Summary of lessons in kindergarten. Topic: My family. Middle group

Lesson summary with presentation on the topic “Family. Family traditions"

author: Matasova Elena Vladimirovna

Primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 30 in the city of Vologda, Vologda Region

Lesson summary with presentation on the topic “Family. Family traditions"

Topic: “FAMILY.
Family traditions”

shaping children’s ideas about family and family traditions



  • shape children's understanding of family values
  • to develop an understanding of the need to observe good traditions that unite the family
  • introduce the concept of “family holiday”


  • Develop an interest in the history of your family, family traditions, and pedigree.
  • develop general speech skills, memory
  • activate the dictionary on the topic “Family”


  • develop love and respect for your family
  • develop an interest in one's own ancestry
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards your family members.

Preliminary work

  • A story about a family based on a photo.
  • Compiling a family tree
  • Name, its origin and meaning.

Active forms of learning:

Resource Circle:

  • Conducting a resource circle at the beginning of the lesson
    helps the teacher to join the students’ experience and, in accordance with this, begin a conversation, update the students’ existing experience and knowledge.
  • At the end of the lesson,
    it is carried out so that the perceived and meaningful information is felt by the students, so that the students sum up the lesson in order to consolidate motivation for further study of the subject.


Presentation, cards with proverbs and sayings, sun with rays


family traditions, holidays, customs, honoring elders, proverbs, respect.

During the classes:


The song “My Whole Family” is playing. The children come in and stand around.

Resource circle for developing motivation

Hello guys.

Let's hold hands together and smile at each other. Let's give a good mood to everyone in the class: parents, guests, and classmates.


I have a rebus on video. Solve it and tell me what the topic of our lesson today is:

Slide 1-2 (family)

Today we’ll talk about family and more!

What is Family?

(child's poem)

Family is a strange word, (Kostya) Although not foreign. – How the word came about, It’s not clear to us at all. Well, “I” - we understand, Why are there seven of them? There’s no need to think and guess, (Nastya) But you just need to count: Two grandfathers, Two grandmothers, Plus dad, mom, me. Added up? That turns out to be seven people, seven “I”! – What if there is a dog? (Yulia) There are eight “I”s? – No, if there is a dog, (Polya) There are eight “I”s? – family. (M. Schwartz)

Let's play a game:

“I give you my word – you give me 10”:

Select associations for the word MOTHER

Choose associations for the word DAD

Choose words - associations for the word FAMILY

(-home, comfort, attention, love, patience, respect, responsibility

What feelings and relationships should a family be built on?

  • • Love Respect Mutual understanding; Mutual assistance; Patience; The ability to forgive... and much more...)

Let's gather the sun in whose rays all your words and feelings about your family will be. Write 1 word on each ray: what is family for you...

Independent work

(we collect the sun on the board: children write on the rays what family means to them and attach it to the board)

What wonderful sunshine we have!

-Family is mom, dad, grandparents...

— A family can be small or large. Several generations can live in a family. How do you understand this? (A generation is relatives of close age, for example, the older generation is grandparents, the middle generation is parents, the younger generation is children, grandchildren of grandparents).

— Which of you has several generations living in your family?

— Almost every person has other relatives. Who is this? (these are uncles and aunts, cousins).

(And mom and dad have brothers and sisters (Aunt and Uncle)

Do they have children? Who will they be to you? (cousins))

Right. These are all our relatives.

And we can imagine all our relatives as a huge tree.

Who remembers from the last lesson what it is called?


Genealogy is the science of family ties.

Famous families have such genealogical trees compiled. For example: Pushkin's family:

Slide 3

Compilation of proverbs about family.

Previously they said:

For a long time in Rus', the family was revered, the family was protected, and the father and mother were treated with love and respect. Therefore, many proverbs and sayings have come down to us:

How do you understand them?

Slide 4-7

  1. In your own family, the porridge is sweeter.
  2. There is harmony in the family, and there is no need for treasure.
  3. The whole family is together - and the soul is in place.

There is a wise commandment about honoring parents. Honoring parents means respect.

  • How should we honor our parents?

Slide 8

As a child, obey.

In youth - seek advice.

In adulthood - take care.

  • Now we must obey. Do you consider yourself obedient children? Why? What do the adult relatives in the family see, hear and feel when they live with obedient children? What does a child feel, hear and see when he honors his father and mother?

What does folk wisdom say in these proverbs?

Slide 9

Who you live with is what you are known for.

Like the father, like the son.

Like the mother, like the daughter.

Looking at a person, they judge his entire family. Therefore, you need to value good word of mouth about your family. The whole family rejoices for the good deeds of one person.

You got an A, and everyone in the family is happy.

If one person commits a bad act, the whole family is ashamed.

Therefore, try to act in such a way that your parents do not have to blush for you. Cherish the good name of your family.

Let's imagine that we are going for a walk and warm up a little: ( Physical school)

In autumn, spring, summer and winter, we go out into the yard as a friendly family.

Let's stand in a circle and in order. Everyone does exercises. Mom raises her hands, Dad cheerfully squats

Turns right and left are made by my brother Seva. I jog myself and shake my head

How did we do the exercises?


And spending time together as a family (leisure)

What is the name of the one that our grandmothers and grandfathers invented?

- Traditions

Take a seat)

Your family's traditions

What is tradition? (Analysis of the concept of “tradition”)

(Custom, rule, ...)

— Family traditions include a favorite family game, a traditional favorite family dish, and reading bedtime stories

In Rus', Maslenitsa has been celebrated since ancient times.

-Which of you have grandmothers or mothers baking pancakes at home on Maslenitsa? This means that this is also a folk tradition.

A common folk tradition is celebrating the New Year.

Look at the video, I will show you what traditions there are, and think about it and later tell me what you have in your family!

Slides 10-29

— Guys, are there any old photographs or things stored in your house? Do you like looking at them? In addition to family traditions, there are also family heirlooms.

— Which of these traditions do you have in your family?

And now Artem’s mother will talk about the family tradition of traveling around the world.

And Eliza’s mother talks about traditions in their family.

A story about family traditions BY PARENTS

  1. A story about the tradition of traveling through countries, showing photos.
  2. A story about traditions in an Armenian family with a photo show, comparison with Russian traditions


Family traditions are the fruits of the joint labor of adults and children.

These fruits can be compared to the fruits of an apple tree. I will give each of you an apple on which you will write at home about the traditions of your family, and at the next lesson we will glue these apples to our tree - the symbol of our class family...

Also .

I suggest you create an exhibition-museum of the family traditions of our class. This might be photos from family evenings, photos - a collection of countries where you visited with your family, photos of joint crafts or games, etc.

Lesson summary. Reflection.

Let's summarize the lesson:

(Reflection: “Five Fingers Method.”)

Children stand in a circle, showing with their left hand the finger of their right hand. Then they answer the question according to the chosen finger.

M (little finger) – thought process. What was new and interesting in the lesson?

B (unnamed) – target proximity. What have you achieved?

C (medium) – state of mind. What was the mood like?

U (index) – service, help. Who did I help today, how did I please?

B (large) – vigor, physical fitness. How was my physical condition today? What have I done for my health?

I want to end our lesson with a poem about family:

Slide 30.

Stay together, take care of love, drive away grievances and quarrels, I want your friends to say about you: How good your family is!

Thanks everyone for the lesson! (They go out to the music)

Lesson summary with presentation on the topic “Family. Family traditions"

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