Class hour: “Our health is in our hands,” 8th grade

Our health is in our hands. - presentation

Our health is in our hands

The most precious gift that a person receives from nature is health. It’s not for nothing that people say: “Everything is great for a healthy person!” This simple and smart truth is always worth remembering, and not just in those moments when malfunctions begin in the body and we are forced to turn to doctors, sometimes demanding the impossible from them.

Components of a healthy lifestyle The main elements of a healthy lifestyle are fruitful work activity, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, balanced nutrition, hardening, and giving up bad habits.

Personal hygiene, daily routine Personal hygiene includes a rational daily regimen, body care, hygiene of clothes and shoes. The daily routine is of particular importance. If it is followed correctly and strictly, a clear mode of functioning of the body is developed. And this, in turn, creates the best conditions for work and recovery, thereby promoting health and increasing productivity.

Healthy sleep Pay special attention to proper sleep - the main and irreplaceable form of rest. Constant lack of sleep is dangerous because it can cause exhaustion of the nervous system, weakening of the body's defenses, decreased performance, and deterioration of well-being. One of the most common sleep disorders is insomnia. It usually occurs as a result of nervous fatigue, prolonged intense mental work, anxiety, noisy games or reading before bed. It is a mistake to hope that the use of sleeping pills will cure insomnia. To ensure normal, restful sleep, you need to follow a number of very simple rules. First of all, try to always go to bed at the same time, do not eat or drink a lot at night. It is very useful to introduce regular walks before bed into your routine. A calm environment (lights, radio, TV are turned off), the usual routine of getting ready for bed well tunes the brain for a night's rest. Be sure to sleep in a well-ventilated room, or even better, with the window open. The blanket should be light but warm enough.

Daily routine Approximate daily routine for schoolchildren studying in the 1st shift | Time of day, hours | Elements of the daily routine | | | Getting up, making bed | | |Morning exercises | | | Washing, hardening procedures | | |Breakfast | |7,458.00 |Walking to school | |8, |Training sessions | | |Lunch, walk in the fresh air | | |Afternoon rest | | |Self-training | | |Classes in the sports section or independently | | |exercise (35 times a week) | | |Dinner, rest | | |Self-training | | |Walk, cultural and entertainment programs | |23.00 |Lights up |

The importance of physical exercises for the formation of a system of support and movement Movements, the need for which is determined by the patterns of growth of the body, are an indispensable condition for normal development, health promotion, the formation of correct posture and mastery of basic motor skills. In order to become strong, dexterous, resilient and efficient, you need to regularly engage in physical labor, physical education and sports. The ability of a muscle to perform physical work depends on its previous training.

In winter it is useful to go skiing and ice skating. These types of exercises also contribute to hardening, but here too you should beware of hypothermia and overwork.

Swimming (and bathing in general) is also useful because cool water has a beneficial effect on the nervous and vascular systems and helps to harden a person. But even here you need to know the capabilities of your body and not lose a sense of proportion: hypothermia can not only lead to a cold, it is harmful to the nervous and vascular systems, disrupts the functioning of some other organs, and contributes to the exacerbation of inflammatory diseases.

Gymnastic exercises have their own characteristics. When performing them, it is easy to dose the load, not only overall, but also on individual muscle groups. It’s easy to develop physical qualities in a targeted manner and influence your physique. Gymnastics can be performed at home, devoting a few minutes or several tens of minutes to it - as needed. Gymnastic exercises constitute the main content of morning exercises, which must be performed daily, starting with it throughout the day.

Correct posture does not arise on its own; it must be developed from early childhood. Postural defects most easily arise during the period when there is still a lot of cartilage tissue in the vertebrae and other bones of the chest. After replacing cartilage with bone, postural defects are very difficult to correct. If a child, sitting at a desk, constantly slouches and hunches, takes an incorrect posture, holds one shoulder higher than the other, constantly carries heavy things in one hand, for example, a briefcase, for example, a briefcase, he will inevitably develop a curvature of the spine. rachiocampsis.

What should nutrition be like? You, of course, have heard that food includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, and water. And all of them are very necessary for the body. It is recommended to eat at least four times a day. It takes three hours to digest it, so you need to eat it after about 3.5-4 hours.

you need to eat a variety of foods. And at the same time try to consume the most healthy foods: milk, meat and various vegetables: carrots, beets, turnips, rutabaga, cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers. Try to drink at least 0.5 liters of milk per day. But you shouldn’t get carried away with pasta, cookies, candies and generally flour and sweets. No more than 6-7 tablespoons of sugar per day. In the spring, you need to eat food richer in vitamins: sauerkraut, jam, salads made from early greens. It is useful to drink at least a glass of juice a day.

The negative impact of bad habits

These are the main components of health. Remember: a healthy lifestyle allows you to significantly reveal those valuable personality qualities that are so necessary in the conditions of modern dynamic development. This is, first of all, high mental and physical performance, social activity, and creative longevity. A conscious and responsible attitude towards health as a public good should become the norm of life and behavior of all people.

END (c) Idea and implementation by Anna Kulikova 2010 (c) Idea and implementation of Anna Kulikova 2010

Our health is in our hands


developing students' need for a healthy lifestyle.


