Pedagogical council on the topic: “Family and school: interaction, mutual understanding”

Title: "- presentations. Authors: Maksimov A.A., Sablina V.P. Year: 2012 Slides: 17 and 14 Scope: parent meeting, teachers. advice. Format: presentations in ppt format, (rar archive). Size: 3.14 MB Quality: good

Can school and family become full-fledged partners in the upbringing and education of children?

Family is a certain moral and psychological climate, it is a “school” of relationships with people.

It is in the family that the child receives the basics of knowledge about the world around him, and subsequently the culture itself.

In the family, the child is included in all vital activities - intellectual, cognitive, labor, social, play, creative and others. A family is a work collective, a moral support, the highest human attachments (love, friendship), a space for relaxation, a school of kindness, and a diverse system of relationships with parents, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends.

Principles of family education:

  • children should grow up and be brought up in an atmosphere of love and happiness;
  • parents must understand and accept their child for who he is, and contribute to the development of the best in him;
  • educational influences should be built taking into account age and individual characteristics;
  • the unity of respect for the individual and high demands on it should be included in the family education system;
  • the personality of the parents themselves is an ideal role model for children;
  • education should be based on the positive in a growing person;
  • all activities organized in the family with the aim of developing the child should be based on play;
  • optimism and major key are the basis of the style and tone of communication with children in the family.

As you know, parents are the main educators of the child. If, of course, these are real, caring parents. Unfortunately, many of them do not fully meet these requirements. This is why close cooperation between school and parents is necessary.

Directions and forms of work with parents

1. Student Family Study

- psychological and pedagogical diagnostics: - observation, conversation, testing, questioning, - children's creative materials - interactive games 2.
Psychological and pedagogical education of parents
- parent meetings, conferences, trainings, individual and thematic consultations, conversations 3.
Involving parents in educational activities educational process
Participation of parents in the management of the educational process

Rules for working with parents

  • the parents of each child must be shown sincere respect;
  • with the student’s parents it should not be to his detriment, but to his benefit;
  • the study of students' families should be tactful and objective;
  • The study of students' families should involve further education of parents and corrective work.

The main tasks of the teacher

1. Active involvement of parents in all areas of class and school activities based on the regulatory documents of the Governing Council. 2. Organization of parental education on a parity basis: teachers - parents, parents - parents. 3. Educational activities aimed at developing a healthy lifestyle. 4. Improving forms of interaction between school and family. 5. Pedagogical support for the family (studying, consulting, providing assistance in matters of upbringing, education, etc.).

The school can help parents in solving many issues in raising children, but it can never compete with the family.

It is the family that is the most powerful means in shaping a child’s personality.

Life and science have proven that all the troubles in children, and then in adults, are explained by the mistakes of family upbringing, the main one of which is the lack of love and the inability to praise your children and support them.

The most important thing for a child is to be loved for who he is.

For successful interaction between family and school, you need to remember and follow the following rules:

Love it! Respect! Help! Explain! Teach! Trust! Ask! Thank you!

Screenshot of the presentation “Interaction between school and family”:

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The presentation was prepared by a primary school teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3 in Syktyvkar Irina Aleksandrovna Komissarova

It educates everything: people, things, phenomena, but first of all and for the longest time – people. Of these, parents and teachers come first. A. S. Makarenko

Interaction between school and family

The interaction between school and family is determined by the following circumstances: A single object (subject) of education; General goals and objectives of raising children; The ability to comprehensively study children and coordinate influences on their development; The need for coordination between the actions of teachers and parents; The possibility of combining the efforts of school and family in solving the child’s problems; The opportunity for mutual enrichment of families, classroom and school teams, and each participant in the interaction.

Goal: to ensure the formation of collaborative relationships between all participants in the pedagogical process, creating favorable conditions for training, education and social development of the individual. Providing quality education; formation of morality and culture of behavior among students; formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle. Cooperation between teachers and families is aimed at solving the following common problems of raising children:

Particular tasks: With children: Developing a respectful, caring attitude towards parents; Formation of responsibility for one’s actions to the family; Fostering a sense of pride in the family, the desire to maintain and develop the best family traditions.

