parts from colored paper), observing the relative size.

Convey the color of a bullfinch.

Learn to arrange images beautifully on a sheet of paper.

Strengthen the ability to take part in collective work, find a place for your image in the overall composition.

Develop aesthetic perception.



develop in children creative abilities, a sense of beauty, the ability to understand and appreciate the beauty and richness of the world around them.
continue to teach children to carefully glue parts, use glue and a brush;
fix the names of geometric shapes; Educational:
To cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a love for wildlife and a desire to care for birds;
accuracy and attentiveness. Demonstration material:
illustrations depicting winter landscapes, bullfinches.
Sample made by the teacher. Materials for the lesson:
a large sheet of light-colored paper with a drawn tree with widely spreading branches, colored paper, scissors, glue.
Methodological techniques:
asking riddles, conversation-dialogue, looking at illustrations and talking about them, physical education, productive activity, summing up.

Progress of the lesson


— Tell me, guys, what time of year is it now?
— What birds can we see outside in winter? — How can you call the birds that stayed with us for the winter in one word? - Well done! Now, guess the riddles. Having solved them, you will find out who we will be making today. Red-breasted, black-winged, loves to peck grains. With the first snow on the mountain ash, He will appear again. Apples on the branches in winter! Collect them quickly! And suddenly the apples fluttered up, After all, this is... (Bullfinches) - Well done! Meet the bullfinch. Show illustrations. The bullfinch got its name because it flies to us along with the snow and lives all winter. The bullfinch is a beautiful, calm bird. Look carefully and remember what it looks like. The top of its head, wings and tail are black. And the chest, belly and cheeks are red. The bullfinch's beak is short and thick. 2. Physical school
Look at the branches, (They clap their sides with their hands) Bullfinches in red T-shirts. (Showing their breasts) Spread their feathers, (Arms slightly to the sides,) Basking in the sun. (Wiggle their fingers) Turn their heads, turn them, (Turn their heads right, left) They want to fly away.
(They run in a circle, waving their arms) Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away! 3. Examination of the sample.
Clarification of the sequence and methods of performing work.
4. Productive activities of children.
Compilation of collective work.
5. Summary.
- What is the name of this bird? (Bullfinch) - Tell me what the bird has? (Torso, wings, head) - What color are the bullfinch’s feathers? (Red and black)

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