Constructive creativity in kindergarten; methodological development on design, manual labor on the topic

Theoretical aspects of teaching design in kindergarten

A fashionable trend of our time is the orientation of children from an early age towards a future promising profession, towards the early development of useful applied skills. Clubs for young programmers and robotics clubs for all ages are becoming increasingly popular. Both children and adults are increasingly engaged in amateur crafts and craft hobbies, various arts and crafts activities, in which there is also a large element of design.

Robotics is the most promising and popular type of design today

Construction itself can become one of the elements of preschool training that is very popular in society, and educators who are able to creatively organize such activities will easily find application not only within the kindergarten, but also in other organizations.


Traditionally, the organization of any type of lesson begins with setting certain goals, the achievement of which will indicate the success and effectiveness of the activities. During the design process, the following goals are pursued:

  • educational (new words and concepts are mastered, such as the names of constructed and modeled objects, geometric figures, technical terms, names of materials and tools, work techniques, etc.);
  • developmental (develops fine motor skills, attention and concentration, logical and spatial thinking, individual and collective work skills, analytical and creative abilities);
  • educational (the desire to work and complete what is started is fostered, interest in collective and individual creativity, curiosity and accuracy).

An important feature of the design is its close connection with the game. Children do not design in order to put the finished product on a shelf and then admire it or simply forget about it. They build to play, and they begin to play during the building process itself. This game should be controlled by the teacher. It is necessary to competently use the course of the game, set your own scenario for the development of role-playing moments and, depending on the game, select the appropriate types, forms and design techniques.

Construction for a child is a game during which he learns the shape, color and other characteristics of objects

Types of design in preschool educational institutions

Depending on the age and composition of the group (the predominance of girls or boys in the children's group), the characteristics of its interests (for example, when the profession of parents arouses obvious curiosity in children) and simply for a bright variety, you can choose different types of construction for conducting classes. For example, the following choice is possible:

  • Artistic design. The main feature is the creation of artistic products, including abstract images and ornaments. Children express their attitude towards them, convey their character, often violating proportions, as well as experimenting with color, texture, and shape. Various materials can be used for work, for example, paper and natural materials. Applied techniques of drawing and creating art installations, appliqués, three-dimensional bas-reliefs, etc. allow us to produce products of varying complexity and content.
  • Technical design. It is typical to model real technical objects, buildings, machines and equipment, or to create structures by analogy with images from fairy tales and films. The work can use building materials and standard structures (often factory-made), for example, wooden cubes or Lego, as well as all similar materials.

Video: paper art design

Design forms

  • Design based on a sample. An imitative model is used when children repeat all stages of construction after the teacher. First, the teacher demonstrates at a slow pace and with detailed explanations the entire sequence of work, from the manufacture of structural parts to the final finished sample. Then the children begin to work, constructing independently and with corrections from the teacher.
  • Design by model is a more complex type of design. Usually this type is used after design according to the sample. Children are shown the finished product, but not the manufacturing method itself. Tools, materials and the creative challenge of making something similar yourself are offered. For example, you can invite students to make a model of a paper car on their own.
  • Design according to conditions. In this form of work, certain characteristics of the object are described to children, but a visual model is not given. For example, preschoolers built a house from a building set, and the teacher now suggests building a garage next to this house. The conditions are set: a driveway, a large gate, an area for placing a toy car. Children can decide for themselves what the object will look like, but they must fulfill the building requirements set by the teacher.
  • Design based on drawings and visual diagrams. In this case, the object is constructed according to a schematic drawing with oral explanations from the teacher. This form teaches children to understand that a flat schematic image contains a reflection of a three-dimensional object, teaches them to read diagrams and understand the relationships between diagrams and objects (scale, proportions, etc.). In the process of work, difficulties may most likely arise related to spatial orientation and the complexity of this form of design, so you should start with simple diagrams, pre-prepared simple templates, simultaneously explaining to children new geometric concepts and relationships.
  • Design by design. This form requires an understanding of abstract concepts, properties and functional purpose of objects. At the stage of working with this form of construction, children move to the level of independent modeling of objects. They are faced with the task: not to repeat the shown object, but to conceive a different one and realize their plan. For example, you can independently come up with an object for any purpose and make it from available materials.
  • Design by theme is a type of design by design in which a specific theme (class of objects) is specified to be designed. The topic could be, for example, “Buildings” or “Machines.” In all other respects (detailing of the object, choice of material and work technique, etc.), the child is free to make independent decisions.
  • Frame or modular design. This complex form of construction is very demanding on working materials. The special material should allow the child to work separately with the frame and other parts of the structure that determine its appearance or other properties. Such a material can be a building constructor, which allows you to first build the shape of a building (load-bearing structures), and then modify the same shape into buildings for different purposes (residential, office, industrial). A car designer kit is also suitable for work, first giving the opportunity to build a chassis (a supporting frame with wheels), and then using a number of arbitrary elements (body, cabin) to change the purpose of the car. Modular design allows you to understand the principles of dividing an object into component parts of a structure with different functional purposes, different limitations and capabilities, and different effects on strength and appearance.

Forms of organizing design training should be alternated depending on the requirements of the program for a certain age group.

Video: designing according to a pattern using the origami technique

Recommendations for teaching design in kindergarten

When planning lessons with construction elements, there are a number of aspects to consider:

  • Craft sizes. It is not recommended to immediately carry out small-sized crafts with miniature parts. It is more useful to start with simple products, medium or fairly large in size with a small number of parts (the parts should also be quite large, at least 6–7 cm).
  • The complexity of crafts, the variety of techniques used. Start with the simplest crafts and gradually complicate them (introduce new details, reduce the size of the products). The same principle applies to the techniques used. The right solution is to introduce innovations gradually. Children should use already mastered techniques (for example, drawing) and new ones (gluing paper), combining them. So, a model of a house can be glued together from paper (a simple white cube or prism), and then the details can be drawn (windows, doors, wall texture). With further work, the drawn parts can be replaced with parts made using other techniques (for example, paper appliqué or gluing other materials).
  • Availability and ease of use of the material. A variety of materials can be used, but working with it should not cause difficulties for children. It must be prepared for use and processed in advance. It is best to use natural materials that are not overdried and clean (large dry leaves and plant stems, large seeds and cones, nuts and acorns). You can use fabric, scraps of textiles or ropes, napkins and plastic film of different colors. It is recommended to avoid the use of expensive and hard-to-find materials.

    The most accessible is natural material, which children will be happy to collect on a walk.

  • Homework assignments. You should not require children to prepare materials themselves or bring them from home. The level of well-being and degree of employment of parents varies in different families, and what seems to the teacher to be quickly and easily accessible and inexpensive, can be a serious problem for the family, which, in turn, will cause strong negative emotions in the child.
  • Aesthetics. Remember that children’s sense of taste has not yet developed, and it is still impossible to demand from them an appropriate (from an adult’s point of view) combination of colors, materials and appropriate stylistic design. Nevertheless, it is necessary to instill in them a general understanding of beauty as accuracy of rendering and completeness of appearance, beauty as expediency. It is necessary to cultivate accuracy in work and the desire to complete even the simplest craft in an acceptable form, making sure to carry out work to correct errors (finishing crafts immediately or a little later). It is recommended to use bright colors and different shades; it is better to choose materials with a variety of textures (children will be pleased to sort through them, because most children are visual and kinesthetic learners).
  • Safety. The teacher should carry out all complex types of processing of materials (for example, painting, cutting) in advance independently, giving the children already prepared design details. Children can gradually introduce safe tools and dyes to their use, while carefully monitoring their use and explaining the rules of use and safety precautions. Some types of work are strictly prohibited for children (etching, heat treatment, chopping, drilling or piercing with an awl, etc.).
  • Individual approach and emotional support. Even in a group of the same age (and even more so in a group of different ages), children demonstrate different degrees of development of skills and motor skills. The degree of perseverance, accuracy and attention to detail will vary greatly, including in connection with the physical and psychological health of a particular child. Therefore, it is possible to differentiate tasks according to the degree of difficulty for different children, as well as an individual evaluation system for each work. One of the options for organizing such a work scheme is the distribution of children into subgroups with tasks of different complexity. It is necessary to remember to provide correct feedback and evaluate the results of the child’s work. A child from a problematic family, a sick child, a hyperactive child (with attention deficit disorder) - they will all be very sensitive to negative assessments of their work. Even if the teacher does not express his thoughts out loud, he can express them non-verbally or accidentally demonstrate them by ignoring and neglecting, paying attention to one child’s craft to the detriment of another’s.

    Refrain from overly emotional enthusiasm in favor of the work of one creator, remember that every child in the group is an artist and creator. Praise everyone and even be sure to present comments and suggestions for improvements and alterations in a constructive manner, as an improvement to a work that already deserves all approval.