Tasks in working with parents: developing in parents the correct ideas about their role in raising a child, the need to participate in planning and participation in the educational process of the school and class; formation of the subjective position of parents in the work of the school and class, when carrying out various forms of work with families and children; formation of psychological and pedagogical culture of parents; developing relationships of respect and trust between parents and children.

Tasks in working with teachers: developing an understanding of the importance of cooperation with the family, the role of teachers in the formation of humane, respectful relationships between parents and children; developing in teachers the need and ability to solve the problems of each child on the basis of a joint, interested dialogue with parents; teachers’ mastery of ways to study the family, dialogue and collaborative forms of interaction with parents, forms of organizing joint activities of parents and children.

Collective Classification of forms of work with parents Individual

Collective forms Parent conferences Open day Class parent meetings School-wide parent meetings Pedagogical lecture hall Pedagogical universal education

Individual forms Consultation days for parents at school Conversations with parents at school Visits to students’ families at home

Groups of forms of work with parents State-public

Boards of trustees City and district councils of parents Councils of fathers and mothers School councils State and public forms

State-public Groups of forms of work with parents Educational

Educational forms Using the media to highlight the problems of raising and educating children Organization of parental education Publication of information sheets, stands and corners for parents

Groups of forms of work with parents State-public Educational Interactive

Interactive forms Question and answer evenings Questionnaires Diagnostics Discussions Consultations with specialists

Groups of forms of work with parents Interactive Educational State-public Traditional

Traditional forms Thematic classes Parent meetings Recreation evenings Family, sports and intellectual competitions Creative competitions

Types of parent meetings: orientation (introduction to changes in the educational process); analytical (familiarity with analytical materials about academic performance, medical examination, offenses); advisory (discussion of certain activities that require support and parental approval); emergency (due to any emergency); joint (with students and parents); informational and educational (dedicated to the consideration of problems related to education and training).

Meeting in writing

Forms of parent meetings: Meeting - conversation. Meeting – discussion. Round table. Meeting – conference. Meeting - seminar. The meeting is a training session. The meeting is an organizational and activity game. Pedagogical workshop. The meeting is a competition. Meeting - presentation. Oral journal. Evening of questions and answers. Parent ring. Intellectual marathon. Talk show. Living room. Homework meeting. Meeting at home. Meeting in writing. Combined form of meeting.

Technology for preparing and holding parent meetings Regulations on class parent meetings: general regulations on class parent meetings; rules for holding meetings; principles of holding meetings. Guidelines for holding parent meetings: time and duration of meetings; survey; classroom decoration; invitation form; ways to encourage parents to talk; forms of holding the meeting; rules for composing a speech by the class teacher; structure of the parent meeting.

Advice from a psychologist: how a teacher can organize a conversation with parents; preparation of the meeting; rules of conduct for the class teacher at the meeting; some secrets to a successful parent meeting; the need for parent meetings; Note to the teacher; approximate topics for parent meetings.

Joint planning of parents and teachers Joint planning technology presupposes compliance with several conditions: trusting and respectful relationships must develop between parents, teachers, administration and the central educational center; it is necessary to develop the goals of education, the role and place of everyone in the educational process; conduct a diagnosis of interests, passions, family values, capabilities and wishes of parents; proposals from parents and teachers should be resource-based in nature, that is, they should precisely determine who, what, how and when will do it and what is needed for this.

Procedure for joint planning: Setting goals and objectives, familiarization with the various forms and content of joint activities; reflection and comprehension of proposals by parents outside the meeting; discussion at the parent committee; making decisions at class meetings; appointment of responsible persons and their assistants; taking advantage of school afternoons and social opportunities; involving children in the joint planning procedure; reflection of the event.

Survey results: teacher – student – ​​parent. Questions Yes Parents had the opportunity to participate in the planning and implementation of events. 100% The class teacher shows a friendly attitude towards our child 100% We experience feelings of mutual understanding in contacts with the class teacher 97% There is a good class teacher in the class where our child is studying 100% The class teacher creates conditions for the manifestation and development of our child’s abilities 99% Cool the teacher takes into account the individual characteristics of our child 100% The class teacher carries out activities that are useful and interesting for our child 100% The class teacher works to visit clubs and sections with our children 100% The class teacher works to develop decent behavior for our child 98% The teacher fairly evaluates academic achievements of our child. 98%

Completeness and perfection in pedagogical work “... are unattainable, but development and improvement are endless...” L. N. Tolstoy

Thank you for your attention!

