In the folder for educational work “Class assignments”

List of assignments in class. Primary School

Methodological material on educational work on the topic: “Assignments in the classroom for younger schoolchildren.”
Goals : to attract students to work, to assignments in a way that is exciting for them, to teach them responsibility * * * Younger schoolchildren really love and want to carry out various assignments in class. They feel significant, needed, and have the opportunity to express themselves. If the class teacher of junior schoolchildren pays attention to this problem when working with the class, then at the middle and senior levels, children are happy to carry out a variety of assignments. A children's team is a small country in which it is necessary to build life in such a way that everyone feels the need and need of the other. In order to distribute assignments in the class, you can play this out in the following situation. The guys come up with names for the country - the class, determine the governing bodies in the country and the tasks that they can carry out in their class. The game situation can be called this way: “If I were the minister, what ministry would I head?” To make it easier for the children to choose the “Ministerial Portfolio”, all the names of the ministries can be written on the board: - Ministry of Health. — Ministry of Information. - Ministry of Culture. - Ministry of Education. — Ministry of Physical Education and Sports. — Ministry of Finance — Ministry of Law and Order. — Ministry of Nature Protection. - Ministry of Creativity. The Ministry of Law and Order is represented by guys who carry out the following tasks: duty in the classroom, in the school, in the floors, in the dining room and in the cloakroom. The children’s function includes not only organizing and performing this work, but studying the attitude of the children to the performance of their duties, publishing newspapers based on the results of duty, organizing surprise moments during duty (congratulations on the teachers’ birthday, congratulations on holidays, honoring winners, etc. .), Ministry of Health - the guys record absences from class students, collaborate with the school’s medical office, inform class students about illness, organize visits to children who are being treated in hospitals or at home, prepare oral journals and newspapers, collect interesting information under the heading “This is important to know,” they prepare messages for children during disease epidemics. Ministry of Information - preparing information from the life of the class for school development of scenarios, competitions, maintaining a chronicle of the class, releasing photos and videos from the life of the class, designing albums from the life of the class. For example, “4 years of life 4 “A” in photographs and poems.” Ministry of Culture - Students who love to write poetry and have literary abilities and want to participate in the development of all class activities. They select material for scripts, conduct concerts and holidays, study movie theater posters, take care of tickets, analyze the rating of extracurricular activities and the participation of class children in them. Ministry of Finance - preservation and repair of classroom furniture, maintaining the class's piggy bank, providing the class with excursions, trips and hikes and preparing for them, providing patronage assistance to sick and elderly people, renovating the school (which children can do) Ministry of Nature Conservation - taking care of the earth's plantings in the classroom and school, growing green spaces, natural history research on the instructions of the teacher, organizing and conducting excursions into nature, organizing living corners, preparing “green surprises” for the birthdays of classmates and teachers. I Ministry of Creativity - selection of materials for oral magazines, quizzes, intellectual marathons, information on hours, participation in planning the life of the class together I am the class teacher. Ministry of Education - assistance in academic work to lagging classmates, analysis of the causes of student lag, assistance to the class teacher in organizing the educational activities of students. Ministry of Leisure - organization of leisure time for class students Class discos, holidays , conversations about music and musicians, organization of music quizzes and competitions, participation in them at school and in the area. Younger schoolchildren must learn to carry out assigned tasks responsibly and develop the habit of actively participating in the fulfillment of public assignments. The class teacher must constantly monitor the participation of children in carrying out public assignments and encourage initiative, independence, and the desire to carry out public assignments. There are different ways to encourage student success. Presentation of certificates and surprise diplomas. Entering the names of students in the class honor book. A good form of encouragement can be to honor the children - class activists who make life in the class interesting and varied. An interesting form of encouragement could be the presentation of commemorative medals that the guys themselves make for their comrades. Medals can be made in different ways: write good wishes, draw a portrait of students and use it on the medal. A very kind form of encouragement for students can be a letter to the students' parents thanking them for their child's behavior. Notes thanking students for their active work in class should appear regularly in the school journal. It is too; is a good incentive for students. An equally important event may be the announcement of an order for the school for active participation in the life of the class and school. This is very; Children like it and it is an important event in the life of the school.