    It would be a mistake not to control children’s discussion of other children’s work; it is important to gently but persistently suppress discussions with disdain or strong negative assessments, ridicule and personalization.

  • Play and labor education. Don’t miss the opportunity to play with crafts, do them for a reason, not for the sake of a column in a methodological report and calendar-thematic plan, but specifically for the game and, playfully, support the children’s use of crafts in the game. Play is the main occupation of any child; it is his analogue to the work of an adult; full-fledged play is necessary for normal development and socialization. Crafts created for play (homemade toys) give the child an early orientation to work, accustom him to productive activity and respect for the work of others, including the teacher.

At the beginning or middle of a design lesson, it is recommended to conduct a thematic physical education session.

What can be used as a motivating start to a lesson?

An excellent introduction to starting a lesson, motivating children for active creative work, would be a game and a related conversation, a discussion of the future object of construction (updating children’s knowledge about it). If preschoolers do not encounter this object in everyday life, it is advisable to use drawings, natural examples and models, and video materials.

Examples of motivating start to classes for various topics:

  1. Theme of technical design “House”. The fairy tale “Teremok” is told, and the cartoon of the same name is watched. The conversation updates children's knowledge about houses; fairy-tale characters and small toy animal figures are demonstrated (for which it is necessary to make a small house out of paper). You can distribute a small figurine to each child or group of children, in which case they will make a house for a specific hero (designed individually or jointly).
  2. The theme of artistic design is “Autumn Landscape”. Pictures of autumn nature are shown to form in children an image of the changes in nature at this time of year. Changes in nature and various elements of the autumn landscape are discussed. The design elements (cones, seeds, leaves and stems of plants) are demonstrated and what they look like and how they can be used is discussed.
  3. The theme of artistic design is “Bridge”. Children are shown a small game in which the hero cannot overcome an obstacle - a river or a deep ravine. The game can be with figures and toys, and can be reflected in drawings that consistently describe the development of the situation and the difficulties of the characters. One of the children (prepared in advance) can be the hero; in this case, the obstacle (ravine or river) can be physically reflected with ribbons or flags directly on the floor. In the latter case, the game can be of an active nature and combined with a short collective warm-up after the previous lesson. During the game, children complete several simple tasks and then face an insurmountable obstacle. The width of the obstacle does not allow you to jump over it. A problematic problem is posed, and the children offer a solution.

    Be prepared for unexpected options (building a balloon or a raft), in this case you either direct the children to the desired option or have a template for constructing the proposed options.

  4. The design theme is “Princess Dress” or the option for boys “Knight Armor”. At the beginning of the lesson, a short fairy tale is played out with hand puppets or puppets, telling the story of a princess and her brave knight. There is a discussion about the fairy tale and the costumes. There is a demonstration of elements of clothing and armor, a demonstration of materials (cloth scraps for a princess’s dress, nut shells and wire rings - ropes - for a knight’s armor). Additional motivation for boys (girls usually don’t need it): a knight really needs armor to fight a dragon. It is advisable to show this terrible dragon too.

Video: example of a motivating start to a design lesson in the first junior group

Teaching children art design

Yulia Sorokina

Teaching children art design


Introduction…. 3

1 Artistic design as a means of developing a child’s creative personality…. 5

1.1 Features of constructive activity of preschool children.... 7

1.2 Types of design in kindergarten... 9

2 Methods of teaching children artistic design... . eleven

2.1 Training in designing from paper and additional materials…. 13

2.2 Training in designing from natural materials... 15

Conclusion….….…. 18


The formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice at the present stage. It is most effective to begin its formation and development in preschool age.

Only those children whose upbringing conditions allowed them to develop these abilities grow up to be creative people. The task of an adult is to awaken, preserve and develop in a child the ability given to him in childhood to rejoice, to be surprised by what he sees, to create his own world, and therefore to observe and cognize it not only with his mind, but also with his feelings.

Artistic design as an activity covers a wide range of diverse educational, developmental and educational tasks: from the development of children’s motor skills and the accumulation of sensory experience to the formation of quite complex mental actions and speech development, creative imagination, artistic development and mechanisms for controlling the child’s behavior.

The relevance of this work lies in the fact that while observing children in design and analyzing children’s work, an insufficient level of skills, creative imagination, and independence in the means of implementation was identified. An analysis of pedagogical literature has shown that the problem is that there is no clearly developed system of working with preschoolers on artistic design , where the latter acts as a means of developing the creative abilities of children of senior preschool age.

The purpose of teaching children artistic design is to promote the development of children's creative abilities through artistic design .

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are formed:

1. Create conditions for the development and realization of the creative abilities of each child.

2. Develop the creative potential of preschoolers through artistic design .

3. To develop children’s knowledge , skills and abilities in artistic and constructive activities .

4. Stimulate co-creation of children with peers and adults in constructive activities .

Artistic design with a certain organization of training is truly creative in nature. In its vein, conditions are created for the development of imagination and intellectual activity, experimentation with material, the emergence of bright and “smart”

emotions, which allows us to consider this type of activity a powerful means of developing creative abilities in preschoolers, and also makes the upbringing and
teaching of children with the help of artistic design relevant .
1 Artistic design as a means of developing a child’s creative personality

The preschool period of a child’s mental development is characterized by the development of various types of actions and activities. A special place among them is occupied by children’s constructive activities , the creative and developmental nature of which determines its value and importance for the development of the child’s perception, his thinking, imagination, technical skills, motor skills, and later more complex formations.

Construction , as one of the main creative and developmental activities, is always the focus of attention of teachers and psychologists working with preschoolers. A huge contribution to the study of children's design was made by Russian scientists, the most famous of whom is L. A. Paramonova [7, p. 147].

Children's construction is an activity in which children create various play crafts (toys, buildings) construction sets


Construction is a rather complex activity for children . In it we find a connection with the artistic , constructive and technical activities of adults.

The constructive and technical activities of adults are characterized by the practical purpose of structures and buildings. When performing a design, an adult first thinks about it, creates a plan, selects material taking into account the purpose, work technique, external design, and determines the sequence of actions. All these elements are outlined in children's design .

The constructive activity of preschoolers has the character of a role-playing game: in the process of creating a building or structure, children enter into playful relationships - they do not just determine the responsibilities of each, but perform certain roles, for example, foreman, builder, foreman, etc. Therefore, the constructive activity of children is sometimes called and a construction game.

1.1 Features of constructive activity of preschool children

In modern pedagogy, children's design is considered as a means of all-round development of the child. Construction is, first of all, an important means of mental education for children . most successfully developed in construction . Here, sensory processes are carried out not in isolation from activity, but in it itself.

By constructing , the child learns not only to distinguish the external qualities of an object, sample (shape, size, structure, etc.)

he develops cognitive and practical actions. In design, the child , in addition to the visual perception of the quality of the object, actually, practically disassembles the sample into parts, and then assembles them into a model (this is how in action he carries out both analysis and synthesis)

Constructive activity expands the content of knowledge about objects, since the child learns about some of their properties only during construction ; it helps to make the knowledge of these objects and phenomena purposeful, deeper, reflecting their most essential properties, each time subordinating observation to certain educational or educational tasks. To do this, children learn to observe and remember what they see. In this regard, great importance is attached to the formation of children's , during which not only the development of analyzers occurs, but also the development of mental abilities.

During constructive activities, children form generalized ideas about the objects that surround them. They learn to generalize groups of homogeneous objects based on their characteristics and at the same time find differences in them depending on practical use.

Construction in classes and games is a means of not only mental education, but also the formation of the moral qualities of a child’s personality. Teaching older preschoolers how to construct buildings, make various toys from paper and other materials for gifts to children, mothers, grandmothers, houses for birds and animals, instills in children a certain direction of moral feelings (caring for people, birds, animals)

In games, these skills are deepened and consolidated. Thus, with a certain focus on teaching construction and guiding children’s constructive games, their joint activities provide great opportunities for developing initial teamwork skills.
1.2 Types of design in kindergarten

In a preschool institution, children are taught to design using play materials, paper, soft cardboard, and natural materials. The type of material determines the type of design .

Depending on the material from which children create their buildings and structures , the types of constructive activities of children :

design from building materials;

construction from paper , cardboard, boxes, reels and other materials;

- construction from natural materials.

There are two types of design : technical and artistic . In artistic design, children not only and not so much reflect the structure of objects, but express their attitude towards them using certain means (visual and compositional)

to create
an artistic image .
The artistic type of design includes design from paper and natural materials. It is also possible to create artistic designs from construction set parts , which allow children to develop not only their cognitive but also their artistic abilities .

Technical design includes design from building materials. Even in early age groups, children are introduced to playing and building materials: first with cubes and bricks, then gradually the material is diversified. From the details of this material, children display familiar objects in their buildings.