  • creating a positive attitude and favorable environment for teaching and educating students;
  • stimulating the desire of schoolchildren to engage in independent physical exercise.

Health Day program:

  1. Line dedicated to World Health Day.
  2. Morning work-out.
  3. Activities in the gym.
  4. Issue of health certificates.
  5. Excursions along ecological trails.


In the recreation area in front of the gym there are posters on the theme: “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”, on the walls of the gym there are posters: “Health is fine - thanks to exercise!”, “Health is the head of everything”, “Sports and movement are life! “, “To be healthy and strong, you need sports, friends, love.”

Progress of the event:

On this day, the morning begins with a line dedicated to World Health Day for all classes. Then there are sporting events. And at the end of the school day, each class issues a health certificate and goes on excursions along ecological trails.

(To the sounds of a sports march, students and teachers of the school enter the hall for the opening of Health Day)

Line dedicated to World Health Day

Presenter 1:

Good afternoon dear friends! Today, April 7, people all over the planet celebrate World Health Day. On this day, sports competitions and holidays are held all over the world so that children all over the planet grow up healthy and strong, brave and courageous, dexterous and strong!

Why does such a day exist? Yes, because health is the most precious thing a person has. But what is health?

(Children - 1 student from each class take turns saying what this word means to them).

1 Student:

Health is when you feel good!

2 Student:

Health is when nothing hurts!

3 Student:

Health is beauty!

4 Student:

Health is strength!

5 Student:

Health is flexibility and slimness!

6 Student:

Health is endurance!

7 Student:

Health is harmony!

8 Student:

Health is when you wake up in the morning cheerful and cheerful!

9 Student:

Health is when you can easily climb to the 4th floor!

10 Student:

Health is when you do any work with joy!

11 Student:

Health is when you enjoy life!

Presenter 2:

Guys, you are all right. “Health so far exceeds all other blessings that a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.”

Presenter 1:

Guys, I want to start our meeting with a parable: a man lived in one house. His wife, his elderly mother and his daughter, already an adult girl, lived with him. One late evening, when everyone in the household had already gone to bed, someone knocked on the door. The owner stood up and opened the door. Three people stood on the threshold. "What is your name?" - asked the man. They answered him: “Our names are Health, Wealth and Love, let us into your home.” The man thought about it. “You know,” he said, “we have only one free place in our house, and there are three of you, I’ll go and consult with my relatives, which of you we can accept in our house.” Who do you think they let into their house? The daughter offered to let Love in, the wife - Wealth. And the sick mother asked to let Health in. And this is not surprising, since each generation has its own values, and a person begins to value his health only when there is a clear threat to it. “A person can live up to 100 years,” said academician I.P. Pavlov. “We ourselves, through our intemperance, our disorderliness, our ugly treatment of our own body, reduces this normal period to a much smaller figure.”

Presenter 2:

Health must be protected and taken care of from an early age. Even second-graders know about this.

(2nd grade students recite a poem).

1 Student:

In order to maintain health, to strengthen your body, my whole family knows there must be a daily routine.

2 Student:

Guys, you should know. Everyone needs to sleep longer. Well, don’t be lazy in the morning – get ready to exercise!

3 Student:

Brush your teeth, wash your face, and smile more often, toughen up, and then you won’t be afraid of the blues.

4 Student:

Eat vegetables and fruits, fish, dairy products - This is healthy food, full of vitamins!

5 Student:

Go for a walk and breathe in the fresh air. Just remember when leaving: Dress for the weather!

6 Student:

Here is some good advice for you, Secrets are hidden in them. To maintain your health, learn to appreciate it!

Presenter 1:

Guys! Everyone has heard that to be healthy you need to move as much as possible. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Movement is life.” I suggest you all move a little, stretch your body. After all, you need to start your morning with exercise. What is charging for?

2 Student:

This is not a mystery at all - To develop strength And not get tired all day!

(The physical education teacher commands: “Get up for exercise!” and, together with all the students and teachers, performs a set of morning exercises).

We go out onto the site. Charging begins. One step in place - two forwards, and then vice versa. Hands raised higher. We lowered it - we breathe clearly. Exercise two. Hands to the side. Legs apart It's been that way for a long time. Make three inclinations down, go up four! Everyone in the world needs flexibility, children will bend over! One to the right, two to the left. We strengthen our body. Squats every day drive away sleep and laziness. Squat lower, you will grow taller. In conclusion, good morning. We'll jump now. One, two, three, four - We live in friendship and peace!

Presenter 1:

Well done boys! I see that many of you do physical exercises and play sports.

We all need sports, guys. We are strong friends with sports! Sport is a helper! Sport – health! Sport is a game! Physical education everyone - hurray!

Presenter 2:

We welcome everyone who found time and came to the holiday of health! We will be healthy, we will be friends with exercise, We need sports and physical education like we need air!

Presenter 1:

Now let’s continue our health day. And it doesn’t matter who the winner is today. The main thing is that we all feel the holiday atmosphere. An atmosphere of cordiality and goodwill, mutual respect and understanding. Let friendship unite you!

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