Class hour on the topic Life is beautiful! Don't waste it (for high school)

Class hour in 9th grade: What is a Beautiful Life?

Methodological development of a class hour for 9th grade

Conversation with 9th grade students on the topic: “How can you understand the words - a beautiful life.”
Goals: To promote the formation of moral life guidelines. Develop communication skills and abilities. Cultivate a sense of beauty. Description of the conversation: In the modern world, where money plays an important role, we often chase a beautiful and comfortable life, which is often obtained through bad deeds, thereby we stop paying attention to the fact that much of what surrounds us can never be bought with money - these are true and devoted friends, this is our precious health, we stop paying attention to more obvious and simple things. During a conversation with students, they must understand that all this beauty is only external, ostentatious, unreal, it does not bring any benefit except idle pleasure. Such wealth does not guarantee happiness, friendship, true love. Hello guys! Imagine that we are going on a trip on a beautiful yacht across the endless sea. Beautiful, isn't it? Does every person have a different idea of ​​beauty? Why? (because we are all very different). Although we have some similar aspirations and ideals. Guys, how do you understand the words “Beautiful Life”? You have so many different arguments, it’s not for nothing that they say: how many people have so many opinions. Try to set a goal for our conversation. Let's try to divide the meanings of the words “beautiful life” into two groups and find their pros and cons. Let's define the first group. (material assets: money, jewelry, cars, etc.). Do you dream of such a beautiful life? And at what cost does all this come? Sometimes a beautiful life comes from ugly actions. Which ones? Would you like to get rich this way? Do you think people who have such a beautiful life are always happy? Some people see the beauty of life in visiting chic restaurants, clubs, parties. Someone strives to amaze others with expensive and fashionable things: clothes, cars, gold jewelry. Some people are proud to have the opportunity to visit different countries and resorts. But not for the purpose of expanding their knowledge, their life experience, but only for the sake of all kinds of entertainment. Yes, they think they live beautifully. Tell me, is this real beauty? All this beauty is only external, ostentatious, unreal, if there is nothing lofty behind the soul. It brings no benefit other than idle pleasure. Such wealth does not guarantee happiness, friendship, true love. Thus, we have formed the second meaning of the expression beautiful life. (spiritual values: nature, music, books, communication) So we have identified the second group of people who are happy only because they live and notice the beauty of the world around them. These are people for whom the main thing is spiritual beauty and spiritual values. For example, I admire people who know how to be content with little and create a wonderful atmosphere of kindness, participation, and harmony. They manage to do everything: communicate with nature, meet interesting people, benefit with their work, love their homeland and bring joy to their loved ones and friends. What kind of life do you think such people have? I think that their life is interesting, beautiful, happy. This is exactly the category of people who are always remembered only with gratitude. All the benefits of civilization, all achievements in science, technology, and art are accomplished by people who lived their lives beautifully and contributed to the development of society. What kind of people are these? (artists, actors, scientists, performers, etc.) Let's talk separately about each category of such people. For example - scientists...? What good did they do for us? What contribution did you leave for all humanity? (Scientists create powerful machines and other devices that make human work easier.) Doctors? (find new, effective and safe methods of treating diseases, even those that were previously considered incurable.) Teachers? (they give their soul and knowledge to children, trying to raise them to be real and educated people.) Writers and poets? (they create great works in which they praise courageous and noble heroes, describe the most important events of the past and present, give lessons in morality and ethics, teach them to distinguish between good and evil.) Is it possible to overestimate the importance of art in our lives! What mark do artists leave for us? (Wonderful paintings by great artists not only give us pleasure from contemplating them, but also force us to delve into their meaning, think about their content. It’s as if we feel what the author wanted to say when creating his work; we begin to experience his emotions, his sadness or joy , bitterness or triumph, leisurely thoughts or enjoyment of a hectic life.) All these people - musicians and artists, doctors and teachers, artists and writers - lived a beautiful life? Why do you think so? Because they had a goal, strived to achieve it, and improved as they achieved it. And with all this they left behind a long memory and respect of many generations. Are only famous people able to live such a beautiful life? And not only them - a person of any of the many professions on earth, even the most seemingly unnoticed one, lives a decent life if he devotes himself entirely to his work, if his work gives positive results, and therefore benefits the whole society. Can you and I call our life beautiful? Why? A person is given life only once. And, of course, everyone wants to live it happily, joyfully, meaningfully, beautifully. I would like to leave my mark on the earth, so that future generations will know, remember, and be proud. Of course, we must not forget about the material side of life. We need it to exist. But you always need to remember your soul, morality and good deeds. And now, summing up our conversation, I will ask you to answer my questions.
From your point of view, is it possible to learn to live beautifully?
To have a beautiful life, is it necessary to have a lot of money? What are the pros and cons of the beautiful life of rich people? What are the pros and cons of the beautiful life of a simple, creative person? What conclusion did you draw from today's conversation? What do you mean by beautiful life? We have found out that a “beautiful life” can be different. Everyone chooses for themselves. I would like everyone to try to live in such a way that they never regret their actions and decisions. Only then will our life be filled with happiness and beauty. Show a video fragment of the song-parable “Rich and Poor” (at 00.58 seconds of the fragment, stop the video and ask the guys to guess, “What did the son answer to his father when asked if he liked being in the poor man’s family?” the guys answer, after the answers received, watch the continuation of the video fragment). And I would like to end our conversation with these words: Even though it may not be easy in life, And fate is not always obedient to you, Love people - lightly and innocently. Look for your path from an early age, Move forward confidently through the years, Leave on this best of planets, Your bright mark, your living shoots. I think that each of you will leave a bright mark and living shoots and will definitely live a wonderful and very beautiful life, combining material and spiritual benefits. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! For a video fragment used during the conversation, follow the link:

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