In artistic construction, children first master the actions of constructing a specific image that conveys the structure of a single object, then a generalized one that schematically displays a certain class of objects. Gradually, children move on to a more accurate and complete (in form and composition of elements)
construction of characteristic , expressive images, coordinating their actions with the meaning of the depicted episode.
Technical design is the action of practical modeling of the structural features of an object; reproduction of the simplest models from building parts.

Artistic design is not only modeling the structure of the object being designed , but also creating an artistic image .

This type of design includes two components of action: modeling (creation of a schematic, generalized image)

and the expressive, aesthetic component of the action (subjective assimilation of reality - aesthetic tastes, assessments, experiences, ideals of people).

Creating compositions from various materials is a fascinating activity for preschool children artistic taste , creative imagination, and constructive thinking .

2 Methods of teaching children artistic design

The process of teaching children artistic design is built taking into account the peculiarities of the development of constructive activity and includes three main directions.

children's cognitive and creative abilities .

2. Development of artistic abilities .

3. Development of actual design abilities , improvement of technical skills and skills in working with designer .

introduce a child to the world of artistic design from 2 to 3 years old . This involves the simultaneous development of cognitive, creative, artistic and technical abilities through sensory modeling and symbolic means. “discovers” the logic of constructive activity

together with an adult in classes in a subgroup of peers
(once a week)
in the process of experimentation, modeling and
artistic design .
The constructive activity of younger preschoolers goes from playful manipulation and conditional use of material to its functional application.

At the initial stage of training (first two to three lessons)

kids independently and in the way they want get acquainted with the elements
of the construction set , which are grouped by color, shape, size on the shelves under the stands.
During the first lessons, children should not be given direct instructions. With the help of questions, short poems, exclamations, the teacher only encourages and encourages children , organizes their activities, but does not actively influence the course and nature of children's experimentation with figures and background fields. At this stage of training , it is not advisable to jointly examine the material, offer samples, applications, pictures. The teacher is limited to helping the child independently generalize sensory experience, discover a way of working with construction material (lay out and connect figures to form a “picture”


Such independent experimentation with construction set plays an important role in the development of constructive activity : orientation in sensory standards of color, shape, size, as well as the ability to relate them to real objects are formed.

It is advisable to conduct subsequent classes in the form of joint practical activities with construction . At the same time, the transition to independent constructive activity occurs gradually - due to increasing the child’s participation in constructing the image. The goal of training is the development of cognitive and artistic abilities through mastering actions with sensory standards in the process of creating different compositions, united by a meaning understandable to the child [9, p. 45].

In the process of experimenting and transforming the background image, children develop a general method of artistic activity - a method of compositionally solving a visual problem. Mastering this method presupposes the development of visual activity and the ability to symbolize. The background image and the teacher's tasks are perceived by children as a signal for meaningful constructive activity . They begin to act according to the rules that the teacher introduced them to. For all children in the group, the situation is the same and simple, which provides everyone with the opportunity to act actively.

2.1 Training in designing from paper and additional materials

Construction from paper and additional materials is taught in middle , high school and preparatory school groups. Construct from flat material (paper and thin cardboard)

It is not easy to make a three-dimensional toy, since both paper and cardboard are prepared in the form of squares, rectangles, circles, and triangles.
Before making a toy, you need to prepare a pattern, lay out and glue the parts and decorations on it, make the necessary cuts, and only then fold and glue the parts. This whole process requires the ability to see a three-dimensional toy in its flat pattern, the ability to use scissors, and to imagine the proportionality of the parts of the object. All this is much more complicated than constructing buildings from individual ready-made forms by composing them.
This type of design includes making toys using other materials and objects: various boxes, spools, pieces of foam, foam rubber, etc. By fastening boxes and spools together with glue, supplementing them with various parts of other materials (paper, cardboard, etc., children they get interesting toys (from matchboxes and other boxes - furniture, vehicles; from round boxes - a floor lamp, drum, etc.) [9, p. 50].

To design from paper and additional material, children must learn to bend paper in half, in four, in different directions (diagonally, along the middle line, along the diameter in a circle, smoothing the folds, make cuts along the drawn lines to the next fold or line. These skills will help children do more complex work.

In the middle group, based on the learning , they plan to make flags, albums, postcards and other simple items. In older preschool age, this could be making hats, various boxes, toys; symmetrical cutting, endless ornament (round dance)

weaving from paper strips (rugs, bookmarks)
making toys using the slot-joint (herringbone)
crafts from stripes; crafts from a cone (young lady in a long dress)
production of layouts; production of technical models (moving toys, Bogorodsky type)
making Christmas tree decorations (for all age groups)

Thus, when teaching children to design, it is necessary to remember the correct selection of teaching . In the first lessons, when the teacher sets the main task of “teaching”

a full detailed sequence of the entire image creation process is used.
At later stages, when the task of “consolidating”
, the child works with a greater degree of independence and a sample or full demonstration is practically not used.
This approach to teaching design children to fully develop their artistic and creative abilities .
2.2 Training in designing from natural materials

The skills of children aged five years in using natural materials for crafts are, as a rule, insignificant, since they have almost no experience in making toys from it. , children should be interested in such crafts and show the features of the material.

Starting from the middle group, chestnut fruits, pine cones, spruce cones, bark, branches, straw, acorns, etc. are used for construction . The peculiarity of making toys from natural material is that its natural shape is used.

Making toys from natural materials is best done in the spring and summer. The children, together with the teacher and parents, collect cones, acorns, and dry seeds at the dacha or in the forest. Here, this material, together with plasticine for fastening parts, sticks, matches without sulfur heads, colored pencils, pieces of thick colored paper, should be in such a place and laid out so that children can freely use it throughout the year. The teacher needs to show the children the manufacturing process and fastening parts: how to connect acorns together, how to firmly install a nut shell on a plasticine plate, etc. The teacher encourages interesting suggestions. First, he makes the toy himself, explaining what material he uses and why, how to attach one part to another, what to do to make the toy stable. Gradually, the children also actively get involved in the work: they select the material, fasten the parts, and then make the toys themselves. The teacher shows how to make the toy more expressive, and thereby activates the children’s imagination [10 , p. 87].

Do not use material that could harm a child. Do not use very large material.

Thus, when teaching children to design, it is necessary to remember the correct selection of teaching . In the first lessons, when the teacher sets the main task of “teaching”

a full detailed sequence of the entire image creation process is used.
At later stages, when the task of “consolidating”
, the child works with a greater degree of independence and a sample or full demonstration is practically not used.
This approach to teaching design children to fully develop their artistic and creative abilities .

Creativity is an important component of the development of a child’s personality, so it is very important to develop the creative abilities of children from an early age .

In my opinion, an effective means for developing children’s creative abilities is artistic and creative activity , namely artistic design .

Design is a practical activity aimed at obtaining a specific, pre-conceived product. Children's design (creating various buildings from building materials, making crafts and toys from paper, cardboard, wood, etc.) is closely related to play and is an activity that meets the interests of children .

In artistic design, children , creating images, not only display their structure, but also express their attitude towards them, convey their character, using color, texture, shape, which leads to the formation of unique emotional images.

By constructing , the child learns not only to distinguish the external qualities of an object, sample (shape, size, structure, etc.)

he develops cognitive and practical actions. In design, the child , in addition to the visual perception of the quality of the object, actually, practically disassembles the sample into parts, and then assembles them into a model (this is how in action he carries out both analysis and synthesis)

There are two types of design : technical and artistic .

The artistic type of design includes design from paper and natural materials.

Technical design includes design from building materials.

Technical design is the action of practical modeling of the structural features of an object; reproduction of the simplest models from building parts.

Artistic design is not only modeling the structure of the object being designed , but also creating an artistic image .

Creating compositions from various materials is a fascinating activity for preschool children artistic taste , creative imagination, and constructive thinking .

constructive classes, a preschooler develops important qualities; the ability to listen to the teacher, accept a mental task and find a way to solve it. Switching children's consciousness to ways to solve a constructive problem forms the ability to control their activities taking into account the task at hand, that is, self-control appears.

Purposeful and systematic teaching of design to children contributes to the development of children's ability to learn, reveals to them that the main meaning of activity is not only in obtaining results, but also in acquiring knowledge and skills.

The high level of creative use of all available forms of material in design allows us to assert that even today this type of children's creativity is considered as a necessary element of the moral, mental, and aesthetic education of children .

constructive activity must necessarily be aimed at producing a real, tangible product. Formation of a certain position in the child : “I did it myself”

important for its development.

Construction class in kindergarten

With proper organization of activities, construction can not only become a child’s favorite leisure activity, but also leave pleasant memories for the rest of his life. Please note what is the most common example given by people of the older generation when they talk about attention to children during the USSR and recall various Schoolchildren's Homes and Palaces of Pioneers. Most often, our parents mention not dance and art studios, but aircraft modeling clubs and modeling sections.

