Work program and technical specifications for speech practice for grades 1-2 according to the Federal State Educational Standard for schools of type 8

Work program for the academic subject “Manual Labor”, 2nd grade (option 8.3.) + CTP

  1. Explanatory note on the subject “Manual Labor”

The work program for the academic subject “Manual Labor” has been compiled for students with autism spectrum disorders (hereinafter referred to as ASD) on the basis of the federal state educational standard for primary general education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard). general education program (hereinafter referred to as AOEP) of primary general education for students with autism spectrum disorders.

The work program has the following structure:

  1. explanatory note;
  2. general characteristics of the academic subject;
  3. description of the place of the subject in the curriculum;
  4. description of value guidelines for the content of the academic subject;
  5. planned results of mastering the subject;
  6. content of the academic subject;
  7. thematic planning of a subject;
  8. description of the material and technical support of the educational process.
  1. General
    characteristics of the educational subject “Manual Labor”

The educational subject “Manual Labor” is included in the educational area “Technology”.

primary goal

studying this subject is the comprehensive development of the personality of a young student with ASD in the process of forming a work culture and preparing him for subsequent studies in high school. Its study contributes to the development of the creative potential of the individual, creative abilities, the formation of motivation for success and achievements based on subject-transforming activities.

The course solves the following problems:

  1. mastering the basics of labor activity necessary in various spheres of life, mastering the technologies necessary for full communication and social interaction in the conditions of subject-related practical activity;
  2. developing positive experience and an attitude towards the active use of mastered technologies and skills for one’s livelihood, social development and helping loved ones;
  3. developing an understanding of verbal instructions and the ability to carry out labor operations according to instructions, characterize materials and tools, and establish the sequence of work;
  4. developing the ability to give a report and evaluate the quality of the work done (“carefully”, “sloppy”);
  5. development and coordination of auditory and visual perception, as well as small movements of the hand and fingers.
  1. Description of
    the place of the subject in the curriculum

In accordance with the individual curriculum of the full name, student of the _ “_” class in AOEP training with ASD, 34 hours are allocated for studying the academic subject “Manual Labor” in the 2nd grade (1 hour per week, 34 school weeks).

  1. Description of value guidelines for the content of the academic subject

The value of life

– recognition of human life and the existence of living things in nature in general as the greatest value, as the basis for genuine environmental consciousness.

The value of good

- a person’s focus on the development and preservation of life, through compassion and mercy as a manifestation of the highest human ability - love.

The value of nature

is based on the universal human value of life, on the awareness of oneself as part of the natural world - part of living and inanimate nature. Love for nature means, first of all, caring for it as an environment for human habitation and survival, as well as experiencing a sense of beauty, harmony, its perfection, preserving and increasing its wealth.

The value of truth

– this is the value of scientific knowledge as part of the culture of humanity, reason, understanding of the essence of being, the universe.

The value of family

as the first and most significant social and educational environment for the development of a child, ensuring the continuity of the cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia from generation to generation and thereby the viability of Russian society.

The value of work and creativity

as a natural condition of human life, a state of normal human existence.

The Value of Citizenship

– a person’s awareness of himself as a member of society, a people, a representative of a country and state.

The value of patriotism

- one of the manifestations of a person’s spiritual maturity, expressed in love for Russia, the people, the small homeland, in a conscious desire to serve the Fatherland.

The value of humanity

— a person’s awareness of himself as part of the world community, the existence and progress of which requires peace, cooperation of peoples and respect for the diversity of their cultures.

The value of man as a rational being

striving for goodness and self-improvement, the importance and necessity of maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the unity of its components: physical, mental and socio-moral health.

The value of freedom

as the freedom of a person to choose his thoughts and actions, but freedom naturally limited by the norms, rules, laws of society, of which a person is always a member in his entire social essence.

The value of social solidarity

as recognition of human rights and freedoms, possession of feelings of justice, mercy, honor, dignity in relation to oneself and to other people.

  1. Planned results of mastering the program

The results of students with ASD mastering AOEP are assessed as final at the time of completion of primary general education.

Students' mastery of AOEP, which was created on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Non-Educational Education for students with disabilities, presupposes their achievement of two types of results: personal and subject-specific.

In the structure of planned results, the leading place belongs to personal results, since they ensure mastery of a set of social (life) competencies necessary to achieve the main goal of modern education - the introduction of students with ASD into culture, their mastery of sociocultural experience.

Personal results

mastering an academic subject in grade 2 includes individual personal qualities and social (life) competencies of the student, socially significant value attitudes, namely:

  1. development of motivation to learn;
  2. development of adequate ideas about urgently needed life support;
  3. mastering social and everyday skills used in everyday life;
  4. possession of basic communication skills and accepted norms of social interaction;
  5. development of positive personality traits and qualities;
  6. readiness for the student to enter the social environment.