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“Family and school are the shore and the sea. On the shore, the child takes his first steps, and then an immense sea of ​​knowledge opens up before him, and the school charts a course in this sea... But this does not mean that he should completely tear himself away from the shore...” L. Kassil.

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The idea of ​​cooperation is one of the most popular in modern pedagogy. Family and school are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future. The issue of cooperation between family and school is now especially relevant, since the system of family education is undergoing significant changes and today we have to note that the destruction of the family in the traditional sense aggravates the problems of family education for a number of reasons. Consequently, in difficult modern conditions, families require systematic and qualified assistance from school teachers. Whatever side of development we take, it will always turn out that the family plays a decisive role in its effectiveness at one stage or another.

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Every teacher in his work sooner or later “stumbles upon” such an independent factor in the development of a child, independent of the school, as his family. Moreover, its influence on the child is so strong that it can nullify any pedagogical efforts. On the one hand, the school, as a social institution, is afraid of interference in the private life of its students, often having the most superficial and distorted idea about it. On the other hand, the teacher understands that without agreement with the family, school pedagogical influences lose all power.

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Justification of the problem

It is impossible to return lost values ​​to school without a family, without the people themselves. Yu.P. Azarov

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The main idea of ​​the project

To transform the school’s interest in the educational process into a family interest, to unite not only the children’s group into a team of like-minded people, but also to make their parents allies.

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Objective of the project

Create a system of cooperation between family and school in order to create favorable conditions for the formation of the student’s personality.

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Sow an action and you will reap a habit, sow a habit and you will reap a character, sow a character and you will reap a destiny. W. Thackeray

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Project objectives

To equip parents with pedagogical knowledge and skills to educate the child’s personality. Provide assistance in building a reasonable relationship with your child. To form a unified view of the school and family on the goals, content and methods of educating junior schoolchildren. Create an atmosphere of kindness, mutual understanding, and trust in the team of children and parents. Involve parents and students in various forms of extracurricular activities in the education of primary schoolchildren.

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Object of study: the process of cooperation between family and school in the upbringing and education of children. Subject of research: a set of methods, forms and means necessary for successful cooperation.

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Research methods

theoretical: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and scientific-methodological literature on the problem; experimental: observation; questionnaires, testing; formative experiment; methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of experimental data: processing, interpretation of results.

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Expected results

Having studied the characteristics of the family, setting specific tasks in working with each family (taking into account age, education, cultural level and views on education), choosing adequate forms and methods of working with families. Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents. Creation of a community in the structure of “family – class – school”. Establishing active interaction between the teacher, children and parents, effective communication and mutual understanding. Organization of effective interaction between teachers and parents of students in developing the child’s personality.

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Project implementation stages

Information and preparatory stage Getting to know students’ families, their problems in raising a child (selection of effective methods and techniques for diagnosing families; planning work with families). Organizational stage Elections of the parent committee. Formation of a database based on the results of questionnaires and parent surveys. Creating conditions for the implementation of plans for working with parents. Formation of an attitude towards cooperation between school and family.

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Practical stage Work on developing in parents special knowledge in child psychology and pedagogy (consultation system; parent-teacher meetings). Joint activities according to the scheme: teacher-child-parent (holidays and entertainment; excursions and hikes; participation in competitions and exhibitions; cleanup days). Generalization stage Questioning of parents and children. Analysis of work efficiency with its subsequent adjustment.

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Methods for studying families

Observation. Connected observation (connection of parents, class activists) Individual conversations. Testing. Questioning. Diagnostics. Business games. Analysis of children's stories and drawings.

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Areas of interaction between family and school

Goal: establishing trusting relationships between children, parents and teachers, uniting them into one team, nurturing the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together. 1. Study of the conditions of family education. 2. Informing parents about the content of the educational process. 3. Psychological and pedagogical education of parents. 4. Interaction with the parent committee. 5. Organization of collective activities. 6. Individual work with students and their parents. 7. Informing parents about the progress and results of raising and educating children.