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Active forms of educational work in elementary school. Student self-government in the classroom

Elena Demina

Active forms of educational work in elementary school. Student self-government in the classroom

Active forms of educational work in elementary school.

Student self-government in the classroom.

The educational significance of student self-government lies in the fact that, practically speaking in a certain role in their team, students acquire a number of moral qualities necessary for a modern person. Students develop such an important quality as integrity in relationships with other team members and constantly growing demands on themselves and their classmates .

When teaching children to independent activities , the teacher himself or through other organizers gives children tasks to complete independently , sets tasks for them: to think, answer a question, solve a problem. Children will not always succeed in everything; they will ask for help and quarrel. They need help to establish friendly teamwork , resolve conflicts, and make peace. The guys always have a lot of initiative and desire, but little experience and collective skills. Therefore, it is very important that the organizers of small groups see the teacher as a benevolent ally, so that they themselves can look for helpers. At this stage, the teacher’s position requires subtle instrumentation.

I developed my educational program “The World We Live In”

The program is aimed at developing and improving the positive qualities of a child’s personality. The leading role in the program is given to student self-government .
The purpose of classroom self-government : to teach schoolchildren the art of searching for the meaning of life, the formation of a self-developing , active, independent personality . the “Sunny City” for four years

Class work is organized in four areas:
1. Me, my family, my friends.

2. Me and my native land.

3. Me and my intellect.

4. Me and my health.

Self-government in the classroom is carried out on the basis of collective planning and distribution of tasks between initiative groups. The student body itself determines the main directions of its activities. Self-government in the classroom is based on the following principles:

- voluntariness;

- cooperation;

- alternation of creative activities;

— conscientiousness in carrying out instructions .

The highest body of self-government in the “Sunny City”

is a meeting of residents
“In the Circle of Friends”
The class is divided into creative families on a voluntary basis . In each family, a head is elected for a period of 1 academic year. Each family fulfills the assignment assigned to it by the Class .
Students have the right to move from one family to another. to the Class : the class leader - at a general meeting , the heads of families - at a meeting of families. Leads self-government Wise Energetic Leader - MER class leader )


Within each family, the elected head distributes responsibilities and appoints those responsible for each area: physiologist, florist, orderly, consultant. Consultants help low-performing children by explaining the material they find difficult to complete. Also, the responsibilities of the head of the family include assignment to duty in the school , canteen and classroom . Families have specific days of duty.

All residents of the "Sunny City"

live according to the same laws: the Law of Justice; The Law of Creativity; Law of cleanliness and order; The law of responsibility for one's actions; Law of the world; Law of Publicity; Law of Supreme Wisdom; Law of Equality; The law of respect for oneself and others; Law of Mutual Assistance; Law of conscience.

Our motto: Always shine! Shine everywhere! And help friends in need!

All information about the activities of the class for the current academic year is collected in the folder Class Portfolio "


assignment from the class are responsible for maintaining the portfolio . At the end of the school year " Class "

is presented to the parents of students to summarize the activities
of the class during the school year .

Organization of self-government in primary school

The organization of any activity must achieve certain goals and objectives.

Goals of organizing student self-government in the classroom:

— increasing student activity in class activities;

— realization of the interests of each student;

- involving parents in joint activities.

Objectives of organizing student self-government in the classroom:

— create conditions for the development of everyone’s organizational abilities and develop leadership qualities;

- provide the opportunity for self-realization and self-affirmation of everyone through specific actions;

— create conditions for the development of creativity, initiative, and independence;

— create favorable conditions for joint activities of children and adults (teachers and parents);

- develop tolerance and communication skills.

Primary school students love to carry out various tasks in class. They feel significant, needed, and are waiting for the opportunity to prove themselves. A children's team is a small country in which it is necessary to build life in such a way that everyone feels the need and need of the other.

First grade

Self-government of first-graders begins with their performing the simplest duties of classroom duty officers. The main task of class duty is for students to fulfill uniform requirements, as well as systematic daily cleaning of the classroom and preparing the class for the lesson. All students are on duty in the classroom, usually two people each. Next, reading children can be involved in distributing notebooks, helping the teacher by collecting notebooks for checking, distributing individual didactic material, etc. They do all this on direct instructions from the teacher. It is not recommended to assign any permanent responsibilities to individual students for long periods of time in the first grade, and there is no system for distributing these temporary responsibilities either; everything is done solely at will.