Technological maps and diagrams

The use of a card index of topics, as well as the availability of pre-prepared diagrams and blanks, will greatly facilitate the teacher’s work and make it possible to consider different topics and their combinations. Technological maps must be prepared according to a certain scheme and include the following items and sections:

  1. Design theme.
  2. The purpose of educational activities.
  3. Objectives of educational activities.
  4. Preliminary work.
  5. Organization of the development environment.
  6. Materials and equipment.
  7. Description of the stages of implementation, indicating the duration of each of them.

To facilitate the work and orientate children, design diagrams and drawings-tips are used, which clearly indicate the stages of work and facilitate the connection of structural parts. If you use ready-made construction sets like Lego, then similar diagrams can be easily found on the manufacturer’s website.

When making a diagram yourself, remember that it should not look like a drawing. The diagram should be simple and intuitive for the child, at the same time it should tell him the appearance of the finished product, the number of structural elements, places and methods of connecting them.

Table: example of a technological map for a design lesson

Technical Design Topic"Bridge"
Purpose of educational activitiesDeveloping constructive creativity in children through working with construction kits
Objectives of educational activities
  • Educational: introduce children to the concepts of “bridge”, “crossing”, “weight”, “strength”, “stability”, “bottleneck”.
  • Educational: solving the problem of crossing the game hero,
  • understanding of the concepts of “strength” and “sustainability”,
  • development of the ability to work according to a scheme.
  • Educational:
    • formation of motivation for collective cooperation,
    • developing skills of collective discussion and problem solving,
    • fostering mutual assistance and assistance.
Preliminary work
  • Conversation with children about natural terrain, unevenness and hills.
  • A motivating fairy tale-game (the hero overcoming an obstacle - a water stream).
Organization of a development environmentImitation of a river, a wide stream (an obstacle that requires a bridge to overcome) made of plastic film.
Materials and equipment
  • Audio recording of the noise of a river flow.
  • Models of bridges from the construction kit.
  • Construction set (wooden cubes and other elements).
  • Drawings of bridges.
  • A hint diagram to help you build a bridge.
Description of the stages of implementation with duration
  1. Preparatory stage (greeting, motivational fairy tale-game) - 5–7 minutes.
  2. The main stage (goal setting, practical activities, a little warm-up in the process) - 10–12 minutes.
  3. The final stage (summarizing, discussing the result) - 3–5 minutes.

Photo gallery: examples of design schemes from Lego or similar

Building with blocks helps children learn new geometric shapes

You can assemble the model according to standard instructions, and then independently modify it according to the instructions of the teacher

Modeling with a construction set can become a favorite pastime for both children and adults

Boys will be interested in the opportunity to design their own car

Elements for construction can be of different sizes; for younger children it is better to choose larger parts

From the construction set you can assemble not only a house or an airplane, but also fairy-tale characters

Schemes for construction should be clear and understandable to the child.

Photo gallery: examples of diagrams for classes on designing from various materials

Schemes for design can be either color or monochrome. Applications can be made from different materials

Schemes must be prepared taking into account the type of building materials that the preschool educational institution has

Children can assemble the bridge and modify it later according to the instructions of the teacher

This diagram allows you to understand what the finished product looks like

Looking at the diagram, children can construct animals from prepared pieces of paper, cardboard or felt

Children can glue pre-prepared pieces of paper, cardboard or other materials onto the finished diagram

Photo gallery: finished crafts made in different techniques

Small-sized crafts require a lot of concentration from the child and help from adults.

During classes, children can work together both on one object and on entire installations

Children can design at home with their parents

The “Space” application was made using readily available materials (colored paper, disposable tableware, glue, felt-tip pens)

Installations can include both crafts and ready-made factory objects

Children really like it when they can play with completed crafts after finishing work.

Installations can be performed using any available materials, depending on the purpose of the lesson

Products made in design classes can be well integrated into other activities of the preschool educational institution.

Lesson time plan

The recommended duration of the lesson for the middle age group is 15–20 minutes. A general lesson plan might look like this:

  1. Introduction, organizational moment - 1 minute.
  2. Motivating start - 3-5 minutes.
  3. Demonstration and explanation of working methods - 2–3 minutes.
  4. Independent work for children - 6–8 minutes.
  5. Discussion of works - 2 minutes.
  6. Conclusion - 1 minute.

Table: materials for the introductory stage of the lesson

Lesson topicMotivating start
"Tumbler"At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher asks the children a riddle: An unusual doll has come to visit us, friends. He doesn’t sit, he doesn’t lie, Just know, he’s standing. They know Sashka and Natashka, these dolls... (tumblers). The pupils are shown a tumbler who was in a hurry to visit them. The teacher talks with the children and asks questions: “Why do you think this doll is called a tumbler?”, “How to play with a tumbler?”, “What figures does this toy consist of?” etc. The game “Find where she hid” is played. The teacher says that another tumbler came to visit the children, but she was shy and hid behind one of the toys in the room. Children are asked to find the doll by verbal guessing (said in turn): “The tumbler is hiding behind the car,” “The tumbler is behind the ball,” “The tumbler is behind Katya’s doll,” etc. until the tumbler is found.
"Toy Animals"At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher shows the children pictures of wild animals. The guys name them, the teacher hangs the pictures on the board. Then the teacher says that wild animals are dangerous, their behavior can be unpredictable, and suggests turning the animals from the pictures into toys (a game element). To do this, students must close their eyes and simultaneously clap their hands loudly 3 times. At this time, the teacher puts animal toys on the table, the images of which the children will design.
"Beauty Snowflake"The teacher creates a surprise moment: there is a mailbox on the table, he tells the children that the postman delivered it to their group, reads out the address (the real address of the kindergarten is written - city, street, house, kindergarten number, group). A letter is found in the box, the contents of which the teacher reads aloud: animals from distant Africa address the children, they tell them what the climate is like in their native place and are sad that they have never seen snow, but have heard a lot about what an amazing and beautiful phenomenon it is. . The teacher asks how to show snow to the people of Africa, and through suggestions and hints, he leads the children to the idea that they can make snowflakes out of paper and send them by mail to Africa.

Table: example of a design lesson summary

AuthorSuvorova L.A.
Name"Dog Kennel"
TargetCreate paper crafts using a new design method - folding paper in half.
  • Training in analyzing paper crafts (selecting parts of the craft, their location on the plane and relative to each other);
  • learning how to fold a sheet of paper;
  • learning to create an oval by rounding the corners of a square;
  • education of accuracy.
  • White sheet of paper
  • strip of brown paper
  • square sheet of black paper,
  • glue,
  • tassel,
  • scissors,
  • dog figurines,
  • oilcloth,
  • cloth
Progress of the lesson
  1. Ball game "Who lives in which house." Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center. The teacher throws the ball to one of the students, naming the animal or bird. The child’s task is to say where this animal lives. Then the child throws the ball to the next student, naming another animal, etc.
  2. The teacher shows the children a finished paper booth and teaches them to analyze the paper structure using leading questions.
  3. Direct demonstration of steps to create a paper booth.
  4. Physical education minute. Once - rise, stretch (stretched). Two - bend over, straighten up (backs bent, hands on the belt). Three - clap your hands three times (clap your hands). Three nods of the head (head movements). At four - arms wider (arms to the sides). Five - wave your arms (wave your arms). Six - sit down again (sit down).
  5. Pupils independently perform actions to construct a paper booth.
  6. Demonstration and discussion of finished works. Playing with paper crafts and dog figurines.

Video: lesson on designing from building materials in the younger group

Video: lesson on Lego construction in the senior group

Video: paper design lesson in the preparatory group

Report on the topic: “Planar design with younger preschoolers”

Planar design with younger preschoolers.