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Pedagogical technologies cooperation pedagogy game technologies student-centered approach ICT problem-based approach

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Pedagogical education of parents

The main method of raising children is the personal example of parents. Visual pedagogical propaganda Information stand Thematic exhibitions Memos for parents Creation of a family reading library Parent meetings Meeting at the parent club “Hello!”

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Round table dedicated to the difficulties of the adaptation period “Meeting of an adult and a child” Dialogue meeting “About time, children and yourself...” Collection of recipes “How to help a child fall in love with reading” Laboratory of unresolved problems “Raising children is not counting chickens” 3. School for parents Thematic consultations Individual consultations Lectures Open demonstrations of lessons and educational activities

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Joint activities of children, parents, teachers

Task: developing an attitude towards cooperation, creating conditions for this cooperation Organizing and conducting excursions Publishing wall newspapers Reviews and competitions (crafts, drawings) Work on making costumes for the holidays

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5. Children's parties, theatrical performances, competitions, quizzes, exhibitions Matinee “We are now not just children, we are now students” Theatrical performance “Visiting Autumn” New Year’s performance “Hello New Year!” Educational quiz “Adventures in the Land of Road Signs” Health Day “Mom, Dad, I – a sports family” Holiday “Farewell to the ABC” Holiday for the whole family “Weather in our house”

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Generalization stage

Goal: assessing the effectiveness of the forms, methods and content of work with families on the formation of the child’s personality. Objectives: Conducting a diagnostic study of the state of adaptation of children and the relationship between parents and children; Analysis and generalization of the results obtained at a meeting of primary school teachers and parent meetings. Determining further prospects for the formation of the child’s personality.

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Psychological and pedagogical analysis of the features of adaptation of first-graders to school

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In the elementary grades, the connection between the school and the family (parents) is carried out by the teacher. The joint work of the teacher-educator and parents begins in the first year of children's education at school. For a child who has crossed the threshold of school for the first time, the partnership between teacher and parents is one of the most important conditions for his holistic development, because the student’s personality cannot be formed only at school and only in the family. He is brought up both at school and in the family. Creative communication with families is the main thing that helps a teacher successfully influence the development of the personality of each child and forms a value-based attitude towards the family.

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Democritus said: “Good people are made more by exercise than by nature.” Such an exercise that promotes the development and formation of a child’s personality is the use of active forms of interaction between family and school. It has been proven by time, I am deeply convinced of this, that education will be successful if the education of the family is ahead of the education of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to create a system of educational work in the classroom that would allow every family, every parent and every child to develop.

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Information sources

Arnautova E.P. Teacher and family. M.: Publishing house "Karapuz", 2002. Wenger A. L., Tsukerman G. A. Psychological examination of junior schoolchildren. M.: Vlados-Press, 2001. Maksimochkina V.N. Parent meetings. Volgograd: 2008. Smolko E. Educating together. // Family and school. – 1985, No. 9. Solovyova T. A., Rogaleva E. I. First-grader: adaptation to the new social environment. M.:VAKO, 2008 Stepanov E.N. Kaleidoscope of parent meetings. M.: T.Ts. Sphere, 2004 Sukhomlinsky V. A. The wisdom of parental love. – Moscow, 1990. Sukhomlinsky V.A. Parental pedagogy. Favorite op. in 3 volumes. M., 1981, volume 3 Internet resources: https://

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Teachers' council on the topic of working with parents material

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 8 combined type"

city ​​of Pikalevo

Topic of the teachers' council: “Innovative forms and methods of working with parents in preschool educational institutions”

Event plan:

  1. Opening remarks (relevance of the problem).
  2. Results of thematic control on the topic: “Organization of work with parents in preschool educational institutions” (Kuleshova T.A.)
  3. Presentation on the topic: “Innovative forms and methods of working with parents in preschool educational institutions.” (Borisova T.A.)
  4. Results of a survey of parents on the topic: “Interaction between kindergarten and family” (Lvova G.R.)
  5. Business game. (Kopusova I.I., Alekseeva T.)
  6. Pedagogical training “Assessing the level of communication between teachers and parents.” (Eroshenkova O.F.)
  7. Memo for educators: “Rules of interaction with the family” (Gusarova M.V.)
  8. Psychological exercise. (Nikolaeva T.A.)
  9. Formulation and adoption of decisions of the teachers' council.