To develop self-government, in addition to duty, it is good to use environmental landings. In the class, assignments are distributed and responsible persons are appointed. The areas are distributed according to stars. After completing the work, the commander evaluates the activities of all the guys. It would be good if a form of work such as competition between stars was used.

From the first years of school, children should get used to sharing their art with others. A concert is a musical celebration that is expected and for which one must carefully prepare for a performance. Participation in the concert is both honorable and responsible.

For some students, collective playing can become the basis of their concert performances. The feeling of comradeship and mutual support reduces the stage excitement of the performers, united by the satisfaction of creative work performed together, common artistic goals, and a common impulse.

Class assignments. material on the topic

Advice for Entertainers

1. Be the leader of the games with your classmates during breaks and after school.

2. Ask your classmates about the games that everyone loves. It will be easier for you to choose familiar ones and select new games.

3. Find out what games your parents and grandparents liked to play. Try to learn some of them with the guys.

4. Keep the classroom toy library in order. If something is broken, fix it with friends or adults.

5. If you want, prepare a game program with the guys on your team and conduct it after school.

Advice for Journalists

1. Observe your classmates carefully. Write down an interesting incident from the life of the class or your thoughts in your notebook. Collect interesting pictures. Use all this to publish a newspaper.

2. Ask your classmates about their hobbies. Interview someone. Report it in a newspaper or in an oral presentation.

3. Be the first to know what interesting things are planned at school in the near future. Inform your classmates about this.

4. If possible, take photographs of your classmates and publish a photo newspaper.

5. Don’t forget to congratulate birthday people and winners of any competitions through a special newspaper.

Health Tips

1. Do exercises with the guys before the first lesson. Choose interesting and safe exercises.

2. Remind the children before the cafeteria to wash their hands thoroughly.

3. Take the sick person to the medical office.

4. Announce to the guys and conduct raids “Clean hands”, “Neat hairstyle”, “Who has books and notebooks in order”, “The cleanest workplace”, etc. Sum up the results and tell the guys.

5. Issue a flyer about a healthy lifestyle.

Tips for Know-It-Alls

1. Check if all the guys are ready for the lesson. Help those who forgot to prepare everything they needed or left something at home.

2. Help the teacher check that all students have written down their homework in their diaries.

3. Organize, if you want, Pochemuchek mail. Collect interesting questions and try to find answers to them. Tell the guys about this or release a “Leaf of Why”.

4. Prepare and conduct a quiz, intellectual competition. Don't forget to warn the guys in advance so they can prepare.

Tips for “Helpers”

1. Help the teacher monitor duty in the classroom, cafeteria, and hallway.

2. Be responsible for discipline and law and order in the classroom.

3. Take care of the cleanliness of the classroom.

4. Take care of indoor plants.

Self-government in the classroom article (grade 2) on the topic


Speech at the regional methodological association of class teachers on February 20, 2013

Off topic: “Self-management in the classroom”

Primary school teacher: Natalia Petrovna Kirillova, class teacher of 2 “A” class, Ph.D. 8- 9160-861-83-46

"Self-Management in the Classroom"

Finding and developing an optimal model of self-government in the classroom is always difficult, especially in elementary school. This may be due to the age-related psychological characteristics of younger schoolchildren, and to the lack of experience of parents in interacting with school. Every time we, teachers, experience difficulties when we again take 1st grade and try, together with our students and their parents, to find the most effective ways to organize and manage the life of the classroom community. And here the questions arise: Which version of the self-government structure is advisable to choose in this class? What is the best way to distribute assignments among this group of students? As a primary school teacher, I think that it is our responsibility to lay the foundations of self-government in primary school, so that in middle and high school children can independently solve many issues that arise in school life. At primary school age, students can develop an active life position; sometimes it is too late to do this in middle and high school. Primary grades are an age level in which game models of self-government are simply irreplaceable. “Serious forms - meetings, sessions and committees - are not suitable for younger children. What they need is a game. Self-government in primary school can exist in the form of a fairy-tale kingdom, or an extraterrestrial civilization, or a journey to a distant country. This should be a game that is interesting to the children themselves and teaches them to be active. If, thanks to game models, children master the basics of self-government already in the elementary grades, then it will be much easier to establish real self-government at school.” The game is not simple entertainment. Play plays a huge role in human life. She can teach, develop and even educate. It is no coincidence that game techniques occupy one of the most worthy places in pedagogy. The game is a fun, interesting activity that is almost never abandoned. Activity is one of the main rules of any game. The game model allows you to teach self-government. But this will only work if such a game is organized correctly. It is necessary not only to write rules and assign roles. You need to competently manage the course of the game: start game processes at the start, then maintain interest in the game and, of course, complete it on time and successfully. And the main thing is to make sure that the guys not only play, but also analyze what is happening in the game. This is what will help them notice and appreciate the first shoots of self-government. The organization of any activity must achieve certain goals and objectives.