One of the main types of planar construction is construction from counting sticks. Counting sticks are an indispensable didactic material intended for teaching mathematics, developing visual perception, mental operations of comparison, analysis, synthesis, and developing fine motor skills. The main features of this didactic material are abstractness, versatility, and high efficiency. Building with sticks is very similar to making figures with simple matches. The next type of planar design is the game “Tangram” - one of the simple mathematical games. The game is easy to make. A 10 by 10 cm square of cardboard or plastic, equally colored on both sides, is cut into 7 parts, which are called tans. The result is 2 large, 2 small and 1 medium triangles, a square and a parallelogram. Each child is given an envelope with 7 tanas and a sheet of cardboard on which they lay out a picture from the sample. Using all 7 tanas, tightly attaching them to one another, children create a lot of different images based on samples and according to their own ideas. The game is interesting for both children and adults. Children are captivated by the result - they are involved in active practical activities to select a way to arrange the figures in order to create a silhouette. The success of mastering the game in preschool age depends on the level of sensory development of children. While playing, children remember the names of geometric figures, their properties, distinctive features, examine the forms visually and tactile-motor, and freely move them in order to obtain a new figure. Children develop the ability to analyze simple images, identify geometric shapes in them and in surrounding objects, practically modify the figures by cutting them and composing them from parts. At the first stage of mastering the game “Tangram,” a series of exercises are carried out aimed at developing children’s spatial concepts, elements of geometric imagination, and developing practical skills in composing new figures by joining one of them to another. Children are offered different tasks: to compose figures according to a model, an oral task, or a plan. These exercises are preparatory to the second stage of mastering the game - composing figures using dissected patterns. To successfully recreate figures, you need the ability to visually analyze the shape of a planar figure and its parts. Children often make mistakes in connecting figures on the sides and in proportion. So, the content of the work at the second stage of the development of games: this is teaching children to analyze a sample and verbally express the way to connect the spatial arrangement of parts. This is followed by exercises in composing figures. In case of difficulties, children turn to the model. It is made in the form of a table on a sheet of paper of the same silhouette figure size as the sets of figures that children have. This makes it easier in the first lessons to analyze and check the reconstructed image with a sample. The third stage of mastering the game is composing figures according to patterns of a contour nature, undivided. This is available to children 6-7 years old, subject to training. Games for composing figures using patterns are followed by exercises in composing images according to one’s own design. The next type of planar design is laying out a pattern of geometric shapes. The child is offered a set of geometric shapes, from which he first uses a model, and then independently lays out a certain picture. In your group, you can organize a design using dry leaves, which children will be happy to prepare in the summer. Laying out figures from buttons is another type of planar design. You can involve parents in collecting different textures of buttons, and children will be happy! During your summer vacation on the river bank, you can collect a lot of river pebbles, which can also make interesting pictures. Conclusion: all forms of constructive activity of a preschool child are of great importance in preparing children for school, developing their thinking, memory, imagination, and ability for independent search and creative activity.

Design circle program in kindergarten

The design club program in kindergarten is a document, usually including the following sections:

  1. The purpose of the design circle’s work program.
  2. Tasks of the work program.
  3. Description of the categories of students in the circle.
  4. Description of the main blocks of work (work with children, teachers, parents).
  5. Thematic plan (name of topics, content of work, number of classes).
  6. Conditions for the implementation of the program (including the required material and technical equipment).
  7. Methodological support for the circle program (including the methodological techniques used and a list of references).
  8. Planned results of work.

Almost all the items on this list have already been considered by us, except for the item on working with teachers and parents. Let us explain what is usually meant in this block. Working with educators involves achieving integration with other educational areas. Teachers from other areas (for example, music) are involved in additional coordination of topics and activities with children. So, children can do something during design classes that they can use in classes with other teachers.

Working with parents means that children can continue some activities at home with the direct participation of mom and dad or independently (but under parental supervision). This especially applies to working with safe materials and ready-made construction kits (Lego, origami).

Card index of topics for circle activities

The catalog of topics for classes is extensive, developing from simple topics and work techniques to complex ones. Typically, a card index of topics takes into account important holidays (February 23, May 9, March 8, New Year), seasonal changes (seasons), as well as other important events of local, federal or international scale.

In design circle activities, crafts are often made dedicated to important holidays.

The list of topics might look like this:

  • Designing animals from drawings.
  • Construction on the theme “Favorite fairy-tale characters.”
  • Gift for dad (February 23).
  • Gift for mom (March 8).
  • Construction of a one-story house.
  • Construction of a multi-storey building.
  • Street design.
  • Design of intersections and road signs.
  • Construction of “My Favorite City”.
  • Construction of a sports car.
  • Construction of a truck.

Consultation for educators “Construction in preschool educational institutions”

Constructive activity and its importance in preschool educational institutions

The term “construction” (from the Latin word construere) means bringing various objects, parts, elements into a certain relative position. Children's construction is usually understood as a variety of buildings made from building materials, the production of crafts and toys from paper, cardboard, wood and other materials. In its nature, it is most similar to visual activity and play - it also reflects the surrounding reality. Children's buildings and crafts are for practical use (buildings for play, crafts for decorating a Christmas tree, for a gift for mom, etc.), and therefore must correspond to their purpose.

Constructive activity

- this is a practical activity aimed at obtaining a specific, pre-conceived real product that corresponds to its functional purpose. A characteristic feature of the design process is the recreation and transformation (combination) of spatial representations (images), which contributes to the practical knowledge of the properties of geometric bodies and spatial relationships.

In this case, the development of spatial imagination and imaginative thinking is especially important (N.N. Poddyakov). On the one hand, this type of activity requires children to have rather complex spatial orientation. The child needs to imagine the structure being created as a whole, take into account its spatial characteristics, the relative position of parts and details. On the other hand, it is in design, like in no other activity, that spatial orientations are formed. The idea of ​​space is made up of specific features of the shape, size, length, volume of objects, as well as their structural units: parts, details.


introduction to design; development of interest in constructive activities, familiarity with various types of constructors. Developing the ability to work collectively, unite your crafts in accordance with a common plan, and agree on who will do what part of the work


1. To create in children an interest in design activities, a desire to experiment 2. To develop imagination, the ability to see the unusual in ordinary objects, to develop fine motor skills of the hands, thinking, attention 3. To develop the artistic and creative abilities of children 4. To develop the ability for self-analysis of designs, diagrams, content of their sketches of toys 5. Teach children various techniques for transforming paper, fabric, natural and waste materials 6. Teach how to create joint decorative structures from different materials 7. Teach how to construct from a variety of construction sets with different methods of fastening

There are two types of design

: technical and artistic.

Technical design includes construction from building materials (wooden painted or unpainted parts of geometric shapes), from construction parts with different methods of fastening, from large-sized modular blocks, some methods of construction from paper, cardboard, boxes, reels and other materials; to the artistic - design from natural and waste (used) materials, from paper.

In order to develop children's design as an activity in the process of which the child develops, various TYPES of educational organization are used (research by Z.V. Lishtvan, V.G. Nechaeva, L.A. Paramonova, N.N. Poddkova)

1. Design according to sample


Its essence: children are offered samples of buildings made from construction kit parts and shown how to reproduce them. Design based on a model, which is based on imitative activity, is an important learning stage where you can solve problems that ensure the transition to independent search activity of a creative nature.

Within the framework of this form, tasks are solved that provide a transition to independent search activity that is creative in nature. Visual and figurative thinking develops.

2. Design according to the model.

Its essence: as a sample, a model is proposed in which its constituent elements are hidden from the child. Children must reproduce this model from the construction kit parts they have.

In other words: a specific problem is proposed, but not a method for solving it. As a model, you can use a structure covered with thick white paper. Children reproduce it from an existing builder. Generalized ideas about the constructed object, formed on the basis of analysis, will have a positive impact on the development of analytical and imaginative thinking. Model-based design is a more complex type of model-based design.

3. Design according to conditions -

is of a different nature. Without giving children an image of the building, drawings and ways to reproduce it, they only determine the conditions that the building must meet. In the process of such construction, children develop the ability to analyze conditions and, based on the analysis, build practical activities of a rather complex structure. This form of education develops creative design, but only if the children have certain experience.

4. Design on the topic.

Children are offered a general theme of structures, and they themselves create plans for specific buildings, choose the material and methods of their implementation. The main goal of constructing on a given topic is to consolidate knowledge and skills.

5. Design by design

: This is a creative process during which children themselves have the opportunity to demonstrate independence. However, the teacher must remember: the design concept and its implementation is a rather difficult task for preschoolers. The degree of independence and creativity depends on the level of knowledge and skills.

6. Frame construction

. When children become familiar with the simple construction of a frame and, as a result, easily grasp the general principle of constructing a frame and learn to identify design features based on a given frame.

In a design of this type, the child must, as it were, complete it, adding additional details to the same frame. It develops imagination. However, the organization of this form of design requires the development of special design material. Such as the German designer “Quadro”.

7. Design using simple drawings and diagrams

. This form has a modeling character and makes it possible to introduce children to drawings and diagrams. Ability to use templates and subsequently see details in three dimensions. As a result of such training, children develop imaginative thinking and cognitive and creative abilities.

Each of the considered methods of organizing design training has a developmental impact on certain abilities of children, which together form the basis for the formation of creativity.

In order for a creative personality to develop, a subject environment in the group must be created, material and the teacher’s ability to guide and develop the child’s abilities are necessary.

What forms of implementation of design can we plan with children: organized activities, individual work, organization of projects, festivals, competitions, exhibitions, circle work, role-playing games, independent activities of children, etc.

At the same time, we must use all kinds of techniques to involve children and motivate children to design.