Progress of the teachers' council

  1. introduction

Dear Colleagues! Our teachers' council is dedicated to solving one of the problems of a preschool institution, providing favorable conditions for improving the pedagogical culture of parents, through the use of various forms of interaction. The world is constantly becoming more informationally complex. Today it is no longer enough to get an education and work in your specialty. To maintain a level of competence, you need to learn something all the time, engage in self-education throughout your life. Continuing education is becoming a necessity. A modern family increasingly needs a variety of knowledge: medical, pedagogical, psychological, legal: The activities of the teaching staff of a kindergarten cannot remain aloof from the changing situation in society. Working with families should take into account modern approaches to this problem.

Currently, communication between a teacher and parents is based on the principles of trust, dialogue, partnership, taking into account the interests of parents and their experience in raising children. Teachers of the past - K. D. Ushinsky, E. N. Vodovozova, L. N. Tolstoy and others - spoke about the need for parents to acquire pedagogical knowledge, about the importance and purposefulness of family education, about the need to combine knowledge and experience. Teachers of preschool institutions are called upon to help modern parents with this, despite the fact that information on raising a child can now be obtained in different ways. These include periodicals, the Internet, and numerous popular literature for parents. But only the teacher communicates daily with children and parents, sees the problems, difficulties, as well as the positive experiences of each family. It provides assistance to parents in various forms. However, teachers are not always ready for this activity for a number of reasons. And our work today, I hope, will provide you with practical assistance in establishing contact with the parents of students, identifying difficulties and existing positive experiences.

  1. Based on the results of the thematic control in the preschool educational institution on the topic: “Assessment of the organization of work with parents in the preschool educational institution,” Tatyana Aleftinovna will speak.
  1. Presentation on the topic: “Innovative forms and methods of working with parents in preschool educational institutions.”

We ask Tatyana Aleksandrovna Borisova to make a presentation on this topic for the teachers’ council.

  1. Questioning.

We all know that the main areas of interaction with family are:

  • Studying the needs of parents for educational services.
  • Educating parents in order to improve their legal and pedagogical culture.

Based on these directions, work is carried out to interact with the families of preschool children.

To determine the prospects for the development of the institution, the content of work and forms of organization, a survey of parents was conducted on the topic: “Interaction between kindergarten and family.” Gulnara Rafailovna Lvova will tell us about the results of the survey.

During the analysis of the parents' questionnaire, the following was revealed:

  1. Business game with teachers of a preschool educational institution “Innovative forms of working with parents”

Purpose of the game: to develop the ability to take a differentiated approach to organizing work with parents; optimal ways to resolve conflicts; searching for new ways of behavior in contacts with parents, gaining experience in joint work of the teaching staff.

To conduct the game, teachers are divided into 2 teams (draw)

1 part. Warm up.

Questions are distributed to both teams, answers are taken in turn.

1 Who plays the leading role in raising a preschool child?

2 What are the legislative documents that indicate the priority role of the family in raising a child?

3 What is the teacher’s competence in communicating with parents?

4 In what areas of knowledge should a teacher be competent to fully communicate with parents?

5 What are the conditions under which a teacher’s competence may decrease?

1 What are the conditions for overcoming loss of competence?

2 List the forms of work with parents.

3 Questionnaire. What it is? Name the positive and negative aspects.

4 In your opinion, what would parents like to get from kindergarten?

5 “If you see a face without a smile, smile yourself.” Comment on this phrase.

Part 2.

Solving pedagogical situations.

Each team needs to lose this situation and find a way out of the current situation.

1. Evening. Parents came for Vlad and Masha. The children began to clean up their toys. Vlad’s mother stands, looks and rejoices, and Masha’s mother shouts: “Get dressed quickly, I don’t have time!” “Mom, but you have to clean up after yourself,” says Masha. “You will clean the house, but now I’m in a hurry!” How to interact with parents in this situation. Your actions.

2 The teacher invited parents to take part in the competition by posting information about this in the group stand. 1 person took part in the competition. The teacher is unhappy. How can you explain what happened? What to do next?

1 Maria Petrovna, Dima’s grandmother from the younger group, brought a child who was clearly unwell (runny nose, cough, lethargy). Teacher's actions?