Slide 2

The goals of organizing student self-government in the classroom are: - increasing student activity in class activities; — realization of the interests of each student; - involving parents in joint activities.

Slide 3

Objectives of organizing student self-government in the classroom: - create conditions for the development of everyone’s organizational abilities, develop leadership qualities; - provide the opportunity for self-realization and self-affirmation of everyone through specific actions; — create conditions for the development of creativity, initiative, and independence; — create favorable conditions for joint activities of children and adults (teachers and parents); - develop tolerance and communication skills.

Slide 4

Functions of self-government bodies by type of activity: Cognitive - organizes extracurricular activities in subjects; monitors academic performance; is responsible for the condition of diaries, notebooks, textbooks; organizes consultations on subjects; helps in holding subject Olympiads. Labor - responsible for landscaping the classroom; creates a classroom corner and class portfolio; helps in the decoration of holidays, monitors order and cleanliness, and is on duty in the classroom.

Slide 5 Cultural and mass - organizes and conducts collective creative activities, competitions; organizes visits to exhibitions, theaters, museums; organizes and conducts drawing, newspaper, and poster competitions. Sports - organizes sports events, competitions, health days; determines the best athletes. Social - monitors the implementation of creative assignments; monitors attendance at classes, class duty; monitors compliance with the rules of school life. How I want to teach every child to be independent, responsible, have their own opinion and at the same time respect the opinion of another person. To achieve this, I try to bring to the consciousness of children that common success, common joy depend on the personal participation of each in everything that he, his friend and the class as a whole live.

Slide 6 Primary school students love to carry out various tasks in class. They feel significant, needed, and are waiting for the opportunity to prove themselves. A children's team is a small country in which it is necessary to build life in such a way that everyone feels the need and need of the other.

Slide 7-12

For this purpose, I am introducing self-government in the classroom. In the process of self-government, children develop a sense of collectivism and responsibility for each other. Students together think about how to make their classroom more beautiful, how to ensure that all the children are neat and hardworking, how to organize life in the classroom so that it is fun and interesting. With self-government, schoolchildren act as class masters and organizers of their shared life.

Slide 13 In first grade, the simplest form of self-government is first used - this is duty. I explain to the children the duties of classroom monitors, and they are quite varied. The attendants ensure order in the classroom during breaks, monitor the cleanliness of desks and blackboards, prepare the class for labor and drawing lessons, distribute notebooks to schoolchildren, and care for indoor plants.

Slide 14 In the second half of the year we divide the class into microgroups. These can be houses, stars, rays or just groups. We give our team a common name - Sunny Country. And friendly fairy-tale heroes live in this Country.

First, we choose Znayka by voting, i.e. commander

“Then we will split into rays.” — We are discussing what a ray commander should be like. - Good! Fair! Must be able to make friends! Cheerful! Smart! We decide to form 5-8 rays. And the guys named are our ray commanders. Each commander then chooses a friend. And now there are already two people in the ray. Now each new person will be chosen together, in consultation. The rays are formed. Everyone sits down in their micro groups. - Now look at our class. How clean and beautiful it is. What needs to be done to ensure that he always remains like this? - Clean, sweep, dust. We decide that it is more convenient to do this as a whole microgroup. I tell them what assignments might be, and the guys choose what is suitable for our class. Then I propose the names of the assignments on pieces of paper, and the commanders choose. Let me remind you that the instructions will change every week - this means that each microgroup will carry out a new assignment in a week. During lessons, you can also assign tasks to small groups. For example, dramatizing an episode, completing a project, or other creative task. Commanders are selected for the trimester. Everyone tries to carry out the orders of the asset; the asset is respected in the class.

