WORK PROGRAM for grades 5-9 in the subject speech and culture of communication.

Rules of communication in the family and unacceptable mistakes

family communication
The culture of communication in a family manifests itself in different ways. It is important to know the main rules that allow you to maintain peace and harmony and apply them.

Articles on the topic

You always need:

  1. Use the golden rule. You need to treat people the way you want them to treat you. This also applies to family. You should not think that relatives will forgive any attitude.
  2. To fulfill promises. If this rule is absent, trust will disappear.
  3. In any conflict, take into account the opinion of the other party. You need to put yourself in your spouse’s shoes and analyze how he feels at the moment.
  4. Avoid conflicts over trifles. You should not defend your rightness at any cost.
  5. Do not focus on the minor mistakes of your life partner.

Excessive confidence in one’s own rightness can disrupt the culture of communication in the family. You should not categorically express your point of view; in any situation, everyone’s opinion should be taken into account. It is necessary to admit your mistakes and understand that others also have the right to make mistakes.

Maintaining only external etiquette has a negative impact on communication. For example, spouses wish each other good night, thank each other for gifts, but they completely lack human communication. They are not interested in the life of their marriage partner, they do not want to listen to him.

In the family it is important to say a friendly “Good morning!” and kind words towards your child. Don't be stingy with praise.

Teenagers often think that their parents owe them. They demand that they be given money for small expenses, beautifully dressed and tasty food. Thus, they take advantage of their privileges and try to realize their desires with the help of others.

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