2 “We have paint in stock, we need to paint the fence,” the head suggested to the teachers. How will you ask your parents for help? And if they refuse, what will your actions be?

Part 3

Exercise. “Talent of a teacher!” Given the beginning of the poem, come up with an ending. (5 minutes to complete the task).

“I love my job

And I find happiness in it!



For a teacher in working with families and in pedagogical education of parents, it is important to build a system in which both parties to interaction (kindergarten and family) become equal, equal and autonomous partners in ensuring the comprehensive development of the child. And this is quite difficult, since the teacher plays two roles: as an “official” and as a confidential interlocutor with whom you can share without fear of condemnation. But you are teachers! Competent, tactful, erudite, talented, sociable. Let us remember the Japanese proverb: “A bad owner grows weeds, a good owner grows rice, a smart one cultivates the soil, a far-sighted one raises a worker.” Let's raise a worthy generation. Good luck to you!

  1. Pedagogical training “Assessing the level of communication between teachers and parents.”

Goal: development of a non-judgmental perception of a communication partner.


Teachers are asked a few simple questions. You need to answer quickly, clearly “yes”, “no”, “sometimes”.

  1. You will have an ordinary conversation with one of the parents. Does her anticipation unsettle you?
  2. Does the assignment to give a report or information to your parents cause you confusion and displeasure?
  3. Do you put off an unpleasant conversation about a difficult child with his parents until the last moment?
  4. Do you think that you should not personally talk with parents about the peculiarities of upbringing in the family, but rather conduct a questionnaire or a written survey?
  5. You are asked to prepare a general parent meeting for parents of a preschool institution. Will you make every effort to avoid this assignment?
  6. Do you like to share your experiences of communicating with parents with colleagues and management?
  7. Are you convinced that communicating with parents is much more difficult than communicating with children?
  8. Do you get annoyed if one of your students' parents constantly asks you questions?
  9. Do you believe that there is a problem of “educators and parents” and that they speak “different languages”?
  10. Are you embarrassed to remind your parents of a promise they forgot to keep?
  11. Do you feel annoyed when one of your parents asks you to help sort out this or that complex educational issue?
  12. Having heard the expression of a clearly erroneous point of view on the issue of education, would you prefer to remain silent and not enter into an argument?
  13. Are you afraid to participate in the analysis of conflict situations between teachers and parents?
  14. Do you have your own, purely individual criteria for assessing family upbringing and do you not accept other opinions on this matter?
  15. Do you think that it is necessary to educate parents, and not just children?
  16. Is it easier for you to prepare written information for parents than to conduct an oral consultation?

Answer rating: “yes” - 2 points, “sometimes” - 1 point, “no” - 0 points. The points received are summed up and it is determined which category the subject belongs to. 30-32 points. It is clearly difficult for you to communicate with your parents. Most likely, you are not good at communicating at all. This is your problem, since you yourself suffer more from this. But it’s not easy for the people around you either. It is difficult to rely on you in a matter that requires collective efforts. You try to keep contacts with your parents to a minimum. They are mostly formal. You try to shift the reasons for difficulties in communication to your parents. You are convinced that most parents are always dissatisfied, picky people, looking for only shortcomings in your work, and not wanting to listen to your opinion. Your inability to build communication with your parents leads to the fact that they also tend to avoid communicating with you. Try to become more sociable, control yourself.

25-29 points. You are closed and taciturn. A new job and the need for new contacts keep you out of balance for a long time. Communication with parents of students is difficult and not very pleasant for you. You know this feature of your character and are dissatisfied with yourself. However, for unsuccessful contacts with your parents, try to blame them more than your own communication skills. You have the power to change the characteristics of your character. Remember, participation in a common interesting activity allows you to easily find a common language with your parents!

19-24 points. You are to a certain extent sociable and feel quite confident in unfamiliar surroundings. You manage to establish contacts quite easily with the majority of parents in your group, but you do not strive to actively communicate with “difficult” parents. In an unfamiliar situation, you choose the “keeping an eye” tactic. The difficulties of communicating with your parents do not frighten you, but sometimes you are overly critical of them. These shortcomings can be corrected.