Slide 15

Tasks for further development of the team: - continue to work on uniting the class team, teach students to be independent, teach them to listen patiently and carefully to each other (during breaks, when doing various things). — promote the development of conscious discipline, increasing the level of self-knowledge, self-realization, self-expression. Ways for further development of the team: through the class asset, through the work of the class team. During the trimester, several events are held for which each microgroup prepares. Children show the most interest in sports activities and class hours, which take place in the form of games. Summing up the results at each event is carried out in small groups. At the end of the trimester, a rating is carried out, both individually and for each. microgroup.

Throughout elementary school, my children and I develop traditions of life in the classroom.


The purpose of traditions is to help overcome loneliness and defenselessness of students, to cultivate the ability to be Human.

We have become such traditions: - help and support for those children who often get sick; — congratulations to class students on their birthday; — visiting the children's library, local history museum; — seasonal excursions to the park; - holidays; - writing “warm letters” to each other; - general cleaning of the classroom; — encouraging the best in academics, the best in behavior and the most active students.

Slide 17 I bring to your attention an example of organizing self-government

in 2 "A" class. Depending on the assignment being carried out, names are given to the microgroups: “Friends of Cinderella”, “Friends of Thumbelina”, “Friends of Samodelkin”, “Friends of Chippolino”, “Friends of Buratino”, “Friends of the Cheerful Pencil”, “Friends of Petrushkin”, “Friends of Aibolit”.

The break is short, you need to have time to rest and complete part of the assignment.

Each group has its own tasks:

“Znayka” is responsible for studies, the first assistant teacher in all lessons;

“Friends of Cippolino” - fighters for justice, should be among us and sort out our disputes and quarrels, let them try on us, do not let us fight;

“Friends of Pinocchio” - let them live on our desks or in our briefcases and make sure that we don’t forget to get textbooks, pens...

“Friends of Thumbelina” - let them live on the flowers and take care of them;

“Friends of the Cheerful Pencil” are the first assistants in drawing lessons;

“Friends of Samodelkin” - first assistants in labor lessons;

“Petrushka’s Friends” are the first assistants in music lessons;

“Cinderella’s Friends” - responsible for order in the classroom, for duty;

“Friends of Aibolit” - responsible for maintaining personal hygiene

At the end of each week the results are summed up. When summing up, the quality of the task, the activity of group members and discipline are taken into account. The team that comes out on top at the end of the week on the competition ladder moves up a step and chooses what they will do next week. The last one gets what is left, and they go down one step. This form of work activates the children and introduces an element of competition into their work.

Through joint efforts, a classroom corner was created and the laws of life in the classroom were adopted:

Slide 18 THE LAW OF KINDNESS Kindness is strength. Don't be afraid to be strong. Give good things to people.

Slide 19 LAW OF LOVE Love your parents, friends and everything that surrounds you.

Slide 20 THE LAW OF HARDWORK Labor made a man out of a monkey. Work hard not to go back!

Slide 21 THE LAW OF DISCIPLINE A disciplined person is not afraid of difficulties and obstacles. THE LAW OF RESPECT Respect people, and then people will respect you.

Slide 22 THE LAW OF FRIENDSHIP Events happen in life that are difficult to survive alone. Then a friend comes to the rescue.


Be brave and don't be afraid of obstacles. LAW OF MERCY

There may be someone next to you who needs help. HELP!!!.

Children live a huge part of their lives at school. The joys and sorrows of each student are experienced together. The result of their further progress in life depends on how children live every day of their lives, what emotional impressions they have from each day they live. I hope that our joint activities have helped my children develop their own “I”, which is manifested in their attitude towards themselves, their comrades, life, and nature.

And most importantly, every child has a sense of self-esteem. And in conclusion, I would like to say that school is a small model of society. The behavior of a child in a school community is the behavior of an adult in society. If a child is proactive and independent in school life, then I think such a child will be an initiative and independent member of society in adulthood.

One of the main problems at the moment is that neither adults nor children are taught how to establish not formal, but real student self-government at school.

Slide 24-25 Sources: /505401/

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