  • Introductory conversation (For example, at the beginning of a lesson in a preparatory group, the teacher tells a fascinating tale about a kind bird, with whom no one wanted to be friends because of its large beak. The bird was sad for a long time, but then found out that there is an amazing country in the world called Lego, in which all the animals and birds live very friendly. In this wonderful country, all objects and even the inhabitants are made of small parts. There is only one way to get there - you need to go through a magic bridge that turns anyone who steps on it into a handful of small cubes and bricks. If children correctly assemble a bird figurine according to the diagram, they will help it come to life and overcome all the challenges on the way to the land of friendship and happiness, in which it can make friends with a crocodile and a monkey
  • A problematic situation that will interest, activate thinking and involve children in active constructive activities

    For example, to the sound of music, a Lego astronaut descends in a hot air balloon, greets the children and tells his amazing story. The children learn that he came from a distant Lego planet. While landing on Earth, his spaceship crashed and now he cannot return home. The Lego man asks the guys to help him model a new rocket that will take him to his home planet

  • Role-playing game

    As a rule, construction turns into play activity: children use the models of railway stations, ships, cars, etc. that they have built in role-playing games, as well as theatrical games, when the children first build scenery and create fairy-tale characters from the construction set. Acting out mini-performances helps the child to better understand the storyline and practice retelling or communication skills.

  • Didactic game. Example of exercises aimed at mastering sensory and spatial concepts

    “Build with your eyes closed”;

  • “Find the same building as on the card”;
  • "Sort by color";
  • “Assemble a figurine from memory” (from 4–6 parts)
  • Sample assignment, accompanied by demonstration and explanations from the teacher

    Example: Guys, look, on my table there is a frog constructed from construction kit parts. Let's take a closer look and figure out how it's made. The eyes are made of green bricks, the mouth is a red brick, the paws are made of green bricks

  • Construction using technological maps and instructions

    You can offer children to work according to the schemes in a playful way, for example, the teacher tells the children that today they have to become shipbuilders. The designers of the shipbuilding plant sent drawings of the ship, the children need to build models of ships using these diagrams. To get to the design bureau, you need to overcome a small test: find a part in a bag by touch and say what it is called

  • Creative design based on a plan or a drawn model

    Such classes are practiced in working with older preschoolers who have already mastered the basic techniques, and they can be offered work using pictures, photographs depicting an object on their favorite topic

Contents of construction in kindergarten age groups

Second junior group. Children of the fourth year of life are characterized by greater physical and mental activity.

For constructive

The activities of children of this age are characterized by a direct connection with play: dolls are placed on a newly built tram, the tram travels along the line, and the child accompanies its movement with appropriate sounds.

Children develop constructive skills

: place bricks, plates on a plane in 1-2 rows, arrange them vertically, in a row, at some distance from each other, or press them tightly against each other.

In the process of organized activities, children learn to distinguish buildings by size, shape, to see what parts they are made of and in what color. The child names the color of the parts, building the structure taking into account its color scheme, so that each main part has the same color (the table has a lid of one color, legs of another, etc.)


It is important that every child learns the sequence of construction.

Children learn to maintain order in their workplace: they lay out building materials on tables in the order in which the teacher showed them. At the end of the organized activities and games, the structure is dismantled and the material is laid out on the table in the order in which it was before work.

Middle group

. Four-year-old children acquire a fairly stable interest in construction games. They are well acquainted with some of the details of the building material and know their purpose.

Design experience

, received by children earlier, gives them the opportunity to acquire some technical skills and remember how to create simple buildings, which they can easily reproduce in their games.

In this age group, the production of crafts from paper, natural and other materials is added.

All building material, while maintaining a certain set of details, is replenished with different plates - short and long, wide and narrow, bars, cubes, prisms, cylinders large and small.

During the construction process, children are taught

: close the space, build simple buildings of different sizes, using appropriate toys, proportion the buildings to each other. Select parts by size, shape, color, while taking into account their stability in accordance with the features of the building, remember the sequence of its implementation.

Children learn during the learning process that parts have different degrees of stability, which depends both on their position on the plane and on their combination with other parts: a cube is stable on any face; A brick and a plate placed on a wide edge, as well as a block placed on any long side edge, are also stable. A brick and a plate placed vertically between cubes or prisms acquire greater stability.

Children are introduced to the fact that some parts can be replaced by others by connecting them accordingly: two bricks, placed one on top of the other on a wide edge, replace two cubes; 2-3 cubes can be used to make a block.

Children continue to learn constructively

actions according to the model, according to the conditions proposed by the teacher, and according to their own plans in the game. When children build something according to a model, they learn to analyze and examine it. The sequence of the construction process is also determined.

In the middle group, around the second quarter of the school year, a new type of activity is introduced - paper construction

, boxes, reels and other materials.

Children are taught some operations with paper: fold the sheet in half, ensuring that the sides and corners match when folded, and glue small parts to the main shape.

Making toys from natural materials is best done in the spring and summer. The teacher needs to show the children the process of making and fastening the parts: how to connect acorns together, how to firmly install a nut shell on a plasticine plate, etc.

Senior group.

In children aged 5-6 years, interest in
and construction games increases. Children willingly build and make toys. They can already do a lot on their own.

of construction are carried out in this group

: from building materials and from

Children acquire a lot of new knowledge and technical skills. They continue to learn to analyze samples of finished crafts and designs

, highlight the essential features in them, group them according to the similarity of the main features, understand that the differences in the main features in shape and size depend on the purpose of the item.

Children develop the ability to independently examine objects and know how to use them without the help of a teacher. They should be able to identify the main stages of creating structures

and independently plan their production, objectively evaluate the quality of your work and the work of your comrades, and find the reasons for failures.

In the older group, children perform work according to samples, according to the conditions proposed by the teacher, on the topic and at their own request.

The guys must master all the details of the sets well and use the correct names: long, short, wide, narrow, square, triangular plate, large (small)

cube, block, cylinder; be able to navigate the shape of the sides of the parts: a cube has square sides, a bar has rectangular sides, end sides are square, etc.

Children must figure out what is best to construct individual parts of the building, walls in bulky and light structures, which parts are most stable and can be used for foundations, and which are suitable for windows, doors,

Preparatory group for school

. In this group, the most important task is to prepare children for school.

For children of this age, design

is one of the interesting activities. They already have experience in understanding the surrounding reality, a conscious attitude towards technology, towards architectural monuments.

This group makes greater demands than the previous ones on children’s ability to plan their work. They must imagine what the building will be like before they complete it; think about and choose the right material.

Children should know that for successful work it is necessary:

clearly understand the object, its structure, spatial position;

have good technical skills;

see the sequence of operations necessary to make a craft or design


At this age, special attention is paid to teaching children the ability to plan not only individual stages of building construction, but also the entire course of their work, to determine which parts of the building material are most suitable for the construction of a particular building and its individual parts.

Children 6-7 years old can create a building with two or more floors and supplement it with individual elements of architectural design.

Children are able to complete the construction, focusing only on a drawing, photograph, drawing. Residential buildings, schools, hospitals, etc. can vary in size and architecture. Therefore, when constructing them, children do not build houses in general, but buildings for a specific purpose, for example, a station, theater, store, etc., designing them architecturally accordingly.

The children get used to order when they themselves prepare the material for the lesson in advance and put everything back in its place after finishing work.

The importance of construction for the development of children:

Develops observation, memory, thinking, attention, spatial and creative imagination, mathematical abilities, the ability to take directions, follow instructions, emotional development, moral qualities (hard work, desire to benefit others), self-control, communication skills

Diagnostics of a design lesson

The effectiveness of design classes can be assessed by diagnosing the presence of certain skills and abilities in children, their noticeable growth and development over the assessed period. A whole block of such skills is usually called design skills. It is important to be able to identify these aspects, since from the very beginning of working with a group, diagnostics allows you to see the degree of readiness of the child to perceive a particular work technique, to interact with a certain level of complexity of tasks.

Children in a group will likely have different levels of readiness for construction work. Precisely determining and clarifying this level for each pupil, in order to pay special attention to a child with special needs, is important for the success of the teacher’s work.

When diagnosing, it is advisable not to rush to “label” a child; it is recommended to observe his actions for 1–2 lessons, work with him individually and find out the reasons for his behavior (the child is sick, has not had enough sleep and is distracted, the child is from a bilingual family and has a language barrier in understanding of the teacher, he is afraid of noisy company in the group and is shy, etc.).

Assessing a child's construction skills requires close observation over two to three sessions.

If necessary, you should consult with other teachers, a psychologist, talk tactfully with parents and find out how the child behaves at home, how he spends his leisure time, who studies and plays with him, and what exactly. With patience and friendly attention to the child, taking into account his characteristics, the teacher will be able to improve the identified indicators in the process of further classes.