14-18 points. Your communication skills are normal. You are convinced that you can always find a “common language” with any parent. You willingly listen to your parents, are patient enough in communicating with them, and know how to defend your point of view without imposing it on others. Both individual and collective communication with parents does not cause you any unpleasant experiences. Parents also strive to maintain contact with you and seek your advice and support. At the same time, you do not like verbosity, excessive emotionality, and strive to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

9-13 points. You can be quite sociable. Constantly strive to engage in conversation with your parents, but often these conversations are meaningless. You love to be the center of attention and do not refuse anyone’s requests, although you cannot always fulfill them. Strive to express your own opinion to parents about how they are raising their children, and in any situation, give advice on what may irritate them. You are quick-tempered, but quick-witted. You lack patience and courage when faced with serious problems. If desired, however, you can build meaningful communication.

4-8 points. You are overly sociable. Strive to become a “friend” to every parent, to be aware of all their problems. Love to take part in all disputes and discussions. You always willingly take on any task, although you cannot always successfully complete it. You have your own opinion on any issue and always strive to express it. Perhaps for this reason, parents and colleagues treat you with caution and doubt. You should think about these facts.

3 points or less. Your sociability is painful. You are verbose and interfere in matters that have nothing to do with you. You undertake to judge problems in which you are completely incompetent. Willingly or unwittingly, you are often the cause of all sorts of conflicts, including among parents. When communicating with parents, you can be rude and familiar. You are characterized by bias and touchiness. You strive to bring any problem to public discussion. Serious communication with your parents is not for you. It’s difficult for those around you to deal with you. Try to think about why, despite all your efforts to establish communication with your parents, nothing comes of it? Cultivate patience and restraint, treat people with respect.

So, connections between family and kindergarten are built on trust. And mutual trust arises as a result of effective information exchange. If educators want to encourage successful parent involvement, they need to establish personalized, ongoing, flexible, and positive communication with parents. To do this, educators must find ways to document and communicate children's daily progress in a way that changes parents' perceptions of their own role and their views on the experiences their children have in preschool. The attention of teachers is offered to the “Algorithm for interaction with the family” (S. V. Glebova “Kindergarten - family: aspects of interaction”).

  1. It is offered to teachers as a reminder.

Reminders for educators on interaction with parents.

1. Communication with parents

2. Working with parents

3. Organizing a conversation with parents

Communication with parents

Dialogue between a teacher and parents is personal, equal communication,

it is a shared experience.

Dialogical communication is the most optimal style of communication with

parents. Conditions for such communication:

a) non-judgmental positive acceptance of another person;

b) active empathic (compassionate) listening to another, expression

your understanding of another person in speech or action;

c) sincere expression of one’s true feelings in communication;

d) orientation in the content of communication to the needs of the family, requests


The teacher should not be afraid of his feelings and be able to express them without

humiliation and insult of another, talking about oneself, about one’s experiences, i.e. in

form of "I - statements".

Each side of the teacher’s communication with the family is responsible for

own choice of actions, modes of behavior, for culture

self-expression of one’s thoughts, feelings, one’s own expectations from

the opposite side.

The teacher must take an adequate position in communication with parents in

counterbalance to the position of the “offended (angry) child”;

Need to become more open and frank in accepting

other people's opinions (tolerant), free from the framework of “norms and prohibitions”, not

be afraid of not being heard by parents (“Why do they need this, these are our

problems”, “They won’t understand”, etc.), believe more in the power of words, in the power

contact, becoming more and more charming in communication.

Working with parents

1. Remember that you are only a parent's assistant, and not a person replacing them.

2. Parents bear full responsibility for the development, learning and

maintaining the health of your child. Your task is to help them with this, but not

shoulder the entire burden of responsibility.

3. You don't have to love all the children in your group. Love is a prerogative

parents. You must understand children, accept them as they are, and

help them overcome problems of psychophysical development.

4. Everyone values ​​only what he managed to do himself. Hence,

the more opportunities you provide parents with

self-realization, the higher they will evaluate work efficiency

kindergarten in general and yours in particular.

5. To hold a parent meeting, choose the most favorable day and time and try to ensure that neither you nor

the parents of your pupils did not have any important plans

affairs, interesting TV shows, etc.

6. Identify the one most important issue affecting students

your group, and build a conversation with your parents based on its discussion.

7. Pay special attention to the placement of parents in the group. For example,

you can arrange tables and chairs in a circle so that all participants

The parents' meeting saw and heard each other well.