Subject results


Minimum level


  1. knowledge of the rules for organizing the workplace and the ability to independently organize it, depending on the nature of the work performed (rationally arrange tools, materials and devices on the desktop, maintain order in the workplace);
  2. knowledge of types of work;
  3. knowledge of the names and some properties of craft materials used in manual labor lessons; knowledge and compliance with the rules for their storage, sanitary and hygienic requirements when working with them;
  4. knowledge of the names of tools needed in manual labor lessons, their structure, rules for safe work with piercing and cutting tools;
  5. knowledge of work techniques (marking parts, separating a part from a workpiece, shaping, joining parts, finishing a product) used in manual labor lessons;
  6. analysis of the object to be manufactured, identification and naming of its features and properties; determination of methods for connecting parts;
  7. use of available technological (instructional) maps;
  8. drawing up a standard work plan point by point;
  9. knowledge of some technological techniques for manual processing of materials;
  10. use of available materials in the work (clay and plasticine, natural materials, paper and cardboard, threads and fabric);
  11. performing simple clothing repairs.

Enough level


  1. knowledge of the rules of rational organization of work, including orderliness of actions and self-discipline;
  2. knowledge about the historical, cultural and aesthetic value of things;
  3. knowledge of types of artistic crafts;
  4. finding the necessary information in the materials of the textbook, workbook;
  5. knowledge and use of rules for safe work with cutting and piercing tools, compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements when performing labor work;
  6. conscious selection of materials according to their physical, decorative, artistic and structural properties;
  7. selection of optimal and accessible technological methods of manual processing depending on the properties of materials and goals; economical use of materials;
  8. use of a variety of visual aids in work: drawing up a plan of work on a product based on subject-operational and graphic plans, recognizing the simplest technical drawings, diagrams, blueprints, reading them and performing actions in accordance with them in the process of manufacturing the product;
  9. carrying out ongoing self-monitoring of practical actions performed and adjusting the progress of practical work;
  10. evaluation of your products (beautiful, ugly, neat, similar to a sample);
  11. establishing cause-and-effect relationships between the actions performed and their results;
  12. Carrying out public assignments for cleaning the classroom/workshop after labor training lessons.
  1. developing the ability to work with different types of materials and tools, choosing methods of processing them depending on their properties;
  2. formation of self-service skills, organizational work skills (correctly positioning materials and tools in the workplace, following safe work rules and sanitary and hygienic requirements, etc.);
  3. using acquired knowledge and skills to solve everyday practical problems.
  1. Contents of the subject “Manual Labor”

Working with clay and plasticine

The purpose of clay and the use of this material in industry.

Application of cutter and stacks. Connecting parts using the coating method. Determination by eye and using a ruler of the height, length and width of the product. Modeling dishes using the pressing and flattening method. Finishing the product with colored plasticine. Combining molded parts into one whole. Fixing parts on the model using the smearing method. Modeling the layout elements using a frame made of sticks and thin wire.

Modeling the shapes of rectangular geometric bodies on a plane (didactic material, carpentry tools, toys)

Modeling of cylindrical objects (mugs, glasses for pencils), with the application of a geometric pattern of triangles in a strip using stacks.

Modeling from nature conical-shaped dishes (bucket, flower pot) with the application of an ornament of straight and wavy lines using stacks.

Modeling from life and based on the idea of ​​tea utensils in the shape of a ball, cylinder, cone and circle (teapot for brewing, cup and saucer, dessert plate), with the application of a pattern using the help of the students’ choice.

Modeling of stylized figures of birds (chick and duckling, duck and goose).

Modeling based on stylized animal figures (cat, squirrel).

Independent modeling of toys from nature (bear cub, hare, fox).

Modeling based on the presentation of free compositions “Kolobok and the Fox”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Fox and Crane”.

Working with natural materials

Excursion into nature to collect natural materials.

Making a model of a bird from acorns, feathers and sticks or a donkey from acorns, ash wings, sticks.

Self-production based on a fish, a turtle from a peach pit, paper, foam rubber or leather products.

Self-made illustration of a pig from a corn cob, fir cone, sticks and paper products.

Drawing up a composition based on a sample and presentation from dried leaves, flowers, herbs, straw, birch bark, moss. Feathers, fur, shells, sawdust grains on a dense substrate (decorative patterns, plot compositions for read fairy tales and stories of animal figures).

Collective production of a model for the fairy tale “Teremok”.

Making a model for the fairy tales read in groups of two people.

Working with paper and cardboard

Making paper for storing products, decorating it with applique.

Making counting material in the form of strips, squares, triangles, circles: marking paper and thin cardboard according to a template, cutting with scissors along straight and curved lines, gluing cardboard on one side.

Making a bookmark: marking paper and cardboard according to patterns of complex configurations, cutting paper and cardboard along the marking lines, gluing appliqués onto a cardboard product.

Making a bookmark from thin cardboard: marking paper and cardboard along a ruler, cutting paper and cardboard along the marking lines with scissors, gluing the cardboard with paper on both sides.

Making flat Christmas tree decorations from cardboard in the form of various stylized images of mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, fish, birds, animals, toys and pasting them with colored paper on one side.

Making an applique with marking of the substrate and parts according to a ruler (truck, van).