Table: lesson diagnostics with specific examples

Researchable skillsExamples
The ability to recognize, define and distinguish a design object from other objects (the ability to see what is essential and understand the concepts associated with it)The child recognized or did not recognize the concepts “car” or “car” in the picture shown and in the proposed three-dimensional model, found it difficult to describe the object in his own words, or coped with the task without difficulty.
Ability to work according to a template, consciously repeat proposed actionsThe child was able or unable to assemble a simple object (a pedestrian crossing) from several parts, despite preliminary demonstration and understanding of the object.
The ability to assemble an object from the proposed parts (synthesis from the particular to the general) or to construct an object using a drawing or diagramThe child was able or unable to assemble a traffic light from cubes, despite the presence of a simple, understandable drawing, a small number of parts and the feasibility of the operations for other children of his age.
The ability to dissect an object into its component parts, to identify the main and secondary parts (the ability to analyze)The child recognized or did not recognize the use of a similar element in the objects “locomotive” and “car”, the same in the proposed construction set (wheel), identified or did not identify the wheel as something common in two objects, identified or did not identify the common properties of these objects (they have wheels, they move, they are vehicles).
The ability to modify and transform an object or its components according to specified parametersWhen working with origami, the child found it difficult to follow a simple instruction-hint: “fold the sheet in half, fold the corner to the left,” or he coped with the task without difficulty.
The ability to assemble a new one from a transformed or modified object (or its individual parts)The child was able or unable to assemble a free-structure building from existing building set parts previously used for the “fence” object.

Construction classes in kindergarten are one of the universal ways to develop and teach a child new skills in a playful way. It must be remembered that working with children, in addition to complying with educational standards, always requires the direct human attention of the educator. In our desire to give children as much knowledge as possible, we must not forget about the individual approach to each child in the group.

Innovative work “Formation of children's planar design”

Author: Asya Vladimirovna Inkova, teacher of the preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 49”, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia. Topic of innovative work: “Formation of children's planar design as the development of universal mental abilities in children of middle and senior preschool age.”

Implementation of the teacher’s own innovative pedagogical experience

Justification of the relevance and prospects of the experience. Its importance for improving the educational process.

Since 2013, I have been working on the topic “Formation of children's planar design as the development of universal mental abilities in children of middle and older preschool age.” Based on my work experience, I believe that design is of great importance for the development of a child. In design classes, children learn to plan upcoming work, analyze their actions, draw conclusions, and correct mistakes. Construction is also a productive activity that meets the interests and needs of preschoolers.

Thus, in the process of purposeful learning to design, the mental, moral and labor education of children is carried out, the ability to analyze objects in the surrounding world, independence of thinking, creativity is developed, valuable personality qualities are formed (dedication, mutual assistance, perseverance in achieving goals, the ability to establish business relationships, etc.) .p.), which is important for preparing children for school, since recently the issue of the quality of education of preschoolers has been relevant.

Studying and analyzing psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature and advanced pedagogical experience, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce children in more detail to planar design, which makes it possible to act with geometric bodies, figures, to master the sensory characteristics of objects (color, shape, size), learn the correct names of geometric shapes, etc. All this allows us to consider construction as an effective means of preparing children for school.

Conditions for the formation of the leading idea of ​​experience, conditions for the emergence and formation of experience

Before starting constructive activities with children, I studied various methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting classes and joint activities of children.

To develop constructive abilities, a subject-based developmental environment in the group was created, which is one of the conditions for the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers and universal mental abilities. It included:

  1. counting sticks, flat modular graphic set “Arcs”, series of drawings “Flower”, “Machine”, etc.;
  2. various materials for planar construction (cotton pads, threads, cardboard, eggshells, etc.);
  3. bright colorful didactic material, as well as construction sets “Knots”, flat construction set “Jump rope”, Froebel play set, wooden construction sets;
  4. methodological support.

According to N.I. Nepomnyashchaya, in the learning process it is necessary to create certain conditions that will contribute to the formation of generalized mechanisms for applying knowledge in preschoolers. The main condition, in my opinion, is systematic tasks of a problematic nature, tasks that require children to correlate the methods of action known to them with new conditions; the use of these methods when solving new design problems.

Planar design is a more complex type of design and requires visual skills, knowledge of shape and size, and the differences in geometric shapes. Consequently, the main idea of ​​my work with preschoolers is the development of cognitive, mental abilities and the realization of the abilities of each child, helping the child in individual and creative growth, providing an atmosphere of psychological comfort. I want to see my students as inquisitive, sociable, creative individuals.

The theoretical basis of the experience consists of:

- Childhood: an exemplary educational program for preschool education / T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, O. V. Solntseva, etc. - St. Petersburg. : LLC “Childhood-Press”, 2014.—352 p.

— Finkelstein B.B Methodological manual “On the Golden Porch...” (a set of games with colored Cuisenaire counting sticks) for children 3-10 years old.

— Peterson L.G., Kochemasova E.E. Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. Methodical recommendations "Igralochka". Mathematics for children 3-4 years old, 4-5 years old,

— Peterson L.G., Kholina N.P. Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. Methodological recommendations “One step, two steps...”. Mathematics for children 5-6 years old.

— Nosova E.A., Nepomnyashchaya R.L. Logic and mathematics for preschoolers. Toolkit. – St. Petersburg. : LLC “Childhood-Press”, 2004.

Mikhailova Z.A., Nosova E.A. Logical and mathematical development for preschoolers. – St. Petersburg. : LLC “Childhood-Press”, 2013.

  • — Classes on design and experimentation for children aged 5-8 years. Toolkit. – M.: TC Sfera, 2008. – 128 p. (Together with children).
  • Technology of experience. The system of specific pedagogical actions, content, methods, techniques of education and training.

Principles for implementing innovative experience:

  1. - the principle of consistency;
  2. - the principle of visibility;
  3. -the principle of accessibility;
  4. -the principle of taking into account individual characteristics;
  5. -the principle of an integrated approach.

Methods of innovative work:

  • studying relevant literature, accumulated experience on the topic of innovative work,
  • visual-practical, verbal, practical
  • diagnostics of knowledge and skills;
  • project activity method;
  • problematic situations;
  • observation, experimentation;
  • gaming

Techniques: pedagogical assessment, encouragement, analysis of children's work, conversations, story, explanation, demonstration, sample, etc.

Educational means:

  1. education with words (conversation, story, explanation, example);
  2. education by deed (activity) (training, exercise);
  3. education by situation (creation of educational situations, encouragement, pedagogical assessment);
  4. education through play;
  5. education through communication.

Learning aids – construction sets, technical equipment, various types of activities (playing, educational, artistic, labor), toys, visual aids, communication, etc.

Forms of organizing the educational process: classes in planar design, games, physical education, walks, observations, experiments.

Planar modeling is of great importance for the general development of preschool children. Children develop thinking, logic, and the desire for knowledge. Solving the problems of developing logical thinking in preschool children depends on successfully chosen teaching methods and techniques, and forms of organizing educational activities.

In my practice, I use the following forms of organizing teaching children to design: design according to one’s own design, design according to a model (construction of figures, objects from sticks according to a model), design based on diagrams, drawing, subject-schematic models, design according to a verbal description (construction figures according to verbal description). There are certain schemes according to which you can create a whole plot drawing,

In productive activities, I successfully apply an integrated, activity-based, individual approach to each child, which contributes to the realization of children’s interests and life activity.

One of the new and interesting directions in my work is the project method. Thus, in 2013 I developed the project “All shells are golden.” The goal of the project: to form children’s understanding of the quality of the shell and its purpose, to develop an interest in experimentation, to teach them to think, draw conclusions, and develop constructive abilities. Type of project by dominant activity: educational-research, gaming. This form of working with children activates the child’s mental activity.

One of the teaching methods that I used during project activities is “children’s experimentation” aimed at identifying the properties of objects and their connections. In design, for example, such an object for experimentation was, first of all, an eggshell, an egg. That is why, before setting specific tasks for children, it is necessary to organize extensive experimentation with the material. Such experimentation radically changes the nature of solving subsequent problems: children develop intellectual activity associated with an enthusiastic search for solutions and the desire to obtain a more appropriate and original product. Thus, “children’s experimentation” becomes a full-fledged means of building a child’s cognitive activity, an important component of any creative process. (Annex 1)

  • In order to develop universal mental abilities in children of middle and senior preschool age, in my work I use sticks from the famous Belgian mathematician H. Cuisenaire, recommended for teaching children the basics of mathematics, as well as counting sticks. The symbolic function of indicating numbers with color and size makes it possible to introduce children to the concept of number through the process of counting and measuring. And with the help of counting sticks, the children laid out various geometric shapes on the table plane.
  • In the process of educational activities, I give children of senior preschool age the following task: from several sticks they need to simultaneously make a square and two identical triangles; or make two squares from a certain number of sticks: a large one and a small one (the small square is made up of two sticks inside the large one). Children use sticks to form letters and numbers. A child can match a number made up of sticks to the number of sticks that makes up this number. I use these amazing sticks to form knowledge of the composition of numbers, for diagnostic purposes.