8. Prepare business cards with parents' names, especially if

they don't know each other well enough yet.

9. Together with your parents, come up with rules for meeting participants.

For example: it is necessary to remove outer clothing; silence is not allowed

when discussing a problem; rejecting a proposal (opinion), it is necessary

make a counter contribution; call each other by first name and patronymic or only by

name, etc.

10. Protect the time of people invited to the meeting. To this end

establish regulations and strictly monitor their compliance.

11. Use games and group forms of organization during meetings.

parent interactions.

12. You can make communication at a meeting relaxed and frank.

help a cup of tea.

13. When discussing problematic issues, rely on life and

pedagogical experience of the most authoritative parents, in the opinion of members

parent committee and the council of the preschool institution.

14. Strive for specific decisions to be taken at the meeting


15. Take full advantage of contests and competitions when

wording of homework. This will create an atmosphere

parents' interest and involvement in their child's education.

16. When talking with parents about the strengths or weaknesses of their child, about

the results of his performance of certain tasks, resort to examples,

described in the literature. Don't compare a particular child to others

children of your group. Remember that the measure of health and development

each child is strictly individual: what is good and normal for one,

is not always appropriate and useful for another. After all, a teacher, like a doctor,

should be guided by the motto “Do no harm!”

Organizing a conversation with parents

1. Responsibility for the success or failure of the meeting lies with the teacher.

2. The meeting must be organized in such a way that there are no interruptions.

3. Mutual understanding will improve faster if the teacher does not sit behind

table For, sitting at the table, he puts himself in the position of superiors, and not


4. A calm, friendly introductory speech from the teacher is important.

5. You need to ask the parent to speak out and listen carefully.

6. You need to find out what the parent thinks about his child and how he

perceives it. The teacher will not be able to understand the child’s behavior before

How will he understand his parent’s attitude towards him?

7. If a parent proposes his own plan of action, you need to accept it and

do everything possible to implement it. It's better than imposing

teacher's opinion to the parent

8. Don't argue with your parents. Arguing can cause resentment and alienation.

9. Let any decision be the result of mutual reflection and

on the part of the parents will be a guide to action.

10. Try to feel the “sick strings” of your parents and not

touch them.

11. Accept everything your parents say without expressing surprise.

or disapproval.

  1. Psychological exercise

Interactions between parents and kindergarten rarely occur immediately. This is a long process, long and painstaking work that requires patient, steady pursuit of the goal. After all, we have one goal - to educate future creators of life. What a person is like, so is the world he creates around himself. Favorable conflict resolution also depends on a favorable psychological climate, which, in turn, determines the quality of education and upbringing of children and interaction with parents.

Psychological exercise

The exercise is aimed at mastering relaxation and concentration techniques that contribute to increasing the teacher’s energy potential and successful interaction in working with parents.

  1. Standing, bring your shoulder blades together, smile and wink with your left eye, then repeat with your right eye: “I’m very proud of myself, I’m good for a lot.”
  2. Place your left palm on your forehead, then repeat your right: “I solve any problems, love and luck are always with me.”
  3. Rubbing your palm against your palm, repeat: “I attract luck, I become richer every day.”
  4. Standing on tiptoe, clasping your hands above your head in a ring, repeat: “I am warmed by a ray of sunshine, I deserve the best.”
  5. Hands to the sides, clench your fists, making rotations with your hands: “There is no obstacle in my way, everything will turn out as it should.”
  6. Hands on your belt, tilting left and right, repeat: “Always take care of peace and a smile, and everyone will help me, and I will help.”
  7. Hands on the belt, tilt back and forth, repeat: “Any situation is under my control, the world is beautiful - and I am beautiful.”
  8. Bouncing on your right leg, then on your left leg, repeat: “I am cheerful and energetic, and things are going great.”
  9. Clasping your hands, taking a deep breath: “The universe is smiling at me, and everything works out for me.”

9. "Auction of ideas." Formulation and adoption of decisions by the teachers' council.

Draft decision of the teachers' council.

  1. Use innovative forms and methods when working with parents to educate parents in order to improve their legal and pedagogical culture.
  2. Promote the active participation of parents in the life of preschool educational institutions.
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