Production of greeting cards and souvenirs from paper and cardboard using waste materials.

Making a sample of furniture from boxes, cardboard and velvet paper (table, chair).

Manufacturing a flat model of a three-section traffic light and a “crossing” sign.

Working with textile materials

Making stylized berries from tied bundles of threads: braiding.

Making stylized figures from knitted bundles of threads, twine, and braid.

Sewing buttons with two holes - repeating sewing techniques (needle up and down). Tying a knot.

Exercises in cutting fabric using a finished pattern in the shape of a square or rectangle.

Compiling a collection of fabrics with a clearly defined front and back side on a cardboard backing.

Introducing hand stitches (basting stitch) Exercises on a strip of checkered paper.

Embroidering a bookmark from canvas or fabric with a large weave, cut according to your own pattern, using a running stitch.

Decorating the ends of the bookmark with tassels from the left long ends of the embroidery threads.

Making a needle bed using a self-drawn pattern in the shape of a square from two pieces of fabric folded together.

Making a lace stitch on a strip of checkered paper.

Embroidering a napkin from canvas using running and lace stitches.

  1. Thematic planning of the educational subject “Manual Labor”
Subject Number of hours
Repetition. 1
Working with clay and plasticine. 3
Working with natural materials. 3
Working with paper. 5
Working with cardboard. 2
Working with clay and plasticine. 3
Working with natural materials. 2
Working with paper and cardboard 4
Working with clay and plasticine. 3
Working with fabric. 3
Working with textile materials. 1
Working with braid. 1
Repetition. 1
Total 34
  1. Description of
    the material and technical support of the educational process
  1. Kuznetsov L.A. / Manual labor. 2nd grade: textbook. for general education organizations implementing adaptation. basic general education programs. M.: Education, 2020.
  2. Kuznetsov L.A. / Manual labor “Manual labor”. 2nd grade. M.: Education, 2020.

Calendar and thematic planning

student _ "_" class Full name

in the academic subject “Manual Labor” for the 2019-2020 academic year

Teacher: Full name

34 hours

No. _ _ _ date Subject
Plan Fact
Repetition (1 hour)
Introductory lesson. Rules of behavior and work during manual labor lessons and workplace organization. Materials and tools used in lessons.
Working with clay and plasticine (3 hours)
Clay is a building material. Plasticine is a material for manual labor. Rules for working with plasticine.
What you need to know about timber. Modeling from plasticine of rectangular geometric shapes. Making bars from plasticine.
Modeling from plasticine a product having a rectangular geometric shape. Modeling from plasticine hammer.
Working with natural materials (3 hours)
What are they made from natural materials? Procurement of natural materials.
Rules for working with an awl. Making toys from acorns.
Making toys from nut shells.
Working with paper (5 hours)
Types and grades of paper. Rules for working with glue and brush. Making an applique from crumpled and torn paper.
Folding paper figures (origami).
Making ball-shaped toys from paper.
Making a paper ball from circles.
Making a ball from paper strips.
Working with cardboard (2 hours)
Use of cardboard. Types of cardboard. Properties of cardboard.
How to work with a template: rules of operation. Tools and materials for working with paper and cardboard: working rules. Making a paper bag for storing products.
Working with threads
Properties of threads. Application of threads. Types of working with threads. Tying threads into a bundle. Winding threads into a ball.
Sewing on buttons.
Working with clay and plasticine (3 hours)
Use of clay for making dishes. What you need to know about the cylinder. Cylindrical pottery. Modeling a cylindrical cup from plasticine.
What you need to know about the cone. Clay products of conical shape. Modeling a conical cup from plasticine.
What you need to know about the ball. Pottery in the shape of a ball. Modeling tea utensils in the shape of balls.
Working with natural materials (2 hours)
Properties of leaves. Application made from dried leaves.
What you need to know about cones. Properties of cones. Products made from cones. Composition of pine cones and palm leaves.
Working with paper and cardboard (4 hours)
What you need to know about the line. Marking paper and cardboard using a ruler. Marking paper and cardboard using complex patterns.
What you need to know about the postcard. Making an object applique postcard consisting of geometric shapes.
What you need to know about road signs. Making a “Pedestrian” road sign from paper.
Making a composition for the fairy tale “Kolobok” from folding paper figures.
Working with clay and plasticine (3 hours)
Modeling a composition for the fairy tale “Kolobok”.
Using clay for sculpture. Modeling from plasticine a figure “Teddy Bear” from separate parts.
Modeling figures from a whole piece of plasticine.
Working with fabric (3 hours)
The use and purpose of fabric in people's lives. What is the fabric made from? Properties of fabric. Types of fabrics and their purpose.
Tools and devices used when working with fabric. Cut out the details of the fabric product. Connecting parts cut from fabric using a straight stitch.
Rules for storing needles. Making a pincushion.
Working with textile materials (1 hour)
Embroidery. Embroidery techniques with threads.
Working with braid (1 hour)
Using braid. Making a napkin with a braid applique.
Repetition (1 hour)
Final repetition.
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