In my teaching practice, I use geometric shapes - this is the construction of various figures of complex structure (cars, houses, etc.) from them. From geometric shapes it is easy to obtain planar construction sets that open up additional visual and design possibilities for children. Such “planar modeling” of figures of the same or different shapes, despite simplification and stylization, makes it possible not only to create interesting plot compositions, but also to analyze the shape of objects from the point of view of its division into geometric shapes, which serves as preparation for volumetric design. The basic geometric shapes are symmetrical. For example, children folded a square in half and cut out the inside from the fold line, obtaining a smaller square, while the previous shape looked like a frame. You can continue cutting.

Thus, the children got a set of geometric shapes from the largest to the smallest, like a nesting doll. Children of older groups made such sets on their own, and then composed various images from them. There is a second option for creating such constructors from geometric shapes of various shapes: square, triangle, circle, rhombus, rectangle, therefore, the work of composing the image is simplified. Very interesting in this technique is cutting out shapes with uneven edges: in the form of teeth, waves, petals, etc. Then, not only the inside of the resulting figures will look decorative, but the outside too. All considered types of creating planar constructors will allow you to obtain original works.

For example, I used a handle from a mayonnaise bucket to make a flat modular graphic set called “Arcs” for my students. I took a handle, cut off the protrusions at the ends - I got the “arc” element. Having made several of these elements, the children laid them out on the table in different compositions, including mirror-symmetrical ones.

Taking a jump rope consisting of a rubber tube and two handles, the children and I received a flat construction set “Rope” and “Knots”. These planar sets allow, in my opinion, when teaching planar design, to teach a child to see in a semicircle, a circle - a ball, part of a ball, to solve problems of developing spatial imagination and imaginative thinking.

The use of a variety of didactic games and tasks also contributes to the development of the child’s mental abilities. In the game, the child acquires new knowledge, skills and abilities. For example, in a joint activity with children, I used three series of drawings that differed in degree of complexity: “flower”, “car”, “house”. Each series includes several models depicting the same object, which is complicated by adding new details. A task of this kind is aimed at developing: perceptual attention, memory, spatial imagination, analytical-synthetic abilities, and the ability to adequately correlate individual parts in the structure of the whole.

An equally important condition for the development of universal mental and creative abilities of children is the active participation in the educational process of their parents, who should be the first assistants to their children.

When interacting with parents, I use the following forms of work:

  • consultations (on constructive, creative activities of children, what a child should know and be able to do at a certain age, how to develop children’s creativity, what visual material is best to purchase);
  • folders - moving;
  • exhibitions of children's works with the participation of parents, competitions;
  • entertainment;
  • parent meetings.

Performance analysis.

All my work on innovation led to the following results:

– improving the quality of the educational process for the development of logical thinking in preschool children by means of construction;

– increasing independence and creative activity in children;

– increasing the ability to plan your work;

– increasing the level of development of practical skills in children;

– increasing the level of development in children of such techniques of mental activity as classification, comparison, analysis and synthesis, generalization, abstraction, inductive and deductive methods of reasoning;

— increasing the level of interest in experimentation;

- increasing the level of mastery of measurement (length, width, height) with measures of different sizes, fixing the result with a number and figure.

Thus, work on an innovative topic contributed to the development of logical thinking and the comprehensive development of children based on mental abilities through construction tools.

Targeted recommendations for using experience.

I recommend that teachers of preschool educational organizations use the following tasks in their practice; I will give examples of tasks for children:

– place a certain number of chopsticks on the table;

– ask how many chopsticks are on the table. Place the sticks on both sides;

- ask how many sticks are on the left, how many on the right. Take three sticks and also place them on two sides;

– take four sticks and separate them. Ask your child how else you can arrange four sticks;

– suggested changing the arrangement of the counting sticks so that there would be one stick on one side and three on the other, in the same way you can sequentially sort out all the numbers within ten;

- I call the number - the child finds a stick of the corresponding color. At first, the numbers can be called in order, but then the task becomes more complicated, the numbers come apart.

The results and accumulated experience gained in the course of innovative work can be used in the practice of other educational organizations.

photographic materials

Annex 1

Experiment “Which egg is lighter?”


Educational: teach to draw conclusions.

Developmental: develop cognitive interest in design, curiosity. Develop mental activity.

Educational: to cultivate neatness.

Material. Two eggs: real chicken and shell.


Invite children to determine by eye (visually) which egg is lighter: whole or empty.

Experiment: Place both eggs in water. We will see that one egg has sunk, the other is floating on the surface. Let's draw conclusions.

Experiment “Which egg is stronger?”

Tasks. Educational: enrich children’s interest with a variety of impressions, teach them to draw conclusions. Fasten the elements of the Mordovian pattern.

Developmental: develop cognitive interest in design, curiosity, develop motor skills of small muscles of the hands, develop mental activity. Develop coherent speech.

Educational: cultivate the desire to finish a craft. To cultivate love for the native land and its national culture.

Material. Two eggs: wooden and real chicken.

Progress of the experiment:

There are eggs on the teacher’s table: wooden and real. Give children a chance to think by asking: Which egg is stronger? Children answer by giving arguments in their answers.

Conduct the experiment: drop both eggs first on a soft surface and then on the floor. Teach children to draw conclusions.

Appendix 2

Design on a plane.

With your child, lay out three series of drawings that differ in degree of complexity: “flower”, “car”, “house”. Each series includes several models depicting the same object, which is complicated by adding new details. The task is aimed at developing: perceptual attention, memory, spatial imagination, analytical and synthetic abilities, the ability to adequately correlate individual parts in the structure of the whole.

An adult shows the child a drawing of the first series “Flower” and asks what is depicted here. Then he suggests using circles of colored cardboard to create the same image together with it, paying attention to the quantity and color scheme.

Then the circles of colored cardboard are mixed, and the child composes a flower independently: first, using a picture on a stencil made of white paper, on which circles with a diameter equal to the diameter of the cardboard circles are applied, and then without the help of a sample. If the task is completed correctly, they proceed to drawing up the drawing “Flower-2”. The rest of the drawings are laid out using the same principle.

Children's design based on a sample

A. N. Mirenova offers her own model of design exercises. Its essence is that preschoolers receive a model that plays the role of a model.

Moreover, the elements that make up the model are hidden from the child’s eyes. Children should try to create a similar model from the building material offered to them.

The child receives a task, but does not receive a way to complete it.

According to research conducted by A.R. Luria, this method of working with preschoolers effectively solves the problem of activating their thought processes.

Thus, children learn in their imagination to disassemble the finished model into individual parts, and then correctly select the appropriate parts for such a model. At the same time, it becomes obvious that this type of design is a more complex option for working with a sample.

N.N. Poddyakova writes that the child’s brain, as it were, breaks all new knowledge and impressions.

Construction methods

Authors such as V.G. Nechaeva, A.N. Davidchuk, F.V. Izotova and others offer various methods for organizing the educational process of design. For example, this could be working with ready-made samples or models.

Children also need to be taught to design based on given conditions. There is a children's design made according to a drawing or diagram. You can also base your work on a given topic or idea. All this requires compliance with certain principles of labor organization during classes.

F. Frebel developed a design method based on a sample.

Its essence is to give children a model of a building, which is made of construction paper, paper or building material.

Next you need to demonstrate how to make the same craft. This form makes it possible to directly transfer new knowledge to children, which remains only to understand, remember and reproduce in practice.

Although this type of construction is easy for children to learn, it does not develop their creativity.

Children's design according to conditions

Therefore N.N. Poddyakov proposes a different form of work: this is children's design according to conditions. This form of work is fundamentally different in nature. The essence of the work is as follows.

Children do not receive ready-made images of crafts or drawings. They are also not shown how to reproduce it correctly. Children receive information about the conditions that their craft must meet.

It is also necessary to emphasize the practical functions of this product. For example, you can give your child the task of creating a bridge over a drawn river that is wide enough to accommodate toy cars moving across it.

The task of organized work is formed with the help of conditions and plays a problematic role. Children do not know how to solve the identified problem. As a result, preschoolers must independently analyze the conditions of the task and build their own design activities on the basis of this.

According to the works of A.N. Davidchuk, this form of design work best influences the formation of creative inclinations in preschoolers. Children receive a general theme, but at the same time create crafts on their own, showing their own individuality and resourcefulness.

Today this type of construction in educational institutions for preschoolers is very popular. It is very similar to the work by design.

The difference is that the child’s will is limited by the given topic and conditions.

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